HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-09-19 G-Stuart Ham~, Tr.easurer, presented to the ~ard 'a statment
together with atl~-~arrants for -the month of ~uly that were paid by ~im, the ~oard
e~mined said ~rrants and ordered said statement to be filed.
Oha irman
At a Regular Meeting of the Board of-~upervisors of Albemarle
~County-held at t&e ~ourt House-of said ~unty-'on
1)resent, J,l/.~ray, ~hairman, J.E~'bell, P,B.~entry,
~nghorne and ~.&-O'Neiil.
The mind,es of the last meeting were read and approved.
On motion of l~.E. Gentry and seconded by J.E,&bell it is
ordered that the sum of $20~.0~ be appropcrated tc the ~hildren Home EOciety
of Richmond, ~lrginia.
Aye, MesSrs, Fray, Abelt, Langhorne, Gentry and
NO.. nol~e o
In the matter of re~ochting a public road from Preddy's Oreek
Church to Gil~e~t~tation.
The l~a~d being of oDinion that the report of ~th ~-~rntey,
~:. ounty ]/ngineer~ this day filed is in due f~ and should be' adopted, therefore
on motion du~y seconded it is ordered that t~e ~te~k of the lk~ard issue suBpoenaa
to ~usan ~tubbs, ~ry Stubbs, l~rs. ~ohn Goss and Lindsay Price t~ appear~before
the -~ard of ~rvisors of A~Be~rle ~o~ty at the ~ourt House of ~-~id ~unty
on the l~th ~ay of Gctober, 1928 at 11~0~ ~,~,~ to show cause, if any, why the
sai~ report in the ~tter of relocating a public road through their lands should
not be adopted.
In the matter of relocating a public road from ~ech.ums River-
Brownsville R~ad to Stockton ~reek.
The Board being of opinion that thereport of S~thBurnley,
County. Engineer, this day filed is in due form and should be .adopted, therefore
on moti-enduly seconded it is ordered that the ~.erk o.f the Board issue subpoenas
to ~ndy Stevenson to appear before the ~ard of ~p~rvisors of~'be~le~o~ty
at ~he ~ourt House of .sa~d cowry o~ ~e 17th day of ~tobe~, 192~ at 11~00 A.M.
t~ show cause, if any, why the said report in the ~t~er of rel-ocati.~ a publio
road through ~eir landa should not be adopted~
to ~itter Seho~I.
the ma~ter of relocating a public road.from Uagners Store
The board being of opinion that the report of Seth Bu~nleys
County~ngimeer, tb$~ day filed is in due form and should be adopted, therefore
on motiom duly seconded it is ordered that the ~.terk of the Board issue subpoenas
to &delaide X,-Blick and ~rs. Thomas Miohie to appear before the Boa=d of-Supervis~
ors of &}Bemarte County at the CoUrt House of said Gounty on the l?th da~ of
Gctober, !928a. t 1I~00 A.Mo to show cause, if any, wh~i~the said report:in the
matter of relocating a public road through their lands should not be adopted.
~ motiom ~f ~.~, ~anghorne and seconded by J~. &bell it
is ordered that a $~0~.00 ~cotts~iile-Gharlottesville ~cnd be retired.
The report of Seth Burnley, County Engineer for the month of
~ugust~ l~2$w~s presented, examined and ordered to be filed.
G. Stuart Hamm, Treasurer, presented to the Boa.~d a statement
together with all warrants for the month of ~ugust that were paid by him, the
Board examined said warrents and ordered said statement to Be filed.