HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-10-17 At a reg~iar meeting of the Board of ~Upe~visors o£ Albemarle County, Virginia, he~d at the Court House of s~id-County on the [Tth day of October 1928, Present. ~.M.F~ay, Chairman, ~.E.Abel[, ~,H.Gent~y, ~.H,Langho~ne, G.Purce~ McCue and The minutes of the [ast meeting were ~ead & ~pp~oved. 0n motion of O,Pu~cei1 EcCue a~_nd seconded by P.H.Gent~_y it is o~dered that the sum of $~00.00 fo~ 1E memberships in t. he Cb~mbe~ of Comme~ce, be app~ op~ i at ed. ~ye, l~essrs, F~ay, A~e[l, Gent~y, Langho~ne, McCue & 0'Neil[ No. none In Re Viewe~ Report, Reloc~.ting ~oad f~om ~ech,~ms Rive~--Brownsvi~e ROad to Brockton C~eek ~te~ considering said report, the Board p~oceeded 2o ~atify, approve ~d confirm said report and upon hea~ing s~id report it was agreed by Sandy Steve~on, the owner, and the Board ~o the fo~[owing= To the Honorable Board of Bupe~vis~.s of the Gouty ~!~marZe. ~e ~de~signed County ~ginee~ by you~ orde~ made on the 22nd day of ~ust ~.928 ~espeotfully ~epo~t that I went upon the l~nds p~oposed to be ~ake~ fo~ ~ public ~oad f~om Mech~s River--B~ownsvilie Road to Stockton C~eek on the [Sth day of BePtembe~. ~928, ~d ~epo~t thereupon as fol~ows~ 1st. The convenience o~ inCS'nvenience that wi~lreau[t as we~[ to individ~is as to the public is as fo~o'~: Public ~onvenience, 2nd. The s~ ~oad will not be one of such mere p~i~ate convenience as to make it p~ope~ that it zhould be opened ~.~ kept in o~de~ By the person o~ persons ~o~ whose convenience it is desired. ~d. No yard, ga~den o~ o~cha~d will have to-he taken. No. ~th. The n~es of 2he land owners on such ~oute a~e as follows: Emndy Stevenson. 5th. The fo~Zowi~ n~ed of s~id land owners ~equi~e c~pensatiom~ Sandy St evenaon. 6~h. ~ just compensation to the ~and owners ~equi~ing ~compensation fo~ ~he s~d land smo taken a~ fo~ the d~age to the ~esidue of the trao2 ~yond the pecmiia~ benefits to be derived in ~empect to such residue f~om the road or ~a~ding to be established a~e as follows: One H~d~ed Do~i~s pe~ ~c.~e fo~ l~d act~l[y taken and ~ ~oven wi~e f ~ th enc~sou side of new ~oad, 7~h; ~e following are the other fact~ and ci~c~stances which in the opinion of yo~ viewers ~e usefmZ in enabling yo~ Bo~d to determine the expediency of establishing o~ aZtering the said ro~d: T.he cid road at this point ~ a g~ade of [~ pe~ cent w~le new location o~n be g~aded at m 6~ pe~ cent g~ade, ~ey herewith ~et~n a mud of the p~oposed ~oute. In the matter of the Engineer's~ report for a relocation of a public road f~om Wmgner's S~to~e %he Miller School~ it/ordered to be contin,~ed to the next R~egutar Meeting of ihe Boa~d~. In ~he mattes of ~he Engineer's ~epo~t 2o~ a ~elocation of public ~oad f~om P~iddys G~eek Ghu~ch io Gilbert Station it is ordered to be continued to the next r~gd~a~ E-ceding of ~he Bosmdo ~he- of Seth BUmnley, C0u~y. Engineer for the month of S'eptembe~ I928 was presented, examined and ordered to' be filed. G. Stuart Harem, Treasurer. p~esented_ to the Board a statement together with all warrants for the month of Septembe~ that were paid ]~y him', ~he-Board examined s~id war~ants and ordered smid statement to be filed. -~~Chal~man At a Regular ~[eeting of the ]$oard of Supervisors ef Albemarle County held at the Court House ef Said County cn the 21st day of November 1928. Present: J.M. Fray, Ghairman, $.$.Abell, P,E, Gentry, Vf.H.~anghorne and $.A.0'Neill. The mindtes of the last meeting were read and approved. VIRGINIA:--In the ~ircuit Oourt of Albemarle ~cun~y, IN RE: Viewers Repor~ of A~st 22nd, 1~28, relocating a road leading from Wagner ' s~ Store to Miller School, im the ~amuel Miller Magisterial District, through the lands ef Adelaide N. Blick and others. It appearing to the ~oard of Supervisirs that Adelaide M. Blick is a non'resident of the State of ~irginia, amd that dme and legal notice has been given to. th said zdelaide E. Blick aud her agents and Senants, i~'a~cordance with the statute i~ such cases made and provided, ~y an crier cf p~blicati°n published in pursuame to anact of the General .Assembly, approved March l~th 1928, known as 0hapter t~9 of said Act, By the posting of said order and in pursuance to said Act on a ~ourt day, and for once a week for four successive weeks, ordering that the said Adelaide Blick appear before the Boar~ of Supervisors of Albemarle $eunty, on the 21st day of November, 1928, and show cause, if any she Can, why.the land mentioned in the viewer's report filed with the Board of Supervisors should net be condemned. And it fnther appear~g to the Board that the said Adelaide i~,Blick has fmiled and continues to fail and appear and show cause why the land described in said Viewer'.s Re~,ort should not be c.ndemed, therefore the Board doth condemn said Viewer's report and doth diect iht the road.-be re-located over and across the lan~ of the said Block .in aoce~ance with the terms and provisions of sai'~ report,