HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928-11-21 In the matter of the Engineer's report for a relocation of a public road from Wagner's Store tQ %he NilZer School it/ordered to be continued to the next I~,~ ~l~he matter of the Enginee~ 's report ~o~ a re'~ocation of pnbkic read from P~iddys Greek ~humch to Gilbert Statio~ it is ordered to be contimued t o tlhe next ~aguIa~ Eeetimg of the Bosmd. T~he r~Pg~ 0~ Seth BU~n.~ey, COUnty.. Enginee~ for the month of Septembe~ ~928' was p~esented, examined and ordered to' be filed. G. Stuart H~, Treasurer, presented, to the Board a statement together with all~ warrants fo~ the month o.f Septem~oe~ that were paid By 'him,: the Boa~d examined said war~ants and ordered said statement to be filed. ~ ~~Chaz rman At a Regular Neetimg of the Beard of Supervisors ef Albemarle held at the Gomrt House of Said Oounty cn the 21s~ day of November 1928. Present: $.N.l~ray, Ghairman, ~.$.Abell, P,H~Gentry, W.H.Aanghorne and $~A.0'Neill. The minutes of the last meeting were read and aPproved. VIRGINIA:--In the ~ireuit Oourt ef Albemarle ~cunty. IN RE: Viewers Repor~ of August 22nd, 1928, relccatimg a read leading from Wagner's Store to l~iller School, in the ~amuel ~iller Magisterial District, ~hrough the lands ef Adelaide ~. Blick and others. It appearing to the ~oard of 8upervisirs that Adelaide M.Bliek is a non-resident cf the State ef ~irgimia, amd that due and legal notice has been given to t~ said A~elaide E. Blick a~d her agents and ~enan~s, i~ ac~ordanee with the statu~e in such cases made and provided, ~y an order of p~blioation published in pursuame tc anact of the General .Assembly, approved March loth 1928, known as ~hapter t%9 of said Act. By the postir~g cf said order and in pursmance ~o' said Aot on a Gour~ day, and for once a week for four successive weeks, orderimg t~at the said Adelaide Blick appear before the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle $o~ty., en the- 21st day ef November, 1928, and show cause, if any she can, why the land mentioned in the viewer's report filed with the Board of Supervisors should not be oondemned. And it fm~her appear~g to the Board that the said Adelaide ~,Bliek has f~iled and continues te fail and appear~and show cause' why the land desoribed in said Viewer'.s Re'~ort should not be condemned, therefore the Board doth condemn said Viewer's report and doth dimct t~t the road~ be re-located over an~ across the lan~ of the said Block ~in aooo~ance with ~he terms and provisions of said report, Bliek, m~m~mm~:upon due proof of her ownership thereof, but said sum shall not be --paid to the said Blick, or any eher persn, Until any and all taxes now due, or which may hereafter become due, are paid. VIRGINIA: Im the Circuit ~ourt of Albemarle ~ou~ty IN RE: Viewers Report ef August 22nd, 1928, Relocating a Read from Pri~y,s Creek Church to Gilbert Sta%ionin the Rivanna ~agisterial Distrie~ though the lands ef Susan and Mary Stubbs. tt appearing %o the Board_of Supervisors thai Susan and~Nary Stub~s are hem-residents of the S~ate of Virginia, a~d that ~ue and legal notice has been given ~e ~hem, ~heir agents and tenants, im accordance wilh ~he Stm~u~e in such eases ~de an~ provide~, ~y am order ef publiea~ien'Published in p~smanee act ofthe General Assembly, approved ~reh 10~h 1928, ~e~ as Ghapter 1~9 ef said Act. By. ~epesting of said order and in pursuance to said Act ~n a Oeu~ day, and for once a.week for f~ur succ. essive weeks, ordering 2~ the said .~ry Stubbs and.Susan Stubbsappear before the Board of Supe~isers ef Al~e~rle, the 21st day ~f November, 1928, and shew cause, if any ~hey can, why ~he land me, rimm- ed i~ the viewer's report fled with the Board ef Supervisors she,d met ~e. ~emdeme(.. And i~ further appearing te the Board t~ the said Susan and Mar Stubbs have failed and cmtimue ~o fail and appear and show. cause who the l~d described in said Viewer's Report should net ~e eondemed, themfo~e the Board de~h eon sai~ Viewer,s Report ~d doth direct ~ha~ t~road ~e relocated over and across the lands ef ~he sai~ Susanand ~ry $~ubbs in acce~d~ce wi~h the terms and provisions ef sai~ report, all ef which .is she~ by ~he minu~es of this Bear~. And the Treasurer ef~his Getty is hereby direc~ ~e hold ~he s~ ef $2~0~ f~r ~he be~efi~ ef ~he said Susan an~ Mary Stubbs, W~ieh s~ shall be pal, ever ~o the said Susan and ~ary Stubbs, upon ~ue proof ef ~heir e~ership ~hereef, ~ut said s~ s~ll ~e~ ~e pai~ te the said Susan and gary StuDbs, er any other pers..n un~X any and all ~axes ~ew due, ~r whiek~y hereafter become due are paid-. Oeunty Engineers Reper~ IN~:/Releea~ing a read from Wagner's Store ~o Miller School, After eonsideri~ sai~ report, ~he~B~ar~ proceeded to ratify, approve and confi~ Said reper~ and ~upen h~ring ~i~ rep~r~ i~ ~s. agree~ ~y ~rs. Thews Mi~hie, the eEer, ~h~ ~he B~ar~ ~e ~he following: Te the Honorable Beard ef SupeFisGrs ef the Getty ef Albe~rte~ The ~;e, sig~ed ~un~y ~ginee~ by yo~ e~de~ ma~e en ~he 22nd day ~f A~us~ 192~. respectfully rep.erred t~t I wen~ upon the l~uds p~oposed to ~e taken ~or ~ public ~oad from W~ner's Sto~e ~o Mille~ School. on the day of Septembe= 1928. ~d redact_ thereuppn as fo~low~ lsd. ~he convenience of i~oonvenien~e ~t will result ~s wel~ ~blio Gonvenienoe. ~md. ~e s~id ~oad will not ~e one of such me~e p~ivate convenience as ~o m~ke it p~oRe~ thm~ it should ne opened m~ kept in o~de~ ~y the pe~son o~ Dezsons fe~ whose ~onve~ienSe it is desi~ed~ 4th. T'he .n~mes of the l~nd owners on auch route are as fol[ows~. ~rs'. Thomas ~/ichie. 5th, ~he following named of sa~d land owners ~equire 6th. A ~ust c~p. ensatio~ to the land ~ners ~equi~ing compensation fo~ ~he safd land so taken ~n'd fo~ the damag9 2o the residue of the t~act beyond 'the pecu~ia~ benefits to be de~iVed in ~e~pee~ to ~uch ~esidue ~om the ~oad o~ landing to be ~estaBlished a~e as follow~: $~.00 fe~ land taken and fences me.ed. 7th. ~e following ~e the othe~ facts and ci~c~stances w~ch in the opinion of your viewers are useful in enabll~ yo~ ~a~d to determine the_ expediency of e~tablishing o~ mlterl~ the s~d ~oad: ~e proposed road is ~o be put on the bank ~long the eld one so that it will not ~t eff.~[ 2and o~ will it Out off water. ~e~.e is ne fence on ~ope~ty at p~esent time so t~t none will Be ~equi~ed~ They herewith ~etu~n a ~P: of the p~oposed ~eute. 2ll ef which is ~es~ctfully su~itted. ~eth ~n~eY,...GOUnty Engineer. IN RE: GOUNTY ENGINEER,S REPORT Relocation a road from Priddys Greek ~hu~ch to $iiberts Station. ~tez considerinE..said repo~t the Board proceeded te ~atify,. approve and conf~m sai~ ~epo~t and u~_p..hea~ing said ~ep.o~t it ~s agreed by Mrs.. ~ohn ~nd Lindsay Price, the owners, and the Board to the fol~owing~ To ~he Honorable ~a~d of ~pe~viso~a of the ~ounty. cf ~bem~le: The ~de~sigsed County. Eng!nee~ by o~ e~der made on the 22nd ~y of ~ust 1928, respectfully rep.o.~t that I went ~on the lands D~..eDosed ~o ~ taken for a public ~o~ f~ Priddys O~eek Ch~ah to Gilbe~t Station on ~he ISth day of 5eptembe~ ~928, mhd ~ep~rt thereupon as. 1st. ~e convenience or inconvenience t~t will result as well to individ~s as to the public is as fe~lews: ~blie convenience.' 2.nd. ~he s~d road wil~ not .be one of s~h me~e p~ivate convenience to make it p~oper t~t it should be opened and kept in ozde~ ~. t.he person ei' persons fO~ whose convenience it is desired, 5~d, No yard, g~den o~ ore,rd will ~ve to be taken. No. Ath, ~e n~es of the land owners on such ~oUte a~e as fo~lows': M~s. ~ohm Gosa ~d Lindsay Piice, 5th ~he following rimmed of said land owners. ~equi~e ~empensation; ~.s. ~o~ Goss ~nd Lindsay P~ice, 6th. A. just e~vensatien to the land ~ne~s ~equi.~ing Compen~tion fo~ the said land so taken ~d for the d~e to the residue of the beyond the' peculia~ benefits to be derived in resDect to such residue f~ ~ ~ead o~ landimg to be eatablish~ are as 72~, ,The fellowing._are the other facts and circumstances which in the opinion of youm viewers amc useful in enabling you~ Bo~d to determine the .e~edieney ~f establishing~ or alte~inE the said ~oad:. Th~s change is t~o~ _~cu[tivated ~and fo~ the most pa~t. The fences should be ~eset, ~ey herewith return a m~D~._of the proposed ~oute. All of w~ch is ~espectfu[ly su~itted, · eth ~nley ~ounty ~giBeer IN :RE: GOUNTY ENGINEERS REPORT. tn the matter of relocating.~_a, public road from Gilberts St~tiom to Bpring Hill ~urCh.. The Board being,~.of opinion that the ~epo~t of ~eth ~n~y, ~'o~ty ~inee~, this day ~iled is in due fo~m and should be adopted and George M~dy ~he only land o~e~ effected ~ving._aEre4d t~ said ~eport ~ evidenc~ by his ~itten ag~e~ent which is spzead fol~owing~...the sa~d ~epo~t; therefore afte~ con- side~ing said ~epo~t the ~azd p~.0ceeded to ratify, approve and confirm s~id ~epo~t which is as followm: T~ t~he Honorable Be~d of ~pe~Viso~s of the ~eunty of Al~m~le. ~e unde~sig,~ed Geunty ~E~.~e~e~ .by. o~ o~der m~e on the ~th day ef 0ctObe~- ~928, ,~espect~lly ~eDe~rt t~t I went upon the lands p~eRosed ~o ~ take~ :fa~ a public ~oad fzem Gilbert $t'~tien to Sp~ing. Hil~. ~h~eh on the 2~nd ~y of OctOber ~928 ~d ~eDe~t the~emRgn as follows~ 1. The convenience oz inconvenience that will ~esult as well individ~-~s as to the D~b!ic is as ~blie ~envenience. ~d. Rhe s~d ~,ad will not be one of such meze p~ivate convenience astra m~e it pzeDe~ that it should be opened a~ kept in o~de~ persons fo~ whose convenience it is desired. N~, ~zd. No yard, g~rden e~ o~e~d will '~ve te ~e taken. No. 4th. The m~es ef ~he land owners on such route a~e as fol~ows~ ~o~ge N~dy. ~h ~e fol~owing n~ed of said ~nd owners requi~e e~pensation, Geozge M~dy. 6th, A J~s~ comDensatien te the land owners ~equi~ing ~empensatien fe~ the said ~and so taken ~ud for the damage..te the ~esidue ef the t~act ~yond the peeulia~ benefits te be de~ived im zeaD,ct to such ~esidue f~ the landimg_~ be established a~e as follo~ $~0~.00 De~ ac~e fo~ land act~lly taken fe~ the 7th. ~e f~llowing ~e the othe~ facts ~d ci~e~stances w~ch in opinion ef ye~ viewers ~e usefu~ in enabli~ yo~ Board $~ detezmine the ~edien~ ef estabZishimg ~ alte~ing~.~he said ~is zelacatien wiZl sha~ten the distance by 1/5 and will ~e easiez maintain ~d will aisc cost less to construct. ~he cost is estimated mt $50.,00 O In conside~ation .of the'benefits to the of the !:rlb~t Rca' ' between ~ilbe~t Station Smd by the permanent imp~ovement at n s~ hundred per ao~e. the ~de~signed agrees to g~t unto the ~oard ~bema~e ~ounty, c~ thei~ D~ ~g~nts, a ~ght the ~ocation off the ~o~ ~d such a~t~ona~ w~dth ~ong the present r~d as m~y Be found neoe$~ry~._~nd desirable fo~ lt~ ~tness my ~nd ~ sea~:..this 25~d day ~f 0cto~o~ ~28; ~o~ge. x Mundy (S~) Attest: Seth Bramley E ~ t j,~h~:Dam i e ~ On motion of W,H,I~nghorne and seconded by P~H,~e'ntry i2 is ozde~ed that the County HOme Demonstration work be continued another~ year at the same appropriation. IN RE: E~ection of a CoUnty, Manager. The 2card of Su~e~visors be~:(of opinion that~ it is to the best interest of the ~ottuty to elect a :~ounty ~nager in lieu of a ~o'~ty ~nginee~ by the Acts of the ~ner~ ~s~bly of ~ir~inia 1,9~S, ~pte~ ~59~ se~tio~ ~. Therefore on-motion 'of J,~Abell ~d seconded By'~..H.~ng~o~ne it is o~de~ed t~t the 2card of ~upervisoza elect Seth ~nley as ~o~ty Man~e,~ for the lg2g as p.~ovid~ for ~ section 45 and 44 ~'~ptez 15g of the ~ct of the General Polled. vote. Messes ~F~ay, Abell, ~ghozne, Gent~y~:~nd 0'Eei~l No. ~o~e The report of Seth Bu~n.ley, COunty Enginee~ for the mont$ of October was-D~esented~ examined Smd ordered to be G. Stuart Harem, Treasurer, presented ~o the ~oard a statement together with all warm.uts for-the month of of 0ctobe~- 19'28, tha~ were t~id by him, the ]~ea~d examined said warrants and er~ered said statement to be filed, _~ ~hairman