HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-02-20 A~t a Regular Meeting of the Board cf Supervisors of Albemarle ~ounty
held at the Oourt House of said 0ounty on the 20th day cf ~ebruary 1929.
Present: ~.E~Gent'ry, Acting Ohatrm~n, J~.E,Abell, C. Pu~celt EcCue,
~.H. Langhorne and ~.A.0tNeill.
The'minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Upon.motion ef W~E~Langhorne an~~ Seconded by ~E~.Abell it is unanimously
ordered that an additional $100~00 be appropriated for Home Demonstration W~rk.
Polled vote: Aye, Eessrs, Gentry, Abel!; Lmnghorne, EC~ue and O'Neill.
I~o. nome
Upon motion of'J~E. Abell and seconded by G.P~rce!l Mc~ue, it is unanimous-
ly ordered that an-~md~itional$~0~, be apprepriate'd for~ite ~rm Demonstration
We rk.
Polled~vote~ .Aye, ~esErsmGentl~F, AbelI, L~nghorne, McCue and O,Neill.
no. no~e
Upon mot~em of .~.Purce!l ~c~e mhd- seconded- by- W.H. Langhorne it is
unamimously ord.~r.m.e~tha~ $400.0~ be~a~opropria.t,ed.~ to-~m.rPot-t, esville ~;ity Library
in order that.,.co~nl~ re~de~s, ma~.'o.~tain. ~ooks free.
Polled_~o. te .... Aye. N~ssrs, Gentry, Abe!l, L~nghorne~m, Mc~ue & 0~,Neitl
Upon motion of ~.Pu~d,ell~:c~ue&. seconded by~$.-E,~gho.rne.~-.it is unamimously
ordered that $?§0~.00 be:mpp~eriated to the ~oimt Hemtth Department as the
0oumty's part.
Polled vote~ ~e. Nesa~s-'Gentry, A~ll, Lan~horne~ ~c~'ue & O'Neill.
In the mm~.t.te-r of the:report of the County-engineer in regard to a
relocation of the publ.,ie ~oad from $ohnDav~s! ~hopto. Nertonsville through
the lands of J.R.R~ines~ whiehw~s, regularly' eontimue~ to th~s meeting it is
ordered that.~.d report. ~e. con,~imued to the..N~.reh 192g~ metering cf the~ard.
In .~he m~tter of the. report of the-~o~tyengineer in regard to a relo-
cation of the~b!ie~ra~ fromPred~y,s Oree~ ~hu:reh ~o. Gilbert Stmtiom through
the lands ~f ~.~.Cricke~barger-a-~d:.:Ka~h~en 0ut~rb:ridge_Es%. which was regularly
continued to this meeting i~ iso,rdere~,'tha~t, said-report' be continued to the March
lg2g meeting of the Board.
In ~hel~tt,er of closing:. so m~ch of the 01d~ynch~urg Roa~ from the Bridge
at l~m~y Hill to.. ~eel's~ros~img on the. ~omthern P~ilw~y. through the property of
M~.~Ucy ~au,ry Yowler.
The_petitioner prese.m~ed saris-lathery e~idenee---%o the Board that notice
of closing sai.d.~roa~, had..beem poS~ed on~h_e. ~rd-dm~of Dee. ember 1928, that being
the first day of the December ~.e~m of the ~i.~euit Oo,urt ~f Albemarle COunty, Va..
mt the Oo~rt House of smid eoum~y and a% two public places in the neighborhood of
the road oronosed to be closed; that afte~r said notice had been poste~ at least 20
and if any whatlinconvience would result from discontinuing the said road, that
of said viewers namely E.~,Waddell, ~oR.Wimgfiel.d ~r. and ~gB.KegIey have made their!
report in writing under date of January 26, 19~9, %hat in accordance with the foee-
going order of said bard they have viewed maid road and that in their opin0m no
inconvience will result to any one if smid read is discontinued and closed.
of said report s~gned by the viewers above named was presented to this meeting and
the Glerk ef ~he Beard is ordered tc file said report.
In eonsideration whet®of ~i~ is ordered by this Bear~ that so much of
the ~ldEynchburg Ro~d.from the B~idge at l~aury's Mill to Tool's Grossing on the
Southern Railway through the land~ of ~. Eucyt~aury Fowler, be, and it is hereby
discontinued and closed.
On motion of J,E.AbelI and seconded by-~'~Pureell Me~ue it is ordered
the County Budget for the Fiscal year July 1st 192~, to June 30th 19S0 be published
in the Soottsville News, S¢ottsville, Va.
The re~ort of Seth Burnley, C~unFy Enginieer for the month of
January, 192~, was presented, examined and ordered to be~ filed.
G.Stnart Hamm, Treasu.rer, p.r.esented te.-t~e ~ar~d a. Statement ~egether
with all w~rrants for the month of ~mn~ary 19,29, that-were p~id'.~byhi~, the Board
examined said warrmnF'.s~and~e=de~e.d sm.id:~sFm~ement t~. bm. filed,
~~~/ ~hminuan
6..PureelI ~o~e.
~ke.~min~e,s~ :o f,- the~.: ta~t~, me-e,~n~: were~- =e~d~,.~ mhd.. m~reved.
~e..Me-ss~s ~raF~ AB~[I. GemF~,~anghorne an~ ~eCue.
NOm.;.. none
Om.. mo.~,i-.em.. ~e$~' ~I~ng~e.~e¥.:-:a~d:- se:e.~.nded~-, b~? ~.~c-e!l ~e~ue it is
at $3600.00 a-year.
In the:~-~ter~:~.ef.p~ntt~n:g~t~,,-~2 He,u.se~ana-papering a =oem at the
Jail it i.a_erd-~re~l~,~to'. Be~refe~re~,t~ Se~,:~.~mley?, C~u~tyl~anager, with power to
In;.the. matteF.-~£~th~, appl~.¢~iie~ ~-f~the. Greenw~ed T:elephone EXchange