HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-03-20and if any whatinconvience would result from discontinuing the said road, that thUs~
of said viewers namely H~G.Waddell, ~.R.Wi~g~field ~ro ~nd $,B.Kegleyhmve made their
report in writing under date of Sanuary 28, 19~9, %hmt in accordance withthe Feee-
going order of smid Board they have viewed maid road and that in their opin~n no
inconvience will result to any one if smid road is discontinued and closed. A co~y
of said report s~gned by the viewers above named was presented to this meeting and
the ~lerk of the Beard is ordered te file said report.
In consideration whereof ~i~ is ordered ~y this B~ard that so muoh of
the 01d ~ynchburg Readfrom the Bridge at Maury's Mill to Tool's Grossing on the
Southern Railway through the land~ of ~. EucyMaury Fowler, be, and it is hereby
discontinued and closed.
On motion of. ~,E.AbelI and seconded by'~'~Purcell ~c~ue it is ordered
the ¢oun%y Budget for the fiscal ye~ar. ~uly let 192~, to ~une $0th 1~$0 be published
in. the Scottsvil~e News, Sco%tsville~ Va.
The re~rt~ of Seth Burntey, County Engineer for the month of
January, 1929, was presented, examined and ordered to ~efiled.
G.Stuart ~, Treasure~, presented to-the Beard a Statement fogether
with all warrants for the month of ~m~ary 1929, thai/were p~id~by hi~, the Board
examined said warran~:~.a~.d~e~de~ed sm. id, eimteme~t to befiled,
A~i~ m~, Regmlmr~- ~ing_of~ %h~-.~'~~ o,£ ~ ~u~'-r~isera of Albemmrl e ~o~y
held at t~ .~e~-:-~ ~use~ ~.~f~. sai~:~ ~~?~ o~? th'e~' 2~t~ ~f '~r~h 1929,
~.~reelI ~CCue.
the?~ tas~t:i~ m~,m~ we~-.~ea~:~:- a~nd~~ mpproved.
d~.,y'~see..ended it~, is~ e~dered:: thm~,tke~sum ef SA~,O0 be
~,~i:tdr~en~ s~ Home~ ~.ocie-~y'.-
~fia~-', be fixed
at $3~0.0O~a~:year.
In ~the_,.m~t~:-~ e.f pmin~tmg~-.the?~e~2 tIe,use~-smd~ papering a ~eem at the
~ail it ia. o~d.arecl,~ to be~,.re£e:~re~.te~Setk~:Bu.~ley~ C~ty ~nager, with power to
the mat~e~:' o;~~ tko? .application ~f~ the Gr:ee~w~ed T~elephone Exchange
On motion and by a unanimous vote of'the Beard' the following resolution
was adopted.
Resolved, that t'he~Greenwood'Telephone ExChange of Albemarle Count%r,
be and it is hereby authorized te .~eOtand maintain tJelephone lines, consisting ef
poles and wires, on the Blair' Pmrk Road from the ~eu~t~ Store ~e ~.E.St~rkwe~the
and Mr. ~rvi~~ for the pmr~se ef-supplyi~ telephones te its customers, provided
however, that such poles m~d ~res shall be se erectedand ~intaimed that ~they
will not- ebst~ot the.-use:~f"or-~ssage~ on smid romd er.proper drainage of the
s~e ~en:-compACted, ~d~ pre~ide.d furthe~?.that"thls authorization shall be subject
to all the:-.previsi~ens, restrietiemsr-'and:. limitmtions~.:of~sectien 4035 and 4037 of
the I$~9~an&acts~'~da~e.ry~; and wi~ the distinct u~der-
standing;:~t, whene~er ia. the-Surliest of. this Bom~rd' er~ the Prep'er ~oad~.Auther~ties
of this. C,~n~or:-s~aPe~. the ~d~.p~tes,.-wires: epee._ ~.1 be shifted er removed
to such p~es~.~ m~.tt~ ~m~.~ er: Rea~ Au~h ~ties:~.aEeres~id: shall direct, it shall
be done .a~;' the~-~ent ira~ eos~; ef said '~ree~wo'od:. Telep~ene ExChange.
Prepare~. ia-. ~ae-e:e~aan:ee:~ w-t~h~%~he-~..p~vi~a~e~s~' o~See~ion~ 1~ of ~p%er $7 of the Acts
Board of ~perv. isorz
County' ~erk -
COmae nwea~l ~h A~er~ey
GO~i ssie~r~~ ef ~ ~ ~enue~
Office supplies etc.
yea~r, .e~i;, SUne,,,~, 28 .,.~,~yr.. end.
~ppr. year end.
proposed Allowed
100'~. Go: I00G; 00 1GOO:.. O0 IG00.00 1000. O0
1~2~0,0~:~ 14.~)0,00- I~GO'. 00 140~.00 1600.00
14~-.5.00 14~'5. O0 1~t5..00 1~I5~'00 1415. O0
1200,00 1210~. 00 1~0.~- : 1200. ~0 1200. O0
~5~9~50 15000.00 15000.00 t5000.0~ 15000.00
657G .50 6835.8~ 6~0~ 50 6568.91 6568.91
~600. OG 5600. O0
28065.0e 28495,04
1,500. O0
~2183.91 32,583.91
8-90.00'~ 888.95: 890~00 890.00 890.'00
270.00 360.00 S60.00
2000,:00 1:,58~2,95' 2~0:0.00' 2000.00 2000.00
Janitor..s.:salary 600,00 600.00 6~0~:00 720.00
Repair t~:.&:,:I=itfia~a., e$:-~ 35G0.,?00- 2865., 29 .-. a500, O0 3~§00, O0
Total for Public Buildings-4i0'0,'6b ......... 54~':"~'~ ................. ii'~O ~'~'b ....................... i~20,00
Elections. 2000.00- $199.15 20'00,00
The Poor
3500. O0
16500,00 15379. 20
5750."00 6-4,t0,83
2A250';00 25019~18
i0000 . O0 7~)00 · O0 9000 . O0
9000.00 ?500 · O0 7500 · O0
lgO00 · O0 17500 · O0 17500 · O0
Preda$ory anim~ts~,,~&- b~irds
COmpensation for animals
0thOr. expenses
TOtal for ~t~Is, & ~irds
Salary Superintendent
Other ~d~nis~rative exp.
Salaries ef TeaChers
Total for Ed~catiem
EqUipment, bridges etc
Total for reads
Total for pmyment ef
CoUnty ~onded Debt
Other ExPenditures from
~ounty fund
Demon. UOrk:
Fire Protecti~
Umiversi ty H~pitml
Tubureular Tea~
Shenandoah Park
Ghildren HO~Se:eiety
~eunt set aside
For emergencies
TOtal expenditures from
Expenti~urea from
District ~nds
District No,.t_E~Uea~-i~n
charlottesvilIe~ r~ad,~
Other expenses
District No.2~Ed~i~n
~y Reads
Other expenses
District ~e,5.E~uca~ien
RiVan~a Reads..
.Other expenses
District Ne.&.E~iem~
Smm~tMiller Rea~s
Other Ex~en~es
District NO~5 EdUcmtion~
Seettsville Roads
Other expenses
1500.00 1301.65 1500.00 I50'0.00 1500.00
3000. O0 4644.75 3000. O0 4500. O0 4500.00
t~00.00 399.,94 500.00-- 400. O0 400.00
5800.00 6~46.34 5000.00 6400.00 6400.00
19~0~0.t9 180432.8I
3680.00 3680.00
37252.81 57650.19
139500.00 130200,00'
191550.19 20IOOO.O0
3000.00 3000.00 3000.00
24000.00 23841.$~ 20000.00
'~000.00 2684t,33~ 2.3000.00
· oooo. oo 20.0o0. oo
-~1290.00 19380.55 10000. O0 10000. O0 t0000. O0
21290.00 19580.55
10000.00 10000.00 10000.00
t000.00~.- t000.
6~50.90. ~000:. O0
2.~'00 ~:~ 1885.45
3000.00 D4OO.O0 3400.00
3-00~00 $00.00 300.00
1~000~-,00--~ 7!5000.00 75000.00
1000.~00: 1~00-.00 1000.00
6'3:50~00 63~0.00 6350.00
5000.00 5000.00
40:0.00 400.00
2000,0~ 187§. 42
1505.50:~ 00.: l~O0tG. 53
2000. O0
I1 ~/650:. O0
4000 · O0 4000 · O0
9~50 · O0 95850. O0
3282.7I 4505.97
6 lO0,~,O0 (:5042.~18
9000.00- 8665.04
~ 59:0.8~ 3~59, 99
11482~6~ t44~?. ~3
16700. O0 108~2~ 51
85~9. ?0~ 9156. 91
~5~00:.00 12720. 24-
39000~ O0 5855~.25
4 ?000 '00
3,~82. ?1
6100. O0
14700, O0
20~00. O0
10150. O0
16700. O0
?~0. O0
15300. O0
5~000, O0'-
22~.50 227.50
13'000.00 13000.00
4~6146.91 4~46.911
1980.85 1980.851
6100,00 6100.00
9000.00 9000.0C
121.7.13 1217.13
1~?00.00 14700.00
20~00.00 20300.00
6372.20 6372.20
16~00.00 16~00.00
25000.00 28000.00
5845.80 5845.80
13500.00 13300.0(
39000.00 59000.00
District ~O'o ~Educatiom
~hite Hall ~oadS
0thor expemse=
Total Expenditures
from~istrict FUndS
~rand Total County and
District Expenditures
Summary of '~nty &
District Expenditures
Other expenses
interest & Sinking F~nds
5226.07 848?.40
8100.00 6281.65
20000.00 19096,49
267§49~ 5~ 260595.14
5228.07 3209,35'
8100.00 8100.00
t9000.00 lgO00. O~
19000 · O0
~5219g,74 252199,74
723~24.74 673522.11 664758.75 6~203.65 642803.65
224379.74 2211~3.99'
9~900~0~ 86587.68
t8459~00 179506~16
723~2~.,74 67~522.11 664?58.?5
2Z98§~.83 ~29852.83
91g0~.0~ 91908.00
I~.91 149603.91
I71446,91 172046.91
64 ~ 203.65 64:22/)$. 6 5
Sunmitted.' io, %he,~-B~a~d,~ c~-:,, supervise.tm of:~:~l~ema~rte .~unty. l~ebruary .20th 1 929'
by Seth ~u~nle~,. C~:~m~y~,, Man, ger.
County met fo~r~ ~'he~ ~=pese~ of~'~ pcepmring~~- ~d~:'eensi~ering:::t~-!~ml budget of said ~0unty.
Thereafter and;~em~, s~.d:r ~> the=e~...was~ fi:l~:~~ :2he~- fo~et~ .estimate.
The~e:a~t~e~:~sa~::- ee~ima2e~ ~s ~nich in accordance
with law fi~s~;~aa~.~ .d~;~'o~. h,~=img om,: sai&:-esi~te;:-%~-20th-dmy~ of ~reh 1925, at
the hour of ll.:OD'~A:~N~:~ ~f' sa~id,, day:S - said b~ri~:; ~ ~-e~=d~'.at',.- t~'e',~,~ty -~urt House
in Albemarle, ~to~eaville~ ~2~., V.~rg~ia,~ ~e:~le~k~f~'the~,~ard of Supervisors
was directed to: p,u~ish~,~s~neps&~-~e~.the.~,bu,~ffe%:~'a~-~.~he:~2~e,-o.f hearing, as required
by law, in the:~:Se~e~,~ts~g~te~,E~ws.~a~mews,~pe~- ha~img~:~ceme~mt_et~:Iatiom im the locality
affected, at l~$~. te~.d~e~ prie~--tc:~-~the;~ ~m~e:~ ~g~ ~.k'~i~.
$.~'Mm~tn. Cler~ ~eard of SuPervisors.
O0~01~EALTH; 09~,.-V~RGINIA
~BE~-AI~r,-I~, ~ COUNTY
~=epared i~ caea~c:a~w~ih~.the~,:p=.e~s~nm:~ e:f-s~a~o~ 1 of" C~r S7 of the Acts of
Yemr en~t :~ea~/end.
Act. est.
County Revenues:
Taxes on realesta:~e and
5565~ 0~3~ :~66.§ · O0
Capitation Taxe,a_
Dog taxes
School ffunda;Received
from the State
Delin~uent taxes e~c
~00,0~'~ 4200.00
year ending June S0'30
~a~.i~e increase Decrease.
t 5850(}; O0
418,2. ?0
gSGO0. O0
,~ 2,00.00
Ceunt~ B0 rrowin-gs:
-~Short term ~o-ans
le5000.O0 I0000~00
750:00 ."00
E'500.O. O0
To'tal ~rrowi~
t05000o00 I00000.00
?5000. O0 25000. O0
District Revenmee
SchOolS, Reads, int. ete
Sinking Fund,
Samuel Miller
47324.14 4?320.00
55016.95 §5000.00
White t~atI
oma± District Revert- 2528I~,02
4200, O0
Grand Total ~oUm%y,
District, Revenue
& Borrowimgs
668t4~52 677157.06
Submitted. ~o.' the~ l~rd-: o.f. Smper~isors~ ef Alb~.rte. Oe~m~y~Feby 20th 1929.
Seth: ~le~_- ~eunty ~nager.
0n t~$~ ~he 2G~h~ ~ ef~e~a~, 1~2~ She~ ~d· e~ Supervisors of Albemarle
~oumty mci for the. ~p~-se~.of~ p~epari~ m~d o~s.i~.erimg' the Ioeal budget of
said Coumty,-~ Thera~ier a.m~..~?.~, s~:.:~,~ay, t~re-~s'..,~itt~< b. foregoing esti~te.
Therem~te=~ ~:~es~2'i~te::w~s:~ ~Xy~' e~e-~=a~ :~ the~:-B~.d;~:'which in accordance
with law fi~~:~;m~-~t~-o~:-k~'in~ o~:~sa~:::~;~a~e:~%:he:'~-20~:h.~:'day of Earth 1929
was di re ate~; ..to ~hlis~h- a~.~.~yz;~psim~ .~: t.~,.~.dge~: m~:. the~ me%ic~ · f hearing, as
required b~:. ~;;~ ~.~./-Se~ts~tlte~ ~..~a:~-newspm~.~-; ha~i~;_general circulation
in the Ioea~i~ym alfreScO, ~.' learn:% te~?da~y~.:~ p~i~er.~%o-~ $he~-~:d~te?set for hearing.
J~.~..~rm~, ~ai~,, Board of Superviso~
W.L,~ut~in~ 01erk., Board of Supervisor
The B~d¥ precae~Li'~::-t~e, la~v/'the~:~ ¢oum. ty'. le.vies~ fe~'. %~e-. y~ar 1929, order that
the Co~issta~...-o~ff~: ~::~~ e:f~ A~be~le.. Oe~:ty:-m'ssess: m~?:'the Treasurer of
the ~ounty:~ ef'--~:~~.: oellec~'.:, on..m~ 2m~ble;- r~em~1- eetm%'e' mad' all ta~bte tangibl
personal p~~, imel~di~:~ehi~e~.~.m~%eo~ls:.ne~':::mas~essed as real estate at
the gene r~ .r~smes~, ..~i~. l~s¥..i~...19~5.,, u:se~:..., er:.' emple:yed:.' lm~.a ~nufacturing or
upon the aa:es~e~t~:,.flled: b~.i~f~'S~tt~e~ ~o~ati.o~ ~o~i. sM~o;~:and certifitd by it
to the Bom=d/oE:-~ ~e~i:~'rs b~.-ms. ~.e lo.ea:tie~ a~ 'valuatiom:
~r 6e~rmt: Ce~y.~'.pu'~peses~, ei.ghI~'fi'~e~.'~.':(85:}~ ee-~s'.., om: .e~ery one hundred
For ~oun~y-$~haet. pur:pe~es~, eighty~-(80}.: ee~%s?.om~.eve~.~'~ndred dollars worth
of sai~ pr~y., m~,. fo'r: p~si~n..fm~ds-~.,fl~e.. (.'G$~)~-~ce.~ts on.e~ery one hundred
(I~-) In the Ivy District TWenty~five (2§~. cents on every eme hundred dollars
worth of said property;
~2:~ xn. the Riv~nna District Five ,~§~cents~ on every one hundred dollars ~f
said property;
~ In the Samuel Eiller District twenty five ~2~ cents on eve~ one hundred
dotl~rs worth el. said"property.
'(~[~ Im the Seettsvl-lt~Distriet twenty (~G~ cents on eve~ one hundred dollars
worth of said property;
(5] In the ~i%e Hat! District twenty five ~:) cents'' on every one hundred
dollars worth of ~ pre~rty:
A~d ~or ~stri~t Rom~purposes, the ~e~issioner. of th~ Revenue s~ll levy~
and the Treasurer s~ll collect em all ef said property except that in incorporated
to~s t~t maimtaln their o~ streets and roads, ms follows, to-wit:
~I~ In:~he~ ~lottesville~Dist~ict five~$~ :e~n~s~-en~ e~e~ one hundre~
dollars worth, of smi~ p~eperty;
~ In the ~iS~rict~ ferty~ ~G~ cents em eve~one~kundred dollars worth
ef said property;
~ In~.~he~Ri~~Dia~.~lct t~m~y fi~e ~2~ cents on every one hundred ~ollars
worth ef smi~Tp=~o~erty;
(~)~ In th~ ~~M~IZe~- Dis~rict tHt~y:~$G~ cents:on every one hundred dollars
worth of said~ p~ep~rty;
~ Im~ ~lSeat~s~e~'~Dis~i~.e~t~m~y~ ~ive~ ~2~8~ ce~a en every one hundred
de llars we rth~ e~ s~ p=~e~rty:
~$~ Im~~~Ha~Dis~ie'~ ~~? f~e~.~ ce~ts~~. em~eve~ erie hundred
de 1 lar s we =th~ e~ a~ l~per ty;
~d fe~ ~ i~e~es~t~ ~_ mi~i~~. ~ds~~ ~e~ dia~ie~? ~md~en~s, ~ the ~e~is si ~er
ef Revenue s~t~ te~~.t~ T~e~re~ s~l~ ~tlect~ em~m~ e~.~said'preperty as
follows, ts.wit ~
(1) Im~ ~ke~.~l~t~esvilte DiSt~ic~ene~de~la~.m~ fifty five ($1.~ cents
en every e~e~ ~~u~t~a~ we~h~ of~ sa~$~¥p=eperty;
~2~ t~ ~the ~ Distrie~-o~e~e~lmr~ m~ tm~m~$l~l~:~een~m.~en every one hundred
dollars werth~f sa~d pro~rty;
~ In the~l~_~mm~Dis~ri~t-~ig~f~ve~ ~SB~ e~: on~eve~ one hundred dol-
lars worth ef2said prep~erty:
~ ~ the~~ S~et: ~lla~~ Dis~rahc~'~l~eme?~e~m~ ~$~ ~n~ cmm~m. ~$1~, 10~ on eve~
hundred dell~s~ worth~ ef ~ p~e~rty~
(5~ In. the'~,~ ~e~e~:t:~ll, e~ ~s~.o.n~ 'd'o~tl~r: ~:~:~ aix~y-~ ~'s .~$1 ~ 6$:} on every
one hundred .~.~tta=s.,~-.'~:~:~: e:f~ ~-s~d::: pre~e rty;
And 2he;. ~e~:$'sf.~: ef:t-~.:~e~:,~.s~-: l-evy~'.an~, the,:::~.T~m.~mrer sh~ll -al~
co~eet fo=,..~s,i=ie~.~.~.~p~,pea-e.s.e~::mt~ g:eeds~..':~,=ea~-~~mdise and capital ef
merchants ~ ~ ~tat~d~y~e~ ~J~~ ~ t9~2~ ~e~e~-~.~le~i~mg to individuals,
cer~eratiens~ err-c~n~e~, ~thi~rty cents ~0) en eve~ erie/dollars worth ef such
Zn th'ema:t~ter.-ef th-e: rep'ert ef the'~u~ty engineer in regard tea relocation
of the public r~&~,..flr~m,.~l~tl~, ~vis' Shop to Nortonsvilte through the lands of
In the m~tter of the report of the;CeU~ty'engimeer in regard %e a relocation
of the public road from Preddy.~s Creek ~hurth to Gilbert Station through the lands
of $,.U. Crickenbarger andKathleen 0Uterbridge Est. which was regularly contimued to
this meeting it is ordered that said report be eo~tineud to She;Apri!.'I929'meeting
of the Board.
The report of Se2h, ~Un2y ~nager, for the momth ef February, 1~29, was
presented,., e~mined and Ordered to be filed.
G,StuartHamm, Treasurer, presented to the Beard a st'atement together
with all warrantsfor the-month of.Febr~ary, 1929, that W~ere pal'~ By him, the
Bemrd e~mined said w~rrantsand.'ordered smid-statement to be filed.
At a..Om, tled ~eeting~ of~ the ~eard. Of.' SUt~:e~is,orsI ,f Al:bemarle ~0unty held
at the -~o~rt
Prese~: J.~a~, ~i~ ~.~.Gen~t~, ~,E,Ab~elt., C.Purcell ~c~ue and
John A.0'Neill.
~pts. Ed~.~W~e~ ~ ~l.e~-~he~. of. ~o~i~l~o-~s? ~ppeare~ before the
Guards in go i~ mt~e~~ New~Yar~ em~ ~e~e~m~s~~ ~i~=~hday.
~herefe~e e~ me~ien~ ef ~.A,0~N~it~-~~ secemde~ ~ P.H~$~try it is unanimo~
ordered that $~.G~~ ~a~r~pr~.~t~.~e~ ~e~ E~n%iee~e~ ~ds t~ de~ray the expenses
in ge i~
Potled~~ vote~ Ay~. ~se~e~ ~m~, Ge~ry, A~I, E~Eue~ a~ O'Neill