HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-04-17 At a Regular meeting of the bard of Supervisors of Albemarle aoumty held at
the ~ourt House o~f s~id Cou~ty on the [Tth day cf April, 192~.
Present: J.M. Fray, P.HAGentry, ~,E.Abell and a~.Purcell McCue.
The minutesof the,~las,t meeting ware re~d and approved.
On mention ef G,PurcelI ~cOue and seconded by P.E~Gentry it is ordered that the
matter of ~he Coumty's Settlement with' the~Treasurer be ~urned ever to L.F, Smith,
Gommonwezlth's Attorney, with power to act.
Er. C.Purcell EcCue,tende~d his resigna~tionas~m member of the District
Joint Alms'Home~mnd on motion of~P~,E.Gent'ry.mnd secon~e~y C~'Purcell ~cCue, ~he
board ele~te~SethBu~ntey~as~tke~ county's representativeon the aforesaid BOard.
It appe&ring~that.~,~he, ro~d.:fromBoones~.itte~e the:~Mission School needs relocat-
ing therefore on"me~tiem duly seconded it is~ordere~'tha~t.~Seth Burnley, County
Nanzger, go ove~the said~road &-~=ep~ri hac~ to the~bomrd at its next regular meeting.
report that ] went iupon the lands
proposed to be~e~o-r~ a p~b~.ie~ead from~.John. Da~s~- sh~p to Nor~Onsville on
the ?th da~ o~ Deeembe, r, l~8-~n~-rep'~ th~empon, a:s~follows~
1st. The~¢onve$ience~er.~incoawe~ie~ee tha~t'will result'as well to individuals
as to the~.p~bli, c~is as, fo~tlows:
2nd. The:said remd~,~:llno~t- he.,omeo~ smch mere pri. va2-e~ convenience as to ma~e
it proper--that~ it. should, he~ope~e:~ and,:kep~;in:erder~ b~tke:: person or persons for
whose cen~enien:ee_.i2:isde,slred.
~rd.. Ne. yar~,, garden or ~reha~rd, m~Wi&l h~e
4th. The name,s-_ef the~:
J.B, Raines
§th.. Tke. f~ll~wing nmme&.efsa~._land~ owners, require~compensatiem::
J.B. Rmdnes.
6th. A just o'empen.s~tion_tethe~:la~d~owne~,s~ requi:ring compensation for the
said land-~so'takem~ and:for the_.d,ammEe~.to~ the-.re:s~id~e. oF't:he tract beyond the peculiar
benefits te be deri~ed~ in respect'to such residue ~rem~the road or landing to be
establisked mre~a$ f~llows.
J. B. Rmine~s,~: we~v:en,: ~ire fo.nee~ each and-~$t0.00
?th. T~e~ f~:~llowing are~the ,other facts and'~ctrcuma2ances which in the opinion
of your viewers_ are, usefut in, ena~tingyou~,:Board te~-.de2ermine the expediency of
establishing~:er altering the saab. road:
This~ change will_ge2_ ridm.ef m~.reek~mhiI1 that would be~ very expensive to widen
and:-,improveand~so~uld,.give~a~s:traigh~ road to the. interseCtion of mew State Highway
from Green Gounty wi2h~..the~=oad.~,,from: Em, r!ys~ille to. Nor~onsville.
~.~h~ ~ here return_, a= ma~,~, oF~ %he~ pro~ose~ route.
The Board of Supervisors eonsidered the'above report a~ length and oon~irmed
said report, and ordered that said road be relocated in a¢cordanee with report ef
said viewers.
W,~.Rainse appeared in person, and o.bjeeted to the viewers re~ort and request
that eommissioners be appointed. The ~oard proeeeded to appoint P.O-~inor, W~D.
Holladay, ~,0,Thurman, ~.~,Ke. gle~ and H.G.~ddell to proceed te examine said proper'
on the 8th d'ay of ~ay.-192~ and fl'lo thei-r report t~writ~n6, on M~¥ l§th 1929.
In the mm~tter of relo'e.~tilng apublio road throughthe lands ef K~thleen
Outerbridge's est.