HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-04-30 The report of Seth Burnley,, Ceumty Manager., for the month of ~areh, 1929
was presented, examined-~and ordered, to be · filed.
G,Stuar~t:I~mm~.Treasnrer, presented~o the Boar~ a statement together with
all warrants'.for the month~of Mareh,:1929, that were p~idby-him, the Board examined
said warrants~'mnd-ordered said.sta2emen%tebe filed.
~t.a B~gular.~mtte~:l[e~2ing..of~ the.~oard~ of Supervisors of Albem~rle
Virginia, held--&~'the ~Ourt He,se of.~smid~-.ceunty o~ the ~0th. daY of April 1929.
Presemtr'.J~Fray-,. Ohmirmam, O.Purcelt ~cCue., P,H.Gen2ry, ~,E.Abell, W.~.
Langherne and-~.A.O~Neill.
Absent: ~one
On mo2ion, of-W.E~I~n~horne. ~nd~-seeomdedby-~'~B~H, Gautry the following resolution
was unanimous.~ m~ed~ viz:--
WHE~AS, notice~fr~m.~the~.St~%e~erpe,r~tion~ ~o~s. sion~-of Virginia, dated April
llth, 1929, re!mtive te-the~p~lic~io~f/'the-~Ghes~pe~ke~-.mm~d..Ohio Ra. itway Company
pending bef~o~re~In~e~s%a~te.~c~erce. Co~ssie~.-f~r~ ~u~-~ri~y to acquire controal
of the Erie~il~ead:Sys~em~ mn~ certain other carriers,
has been laidBe:~f:ere~-the~m~d:.~f:~pe~is~e~rs eFAIh:e~te~County; and
~~, this~ne~iee-sta~te:s~t~2.~'r~nfm Stm~e:~ Ce~or~ien ~o~ission desires
to be as ful~ad~ised-as~pes~:ble~-as~ to.t~e, fme~s~m~:.:p=e. Bm~le effect the granting
or refusing~cf_ auch mpptiea~ie~tt ~ve.~upen tke_.in~e~es.t~ff the State ef Vi~ginia,
the several t.ecali2i~s--t~reof am& ~e Che~pe~e:~and ~hie~ilv~y C~mpany; and
~P~AS~.i~ is.~m~22er of pm~l-imc-k~ow[edge:-t~2~ the~Aet ef Gongress, kno~
as the TransDer~tatienAc2 el. 1920, eontemptmteathe merger~and consolidation of the
railroads of the::~Uni~ed St~em imte~ m~timi~ed~ ~er-~ s~s~ems; and
~AS, i.~t is. m ~2~te~ ef~pub~lie: kn~w~ed~e:-t~2:~~ it~..wi~I[ be greatly to the
benefit ef~ the::Sta~ of Vi~nia mad/this:.ee~i2y, f-er the ~hesapeake and Ohio ~il-
way ~mpany, m~-:Virginia corpora:ilea, which ~nish~s~ e~l~:~ent ~o a very large n~ber
of our eitizens~ and. also paye~, tm~ge-~ame~ts~ ef t~e.e~ to ~e2h:the State of Virginia
and the vamieu~ceun~ies~:mnd~ e~unities~: throu~ w~ch 2he'.~ad extends, to be ~de
the nucleuaoF ena~:~f s:~ch ays~ems$
NOW T~F0~ ~.IT ~$0L~D, thm~-the ~a.rd of-Supe~isors of Albe~rle
~ounty are ef the.: opinion that.the acq~s&~ie~ The Ghes~peake and Ohio ~il~y
Company of the~ cen~r~l.~ ef~ t~e~Rail=emd lines~ee.ntempta~ted:~.in~ said application will
be greatly beneffici~l~te_t~:~in2ersts.~of the~tm2e-efV-irginia~ amd to the interests
and welfara:~of~Cem~2~ of~ Albe~rle.
BE IT~SOL~D~RT~Rt~-a..cepy eff~hi.s~=esol~i~m Be fo~rded to the
State ~prPora~ionC~o~aai~.ofVi.~ginia..ms~.an..e~ress~ien~ ef the views of this ~ard
with ~he requeatthmt the~S~a~e~Cm~p~a~ionOo~ission of Virginia so advise the
Interstate Oo~ee Ce~saio~ purs~m~/to the Notice date~April llth, 192~, above
It appearing that the Treasurer of Albem~rle is indebted to the various fund
as per the state auditor's report in the sum of $S$,85S.48 which is partly represented
by uncollected'tax tickets, and the ~eard of Supervisors. is' of the opinion ~hat it
cannot borrow and pay interest on-that amount, therefore with the written consent of
the surety Company on the. Treasurer's~.0fficial rend, the treasurer is permitted te
~0~ow$~:,5~888.48 on'which he must pay-the interest.
It.appearing:to the: Board that::it will ~e.~necesmary to-borrow some money
with which to pay-C:eu~ty expenses, betwee~.-ne~-~n~.th~ collection cf 1929 taxes; It is
therefore ordered that. t~e Trea~S~er~e~"Albema~le,~emn%y~ be and. he is hereby authoriz
in the name andJen behm:lf ef the-sm.id ~eu.~ty"of Albem~rte-~om~s-arrangement or
arrangements withsomabamk~.er~s~.~c advmn~e.%h-e~neees~s~ry:~amount net te exceed
$35,888.48 and to.-see~e's.~eh o~li~,%ien~or o.bligm%ions in the~m~e, and on behalf of
said county a-s-~be~n~:c~ma~y, tc secure s~h m~vaneem~t or-.advancements, and also b
such obligation, or obligatiens-and, ptedmg~192;~t.a~es~.-for the.s~e.
At a. regular me'etingef, the Board of Supervisors held at the Court House
of said ~ou~ty on the 15th day of ~ay 1929.
Present: $~M.Fray, ~hairman, P~H.Gent~, J,E.Abell, C.PurCell ~IcCue and
The minutes~of the !as~ meeting were re~d and approved.
It ~ppearing. to the. ~omrd tha~ i~ will be necessary to borrow some money
with which to pay county expense.s between now an~ the collection 'of 1929 taxes~ it
is therefore ordered tha~ the Treasurer of Albemarle Geu~ty, be and he is hereby
authorized in the name .mhd on behalf of the said County of A~bemarle to make arrange
ment or arrangements' with some. bank or ba~nks to advance 'tke necessary amount not
to exceed $5000°00 and to secmre such obligation or obliga.tions in the name, and on
behalf of Said county as ma~ be necessmry to secure such'advancement or advancements
and also by such obligation or obligations an~ pledge-192~ taxes for the same.
0n mo~ion of ~.Parcell McCue and se-conded by P,E.Gentry it is ordered
that Seth ~nley, ~ounty Engineer, $o to Doylesville and determine expediency of
building a bridgeacross Doyles~ River a.nd report back to the ~oard at its rext meeti
At the regular April 1929 meetimg of the ~omrd it w~s ordered that Seth
Burnley, Oeunty Engineer, report on the advisability oF~relocating the ~eunty Road
from Boenesville to Mission School.
T~he smid Burnley h~s this d~y submitted his report and the ~oard being
of opinion that said report is due from and should be adopted, therefore on motion
duly seconded it is ordered that the.~lerk issue s~bpoenas to Erm. Lucie V. Woed,
~rs. ~nmie Garrison., Mrs James~Sandrid~e, E,I.D~vis. M~. B~~ v. R~ ...... ~