HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-05-15 It appearing that the Treasurer of Albemarle is indebted to the various fund~
as per the state auditor's report in the sum of $$$,$$8.48 which is partly represente~
by uncollected tax tickets, and the ~oard of Supervisors. is of the opinion that'it
cannot borrow and pay interest on-that amount, therefore with the written consent of
the surety Company on the Treasurer"s..0ffieial Bond, the treasurer is permittedte
be~ow $$5,888,48 on which he must pay-the-interest.
It,appea.ring: to the Bea~.d that:-it will benecessary te Borrow some money
with which to pay~Co~ty expenses between~.-.new~ar~t~ the colics%ion of 1~29 taxes; It is
therefore ordered thai the Treme~ur.,e~-ofA1Be,ma~le.~u~y~ be and-he is hereby authori
in the name andon beh~tf effShe-~$m~md ~e~U~y'~o~ Albemmrle't.o-mm~e arrangement or
arrangements withsem~.~b:~:.cr ~mw~e advan~ee,.the,,~neee~,smry:-ameunt net te exceed
$35,888.48 ~d to~s.eeure, m~eh oblige%ten, or ebliga%i.ons'imthe~m~e, and on behalf of
said county as~ he.,-n~:c~:~.tc, sac~re such a~n:e~ent Or~m~dvancements, and also
such obligation~or ~tiga:ti:e.ns::.mnd. pledg.~I92:9.,~es.f'er tho'.same.
At a. regular meeting~f the Board, of S~upervisers held at the Court House
of said 5cumty on the !Sth day of Ray 1929.
Present:. $,~.Fray, Ghmirman, P.H.Gentry, ~E.ABell, ~.PurCell ~c¢'ue and
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
I,t mppearing to the-~0mrd that it will be necessary to borrow some money
with ;~hich to pay county expenses between now' and the collection of 1929 taxes; it
is therefore ordered thai the Treasurer of Albemarle ~ounty., be and he is hereby
authorized in the name mhd on behalf of the said County of Albemarle to make arrange
ment or arrangeme~ls with. some bank or banks to advance-tHenecessary amount not
to exceed $5000.00 and to secure such obligation or obligations in the name, and on
behalf of said county as ms~y.~be necessary to secure such, advancement or advancements
and also by such obligation or obligations and pledge 1929 taxes for the same.
On me,ion of O.Purcell MeCue and seconded by P.E.Gentry it is ordered
that Seth ~nley, C~unty Engineer, $0 to Doylesville and determine expediency of
building a bridge ac.re-'ss Doyles. Eiver a.nd report back to the ~oard at its rext meeti
At the regular April !929 meeting ef the ~omrd it was ordered that Seth
Burnley, County Engineer, report on the advisability of relocating the ~eunty Road
from Boonesville to Mission School.
~he said Burnley his this day submitted his report and the Board being
of opinion tha~ said report is due-from and should be adopted, therefore on motion
duly seconded it is ordered that the ¢'lerk issue subpoenas to Er~. ~ucie V.Woed,
~trs. Nmnmie Garrison, Mrs James Sandridge, E,I.Davis, M. rs. Bernard L.Beddows and
Oourt House ef said Ooumty on the 19th day of ~une 1929 at 1I ocleck A~M.. to show
cause, if any, why the said report in the matter of relocating a public read through
their lands should not be adopted.
tn the m~tter, of the Commissioners~ report on the road from JohnRavis~
Shop to Nortonsville through, the lands of J~B~Raines.
T~e commissioners appointed at the regular April 1929 meeting of the
board met on the Slh day of ~ay 1929 and have this day returned their report.
All par%les in interest being notified and the report in the opinion
of the Board. is in .due form; therefore on motion duly seconded i~ is unanimously
ordered that said report be adopted.
I,W.L,M~upin, a 01erk in and for the COunty~ a~foresaid do certify that
P.O.l~inor, W*D.Holladay, J.O.Thurman & J.B~Kegley have this day made oath before me
that they ~will .~aith~ully mhd tmparti.ally aecertain what will be a just 'compensation
for such land ~or f~r such in~erest or estate, in the lan.d~ of 'the freehold whereof
J~,B. Raines tenant, and fo~ such otker property as is proposed~ to be taken by the
Gounty of Albemarle for ~ public read~, award the damages,, if any, resulting to
the adjacent and other property of said tenant or owner~mnd to the property of any
other person., beyond the-peculiar benefi~ that w~illac'crue-to such properties respectiv
ely from the construction and operation of a. public road from John Davis' Shop to
Nortonsville and..will properlY certify the same.
Given under my-h-and~ this Sth d~y~of May 1929.
We, ~.O~inor, W.I~,.Hotl~day, J.O-.~hurm~n and J.B.Kegley conm~issioners
appointed by your~Honorable Sedy to ascertain what will be-~ just compensation four
$.uch part of the la,Ad (~'~ for such interest er es-tare in the land~ of the freehold
whereof J~B.R~ines tenant, and for such or, her prope~ty as is proposed to be takeu by
the county of Albemarle for m public road from John Day, is' Shop to Nortonsville
and to assess ~he damage, if any, resulting to the adjace.n.t or ether property of
said tenant or owner, beyondm~ the peculiar benefits that" will accrue te said properties
respectively from the~ construction mnd opermtion of the~-said public road, do hertify
that on the Sth da~v of N~y 1929, the day-designated in tHe~said order, we met $ogether
on the said part of the land, the limits of which~part were~ then and there described
to us as follows: to-wit:
Right of Way 80G' long 30 feet wide.
and after being duly sworn, upon a review of the-part aforesaid and of the adjacent
and other property-said owner who would be dan~ged in their property By the construct-
ion and operation of the said road; and upon such evidence as was before us, we are
of opiniom and de ascertain~that for the said part ~or for the interest or estate
in the part) and for other property so taken a sum of one hundred and thirty dollars
($130.00~) and said Raines to do all necessary fencing, will bec just compensation.
And the damages "to the adjacent or. ether property of said tenant or Owner by reason
of the construction and, operation of the sa~id road, beyend~ the peculiar benefits
Given under our hands this 8th day of ~y A929.
ff. 0 ~ Thu rman
G. Stuart H~mm, Treasurer, presented to the Board a statement ~oEeth~
with all warrants for the month of April, 1929, that were paid by him, the ~card examimd
said warrants and ordered said statement to be filed.
~ha i rman
At a ~~r~:.~m~?a~;~'~e~.?~~?e~:St~~sors of Albe~rle County
lt~.~:,~~~.t~:~~~:~.i:2~ '~:~::~¥~cessa~ te borrow some
money with w~:::,~;,.~;:~~.~~~~~me~?~:~collection of i ~2~ taxes
It is therefo~~~~:;~,:~~~:: ~a:~ty, be and he is hereby
authorixed in t~.~.~:~:;~:~~~':~;~:';~~~:~~'e~lbemarle to ~e arrange-
ment or arra~~~:~~~~t~,~:~mc~'~.~.~ necessa~ amount not to
exceed $25,000:..GG~.~?t~-~~~?~~~~?':o~~-i~ns in the n~e, amd an
behalf of said:~:.~o~~:.~,~:.n~~?:~2~?;~~?-~:~?~ancement or advancements,
and also by s~mB .~r~~~:~p~~:;~mxes for the s~e.
that Nessie R'~~eii:~:~:~;,~. -,~;,~e~;,~ae~hat ~s burned January
1st, 1928.
Se~~e~,~;~~',?~~t~i~t would oost about ~SG.
to build the ah~.~dge.
that ~eth ~r~i~a~:~t~::,.~e~-~~~~: the esti~ted cost of
removing the a~..~~.:~:th~:~~.~o~-.~~~a:~n the road near ~.~.
Sutherland's fa~. _
~;~:~i~:~~;f'~e~Fem~:~m~:rde~ ~de on the ITth day of
April, 1929 reap~~.'~r~:~~tm~':~-:~e~?~:o~p~~;~~op~eed to be ~en for
a public ro~d,. ~~n~a~&l~ ,~:o~-B~~i.~?~o~.~o~-~e~14th day of ~y 1929