HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-06-19Given under cur hands this 8th day of ~ay I~929.
~. 0, Thurman
VI. ~.Ho I laday
~.Stuart Hamm, Treasurer, presented to the ~oard a statement $oEeth
with all warrants for the month of A~ril, 1929, that were paid by him, the ~eard exami~
said warrants and ordered said statement to be filed.
Cha i rman
of Albemarle County
Se~t~:.:-~~;.: ~~~,~,:~~t~;i,t would cost about
to build the ~e,~.'~dge.
tJ~~t~t~...~'.,C~~~;~.:..~.'.~.&~.se~ad.~.b~ P.H,Gentry it is ordere~
that Seth ~~::'~~:~'~ta~:'..~.e~::~~:the esti~ted cost of
removing the ~d.~.~~:~~:~:~~~~t~:~?:~.~~~n the re~d ~ear
Sutherland' s
Ap'ril, 192~ re~pe~2~-l~::.~.~~:'.2~t~' -t::~e~.~::u~::~.~h~:~l.~m~op~ed to be taken for
a public road., f~m.:~o~e~il~:~ '.~e:. Bt~,w~S~:.~tlo~-.~..:~e:~:lAth day of ~y 1929
lst.;,-:~the-:eonveni~enee', or' inconventen~.e.'-'~t-~w/'~ll result as well to
individuals as'~:'.te~'the pu~It'c'is as fol~ews'~
~lAa;~ eon~ence.
persons for wh~,:a~t.,~en~e~.~:~!~a:~,~ ,~_~,' red.
NO ·
Beddows Est.
L. Shi fie tt,
none. --
'4~;:;. ~.'~:~aes~,t,e~'~ke:.:;l:aa~*-o~w~ee~'~ ~-:sa~::':~u te. are as fol lows~
~s, Bernard ~,
He~&~~;~.~../~~.~e~~~~ddows ESt, and ~eo
for ~he smi~ ~:~:~~~~a~-~~~h~e~'~of the tract beyond
the peculiar h~~a~l~t~t~?;~f~~,~~:/~;t:~:;~Ue f~om 2he road or
?.~~ £~1~~ ~e~; ~t-~.he~.~~ ~e=:~ ~$~,~4~ ~e~m rcums ta ncc s whi ch i n
the opinion
expedi ency of e~t~t~t~~.~.~~~'~-~. · .~?.~. ,t~~,~!~oad.
~;s~l~~~:~e~M~ea ~.~~ 1~ several hundred
feet long.
$~.~ey, gouty ~nager
IRJ~:~:.~ ~p~-~e~~ ~,~:~~.M~ml;~:.~e~ftn lieu of vi ewers.
~-~;~:~~¥~(l~?.t~:i~ 1-~.~:,~~~em~:~C~ the r~ad from Boomes-
~~?~ ~~.,.~d~~~:e men t i oned repot t a
length and we~:--~e~p~;;.2~:~.~he~~~~b~~ed which ~s accordi~ly
done, and s~r~:~:::e~~.b~l~~;~.~.~~nce with the report of
the County ~ia~ger. .
;. ~.~i~~~;~~mg~.~:~-t~~?~2he Clerk of the
has issued pr~ce~;;:~~te~;:~.?~e-~p~ie~s:~:~~m~ ~a~:~ the land to be t~en
A~'~~$~::aVp~~t~,~e:,:~~~said process has been
duly executed e~~.~c~d.~.~a~.~,~~~e~d~d,.,~ge L.~iflett by
service on th~-~pe=~, ~,~~$~,~:.,be~~ ~uted on Hen.~ i.Davis,
by service om ~e~D~m...,~e,~:a~,~~;:~ h~~F ~nd a tenant and agent
on the premia~a~;.~,i~:::~~-m~e?~hu~.~':~d~:~e~~e~::p~ss has been had on
Nannie ~arris~m..~s:~J~t-~/,~~dg~~?~~::~m~~,~-~ service of process
on ~ucy V. Woed,~ tke~te~.:~&~.~~A=,:-~a~a~~t:h~ ~, and all ef said
~.~ti~ h~vi~: ~i~d~:~:.s~,;:.~~[l~~~?:~~;~t be confirmed, the
And~ the;.. Board:. doth:/;di:reC~.~,-~h~?'~-~he?~ne~s,::
several s~s he~e~n~ ~g~:,:n*~/:t:o~ b~.,.~:~.~*~;~Be~::,p~pe~ pa~rttes h~ve proved to
the sari sfacti:o~:ef:~--~a~t~,~-~.~le~!c~, ewae~~:.:~:~:s~t~:i?'seve~? ~ms, hut none of said
several s,mms ~he ~oumty ef
Albemarle have:.
G~, Stu~:~-,~mm~ T~e~e~:~,~ presen~ed~,~-,, t~ ~e~ ~arc a s tatemen t toge the r
will all ~.~~..~.~.~~~e.~.~F~ 1~9~, ~,.~-~,~td by him, the ~ard
examined_ ~~~:~:,ta~:~~e~?[~'~s~a~2~:.%~:~' ~'fl led.
At a'regula~ meeting.or, the Board of SuperviSors of Albem~r!e County
held at the COurt House of Said County on the 17th dzy of JUly 1~29.
Present: J.M. Fray., Chairman, C.Purcetl E'cCue, J.E.Abell, P,E.Gentry,
W~.H.Langhorne mud J.A,0'Neill.
The minutes of the last meeting, were read'and approved.
A~ the request of J~0;Thurman and it appearing that notices were
on the 1st day of April I~29, that being the l~ day of the April Term of the Circui
Court of Albemarle County,Va. posted mt the'front ~oer of the court house of said
county and at two places in the neighborhood of the road proposed to be closed;
therefore on motion duly seeonded. J~B.Kegley, E..G.Waddell, ~.M. Garnetmt, S.A.Calhoun
and ~,.R. Duke are appointed viewers to' viewso much of the County Road from Stony
Point Road to Hammock's Gap Road tha~ lies within the lands of J~0~Thurrnmn and
make report in writing whether i n their opinion any, and if any, what inconvenience
would result from discontinuing smid road as ~bove set out.
The viewers shall mee.~at ~:00 A.M. on the 17th day of August 192~ and
file with the ~ier~: .of this board on or before the~ 21day of A~gust .192~ their repo~t
in writing.
At the request of Seth Burnley, County Engineer, and it appearing that
notDces were on the3rd da~ of June 1929, that being ls$ day of the June Term of
the ~ircuit Court ef Albemarle ~oumty, Va. posted at the front door of the Court
house of said county and at two places in the neighborhood of the ro~d proposed to
be cloEed; therefore on motion duly seconded J.B~Jegley, H,G. Waddell, 0.M.Garnett,
S,A.Calhoun and ~.RJI~ke mrs appointed viewers to view a portion of the Oounty Rc~d