HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-08-21 At a. regular, meeYing.~a~ th.e~..B~ar~', of..Superv. Xs:ors of Albemarle County held at the ~aurt H'0use off said' ~OUnty on ~the 21st day. of' .' AUguSt 1929. Present: J,M;~y, ~hai~n, l~',I~.';GenYry, ~,~rcell ~Cue, $.~.~.bell and U.H'. ~anghorne. Re.- ~t: re. meld.ed:' b~:~ the.:~.2es~rd~.' ~.'~.:'Supervi~se~s~ of:.'' Albe~rle ~.unty, ~irginia that p~issio, n be~...amd¥:'~:~ha~.~same~,.~a~e~'~g~a~:..%o~.,.the..-~me~ic~. Telephone and TOle- its poles, condu~s~,. ~h~i_es.~ :: d,ueYe+..c~les, wi~es::: am~.: .all eth:e~r.(-mecessary overhead and underground. ~pp~Yvs~.:.upam.,~.o.~er~at~:~.~.in.,· ~-~?'~nd¥.%~h:~'.'~he roads, streets, highways, and othe~ Du~tie:' pt~.,ce:s,...in:' the~-.6o~u. Yy. ~f Albe~i.e,' Virginia, as its busine ~y from time .to. %i~_:re~i.re.$~ an~_::~'.."use-, the: pro'~ of other,'.eo~anies and to Ne~ other com~nies to use.-i'ts, pr~.perty"up-on:'sueh.::~ra~ngements~. ~s.::.-$~%wo companies my agree; provided; .Se. orion.:-I. That all p~les erecte:d~.by:' s~A:d..6e~-ny .-shall be located as in no way to in~erfere..wi~-h t~.s~fe~'-~r:."eo~¥e~.enee of persons?.:t~velimg on or over the said r~ads.~ street-s, high~s-"a-nd."~.ther: publ:Ac pXaees:, or wtY~:~'-:ingress to, or ingress from, private pre.~erty;:' an$:~im, t~1 .'-we~k? of installing, an~:~maintaiming i ts ~derground road, street, highly or a~-e.t~e'r:'r'pub.11c, plaee,..th~m:',w-iIl' ben, necessary. ~e: esCaPer it te perform the work with pr~o.~r e.~no~::~d~:~e.~ee:~en-~y., t. hi:s, ho'we~r~'t-~-b.e~d'e~e~.-:~mnly after sub~ttin ~nager of ~ngineer, Section.. 2, T~t S~id Gom~ny~~ s~I..~intafm- i'.~s: [i~:es in good and safe order a~..~ condi~ien$~.and~a~l~mt:~ a.lL_.~ime~, f~ly~ inde~i~ protect and save harness, the smi~-.~e~Yy?from~d:: again~t~atI elmims~:simg~ff~:~its negligence in the erection, eenstrneYi~en er ~inte~ee ef~ t t.s~ .s~d limes. Secti:on~. Z, T~t.: net~ng~~ in- t~s'.rese[m.ti-om, s~ll be' construed to g~nt unto said ~o~.:.mn~:e~ci~i~e~righ.~¥cr to prave-nt/t~he~: ~mrd:of ~pervis~rs from g~nting a si~'[~:, pe~ssien: ~to. eth~e.r~ ~emp~i es. Saetiem ~, ~f'~t~e:'loca:ti'e-n.~ef~la~ poles~ wires, et:e. interfere with any read imp=e.vem~s ~tm..~thim.~.go~Yy, such.~ p~t:es~ ets, shall b'e~. promptly re~ved and relocated by said le~pmmy..a~ i~s~o~:e~en~:SO.l.a~ net to-'interfere ~th such improvements. It Appe~;rimg~: to;-th,e..Be~rd tha~ .it will be~ neoressa~ tO borrow some money with which to p~y.~¢ou~:y..~..expemze~s~:.be~t~.we~en: aow.'and:-:the~eollee-ticn of 192~ ta~$ it is therefore ~r~ere&.. t~t:~the;~T~s~er, of~e~le Cowry, be:a~d he is hereby authorize& im t~e~:n~.~.a~d:'~en ~e~t~-?.o~,~-the: ~&~County of AI~em~te to ~ke arrange- ment or arr~eme~ts, with some-b~ ar b~-s to--bo, rrew--'the-~ meees~y amoumt met t~ exceed $25,00~.00. a~ '~o aee-~e-sueh e~bli.~tiem. er: obti~:ti'ons.:im ~he ~e, and on he,If of said county as~-.my::be nece~ to secure su~h.~'~dv~nceme~t or advancemt~s, a~d also by such Oblig~ti~n~om/~blig~ions~d pte:~ge 1929.: t-~xes for the s~me. ~S 70 On motion of, $,w,.A]~ell and seconded by C,PUrcell ~C~ue it is ordered that $50.00 be paid._to, J..B.Norford,!s..estate for relocation a publie road. Polled 'vote. j:;~M;Fray., U.H;I~r~orne, C,'lmmreetl. M'cCue and J.,.E.Abell and P.H. Gent ry. NO. none. On motiom of' $~E,Abell and seconded byP~Gentry, it is ordered that the sum of $150~0~ be. &pp=oDri~ted..fera fr~uitexhlibi~t, at~ the-~S~mte~m~air at Richmond, Va. ~olled vote. J~.~,Fray, W.H-.Langhorne, ~.Pureell Ec$~ae ~t;~. Abell and P~E. Gentry, NO. none, 0n,motion-of~,g. Pureetl.~cCue-?and. 'seconded By~"J~E.Ab'ell it is ordered that the ~ou.nty Build a.h~ge :.o~er Turkey:Rum~reek,. Rivann-~.D~striot on condition that the ci tizens.~.pay':~.one? ~.f the cost. On me'ion dulyseeond~d~it.,ls::ordere~,thatthe,-'.County pay as mob as $200.00 toward, the, building, of~a bri~ge, be~een,Nortonsvitleand' ~ission Home on Lyneh's River upon.-aonditionl~that.~L-sai~.!bridge~he built under the supervision of the ~ounty engineer. In the matter' of closing a por'tiom oE~'tke~.ounty Road from J~,Branham's Gate to Lyneh..Rlver. The:pe2it.ioner~, Seth.'..Burnley, ~ounty~gin~.~r~, p~esented satisfactory evidence to theB~d .t~ notice of closing. ~i.d'roa~ ~d'~:bee-~ posted on the Srd day of ~une 1~29, that. ~m~ing: the first day of the.J~e, te~:of~ the ~ireuit Court of Albemamle ~o~ty.~, Virginia, at the ~mourt house of said-. ~o~ty and at two public places in the neighbo~hood~.o~f~.:the-~roa'd:-proposed-te ~e elose~s t~t after said notice had been po.s;2ed 20 days..t~s.~mzd~did at~ its-meeting ~e-ld on the 1~ day ef July 19~9,. appoint five ~viewers te view said ro~mnd~report-~ in ~i~ting whether in their opinion a~, and if~any said road, t~t five of your co~tss:iene=s, ~.R.~e, ~,B,~gley, E.G,~addell, C,M. Garnett and S.A. Calhoun have ~de~their.~repe~t- in:.~i~ing '~der. date of"the 17th day of August 1925, that in a~o~danee.. ~-th:' the foregein~ order ef~'~thesaid ~ard they have viewed said rea~ and that in their epinien~ne ineenviemce wi~'t resu~tt~ to any one if said road is diseenti-mued.~d.elosed, A ee~y ef ~id ~pert signed~ by~the viewers~abeved ~ed ~s p~sented to this ~etimg and~.the/~elerk ef this.~:~ard:.I.s ordered to~ file .-said repo~. In censide.~2ion whe~of it is:. ordere~: by this ~ar~ t~t se ~& of the road frem~,Brm~s: Gate to L~oh River on the/-.road from ~e~ U,~vis~ Shop te Greene ~e~y line 'be, and~ it is_ hereby, orde=ed, discontimued and closed. t.n the matter of closing a: portion of, the County'-Road from Stony Point Bead to Hamme-~k*s~ Gap Road. The. petitione~, , 0e~~ presented satisfactory evidence to the Board that notices.of closing said'"road had been posted on the Srd day of June 19291, that being~the first day of. ~the June te~ of'.the Circuit 2curt had been posted 20' days this Beard did at its meet'lng,, held on the ITth day of July i92~, appoint, five vi~ewers to view said road.~and report in writing whether in their Opinion,any, and if:any what inconvi-ence would~ result from discontinuing said road, that five of your commissioners, l~,R'~e, 2.B~Kegle¥, H;G~adde!l, C,~.Garnett ~d 3.A.Oalhoun'have ~de. their repert~ in writing und'~e~r~ dat'e of ~he ITth day of Au~st 1929, that im accordance-with the foregoing order ef~: the sai~ Board they have viewed said road and 2ha~ im thei~ spin'ion ne... incenvienee~ll resmlt te any one if said road is ~scontinued.~nd~.elesed. A.~..copy of ~id.~ =sport si~ed:.~by the viewers aboved~med was presente~ to this ~eting. and~ the~$1e~k~ ef..this Boa~. is order'e~/te file~'~id report; in--eonsi~ra~n wheree~' it' Is e~e~r'ed~:~by' this.~;B~ ~t se much of the road~ from Stony Pein~ ~e. ad~'Se~, ~cCk~s~-Gap~Road~ be, ~n$: it is hereby order. ~d di scontinued:: ~ closed. Im the mat~er: of. the~,-report'.of~'the~ ~ounty engineer~ in regard to relocation Road~ .f~o~-.:~Ra~a~. F~rd t'o the 01d.~Miekie~. Ta-ve~/an~ Re.ad fr~m State Route ~28 to a point' en Old Moe~=etand ~h~ch Read~ be'~eentinut~: ~a· the:..next meeting of the Board. G, Stuart Eamm~ Trea~su~re:~r:~ pre~sem~ed~-~o the:-Bomr~: a.statement ~ogether with all wa=~anS-e~ fo~. the memSh/of Suty, 1929., that's'were paid by him, the Board examined~ sai~. ~rants: ar~/o~de*e~:~d' st~te~'~'"to b-e- flied. At a regular meeting of the BOard of Eupervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, held at the Court House of said County on the 18th day of Sept- ember 1929. Present: J,H. Fray, Chairman, C.Purcell EcCue, P,H.Gentry, J~. Abell, W.H~Langhorne and J,A.0'Neill. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. It appearing tO the Board that it will be necessary to borrow some money with which to pay county expenses between now a~d the collection of 1.929 taxes$ it is therefore ordered that the Treasurer ef Albemarle County, be and he is hereby authorized in the name and on behalf of the said ~cunty of Albemarle to make arrangement or arrangements with some bank or banks to borrow the necessmry amount not to exceed $!5,000.00 and to secure such obligation or obligations in the n~me, and on behalf of said County as may be necewsmry to secure such advancement or advancements, and also by such obligatien or obligations and pledge 1~29 taxes for the same.