HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-10-16 At a Eegular ~eeting of the Beard of Supervisors of ~Ibem~r!e ~ounty~ ~e~d at the ~ourt House of said ~oun%y on the Z~%h day'of October I$2~. Present: ~,~,Fray, Chairman, P.~.G. entry,~ ~E.AbelI, ~..Purcell Ee¢~e and ~.~ ~ O.~l~e imlI. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion duly seconded it is ordered that Seth Burnley, Oounty ~nager, go over the following roa~ mnd report back to the Board at its next regular meeting whether the said road should be relocated. The Ho. ad from Highway ~2'8 at Convict ~p to a point on the 01d Ror~ through ~he lands of On n~tion of J.E~Abell and seconded by C.Purce, ll Mc~e it is ordere that the ~ounty purchase 12 memberships aggregating $300.0O in the Gh~her ef ~ommerce Polled vote. Aye, Fray, Abellm McCue, Gent~y and O'Neill. O~ motion of J.E.Abell and. seconded by ¢.Purcell MC~ue it is ordered bids. be obtained for publishing the delin~Uent~lists. On motion of G.Purcell ~c~ue and seconded by J.E.AbelI it is ord~red that the County purchase the property from E.~.Hundley, ~r. and that the Attorney for the Commonwealth prepare the necessary p~pers. IN RE: Report dated July I?th 1929, on the He-location of Over lands of ~l~rence Walker, on the Road leading from State Highway No. 28th to the Old Eoorland Church Road. It appearing to the mo~rd of Supervisors of ~lberm~rle County that due and legal notice has been given to Clarence W~lker and his tenants, in accordance With the Statute in such case made and provided, by an order of publication publishe~ in the Scottsville News, a newspaper p-ublished in Albemarle 9eunty once a week for fo~ successive weeks, ordering the said $1arenee Walker and his tenants ~o ~ppear before the Board of Supervisors on the BOth day of November, ~29, and show cause, if any he or they can, why the land mentioned in the Viewer's Rport filed with this S.oard shoul~ not be condemned. And it further appearing to the Board that said ~larence Walker his tenants have failed to appear and sho~-'~cause why the land described in said repor~ should not be condemned, therefore the Board doth approve said report and doth direct that the said road be located over and across the l~nds of the said Slarence Walker · n accordance with said report, all' of which is shown by the minutes of this And the Treasurer of this 9oumty is directed to hold the sum of $2§.0G for the benefit of the said Walker, which sum he, the said ~reasurer of the Ooumty, shall pay over when and as soon as all taxes and levies owa~ by the said Clarence Walker have been paid to the ~oumty Treasurer. TO TPIE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNITy 0F ALBE~RLLE.- The undersigned County M~n~ger by our order made en the l?th day of July t92'9, respectfully report ~hat ~went upon the lands proposed to be tmken for r 1. The convenience or inconvenience that will result as well to indivi~ulas as to the public is as follows: Public ~onvenience. ~nd. ~e said road ~wi'll not be one of Such mere private convenience as t0 make it proper that it should be opened and kept in order by ~he person er persons for whose convenience it is desired. 3'rd. No yard, garden cr orchard wilI have to be taken. ~th ~'he names of the land owners en such route are as fellows: ~larence Walker §th The following named of said land owners require compensation, Clarence Wa'lker 6th. A just compensation to the land owners requiring compensatio~ for the said land so taken and for the damage to the residue of the tract beyond the peculiar benefits to be derived in respect to such residue from the road or la~ding to be established are as follows: ~larence Walker $B5,00 ?th. The following are the other facts and circumstances which in the opinion of your viewers are useful in enabling your Board. to determine the expediency of establishing or altering the said road. Since the construction cf~ State t~oute ~8 the old road intersects at such an angle and grade as to be very impracticable. They herewith return a asp ef the proposed route. All of which is respectfully submitted, Seth Burnley, ~ounty Manager. G. Stuart Hamm, Treasurer, presente~ to ~he ~eard a Stmtement together with all warrants for the month of September, L929, thmt were paid by him, the ~oar~ examined said warrants and ordered said statement to be filed. ....... ~~ ~ Ghai rman. At a Regular meeting ef the ~oar~ ef Supervisors ef Albemarle County held at the COurt House ef said county en the 2Otb day o~ November 1929. Present:~J.~.Fray, Chairman and J~E.AbelI A quorum not being present the Board adjourned to meet again on the 27th day ef November 1929.