HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-11-27 At an adjourned meeting of the ~oard of ~upervisors of Albemarle
~OUnty held at the ~'ourt House of said 0ounty on the 2?th day of November 1929.
Present: J,.~.Fray, 0hairman, J',E.Abelt, P,H. Gentry, ~.~urcell ~cCue
and J~A.O'NeilI.
On motion of J.E.AbelI and seconded by 0.Purcell EcCue it is ordered
that ~r. Lewis N~ddox be paid for his four (~:~ sheep that were killed by dogs.
0:n motion duly. Eeconded it is ordered that the Oounty Treasurer
show the amount of delinquent taxes paid him on 1927 and 1928 taxes down %o January
1st 1930.
On motion of ~. Purcell M~Oue &~d seconded by P. E..Gentry it is order,
that Seth Burnley, ~ounty Engineer, determine whether or not the necessary re~uirem~n'
on the ~hchran's Mill Road have been complied with.
At a regular 0cl~ober 1829 meetimg of' the Board it w~s ordered that
Seth Burnley, Coumty ~gineer, report on the ~dvisability of opening a road from
Highway ~28 at ~on~ict ~amp to a point on the Old'Road through the lan~s of R.A. Parr.
The said ~rnley has this day submitted his report and the ~ard bein
of opinion that said report is in due form and should be ad!opted, therefore on motiom
duly'seconded.it is ordered that the ~Ie:rk~ssue-s. ubpoenas to R.A.Parr and ~rs. R.A.~a:
to appear before the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle ~eunty at the Court House of
said ~ounty on the 18th day of Decembmr 1929 at ll:OG O'clock A.~. to show cause,
if ~ny, whM the said report in the m~tter cf opening a public road through their land~
should not be adopted.
In the ma~'ter of relocation of Road over lands of Clarence Wai~r,
on the Road lea~img, from State Highway No, 28 t. othe. 01d Eoorland ~hureh Roa~
It appears to the ~Oard ~hat said ~larnece Wa~er and his ten, ts
have failed to appemr, mhd show aause why the land described .in said report should not~
be conde~ed, therefOre ~he ~rd doth approve s~id repor~ ~nd ~oth diree~ ~hat the. ~
~id ~road be located over and across the lands ef ~he said Clarence Wmlker in mceor ~
dance with said report, all ef which is she~ hy the minutes of this ~ard.
The undersigned ~eunty ~ger by our order ~de em the l~h d~
of July 1529, respectfully report, that he went upon the lands proposed ~o be taken
for a public road from State Route ~25 tea point om 01d ~0erland ~hureh Rea~ on the
2~ day ef JUly 1929 and report ~hereupen ms fello~ ~
1. ~e convemience or inconvenience thm~ will result ~s well to indiv
als as to the public is ms follows:
~lie Gon~enicnce.
~d. ~ said road will not be one ef such~mere private eenvenimnce
as to ~e it proper that it should be opened mnd kept in order by the person er
perse~s for whose convenience it is desired.
~rd. N0 yard, garden er orchard will have to be taken.
(~!arenee WalKer.
§th. T~he following n~med of ~said lam-d owners require compensation.
Glarnece Walker.
8'th. A just compensation to ~he land owners requiring com_~ensatiom
for the said land so taken and for the damage te the residue of the tract beyond
the peculiar benefits to be derived in respect to such residue from the road. cer
leading to be established are as follows.~
~larence Walker $25.0O.
?th, The following are the other facts and circumstances which i$
the opinion of your viewers are useful in enabling your ~ard ~o determine th~~ ex-
pediency of establishing or altering the sa~id road.
Since the construction of State Route ~28 the old road intersects
at such an angle and grade as to be very impracticable.
They herewith return a map of the proposed route.
All of which is respectfully submitted,
Seth BUrnley, ~ounty ~anager.
G. Stuart n~m_m,. Treasurer, presented ~o the ~oard a statement together
with all warrants for the month of-Gctober, 1929, that were-~t~aid by him, the Board
examined said warrants an~'ordered said statement to be f~led.
At a regular meeting of the board of Supervisors of Albera~rle County held
at the Court House of said Coumty on the 18th day of December, 192'~.
Present: J.~. Fray, C~Purce~ll EcCue, P~H. Gentry, J.A.0~Neill, J.E.Abell and
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The undersigned county Eanager appointed by your order made on the 16th day
of October 19~9, respectfully report that I went upon the lands proposed ~o be taken
for a public road from Highway ~8 at Convict Camp to a point om old road on the 19th
day of ~ctober 19~9, and report thereupon as follows:
1.The convenience or inconvenience that will result as well to individuals
as to the public'is as follows:
Public ~onvenience.
Snd. The said road will not be one of such mere private convenienme as to make
it proper that it should be opened and kept i~ order by the person or persons for whose
convenience it is desired.
Std. No yard, garden or orchard will have to be taken.
4th. The name of~the land owners on such route are as follows: