HomeMy WebLinkAbout1929-12-18 Clarence Wal~er. 5th. The following named ef ~aid land cwners require compensation. Glarnece Wal~er, ~th. A just compensation to the land owners requiring compensation for the said land so taken and for the damage te the residue of the tract beyond the peculiar benefits to be derived in respect to such residue from the road ~r leading to be established are as fellowsr Glarence Walker ?th. The following are the other facts and circumstances which the opinion of your viewers are useful in enabling your ~ard to determine tb~· ex- pediency ef establishing or altering the s~id road. Since the construction of State Route #28 the old road intersects at such an angle and grade as to be very impracticable. They herewith return a map of the proposed route. All of which-is respectfully submitted, Seth Burnley, ~eu~ty~nager. G. Stuart Hamm, Treasurer, presented~te the ~oard a Statement ~ogether with all warrants for the month of-Gctobe~, 19~29, that were paid by him, the Board examined said warran, tsan~ o'rdered said statement te be filed. ~~Z~~Oha i rman At a regular meeting of the ~oard of Supervisors of Albemarle County held at the 0curt House of said Ceumty on the t8th day of December, Present: J.E. Fray, ~.Purcell EcOue, P,H. Gentry, J.A.0~Neill, J.E.Abell ~nd W.H.~angherne. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. TO THE HONORABLE ~OARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ALBE~RT~: The undersigned county Ean~ger mppointed by your order m~de on the 18th day of October 1929, respectfully report that i went upon the lands proposed %o be taken for a public road from Highway #28 at Convict C~mp to a point om old road on the l~th d~y of ~ctober 1929, and report thereupon as follows: 1.The convenience or inconvenience that will result as well to individuals' as %o the public is as follows: Public Convenience. 2nd. The said road will not be one of such mere private convenienae as to ma~e it proper that it should be opened ~nd kept i~ order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. No. ~rd. No y~rd, garden or orchard will have to be taken. None. Ath. The name of~the land owmmrs on such route ~re as follows: ~h. The following named of said land owners require compensation. 8th. a Just compensation to the land ovrners requiring compens~a~.e~?for the said Land so t~ken and For ~he damabe te the residue of the tract beyond the peculiar benefits ~o be derived in respect to such residue from the road or l~n~ing ~o be est~b. lished are as follows: ~.A; Parr $50. 7th. ~he following are ~he other facts ~nd oirc~stances which in the o~in~ of your viewers are useful in enabling your Board .~e determine the expendience of establishi~ or altering the said road. iQeccessary due ~o change in State Road at this point. ~ey herewith return a map of the proposed route. All of which is respectfully submitted, Seth ~rnley, ~ounty ~n~ger The Board ef $'upervisors consid'ered the above report at length and confirm~ said report, and ordered thmt said road be relocated in accordance with report of of said viewers. R.A. Parr mppeared'in person mnd objected to the viewers report and re- quested that commissioners be appointed. The moard proceeded to appoint ~.D.Holladay, J.B~Kegley, ~.C. Garnetl, A.E.Ec~urdo and ~.$~.Teel to proceed ~o examine said property on the llth day ef January 19~O and file their report in writing on January l§th 19~O. d TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE 00UNTT ~F ALBE2~RLE: The undersigned $ounty Eanager appointed by ~raur order made on the l?th da~ of July i929, respectfully report that I went upon the lands proposed ~o be taken for a public road from ~ys ~ord to the 01d ~ichie Tavern on ~he 2~rd day of July I~.~29, am report thereupon as follows: Ist., ~he convenience or inconvenience that will result as well ~o individu~ as to the public is as follows. Public convenience. 2nd. The said road will not be one of such mere private convenience as to make it proper that it should be opened and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. No. Srd. ~o yard, garden or erck~rd will have to be t~ken. ~o. ~th. The names of the land owners on Such route are as follows: Silas Jackson ~th. The following named of said land o~ers require compensation: Silas Jackson. ath. a Just compensation to the land owners require compensation for the said land se taken and for the damabe to the residue of the tra~t beyond ~he peculiar benefits ~o be derived in respect to such residue from the road or landing ~o be established are as follows: ~ilas Jackson $25.00. They herewith return a n~p of the proposed route. All of Which is respectfully submitted, ~he Board cf ~upervisors considered the above report at length and confirmed said repo-rt, and ordered that smid re~d be relocated in accordance with report ef said Silas Jackson appeared in person and objected to the County Eanager~s repot and requested that commissioners be appointed. The Beard proceeded to appoint Holladay, ~.B.~egley, M.~.Garnett, A..E.Ec~urdo mnd ~.S. Teel to proceed 2o examine said property on the llth d~y of ~anuary 193G mnd file their report in writing on the iSth day of ~anuary l~0. G. Stuart H~wm~., Treasurer, submitted 1928 delinquent list and was instructed to publish said list. G.Stuart Ha~, Treasurer, presented to the ~oard a statement together ~ith all warrants for the month ef November 1929, that were paid by him, the ~oard e~amined said ~rrants and ordered said statement to be filed. At a regular meeting of the ~oard of Supervisors ef Albemarle 6ounty, Virginia, held at the Gourt house of said Coun%y on the 15th day cf January 1~30. Present: J.E;Fray, Chmi~man, J,E.Abell, C,Purcell ~c~-ue, P.H.~ try and W.H.Langhorne. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. In the matter of the election of officers of the B6'ard for the year 19S0. The ~oard v~as called to order and on motion duly seconded G.Purcell McC. ue was unanimously elected temporary C-hmirman. The temporary chairman called for nonimations of candidates for 2he office of Chai_Fman of the ~oard and on motion .of W.H,Langhorne and seconded by P,H,Gentry, J.M. Fray was unanimously elected Chmirman for the year 1930. The Temporary chairman called for nominations of candidates for the office of Vice-chairman of the ~oard and on motion ef W.H.Langhorne and seconded by J.E.Abell, P.H.~entry was unanimously elected vice-chairman for the year i 9~$o Whereupon J.M. Fray took his seat as Chairman and appointed the Finance Committee for the year 1930 composed of the following members O.l~rceli Mcgee, Chairm~n, J.E.Abell and P.H,Gentry. In the matter of the Oo~r~nissioner's report on the road from ~onvict 0mmp on Highway #28 to a point on the old road near the property of j.D.Mawyer. The commissioners appointed at the regular December 1929 meeting of the board met en the llth day of Jmnuary 1930 and have this day returned their report. All parties in interest being notified and the report in the opinion of the B~ard is in due form; therefore on motion duly seconded it is unanimously ordered that said report be adopted.