HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-01-15 ~he ~oard of Supervisors considered the above report at length and confirmed s~id report, and ordered that s~id read. be relocated in accordance with report ef said Silas Jackson appeared in person and objected to the County Eanager~s rep~ and requested that co~mmissioners be appointed. The Board proceeded to appoint ~,I~. Holladay, J.E.~egley, ~.CoGarnet~, E.E..Ec~rdo and ~.S. TeeI ~o proceed ~o examine said property on the llth day of January l~3G mnd file their report in writing on the l~th day of J~nuary 19~30. G. Stuart Ha~, Treasurer, submitted 1~28 delinquent list and was instructed to publish said list. G.Stuart Harem, Treasurer, presente~ to 2he ~oard a statement together 9ith all warrants for the month of November 1929, that were paid by him, the ~oard e~mined said warrants and ordered said statement to be filed. Chai rman At a regular meeting of the ~oard ef Supervisors of Albemarle ~ounty, Virginia, held at the Oourt house of said County on the 15th day of January 1930. Present.: J.l~.Fray, Chairman, J.E.Abell, C;Purcell McOue, P.H. Me~ try and V[.H. Langho rne. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. In the matter of the election of officers ef the BS~ard for the year 19$0. The Board was called ~o order and on motion duly seconded C. Purcell t~c~ue was unanimously elected temporary C.hmirn~an. The temporary chairman called for nonimations ef candidates for 2he office of 0hairman of the t~oard and on motion .of V~.H,l~anghorne and seconded by P.H.Gentry, j.M. Fray was unanimously elected Chairman for the year 1930. The Temporary chairman called for nominations of candidates for the office of Vice-chairman of the Ooard and on motion ef W.H.Langhorne and seconded by J.E. Abell, P.H.~entry was unanimously elected vice.chairman for the year I 9~$. ~hereupen J.~[.Fray took his seat as ~hairman and appointed the Finance Committee for the year 1930 composed of the following members O. PurcelI McCue, Chairma'n, J.E.Abell and P.H, Gentry. In the matter of the ~on~missioner's report on the road from Convict on Highway #28 to a point on the old road near the property ef J.D.~Iawyer. The commissioners appointed at the regular December 1929 meeting of the board met on the llth day of Jmnuary 1930 and have this day returned their report. All parties in interest being notified and the report in the opinion of the Beard is in due form; therefore on motion duly seconded it is unanimously ordered that said report be adopted. STATE OF VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ALBE~ARLE T0-WIT: C0t~II SSI 0NERB' REPORT t, ~.L~upmn, a dlerk in and for the ~ounty aforesaid ~o certify that V~. I).Holladay, ~,l~.Garnett, J~B.Kegley ~nd A.E.tlcI~urde have this day made oath before me that they will faithfully and impartially ascertain what will be a just compensation for such land (o~ for such interest or estate in the lan~) of the freehold whereof E~A.Parr and wife tenant, and for such other property as is proposed ~o be taken by the ~ounty of Albemarle for a public road, award the damages, if any, resulting to the adjacent and other property of said tenant or owner and to the property of any other person, beyond the peculiar benefits that will accrue to such properties respect ively from the construction and operation of a public road from 0onvict Gsmap on Highwal #28 to a point on the eld road near the property of a~.i),~lawyer and will property certi the same. Given under my hand this llth day of January 1930. ~, Lj ~l~aupin, (~lerk TO THE HONORABLE B0~RD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEt~ARLE: We, J.'B..Kegley, D~.O. Garnett, W.D.Holladay and A.E~Ecl~urdo, commissioners appointed by your Honorable Body to ascertain what will be a just compensation for suet part of the land (or for such interest in the land) of the freehold whereof R.A.Parr tenant, and for such ~ther property as is proposed to be taken by the ~oun%y of Albema~ for a public read from old Convin~ 'Camp on State Highway ~28 te point on old road near J.D.i~awyer and lo assess the damages, if any, resulting to the adjacent or other prope of said tenant or owner, beyond the peculiar benefits that will accrue ~o said propert respectively from the construction and operation of the said public road, do certify that on the llth day of January 1950, the day designated in the said order, we met together on the said part of the land of R.A.Parr, the limits of which part were then and there described to us as ~follows ~o-wit: A public road 30 feet wide from 01d ~onvict Camp on Highway ~28 to point on old road ~oin~ng the property of J.A.l~awyer and after being duly sworn, upon a revi of the part aforesaid and of the adjacent and other property of said owner who would be damaged in their property ~y the construction and operation of the said road; and upon such evidence as was before us, we are of opinion and do ascertain that for lhe said part (or for the interest or estate in the part) and for the other property so taken FORTY DOLLARS ($40.00) will be a just compensation . And the dsmm%ges to the adjacent or other property of said tenant or owner by reason of the construction and operation of the said road, beyond the peculiar benefits that will accrue to said prope.rties respectively from the construction and operation of such road are none. Given under our hands this llth day of June 1930. C.t~. Garne tt V~.D.Holladay A.E .t~c~,iurd o J.B.~Kegley ~y 'ty In the matter of the Commissioners' report on the road from a Point on the ~ree I~nion-Earlysville Read near Yacob Vials l~ail box to the Jewel! property on the ~'k~kenbarger Road, through the lands of 8ilas B~Jackson. The commissioners appointed al: the regular December l~ meeting of the board met on the llth day Of January I~aO and have this day returned their report; /all parties in interest being notified that the report in the opinion of the ~oard is in due form; therefore on motion duly seconded it iS unanimously or- Bored that s~id report be adopted. C0~_~V~iSSIONERS ' REPORT STATE OF VIRGIlg~A COUNTY OF ALBEI~ARI~ TO WIT: I~ ~,L.Maupin, a 01erk in and for the County aforesaid d'o certify that ~'.D'.Holladay, C.~,Garnett, J.B,tf~gley and A.E.l~cEurdo have this day made oath before me that they will faithfully and impartially ascertain what will be a just compensation for such land (or for such interest or estate in the land) of the freehold whereof Silas B..Jackson tenant, and for such other property as is proposed to be taken by the County of Albemarle for a public road, award ~he damages, if any, resulting to the adjacent and. other property of said tenant or e~n'~- and to the property of any other person, beyond the peculAAr benefits that willmacerue to such properties respectively from lhe construction and operation of a public road from A point on the Free Union-- Earlysville Road near Jacob Via's l~ail box to the Jewett property on the E~ckenbarger Road and will properly certify the same. Given under my hand this llth day of January 19~0. ~?. L.~I~upin, Olerk. TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE-COUNTY OF ALBE3iARt~ We, J,B.Iiegley, E.O.Gs~rnett, A.E.3~al~urdo ~nd '~.D~.Holladay~ commissioners appointed by your Honorable Body to ascertain what will 'be a just compensation for such part of the land (or for such interest er estate in the land) of the freehold whereof tenant, and for such other properly as is proposed to be taken.:by the ~ounty of Alben~rle for a public road from a point near Jacob Via's mail box to the Jewett property and ~o assess the damages, if any, resulting to the adjacent or other property of s~ai~ tenant or owner, beyond the peculiar benefits that will ac~crue to .said properties respectively from the construction and operation of the said public road, do certify that on the lIth day of January 19~80, the day designated in ~he said order, we met together on the said ~part of the land of gilas Jackson' the limits of which part were .then and there described to us as follows: lo-wit: A road 80 feet wide and approximately 1200 feet long through the pine woods' from a point near Jacob Via's mail box to the old Jewel! property and after being duly sworn, upon a review of .the part aforesaid and of the adjacent and other property of said owner who would be damaged in their property by the construction and operation of the said roads and upon such evidence as wes before us, we are of opinion and do ascertain that for the said par~ (or for the interest or estate in-the part) and for the other property so taken NIFTY DOLLARS ($90.00~ will be a just compenstatien. And the damages to the adjacent or other property of said tenant or owner by reason of the construction and operation of the said road, beyond the peculiar benefits that will accrue to said properties respectively from the construction and operation of such road are none. C.M.e~rnet~ On motion duly seconded it is ordered that the sum Of $400.00 be appropriated for the C~ildren's Home Society of ~irginia. Polled vote. Aye.. l~ssrs FTay, AbelI,~ Gentry, Langhroen and ~cCue No. none On motion duly seconded it is ordered that the ~oard of Supervisors of Alben~rle CoUnty cooperate with the Chamber of Gommerce in trying to secure the co-ordinate Colla~e at the University of Virginia. G. Stuart. Hamm, Treasurer, presented to the ~oard a statement ~o~ether with all warrants for the month of December 1929, that where paid by him, the ~ard examined said warrants and ordered said statement to be filed. rm~n on record as oppos~ to the bill introduced ~y Senator I~ym~n in the Senate of Vi. rgix in regard to the distribution of Gas Tax. adopted, WHEREAS under the l~ws of the State of Virginia it i~ required that the accounts of'the several officers handling State mmd County ~"Unds be audited b~y an official from the State Auditor's Department, and W'HE~S it b~s been the fortune of this County for several ye&rs past to have the services of Er. AaL,VanName in auditing the TSe&surer's accounts. T~REFORE HE IT RESOLVED that the ~o~rd of Supervisors of Alben~rte County, Virginia, extend to Er. VanlSame its many thanks for his painstaking and efficient work in auditing the treasurer's accounts of this county and for the help and courtesy rendered this BOar~. AND ~ IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these ~esolutions be spread on the minutes of this board and a copy sent the Hon. C. Lee ~oo~e, Auditor Public Accounts of the State of Virginia, and to ~. A.L.V~nName. On motion of C.~arce~l McOne mnd seconded hy P.E. Gentry be it resolve that our Representatives in the Generml Assembly be requested to vote against any change in the present l~w requiring commissioners of the Hevenue to n~ke reassessmen~ of land. On motion duly-seconded the followin~ resolution was unanimously BE IT RESOLVED that the BOard o~f Supervisors of Albemm~rl~ '~o~ go At a Called meeting of the ~o&rd of'Supervisors of Albemarle Country held on the 24th day of January lO3G. Present: J.t~ Fray~ Chairn~n, P.E.Gentry, J.E.Abell, O.Purcell Ec~bae J.A.0'Neill and W.H,Langhorne.