HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-01-24 On-motion duly seconded it is ordered that ~he sum ~f $400.00 be appropriated for the .~ildren's Home Society of ~irginia. Polled vote. Aye. Ii~ssrs Fray, Abelt, Gentry-, Langhroen and ~cCUe No. none On motion duly seconded it is ordered that the board of Supervisors of Albemarle CoUnty cooperate with the Chamber of Gommerce in trying to secure the co-ordinate Colla~e at the University ef ~irginia. G. Stuart Ham~m, Treasurer, presented to the ~Qard a statement ~oEether with all warrants for the month of December 1929, that where paid by him, the examined said warrants and ordered said statement ~o be filed. ~n At a ~alled meeting of th6 ~o&rd of'Supervisors of Albemarle Ooun~ty held on the E4th day of ~anuary 19S~. Present: J.~ Fray~ Chairn~n, P.E. Gentry, J.E.Abell, C.Purcell ~c~ue, J.A.0'Neill and. W.H. Langhorne. Vf~[EREAS under the laws of the State of Virginia it is required that the accounts of the several officers handling State and ~ounty FUnds be audited by an official from the State Auditor's Department, and WHEP~S it has been the f~rtune of %his County for several years past to have the services of ~r. A,L,VanName in auditing the T~easurer's accounts. THEREFORE ~ IT RESOLVED that the ~oard of Supervisors of Albe~rle ~ounty, Virginia, extend to Er..¥anName its many thanks for his pain,taking and efficient work in auditing the treasurer's accounts ef this county and for the help and courtesy rendered this Boar~, AND HE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these ~esolutions be sprea~ on the minutes ef this hoard and a copy sent the He~. C. Lee ~o~e, Auditor Public Accounts of the State cf Virginia, and to !~r. A.L.V~nName. On mCtiom of C,~arcell ~cOne mnd seconded By P.H. Gentry be it resolve that our Hepresentatives in the General A~sembly be requested to vote against any change in the present law requiring commissioners of the Hevenue to make reassessment of land. adopted, On motion duly' seconde~ the following resolution was unanimously BE IT RESOLVED that the Be. ard oef Supervisors of Albemarle County go on record, as oDpose~ to the bill introduced ~y Senator Laym~n in the Senate ef Virgin in regard to the distributie~ of Gas Tax.