HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-02-19 ~t a Regular ~reeti-ng of the ~°ard of Supervisors of Albemarle ~;ounty, ~irginia , held at the ~ourt House of said 0Ounty on the 19th day of February 19~. Present: W.]~.~ray, Chairman, P,H, Gentry, J.E.Abell~ O.Purcell ~cOue and J'.~. 0 'Net iI. The minutes of ~'he last meeting were read and approved. RESOLVED by the ~oard of ~upervisors of Albemarle Oounty that this Board is opposed to the discontinuance by the (~heaapeake & Ohio aailway Company o~f the agency at ~'echums' River Depot in this 0ounty as proposed by ~he said naiiway oomPany; and that the Commonwealth's Attorney of this County be requested ~o appear, if in bls judgment necessary, before .the State Oorpo~ration Commission in opposition to any movement on t~he part of the said Railv~y Company looking toward the abandon- ment of said agency or the closing of said depot. A petition signed by many residents of the county urging the Bo~ard ef Supervis- ors .to offer ~ reward for the capture and conviction of thieves, who have stolen a great many~.fowle from nearly all sections of the county, was presented to the board and after a discussionof the matter, TP2~REFORE ON ~OTION of C.Purcell ~cCue and seconded by J.E.Abell it is or dered that a reward of Fifty Dollars ($50.) be offered for the capture and conviction of any party or parties engaged in the Larceney of fowls. Polled Vote. Aye: Fray, Gentry, Abell, ~cCue and 0~Neill no: None On motion ef C~Purcell Ec0ue and seconded by P.H.Gentry it is ordered that Seth~ Burnley, County Em.nager, be authorized to cover the roof of the buildings on the James a. Jones farm, %he property ef Albemarle County. On motion of J.A,0Neill.and seconded by P..H~ Gentry it is ordered that a reie of wire be purchased to repair the fences on the Jones proper~y upon condition that the ten on the farm cut the pines; A bill for the relief of taxes of the~Albem~rle S~apstone Company was presented to the board, for its approval before being introduced in the General Assembly of Va. and after a thorough discussion of the matter the Board w~s of opinion that the bii± was detremental to the best interest o~ the County, THEREF0~ ON EOTION of P.H, Gentry and seconded by C.Purcell ~cOue the following resolution was unanimouslyad0pted: BE IT RESOLVED that the Be~ard of Supervisors of Albemarle Oeun~ty is opposed to ~ny bill introduced in the General Assembly of Virginia seeking relief from ~axes, whether private or corporate, and that a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to our representatives in both branches of the assembly. A bill for the relief of taxes of the Fallsbury Power Company was presented to the board for its approVal before being introduced in the General Assembly of Va. and after a thorough discussion of the matter the Board was of opinion that the bill was determental te the best interest of the County, THEP~FORE ON ~OTION of P~H. Gentry mnd seconded by ~.~urcell ~c0ue the following reso±ution w~s unanimous!y adopted: BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Alben~rle ~eunty is opposed Bo any bill introduced in the ~eneral Assembly of ~irginia seeking relief from taxes, whether privmte or corporate, and t~at m co~y of these resolutions be forwarded to our representatives in both branches of the ~ssemblyo On motion ef O.Purcell ~cCue and seconded by J.A.0'Neill it ~s ordered that the appropriation for m~intenance to the Ee, ards of ~mblie ~elfare be increase~ from $8~.GG per month to SZOG.00 per month. Po±led Vote: Aye, Fray, Abell, Gentry, an8 O'Neill No. none On motion of C.Purcell EcCue~and seconded by~J.E.Abell it is ordered that the delinquent tax collector or collectors use ~ll the remedies at law ~n the co±±ection of Delinquent taxes. in the matter of a change or relocation~.~f dritzers~R0~,~ia mn~outlet on Btate Highway #?00 a% Gillocks and Pughs~it is- ordered that Seth ~urniey, County ~L~n~ger, go over the same and report back at its nest regular meeting. ~le rk