HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-03-19 Et a Eegular meeting of the ~oard of Supervisors ofAibema.~ie ~ounty held at the Court house of said C0~ty on the 19th day of ~a.r~h 193~. Present~ ~.Fray, Chairman, J.E~Abell, P.~:~ Gentry, ~.Purcell ~c0ue, and J,A.0,Neill, The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. COI~MONW~F~LTH OF VIRGINIA ALBEMARt~ COUNTY BUDGET ESTIMATES PrePared in accordance with the provisions of section 1 of Chapter S~ 'of the Acts of Assembly of 1~27'. Year endind June 30r'29 ApPr. yr. en~, Ol~ssification ApPr, EXpen. JUne 30,.'30 proposed Appr. year ~nd.jUne 30'$1 inc-. & Dec,.. AllOwed EXPEEq)ITURES FROE C0,FUNDS. ~['dmini'Strati om. Salaries & ~a~ents Board of Oo~ty ~Ierk Sheriff CO~enwealth Arty, Treasurer Corr. oF Revenue ~o.umty ~nage r 0 f fi c e SU.Dpties:/etc. i00O.00 11.18.50 1000.00 1400.00 1~00.00 I70~.00 i200.00 1431.50 1415.00 1200'.00 1200.00 1200.00 15000,00-': I5~00. O0 · 1300:~.00/ 65~8~9t':: .6'568:.~1- 5EGO ~00': 3600 .'00: ..- 2I-lO. :6'2 2000; O0 1200 uO0 1700 · O0 I450.00 1200. O0 1500:0. O0 65~.00 36O0. O0 320./).. ,00 3:~92'0~ O0 Total for Ad~nistratien 2U:470.50' $2629,53' 32'48'5.91 i200,00 l?O0. O0 1450. O0 1200.00 15000.00 65?0.00 3600. O0 3200. O0 ~2920. O0 JUDICIARY salaries & special C~rcuit ~udge~ ~Co.) JuVenile judge ere 890.00 1200.00 8go.o0 1200.00 360.00 560.00 360.00 2000.00 I735:,18 ~2000.00 2000.00 2890.00 ~295,18 3250.00 5560.00 Jury Commrs. etc. TOtal for Sudi¢iary 1200, O0 560.00 2000..,00 3560. GO PUBLI 0 BU'~INGS Jani tot, s ',- s~lary Re.p~i rSr'-~ et e, 60U. O0 720. O0 720 . O0 3500. O0 $79~9t .~- 3500. O0 3500. O0 ?20.00 3 500. O0 TOtal fb~ BUildings 4100. O0 45'I9, 9I 4-220. O0 -4220;00 4220. O0 ELECTIONS TiTEP00R PUBLIC t1F_~LTH 2000.00: 354'4',59 3000.00 1~000,00 8522;33''~ 700'0.00 7000.00 6g~5,.,GO:;' 7500.00 3000.00: 80~010. 'O0 750'0 ,;GO" 5000.00 8000.00- 7500.00 TOTAL ANINALS~AND::~RDS. Bounties Ce0~ensation'f~:r~amimals Other e~p.e~ses.~ Total fOr Nmr~s etc 19000~OO "-- leJO:'4~[:.~ 92 1750.0', O0 I8500'~, 00 1500.0~ 12~gl. I5 1500.00 $O00';'GO 58~-4,~95~ ' ,4500. O0 4000 ~00.00' '~ggj 96'" ~00 .~eg- 400. 1400. O0 5000 .-GG' - 5:~46,.-06:-:'..'.16400.00 5800.00 1400 . O0 18 500. O0 4000.00 400.'00 4400.00 tup) EDU0~Tt0E. Ealary. cf ~ ~Upt. Other EXp.. Teachers 3680.00 4480 · 00 4500 , 00 4 500~:00 4500 . O0 57~50 ,I9 53846, 35 37500. O0 54920 , O0 54920.00 lS0200, O0 139500.00 159000., O0 i82700.00 162700,00 E~u-oat i.on 191530,19 197826,35 201000.00 222120.00 Sa .12o.oo ~UiPmen~ etc, TOtal for..Roa~s 23000.00 18282.34 23000.00 28000.00 ~8000.00 PAYMENT'OF CO, BONDEDDEBT. Interest TOtal P~id lO00O.O0 I0000.00 10000.00 10000.00 i0000.00 OTHER EXP. FR0li COUNTY l~JND ]~emonstrati on 3000.00 2852.15 3400.00 3400.00 3400.00 Fire Protect. 300~00 35.24 300.00 300.00 300.00 Floating Debt i00000.00 ~niva,~ hospital 1000.00 95000.00 ?5000.00 75000.00 75000.00 1000.00 lOOO.O0 1000.00 i000.00 Pensions 6350.00 5260.00 6~50.00 6350.00 6350.00 Shenand cab Park 5000, O0 5000.00 5000,00 5000,00 Library Fund Chitdrens nome: soc. 400. O0 400.00 400.00 400.00- 400100 600.00 1000.00 400.00 Set aside for emergencies 2000.00 1253.79 4000.O0 4000.00 Total from Co, 1t765~,00 Funds. DISTRICT FUNDS. Dl stri e~ ~o. 1 0h'ville Educatio~ 227, 50 10!5!799. ~8 95850, O0 95~50',.00 96460,00 124.85 22'/. 50 227~ 50 227.50 Roads 13000.00 17865.65' 13000,00' 150'00,00 15000.00 Other Ex, 47000.00 DiStrict NO. 2 Ivy Education 3'282.?1 ROads 6100. O0 Other ex. 9000, O0 District No.S Education- Rivan~,a- Roads 5590,88 14700.00 46878~08 46-t46~9~ 4?000.00 47000,00 3227.81 I~0.85 8646.65 6100.00 6100.00 6100.00 10794.54 9000.00 9000,00 9000.00 2668.74 1217.13 171~ 74-' 14700'; O0 22450;00 ,22450.00 Other ex; 20300.00 24558.79 20S00:,00 20300,00 20300.00 D~strict No.4 Sam' 1 ~[iller Education 10150, O0 iIo ad s 1670'0 7723.06 63:72.20 19387, 20:. 16?00 *:00. 20~00. O0 30200.00 Other ex~ 'District No.5 Seottsville Education 28.000. O0 74'40. O0 35635. 28000. 9032.391 5845.80 28000.00' 28000.00 l~,Oad s 13300. O0 Other ex.. 39.000~00 139/6-0~, 59 1~'00~: O0 40//43.2S" 300~00; O0 1SSO:0:.0G 13800,00 3~000'.00 39000.00 District No.6 White Hall Ecacation 5226.07 5081:,48~ 3:2:09.35 aoads 81~0.00 Other ex. 19000.00 19S7g~4S t9000z.,00'1 8[00~,00 8100.00 tgOOD',OO-~' 19000,00 Grand Totml-~c~nty & ~i'striot Expenditures 664758.75 68~210.,19 645905..65 S~¥ OF- .¢0UNT~ AND D I STRI CT EX~]~NDI TURES Education 221447.35 Roads 94909.~O0- General EXpense 17230o. 00 int.'& Einking FUnds 176111.40 225684,68 219852,83 222347.50 t04906.35 94900,00 113750.00 17055t.78 t59705.91- 160850,00 I87887.38-t71445,91 I72300.00 66S447.50 222347.50 !.13750.00 160050,.00 172300.00 TOTAL 66'4'758. ?5 689'210.15 ~ 645903.65 669247.50 668447.50 Submi,tl~e4. to the l~eard, ef Supervisors mi~r~h-lg~h i9SG by Seth ~rnley ~ounty Manager. . On thi.s,,,.~he 19th day of February 19~0', the ~oard of aupervisors of Albe- ~rle County met for ~he purpose of preparing and considering the local hedger of said ~o=nty, Thereafter and on said day there ~s filed the foregoing estimate. Thereafter ~sai. d estim~te. was duly considered by the ~oard which Xn accord- ance with iaw.,fixes~as a~ da.~e-of hearing eh_ said~esti~:~-%he da~ of ~rch lgth 1950, at the hour of'm'll't:00-A,~,~ .off saidt da~-,~ said- hemri~-'to: b:e '~d'~:a~'.'the Court House in Albe~rle The-Clerk of'the '~'rd-~of'~Supervi'Sors ~s ~i~cted to publish a s~eps.Is:~, ef~: b~.dga%' ~:am~:<~he..ne~i:ce- of': ~aring, ~ ms .required by law,. in the Sec t t svi lie. News :~&.~ ~a~l et te:s~ t le~Dai.l~ ::..Pro~ess ~a. newspaper having Sene~l circulation ~ tke~:.loemti,~y~mf2ec2ed,..~t'lea~:~en::dmys p~o.r ~$0 the date set ~or hearing. J,.~,.E~ay¥--Ch~airm~n B'oard of Supervisors $,L,Ma~pi'ny. Cle.~l~ ~'BiOard of Supervisors. C O~MON~EALTE~,-OF ~VIRGI-NIA A LBE~, i COUNTY ESTI~TE20FL !'~_.,.VE~? ~',B~OWINGS Prepared i n'Acc,a~d:~ee; 'with:..t'he-_:pn~isio~s::ef"Seeiien. lff~ief'-Cha~'ter 3~ of the Acts of:' As-semb~ --o~; 19 27 Cia s si fi ca t Eear/ end. yea'r end. JUne' S0'29 June$(~' SO aetua 1 E s t. ~OUNTY REVEI~GE: Taxes on Real Est & Tangible P.P. 15Gi72-74 Taxes on ReaL,.Est & Tangible Public Set. ~crp. ~apitatiom Taxee Dog Taxes School FundS-f~em~-St. 158500.,00 16487'6.05 Delinquent iaxes etc. Other Revenues TOtal Revenue... 489[?; 2v4:" 53100. O0 3200,07'~ 550'0'; O0 5453.00. 5700 98602'~'59 982/)G,.~ 00. 504A, 61 4200'~ O0 5'4203; 90 3~'00, O0 5AO0. O0 103000. O0 20000. O0 15000. O0 Year'~Endil~g June 30, 1951 ' Ten2ative "inC, 'over yr. R'ec. Final ~st. st'~ma2e, June 3G' 30 164876. OS 54203.90 3400. O0 5400.00 103000. O0 20000. ~0 150O 0. O0 365879,93 COUI/TY~ BOREO~i~S Sh~rt~ term r. cans TO t~l_ ~C rrowings 95000,00 75000.00 ?5000.00 ?5000,00 DISTRICT REVEI~T2S dhar lo e~t e svi lle 65551.02 57500.00 64000.00 64000.00 ' t ' ~'Vy~s not Rlvanna District lg207.89 18000.00 16000.00 16000.00 43245.96 38700,00 39500.00 39500.00 ~amuet ~iiler ~ist. 56788.66 46520.00 46500.00 46500.00 SCo.ttsvills Dist; 61652.88 55000.00 §,~5~,-. O0 54500,00 35~0,22 32700.00 30000.00 3O000.00 Total ~istrict ~evenue 281836.63 248220.00 250500.00 25O5OO.OO TOTAL DISTRICT REVENUE AND BORROWINGS 281836.63 248220.00 250500'.00 250 500. O0 TOTAL CO-ONTY REVEICJE AND BORROWINGS 419283.55 4Ii950.00 44087V. 93 440879.93 GRAND TOTAL COUNTY A.ND ~ISTRICT REVEllUE AND 701120.18 660170.00 6~1379.93 691379.93 BORROWINGS Submitted to the BOard of ~upervi so rs February' tgth 1930. Seth? ~nley ~nty- -Nanager. On this the 19th day~ o. fL, FebrUmry,. /.1930., the Beard el' S~pervisors of?A'lbem~rle ~oumty --accordance with ~taw.: fixed"~aa..a, da2e-:of hearing on said'estimate the day of ~reh 19t~ 1930, at the hour of ll:0G A.~. of said-'day., said hearing' ~o be held at the Court Housef in Albemarle~:¢ou~y, Virginia. ~e Clerk' off'the ~oard~.'of SuperviSors was directed to publish a synopsis of the...budget and the noti~ of hearing, as re- ~mred by law~ i.n~ the ScottsVille Sews and ~rlotteSVille Daily ~rogress a newspape~ having general oirc~atian~ in the ~ local, i~y afffected,~- ai~. t~s~.- ten~. days prior to t~e date set for:hearing. J,ii~A.E-ray~.: ~hairman:, Board of SuperviS W.r;'~upin~ ¢:tel~,'~:a~rd of Supervisor Thei.~ard proeeedimg':%o' lay:' 't'he~.~'goun~y-levieSr.~fe:r.-the year 1930, order that the ~ommissi-o:ner of. the .Revenue~/of. ~be~le..~o~y assess and"~he Treasurer of the County of..Albe~rle .collect 'on 'a~I1 ~a~b~e~'~re~[~.es~te?and'aI~.-~axable tangi ble person~ proDerty, estate at the general rea.~.essment of l~s i~: 19'2'5~ uaed: or emp'ieyed:.l~',in"a., ~nuf~oturing or ~ning business ta~ble by ihe~S2ate..~,.on. ~vi:i~mi$.:-.in~mdi~>~t.l~c ~i~ce corporati property (exc.ept:: the r~lling stock of railroadsoperated-~by:;~.ete~:~based upon the assessment fi~:d' :-by.~ the State '-.COrporation ~ommi'ssi~a~.- and:-::ce~,i;~ed-.;by~ i t to the S · , Board of .uper~i:sors ~tk as ~ lo-'~.tiem~,a~, ualuation: FOr 'General 'County pu~'eses,, ei~iy ~ive;~ (85) coat.s- on every one hun- dred dollars wo=th., of-said property. ~rs, For County Scl~ool purposes, eighty~8~ cents on every one hundred dollars worth of Said property, and for pension funds 'f, iVe ~.05) cents on every one hundred dollars worth of said property. And the Commissioner of ~evenue shall Levy and ~he Treasurer shall collect on all of said property for D~str2ct ~oad purposes except that i~ imcerporate~ towns that ~intain ~heir o~ streets and roads, as follows, to-wire-- (I) In ~he ~he~let2esville ~strict five (.05) cents on~ every one hundred dot,ars worth of said property~ ~2) In the, IVy ~strict thirty-five ~.35) cents on eve~ one-hundred dollars worth o~ said property; ~S) In the ~i~n~ ~istrict twenty-five (,25~ cents on every one h~dred dol- lars worth of said property; (~'~ ~n the S~el ~lller ~strict thirty (,30) cents cn .every~one hundred dollars worth of said property; ~5~ in the SeottsvIlle ~istrict thirty (.S0~ cents on every one hundred do~ iars worth of said'property; (~6~ In the ~ite ~11 District thirty five (.35~ cents on every one hundred dollars worth of said property~ And'lfer interest and sinking ~nds for district road bonds, the of ~evenue sba-il, lle~ and the T'reas~r: shal~l collect 'em ail of~ said property as follows: (~ In the ~I.ettes~it~e~'Dis~ric~ one do. Ilar-.~and ~'r~y .~$1'~40) cents on every one hu~dred~ ~ollars~ wor~h~.o~ 'said pro~perty$ (2~ in the~ Ivy-D~:st'ric~ one~ dO:llar-mnd~_~en ~_~$1, IO~ Cents-on every one hundred dollars wor~h-cf said property; ~3~ In ~2he Riv~District eighty five ~$,85~ cents on every one hundred dol- lars worth of said property; (~) In the ~muel Miller District one dollar and ten cents ~$1,/~0~ on every hundred ~ollmrs worth ~ef ~id property; ~ in the Scettsville District one dollar and sixty cents ~$1~60) on every one hundred d.o~ti.mrs worth of said (~ In ~e ~ite ~lI ~istrict one dollar and fifty five 'cents ('$1.55) every one bund=ed ~dollars worth ef~ said~ property. AndI the~Go~ssiomer ef. Re~enue s~'I lea'and the~Zreasurer shall also cot- le~t for District Roa~ ~rpeses em all go~.s,.: ~res, me~mndise m~d capital of merchants on .~nd~the 1st ~a~.~ cfi Jmnuar~ l~, whether betonging':~'~o individUals, ce rporat ions e.r'..eemPanies, thi ~y ~cemts~:: ~, 3G) on- every':o~~ ~hund~d~:dollars wor th of such property. At the.. re que:s~-' of.)Seth'-~'Bu"rnle y, C oumt.y~ :~anager¥-~ and.. :-i~t:~':ap~earing that no t i ce s were on the... 5.r.d:.d:ay:-:Of- Februa:rY~tg'~, that.-b:em-ng:.~'l~2: da~' eff:.:~ Feb~ ry Tern of the Circuit Cour%.~-ef.'_Albe~rte::"~u~, Va, Court ho~.e of said CoUnty~a~ ~t: two to be closed; therefore on ~ti~on'~uty~ secende~J~Keg~eY~, U~D.HOlla~ay~ P.C-Hinor, O,~. Garnett and S.T.~ite are~mm~p~i:~e~m~:~viewers tO view a portion of: the County Road from Rock ~ar Greek to the point it enters-'~thm-.new~remd~2~rs. Eer2is'.~' ent~nce and:~ ~e report l~n writing . whether in their epinien..any, ~ndi~fanY whmt~ inconvenience would ~result from discom- tinuing sai~ rea~ ~aa~abo~e set out.~. ~e viewers-sha~l m~e~m~g~ ~:00 A.[. on the 12th At the. Regu~r ~brua~y meeting of the Board it was ordered that Seth ~rn£ey, ~ounty Engineer,' report on the advisability of opening a road from State ~0utE ~39 2o Nelson County line via Gritzers ~hop through the l~nds of Ha~horne Goodloe and E~a Cook, ~e sa~d ~nley has tb~s d~y suborned ~is rePor~ ~nd ~he ~rd being cf opinion that ~id report is in due rom and should be adopted, therefore en motion duly seconded it is ordered that the ~erk issue subpoenas to Hawthorne Goodloe ~d E~a ~ook te appear before the Board of Supervisors of Albe~rle 6ounty at the $ourt House of said CoUnt~ on the l~h d~y of April i930 at lI:0O A.~. to show cause, if any why the said report in the ~tter of opening a public road 2h~hgh their lands should net be adopted. At the Regular February meeting of the ~card it was ordered that Seth ]~urnley, ~oUn~y Engineer, report on the advisability of relocating, the .p~ublic~ road E%ate Route ~?.00 near Allmn E, Rogers' house to old ~Oumty Road at Gillocks through the land of Allan Hi, Rogers. The said ~rnley. has this day submitted his report and~ the t~oard being of opinion that said report is in. due form-and shOuld B~ adopted, t-herefore on motion duly seconded it is ordered that the ~lerk issue subpoena to Allan H~Rogers to appear before the ~oard~-~of~ SUpervisors .of Albemarle ~oumty a~ the-Cour~ House of said Ocunty on 'the i~th day o f_ .April ~1950 at iI:OG~A.~, to show-cause, if'any, why the said report in the matter of relocating a p_ublic~ro~. ~h=~ugh ~1 ~ land shou-ld1~ no~~ b~e adopted. On motion of O,Purceli /~C~ae and seconded':~by-~'P,H.Geniry' the follov~ ng resolution ~s ~animouaty. adopted. ~"~I~7~S0~D that the ~ounty ~chool rate be increasted to eighty five (.85~ cents per hundred dollars worth assessable Property (real and tangible) and that the district-~seheol levies~-be abolished. A~ BE IT ~R~R ~SOL~D that the School ~.dget of $222,120,00 for the year ending J~e ~0'th l~l be approved and that ~he ~ard ef Supervisors will appropri~ from the ~eneral county fUnd any~ deficency~ tha~ ~y..ari~. betwee~ the $222,120.00 and the revenues der.i~ved'.f~~_ sob-cci purposes¥~rOm t~e.~S.~ate, the eig~:ty~five' (.85) cent county levy ~nd'all~o~th~ 'sources mnd~ if the se~c'as prcdmce~ more tHa~the $2~'2,120.00 the excess to be ref~ded~to ~the ge~e~at ceun~y~ ~md. On mo%ion~ of; P,I'-[~Gen~t~,.~a~l?.seeen~ed?~.t~y: J~.E~Ab~etl i~ is ordered that the total school debt be..:m~de:~a m~tter el~ 'r~ord. in- tha:~ma~er of the~ rent~, of~ithe~ 2omes property. The-board.heinE. of oPini.cn...~thm~J~s?E~ones an~'~I~is ~f~, during her life time, received me:re:.~'.fro~'t~e?.~unly t~n ~s~ agreed upon: in the past and James H. Jones is.~. new'.~.receivinE mere~ ~tha~m~ was~ cen.~ra~ted..~ 'flOr, that,~..th~'.e-~.~rent flrom t~e Jones ~ farm shouid'~ge, to ~eI. Oo'~nty, ~erefore. on 'motion dUly: sece.nd~ed it is ordered:::.tHat: the rent from the :Jones' fa~ be~ ~ed~' over to the county. . On:: molion, dU%~ aac.an~e.~:~:/it i's~ o~der~ed.: tha~: '.Seth~-~rnley~ ~ounty ~nager, te In the matter of the apportionment of the additional 28 miles allocated to Aibemarle County By the State ~ighway Oomm~esion, On motion duly seconded th~ following roads with mileage of each were adopted to recei:ve the 28 miles. Road from Oismont to. Gordonsville Road from ~oute ~19 at Scottsville to Buckingham 0ounty line Road from Keen to Highway~2$ Road from Crozet towards Nortonsvi!Ie 5~miles ~ mile t0 miles 12, miles 28 miles In the matter of the Treasurer's Bond, it is ordered that Seth ~rnley, County~anagerand U.Z.~aupin, ~mOUnty Clerk take up the question cf..the sufficiency of the Treasurer's' bond with the Judge. in the matter of'a pro~ation officer. A deligation of. citizens appeared before the board and requested an apprppriation-~ ef $~0~'~00 as the..,.¢oun~y' s part for th~ ~employmen~." of a probati on officer for the Cft~ ~f'~.~hmrl.~ttesvlllm?mm.~dt-COunty-of Albemarle~and after a thorough diseUssion ~of~ On-'motion of.'~,E'.Abell and se.oonded, by J.N; Fray it is ordered that the sum of $500-.0G be not approporat:ed'.--~e:r::the above~n~med-,purpose. At a regular meeting of the ~Oard of Supervisors of Albemarle~ 0ounty held at the Court House of said county on the 18t~ day of April 19~0. Present: J.M..l~ray, Chairman, ¢oPurcell~l~.~Cue, J;E.Abell, P.E. Gentry and W.H.Lmnghorne. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. In the matter of closing a portion of the old road between Prize Hill and ~ission School from J~hn T. Shiflett's Property line to ~rs. i~orris' entrance. The petitioner, Seth Burnley, County Engineer, presented satisfactory evidence to the ~oard that notices of closing said road had been posted on the 5rd day of February 1950, that being the first~ day of the February term of the ~ireuit Court of Albm~rle County, Virginia, at the Court house of said and at two public places in the neighborhood of the road proposed to be closed; that after said notices had been posted 20 days this ~oard did at its meeting held on the 19th day of ~aroh 1950 appoint five viewers to view said road and report in wrlting whether in their opinion any, and if any what inconvience would resu±t from discontinuing said road, that three of your commissioners, J,B.Kegley, Garnett and P.O~l~inor have made their report in writing under date of April 12t'~ 1950, and in accordance with the foregoing order of the said ~oard they have viewed