HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-04-16In the matter of the apportionment of the additional 28 miles allocated to Albemarle CoUnty by the State highway Commission. On motion duly seconded the following roads with mileage of each were adopted to recei:ve the 28 miles. ROad from CiSmont to GOrdonsviile Road from ~oute ~i~ at ScOttsvillle to Buckingham 0ounty line Road from Keen to Highway ~28 Road from Crozet towards Nortonsville §$ miles ~ mile lC. miles 12 mi les 28 miles In the matter of~ the Treasurer's Bond, it l's ordered that Seth ~rnley, County ~anager. and U.r~..Naupin, ~ounty ~lerk take up the question of._ the s~fieiency' of' the 'A'reasurer's bond with the Judge. in the matter of a pro~ation officer. A deligation, of. citizens appeared before the board and requested an apprppriatiom"of $§00','00 as theucoun~-y's-pa~t for the ~empl~ymen't' of a probation officer for the City ~f:..~harlot~esvi.t.le-~a~d~--Ceun. ty-of Albem~rle~and after a thorough d is~ssi on o'f~ ~m~.ez~ m~tter, 0n motion of ~.E'Abelt and seoond~ by J.~; Fray it is 'ordered that the sum of $50G. 0~ be not approporated'~.f~0r :the-~beve ~me~.Rurpose. At a regular meeting of the ~oard ef Supervisors of Albemarle~ 0ounty held at the Court House of said county on the 16tn day of Atmril 1930. Present:. J.M,.~ray, Chairman, C.Purcell,~M.~C~e, J,E.Abell, P.~. Gentry and W.H.Lmnghorne. The minutes of the last meeting were. read and approved. In the m~:tter of closing a portion of. the old road between Prize Hill and Mission School from Jo,hn T.Shiflett's Property line to Mrs. Morris' entrance. The petitioner, Seth Burnley, County E~ineer, presented satisfactory evidence to the Board that notices of closing said road had been posted on the 3rd day of February 1930, that being the first day of the February term of the Circuit Court ef Albemarle ~ounty, Virginia, at the Court house of said Oounty and at two public places in the neighborhood of the road proposed to be closed; t~at after said notices had been posted 20 days this ~Oard did at its meeting held on the 19th day of March 1930 appoint five viewers to view said road and report in wrmting whether in their opinion any, and if any what inconvience would result from discontinuing said road, that three of your commissioners, J,B.Kegley, Garnett and P.O.Minor have made their report in writing under date of Al~il 12th 1930, and in accordance with the foregoing order of the said Board they have viewed A copy of said report signed by the viewers aboved named was presented to this meeting and the clerk of this Board is ordered to file said report. in consideration whereof i~ is ordered by this beard that so nmch of the old road between Prize iiill and ~ission ~chool from John T.Shifiett~s property tine to Mrs. l~orriS' entrance be, and it is hereby ordered discontin~d and closed. TO THE' HONORABLE BOARD OF STJPERVISORS OF THE COUN'i~ff OF .ALT BEMARI~ The undersigned County ~nager by your order made on the 19th day of .February 1930 respectfu'lly report ~hat i went upon the lands proposed to be taken for a public road from Stat~':~Route #?0O near Allan ii. Rogeri s 'house to Old County i~oad at Gillocks on the 45h day of ~farch 193~ and report thereupon as follows: 1st. The convenience or inconvenience that will result as well to individuals as to the public is as followS: Public convenience. 2nd. The said road will not be one of such mere private conven- ience as to make it proper that it should be opened and kept-.in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. No. 3rd. ~oi~yard, garden or orchard will have to be taken. none. ~th. The names of the land owners on such route are as follows: Allan H..~Rogers. 5th. The fOllowing named of said land owners require compen~,ti Allen ~i.Rogers. 6th. A just compensation to the land owners requiring compen, sa- tion for the said land so taken and for the damage to the residue of the tract beyond the peculiar benefits to be .derived in respect to such residue from the road or :andi to be established are as follows: Allen if,~ogers $§.~0 ?th. The following are the other facts and circumstances which in the opinion of your viewers are ~,~seful in enabling your Bo~rd to determmne the expediency or establishing or altering the said road; It is necessary to provide a right of way for citizens libi~g on- the old 0ounty Read and give them.access to State Route #?00. This done by making use of the old lane formerly used by Rogers to get into ~the old county road. ~Hie herewith returns:'a map_ of the proposed route. All of which is respectfully submitted, Seth Burnley, County The Board of Supervisors considered the above report at £eng~h and confmrmed said report and ordered that said road' be retocated in accordance with said report. Allan H.Rogers appeared in person and objected to the said report and requested that commissioners be appointed. The ~Oard proceeded to appoint J,B.Aegley, C,]~.Garnett, ii.G.Waddell, P,o.Minor and ~.T,~Whitec to proceed to examine said property on the lath day of ~ay 1~30 and file their report in writing on May the 21st 1930. ~g }93 TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUFERVISORS 01~ T~ COUNTY OF ALBEMARI~. The undersigned Co.unty Manager by your order made on the i~th day of February 1R30, respectfully reported that I went upon the lands proposed to be taken for a public road from State Route ~3~ to Nelson County Line via Critters' Shop on the 14th day of ~rch 1950 and report thereupon as follows: 1st. The convenience or inconvenience that will result as well to individuals as. to the public is as follows,': PuBlic convenience. 2nd. The said rea~ will not be one of such mere private con- venience as to ms~e it proper that it should be opened and kept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. No, 3rd. No yard., garden or orchard will have to be taken. None. -4th the names of the land owners on such route are as follows: I~rs. Emma. F. Cook Hawthorne and Sam Goodloe 5th. The follov.~ng named of said land owners require compensatiom Mrs. E.mma F. Cook Hawthorne & Sam Goodloe 6th. A just compensation to the land owners requiring compensa- tion for the said land so taken and for the damage to the residue of the tract beyond the peculiar benefits to be derived in respect to sUch residue from the road or landing to be-established-arenas follows ~rs. Emma F.Cook Hawthorne & Smm G.oo~loe $5.00 25. O0 ?th. The following are the other facts and circumstances ~dch in t.he opinion of your v~ewers are useful in enabling your Board to determine the expediency of establishing or altering the road road~ The change thru the lands ef Mrs. Enm~a F.~ook is necessary as the creek runs along the present road. The change thru Hawthorne & Sam Goedloe is necessary as ~he water overflows, the road during freshets. Ee herewith returns a map of the proposed route. All of which is respectfully sumitted~ Seth Burnley~ ~ounty Majr. The Board of ~upervisors considered the above report at length and confirmed said report as to HaWthorne and Sam Go~.dloe and ordered that said road be relocate~ in accordance with said report through the lands of the said iiawthorne and Sam.Goodloe. Hawthorne ~oodloe and Sam Goodloe appeared by counsel and objected to the said report and requested that commissioners be appointed. The Board proceeded to appoint J.B, Ke. gley, CoE. Garnett, P.C.Minor, H.G.V[addell and S.T,White to proceed to examine said property en the ~14th day of ~tay l~0 and file their report in writing on May 21st 1930. Mrs. EEEa F. Cook's a~dress being unknown the report is continued as to her until the necessary legal steps can be taken. On motion duly seconded it is ordered that Seth Burnley, Uounty manager, go over the~oad from Pugh,s store to Nelson County line throug~ the ±ands of E.~.Ooleman, ~rs. C.G.Timberlake and J.P,Ftippo and report bac~ te the board at its next meeting whether in his opinion said ~had should be relocated Resolved to ask the State Highway ~ommission to take i n~o the 8tare Eystem of Roa~s under the 2½% clause th~ut~he grounds of the ~niversity of ~irginia from a point on Highway #28 pass the proposed football bowl to connect With At a Regular.meeting of the ~oard of' Supervisors of Albemarle ~cunty ~e£d at the ~eurt House of saidi~ounty on the 21st day of ~ay i930. Present~ J,M.Fray, Chairm~.n, C~rcell Nc~ue, P,H.Gentry, J,E.Abei~ U,H.,Aanghcrne 'and.~;A.$'Eeill. The minutes, of. t.h-e- last .meet-ing were:' read and/approved. Capt.-Fletcher-of~ the Memtieetto-~ard,s.~appeared before t~e B~ard to as~ for &n a~r~op.riation of $250.00 te defr~~ the expenses.of the Monticello Guards in go!~to New,York te mee.t the N'~':SteamS~p, L~yette, and zecei~e t~e grand son ef ~merml L~yette. Therefore e~ me:tion_.duly scold-ed it is unanimously ordered t~a~ ~25~0~ be apprepriated~ te the Memticelle Gumrda~te de,'ray the expenses in go~ to ~ew York. Pelledvete: Aye. mess=s.~y, ~me, Ge.n~ry, Abell, ~m~horne m 0 Be. it re~elved 'that the $ounty Nanager be and he is here~y directe~ to forbid and.~reve-n~the placing-cf pers'ona[..'prepertyon the ~urt house ~quare, for sale. excetp/under ~our~.erders. IN RE: Report dated the tgth day.el Feb'rua~ 1930, on t~e re-±oca~ of Road over lands of Atra.. Eww~::~eo~, on the road from S~te Route ~39 to ~eiso~ County lime via Critzer' s Shop. It appearing to the Boa~ ef Supervisors of-"Alb~rle ~o~ty t~a~ due and iegan notice ~s: been given to ~rs., ~ F;~oek and her tenants, acce~anee ~th t~.-S~atute im ~ch cases ~.de ~d p~vided,.by an order ef pub- ~lcatiom published the Daily Preg=ess-, m ~newspaper .publishe~:_~: in Albe~rle Seunty once a week for feu=:.successi~e ~eks:, ordering.the' said mrs. E~a F.~oek and ~er tenants to appear befe~ the ~ard of: Supe~isors-eh the 21st day ef ~ay and show cause, if a~.she or they can, wh~ .2he [~d' mentione~ in the Vlewer~s report ffiied'~th..thiS.-m-~ard should' no~. be~-cemde~ed. And it further .ap~ear~g-tc. the'-~eard that said ~ F.~eek and her tenants ~ve failed to anDear~and Show cause--wh~ the land described in said Eexil. on