HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-05-21 On motion duly seconded it is ordered that Seth ~$urnley,
County manager, go over the~road from Pugh's store to Nelsom County line through
the ±ands ef Eo~,0oleman, Ers. C.G. Timberlake and J.P.~lippo and report back to
the board au its next meetimg whether in his opinion said ~had should be relocated
Resolved to ask the State Highway ~ommission to take into the
Etate System of Roa~s under the 2½~ clause th~u~the grounds Of the ~niversity of
~firginia from a point on Highway #~8 pass the proposed football bowl to connect
with ~[~h~y #39 a~ er near the new gymnasium. ~
~t a Hegular mee%img of the ~oard of upervmsors of Albemarle
~ounty held at ~he ~eu.rt House of sald,~ounty on the~2~st day of ~ay i930.
Presemt~ J.~.Fray, Chairman~ C~P~rcell NcCue,.P,H, Gentry, J.E.Abei~
The minm~tes: of thee~ last 'mee2ing were-read._ al~dt-m~p~roved,
~pt. Fletcher:el~. the' Ae~ticet.le ,uarSs~appeared before t~e ~mrd
to as~ for mn a~p~primtion of $250.00 to defray' the expenses..ef the ~entlcelle
Gu~ds i~ gci.~.~ te N~,Yerk te meet the N~-'Stemm. S~D, L~yette, and zeceiVe
t~e grand son of General' L~yette.
Therefore om me~tien~d~y seceded it is una~eusly ordered t~at
~250.0~ be appropriated te the ~e~ticelle ~uar~s.te del:ray the expenses in go~
to ~ew '~ork.
~elle~"~vote: Aye. mess=s ~y, me~e, Gentry, Abell, ~anghorne ~ 0
Be. it re~elved that the ~ountyNanager be and he is here~y directe~
to forbi~ and~ pre~ent..the plac-i~g~of personal pr.e~ertyen the '~urt ~ouse Square,
for sale.
excetp/under Gout2 orders.
IN RE.: Report da2ed the: t9th day,.of. February' 1930, on the re-iocat
of Road over lands of ~rs.:. ~.:-m:F~oe.k, on the road from S2ate Route ~39 to ~eiso~
County line via Critzer's Shop.
It apDearimg to the. Board of Supervisors off'Albemarle ~o~ty t~a~
due and ~egan notice has been given te ~s.. Ema ~oek and her tenants, in
accordance ~.th t~.S~atute in ~ch eases ~de ~nd~ provided, by an order of pub-
&icatien published the Daily Pregr~s~ ~m newspaper pub!lshe~:~ in Albe~rle $ounty
once a week for fou~_successi~e ~eks, ordering :the' aaid. ~rs'. ~a F,~oek and
~er tenants to appear before the ~ard of. $upe~isers en the 21st day of ~y 193G~
and show cause., if ~.she or they can, wh~ ~'he' ~d' men~i~ned im the Vlewer~s
report ffi&ed-~th,._.this_~ard should-net, becen~e~ed.
And it further .ap~ear~.g.-te~ the ~a.rd that said ~ F. CoOE and
her tenants ~ve failed to appear~,~d Show cauae--~y ;the;lamd deserib~ ~ ~*~
doth direct that the said read be located over and across the lands of the said
Mrs. E~ l~.Coek in accordance with said report, a~l of whic~ is shown
mmnutes of~ ~l-s Board,
~d the Treasurer of thXs ~un~y ~s direete~ to ho~d t~e
for the benefi~ of the s~id Cook, whlch s~ ~e, thesaid Treasurer of ~ne ~Ou~ty,
s~l ~y ever when and as soe~n as all 2axes and levies e~d by the
F~ook have..~em paid 20 the County Treasurer.
The ~dersigmed ~ty~'M~ge.r, ~y~ our erde-r ~de cn t~e
Feb, ~930 res~etfu~.report that ~ went upon the ~nds proposed to be taxon for a
public road~ fr~State Route ~9 te Belso.n ~ounty ~i~e~ via. ~ritzer's
day of ~arch 1~50 and report-.the~Spon as T~llows:
lst: The c~nve~ience or incen~e~i'enee~t~.t '~1 reset as we~
indiv~duais as to~the-~blic i~ as. feltows~
~btic com~eniemoe
2nd :' -The_~id ~ road~ ~i~ not be ~ne ef. such mere., private convenience
as to m~e it proper that'it she_utd.~be ope:ned and .kep~.~..in order by the person er
persons for ~ose convenience it i.$ dasired.
3~. Bo ~d, g~den: ~r oro~ar~ wil~ ~ve.~ to be t~en.
None ·
~th. The n~es.~of:-~t-h~, A~d o~ers on such-route are
5th.. ~e fell_owing ~med: ef~ s~id:~and~ e~s. require compensation.
~s. ~a.:~ 2ook
6t~. A~jmst c.~pemsatio~n t~the~l~d~.~rs':.requiring compensation for
t~e said ~amd~ se take amd for the ~d~ge-. te'~ the~-'.-~esidue of t~e tract beyond the
peculiar benefits to be ~erive~'~. re-s~peet to such residue .f~cm the roa~ or Aandxng
7th. The follo~mg.a~e the'-other f~ets ~nd~ ti.re, stances ~lch lB t~e
opl~ion Off your viewers-~re, use~l in .en~blimg.*yeurBe~d~:to.-dete~ime the ex~dlemcy
of estaBimshlmg o~atteri~g-tBe said:road.
The c~nge. 2hrough.'~the~-lands ~f ~s. ~ ~.~OOk is ~eeessary as
creek ~s alemg tBe'~p~seni:.: road.
T~y he~wi~h~'.return a ~p.ef~ the prop~se~ route.
all of w~i~. ~s respectfully sub, trod,
Seth Burnley, ~o~ty
In the.:mat.ier~--of ~he_ Cemmissiener~'s report on the road from State
~ou~e ~39 to ~elson Coumty line. via.:Critzer~.s Shop through the lands of ~awtheme
Goodlee ~d S,P, Goedloe.
The oo~issi~e~a~appeinted .a~the-.~e~.lar April 1~30 meeting of ~e
~ard met en the 14~h d~ of ~y 19~0~ andhmve this day .returned their report,
All partie, s~.~in~interea~..betng net'ified 'and the report in the eplnlon
of t~e ~o~d is in due fe~;~ therefere~ em motion ~duiy seeonded it ls unanimously
ordered t~t said repo~.~e adopted,
~, ~L. Naupin, a ~lerk in and for the ~ounty aforesaid do certify
t~t U.B.Kegiey., P.~,~nor and ~.~,Waddell ~ve thls day ~de Oath before ~ that
t'~ey wiii faithfully and l~artially ascertain ~at ~ll ~e a just co~ensation for
smch iam~ (er for smeh imterest er estate in ~he l~d~~' ef ~he freehold ~ereef
~wt~erne Geed!ce amd~E.~ Goedlee ten~mts, and for s~ch ether~proper~y as ms ~o-
pese~ te ~e t~en By the 0eunty ef A~lbe~rle fer~m-pm~lXe read, ~awar~ the ~ges,
if any, resmztimg~ ~e the a~jaeen~ ~d other preper~y~ef said tenet e= e~er and
the preper~y~ef amy~e~her~persen, beyemd ~he peculiar benefi~t~s ~hat will scene
such properties reSPectively frem~he~een~o~ien mad eperatie~ ~f a publlc rea~
from Stmte.~ Eoute ~39 %0 ~elsen ~oU~ty lime via OritZer"s-~ Shop an~ will properiy
certify taa s~e.
Given under.-my ~nd this ~4th d~v~ ef 'May:-'1930.
W,L.~upim, ~lerk
~e, JjB,~e~'ley, BYG~ddelt., an~' P.~.~inor ~ssiemers appolnte~
by your nono~ble Body to ascertain w~:t will be a just compensation for such ~ r~
ef t~e i~d (or for such interest or emote in the land } of~ the freehold w~ere~
Hawthorne Goedlee-~ S.~,Goedlee tenants, and for such other property as is propose
to be ~en by the ~e~ty of Albe~rle for a public road from State ~ute ~$'9 to
~elson County Lime vim 5ritzer~s Shop and te ~s:ess~ th.e~ d~es, if any,
t~e adjacent er other p~reperty of'said tenant' er o~ers~ beyond the pueuiaar benefit
t~t will 'accrue to said. properties-respectively from:the: .eenstractien and eperatie~
ef the said pUblic read, de...certify tha~ en the lath da~ of May 1930, the day
designated in the said order.:, we met. together on the said part of the land.
of ~e~ part were then a~..there-describe~ to us as follows to-~t:
Right of ~y30 feet wide ~d approximately 5~O feet long and after
being duly sworn, upon a rveiew of the part aforesaid and of the adjacent and ~ nor
property of said owner who would be da~ged in their property by the construction
and ope~tion of the sai~ road; and upon such e'vi~ence as ~$ b~fOre us, we are of
opinion and do ascertain that for the said part (or for the interest er estate in th
part) and for the other property so taken $3~5.00 (Thirty f~tve ~ollars} will be
just compensation. And the d~.bes, to the~adjacent or other property ef said tenant
e~er ~y reason of the. construction and operation of the road, beyond t~e pecuiar
benefits t~t will accrue to ~id properties resp_ectively from the construction
operation of such read are no~e.
Given ,~der our ~nds ~his 14th day ef ~ay 1950.
in thor matter of the. ~omissiona!r's report on the read from ~tate
Route ~?00 near All.an ~Regers' house te 01d ~oumty Road- at Gillecks t~rougm the
lands of Allan ~.R~gers.
The commissioners appointed at the' regular April 1950 meeting o~ ~e
board met on the 14th day of Z~ay 1~50 and have this day returned their report;
All parties in interest being notified and the report in the oplnion
of the ~Oard is i~ due form; therefore on motio~ duly seconded it ~s unanimously or-
dered that said report be adopted,
i,.. ~.Lj~mupln, A Cle~ in and for the ~oumty ~oresmid do certify
t~t ~B.aegle~, P.C,~ine~nd. H:-,G~addell have this da~ made oat~ before me %hat
t~ey wiilfaithful~ and impartiat~y.~.ascertain what will be a just compensation for
such land (or for such i~tereat er estate i~ t-he~ land) ef the freehold ~ereef Allen
H,R~erm tenant., and for such other property as is proposed to be t~em by ~ae ~unty
of Albe~rle for a public road., ~a~rd the da~-s~:, if any, resulting to the adjacent
and ot~er property of said tenant or e~er ~d to the ~property of ~y ot~er per,n,
beyond the peculiar benefits that willace~e te such properties respectively
the construction and:. ope~tien of'a public road from ~2ate Route ~700 near Ai~n~.
Roger,s House t~ Old county road mt Gillocks-"and will property certify ~he sa~e.
Given under my hand this'.~ldth day of ~ay~ 1950.
T0 T~ HON0~B~.~ B0~ 0F SUPERVISORS. 0F ~.~O.~N~. ~0F
We, ~;B.aegley, ~.C,~n~r~& ~.G,~addeli co~ssieners appointed by
your nene~ble B~edy to ascertain ~a~ wilI be.a jus~ compensation for such par~
the land (or for such lnt~es~ or estate in-~he~ land.}~ of the-freehold ~ereof
Allan m,E~gera tenant, and~fer ~such~ other property-ma ia-proposed to be t~en byt'ne
County ef Aibema~le-for a p~ublic road fr~m:~S~ate Route $~00 near Allan ~,Rogers
house' to Vid ~oumty Road. at Gillecks ~d~to asseas~the d~ges, if any, remuiting
the adjacent or. other, prep'-e~y of said' te~n~ er o~er, Beyond the pecuZiar
benefits that will accrue ~o ~id properties respectively from.the construction and
operation of the ~id public road, do certi~ t~t en the 14th day of ~ay
the day designated im..the said order., we ~t together on the ~id ~rt 0f the ~nd
the llmxts of w~eh ~r~t were then a~...there described to us as follows
from a poimt en State Route ~700 near Allen H;Reger.s' house:to eld county road
at Giiioc~'m ~ght of ~.~ 30' wide, and .after b'eing duly sworn, upon a riview
the p~t aforesaid and of the adjacent and other property of 'said o~er who would
be dang. ed in their property b$ the construction and e~ra~ien of the said ~ad;
and upon such evidence as was before us., we are.'~ oral'opinion and do ascertain
for the said part (or for the interest er estate 1~ the par.t) ~d for the ot~er
property se tarn. Thirty Doll,s ($30.00} will be .~a-just compensation. ~d the
damages to the adjacent or other property or'said tenant' or e~er by reason of the
construction and .. ope rat ion of the ~id ro~, beyond.the pecuiair benefit t~t
accrue ~o ~id p~pe~ties respectively f~em ~he<censtru~tion/a~ ope~tion of ach
road are One hundred and twenty
Given. ~.der our ~nds. this idth day of ~y 1950.