HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-07-16 At a regular meeting of the ~eard of Supervisors-of Albemarle 0ounty held at the 0curt-House of said 0cum y on the 16th day of July 1930. Fresent= ~,]~.]~ray, Chatrm~n, 0.Purcell ~cCue, J.E. Abell,P.H~entry, ~..E.~nghorne and ~'~.O'Ne~ll. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ALBEVJARLE: The undersigned'COunty Ns.~w~__ger by your or, er made on the 19~h day of ~arch 19~0 respectfully~'~repor~ that i went upon the lands proposed to be taken fei a public road from Pugh,.s Store to Nelson GOunty Line o~ the ~md day of April an~ report thereupon as follows: ist. The convenienCeor inconvenien~ethat ~ll resul~ as well ~o ~iduals as to the public is as foll~ws~ E.'~,~ole~n, Nrs. ~.G.Timberlake ~d ~.P,~lippo. ~nd. The said road ~ll not be one of such mere private convenience as to m~e it proper that it Should be o~ne~ ~d kept in order by ~he perso~ er persons for whose convenience it is ~esire~. No. ~rd. ~o y~rd, garden or orchard will have to be t~en. None. 4th. The n~es of the land o~ers o~ su'eh~route are as follows~ E.~.Oole~n right~ of way gi=en;. ~rs~. O~G.Timber~ake .right of ~y given. J~p.FliDpo · ~th. The following named of said land o~ers require compensation: J.P.Flippo 8th. A just compensation ~o the l~ .owners requiring oompensat~o~ the sai~ ~nd so taken~and for the damage .~o ~he re-since of the tract beyon~ the peculiar benefits to ~e ~erived in respeo~ ~o such residue fr~om the road o~ to be established are'as follows. J.P~Flippo five dollars.~ ($$.-) and resst fence. ?th. The folle~ng.are the other facts an~ circumstances ~ich =n the opinion of your ~ounty ~anager are use'fu~ in e~bling-your ~oar~ to ~ete~ne the e~e~ieney of establishing, er altering the sai~ roa~:' The change thro.ugh_.~he land of.~J.P,~Iipp~e is most importer ~o get road' up ou~ of eld ou~ so as to ~rain All ef ~ioh is respectfully submitted, Seth ~urnley Oo ~r, The Board of SUpervisors considered the above report at length amd ~onfirmed said report and ordered that said road be relocated in accordance wit~ said report. ~m motion of ~H,Langhorne and seconded by J.~A.0'Neiil it is ordered that the Rea~ from ~ayne's Ste=e to ~.E:,Lindsay be improved, Samuel Hiller District paying 3/~, ~.Vy Distric~ 1/8'~and· ~.]~.Lindsay 4/8. ~.r.. Linds~y to advance the money spent by the districts wntil the 19~I taxes are due without interest. Om motion, cf P.H,Gentry and SeComded by J.~A.O'Neill it is unanimously In. the matter of the petition cf the N~lsen and Albemarle E~ilway 0'omp~ny requesting the ~oard of Supervisors to reco~end te the State ~erporation Commission a reduction ~n the assessment of their holdings in Albemarle ~'ou~ty. ~n motion ef J~.E.Abell and seconded l~y C~,Purcell ~i¢Cue it is unanimously ordered that this board will make mo such recommendation. At a Regular meeting of the ~eard o~f Supervisors of Albemarle 0ounty, Va.' held at the Oourt House of said county on the 20th day of August 1930. Present: J,~AFray~ Chairm~n, J.E.Abel!, O.Purcell Mc0~e, P~H~Gent~y., ~H.Langhorne and J.A.0'Neill. The minutes of the last meeting~ were read and approved. On motion of W.E.Langhorne and seconded by J%.A.0'Neill it is ordered t~a~ Seth Burnley, OeuntyN~nager, go over the road proposed to be changed ~t ~ovesWiile and report back to the board at its next meeting. in the matter of the Poor House Fmrm: ~essrs ~rnley and Fife, the co~ittee appointed at a former meeting of the board to study the advisability of selling the poor house farm,' reported that in t~eir opmnlon it would be unwise to sell the farm at present therefore on motion of J*E,Abell and seconde6 by P.H.Gentry it is ordered that the f~rm be rented te L~Naylor for two years at the rent of $250.00 per year. On motion of P,H.Gentry and seconded by J.A.0'Neill it is or,red that Dr. ~argaret Nolting be allowed to advance $~000. without interest, to ~h~:~nowardsville Road to be repaid k~as follows. $500. Dec. t~30 and $500. Dec. 1931. On motion of ~.Purcell M¢Oue and seconded by J.A.0'Neill it is ordered that t'~e Board of Equalization continue te the regular Sept meeting of the ~oard. it appearing lo the. Boar~ that it will be necessary to borrow some ~oney with which to pay county expenses between now and the collection of 1930 taxes, i~ is therefore ordered that the Treasurer of Albemarle County, be and he is hereby authorized in the name and ~n behalf of the said Oounty e.f Albemarle to make arrangement or arrangements with some bank or banks te borrow the necessary mnoumt n~ to exceed $2~,000.00 and to secure such obligation or obligations in the name, and on be~aif ef said county as may be necessmry to~ secure suc~i advancement or adv~nbements, and aisc by such obligation or obligations and pledge 1930 taxes for the same. it app.earing to the Be~ard that it will be necessary ~o borrow some money with whxch to pay county expenses between now and the collection of 1930 ~axes, it is