HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-08-20 At a regular meeting of the ~ard of Supervisors-of Albemarle county held 'at the Oeurt House of said (~ounty on the 16th day of july 1930. Fresent:: ~,l~.Fray, ~hairman, 0:.~urcell McCue, J.E. Abell,P.H~*entry, ~E.~nghorne and ~A,O,Netlt. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. TO TBE HONORABLE BOARD 09 SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF ALBENARLE: The Undersigned '¢'eunty ~.Naw~_ger by your order made on the 19th day of March 1950 respectfully~-.report that i went upon the lands proposed to be taken f~ a publlc road from PUgh's Store to Nelson County Line on the 2nd day of April ~9~ . and report thereupon as follows: ist. The J convenieneem'Or inconvenien~ethat will result as well to in~iw- iduais as to the public is as follows.' E.~,~eleman, Mrs. C.G.Timberlake and J,.P.i~lippo. 2nd. The said road will net be one of such mere private convenience as to maXe it proper that it should be opened and kept in order by the perso~ er persons f~or whose Convenience it is desired. ~ Ne. Std. ~o yard, garden or' orchard will have te be taken. i~'o~e. ~th. The names of the land owners .eh such'-route are as fellows: E.M.Celeman right of way given; ~rs. C.~-G.Timberla~e right of way gmveno J' ~ P .F lipp e. 5th. The following named of said land owners require compensation: J.P.Flippo 6th. A ~ust compensation to the laud .owners requiring compensation f.~ the said land so taken and for the damage to~ the residue of the tract beyond the peculiar benefits to be derived in respect to such residue from the road or i~anding to be established are-as follows. j.P.Flippo five dollars~ ($5.) and reset fence. 7th. The following .are the ether facts and circumstances' which in the opinion ef your $ounty Manager are use'ful in enabling~your ~oard to determine the eEpedienoy of establishing, er altering the said road:' The change.~through~the ~land of~J.P.F'tippo is most-important te get t~e road up out of old cut so as te drain it. ~ All ef which is respectfully submitted, Seth Burnley ~o Mgr~ The Board of SU~rvisors considered the above report at length and ~onfirmed said report and ordered that said road be relocated in accordance with said report. ~n motion of'~.H~Langhorne and seconded by J.A.0'Neill it is ordered that the Read from Wayne's Ste~e tc ~.E. Li,ndsay be improved, Samuel ~iller District paying 5/8, ivy District 1/$ and $~,E.Lindsay ~%~.. Mr. Lindsay to advance the money spent by the districts wntil the l~$1 taxes are due without interest. On motion ef P.H.Gentry and Se¢omd-ed by $.~A,0'Neill it is unan~mousZy in the matter of the petitiom ef the Nelson and Albemarle Em.i'lway Oompany requesting the ~oard of SuPervisors to recommend to the State ~erp~ration Commls~on a reduction in the assessment of their holdings in Albemarle Ocunty. ~n motion ~f Y.E,Abeli and seconded By C,~mreell ~eCue it is unanimously ordered that this board will m~ke no such recommendation. At a Regular meeting of the ~°ard of Supervisors of Albemarle ~ounty, Va. held at the ~ourt House of said county on the 20th day of August 1930. Present: J,~Fray~ Chairman, J.E.Abell, C,Purcell ~cCue, P,H,Gent~y, U'~H,Langhorne and J.A.0'Neill. The rain.utes of the last meeting, were read and approved. On motion of W.E~Langhorne ~nd seconded by J~,A.0'Neill it is ordered t~at' Seth Burnley, County Manager, go over the road proposed to be changed at ~oveswiile and report back to the board at its next meeting. in the m~tter of the Poor House Farm: ~essrs ~urnley and Fife, the comittee appointed at a former meeting of the board to study the advisability of selling the poor house farm, reported tuat in t~eir op~nlon it would' be unwise to sell the farm at present therefore on motion of J,E.Abell and seconded by P.H. Gentry it is ordered.that the farm be rented to L~,Naylor for two years at the rent of $250.00 per year. On motion of P.H.Gentry and seconded by J.A..0'Neill it is or,red that Dr. ~argaret Noltin~ be allo~w.e~d to advance $t000. without interest, to ~he~z~owardsvmlle Road to be repaid boOk,as follows. $50G. Dec. 1~30 and $5~0G. Dee. 1931. On motion of C.Purcell MeCue and seconded by-J.A.0'Neill it is ordered t~at the Board of Equalization continue to the regular Sept meeting of the Board. it appearing to the Boar~ that it will be necessary te borrow some money with which to pay county expenses between now 'and the collection of 1930 taxes, it is 'therefore ordered that the Treasurer of Albems~rle Gounty, be and he is ~ereby authorized in the name and en behalf of the said ~oumty e.f Albemarle to make arrangement or arrangements with some bank or banks to borrow the necessary ~moumt n~t to exceed $2§~000.00 and to secure such obligation er obligations in the name, and on be~aif of said county as may be necessary to-secure such advancement or advanbements, and also by such obligation or obligations and pledge 1930 taxes for the same. it appearing to the ~e. ard that it will be necessary to b~orrow some money w~th which to pay county expenses between now and the collection of 1930 taxes, it ~s or arrangements with some bank or 'banks to borrow the necessary amount not to exceed $2~4,503~81 and ~o secure such obligation or obligations in the name, and on behalf of said County as may be necessary to secure such advancement or advancements, and also by such obligation or obligations and pledge 1930 taxes for the' same. It appearing that the Treasurer of AIb~marie is indebted to the various funds as per t~e state auditor's report in the sum of $24',~03. S1 which is lmrtly represented by uncollected tax tickets and other obligations, and the ~oard of Supervisors is of the opinion that it cannot berrow and pay interest on amount, therefore with the written consent of the surety 0ompany on the ~'reasurer~ 0ffi~ial Bond, the treasurer is. permitted to borrow $24,503.81 on whica ~e must pay t~e interest. At a Regular Meeting of the t~oard of Supervisors of Albemarle Oounty, . held at the ~ourt House of said ~ounty on the 17th day of September 1~30. Fresent: J.M.Fray, Chairman, C.Purcell McCue, J,E.Abell, P.HoGentry, J,A.O'Neill and V~.H.Langhorne. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion of ¢oPurcell EcCue and seconde~ by ~.A.0'Neill, it is ordere~ that the consideration of the proposed change of a road near Ccvesville be contin- ued to the next meeting of the Board. In the matter of the petition ofColumbia ~eddow to close the road from Prize Hill Church to the point where it enters the new road at the fork westward of Prize Hill. The ~oard after hearing the objections of numerous persons interested and after a the~G.~u~h discussion of the matter is of opiniOn that the petition be rejected and the road not be closed. On motion duly seconded it is ordered that one~:.half mile of the Oxford Road in the Rugby Hill Section be adopted as a County road. On motion duly seconded it is ordered that an additional 24 days be granted the Board of Equalization to coSplete its work. The School Board of AlbeE~rle Oounty deeming it necessary to borrow some money to pperate the schools until the collection of the 1930 taxes therefor~ on motion duly seconded i t is ordered by the ~oard of Supervisors that the Superin- tendent of Schools of Albemarle County be hereby authorized in the name and on behalf of the said County of Albemarle to make arrangement or arrangements with some bank or banks to borrow the necessary amount not to exceed $25,000.00 and to secure such obligation or obligations in the name, and on behalf of said Counl as may be necessary to secure such advancement or advancements, and also by such obli~ation or obligations ~d~e 1930 tax~ ~or tb~ .~ar~.