HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-09-17.or arrangements with some bank or banks to borrow the necessary amount not ~o exceed $2~,503,~1 and to secure such obligation or obligationm in the name, and on behalf of said County as ~_a_y be necessary to secure such advancement or advancements, and also by such ob£igatio~ or obligations and pledge 1950 taxes for t.he' same. It appearing that the Treasurer of Albem~arle is indebted to the various funds as per t~e state auditor's report in the sum of $24,50~.81 which ~s partly represented l~y uncolleSted tax tickets and other obligations, and the i~oard of Bupervisors ~s of the opinion that it cannot borrow and pay interest on t~a~ amount, therefore wi th the written consent of the surety (~ompmny on the ~reasurer~ 0ffi¢ia± Bon~, the treasurer is. permitted to borrow $~4,§0~.81 en whic~ ~e must pay t'~e interest. At a Regular lIeeting of the ~oard ~0f Supervisors of Albemarle Oounty, held at the ~ourt House of sa. id County on the 17th day of September 1930. Fresent: J.~I.Fray, Chairman, G.Purcell McCue, J.E.Abell, P.H.Gentry, J.A.0'Neill and V~,H.Langhorne. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion of CoPurcell l~cCue and seconde~ by J.A.O'Neill, it is ordere~ that the consideration of the proposed change of .a road near 0ovesville be contin- ued to the next meeting of the Board. in the matter of the petition ofColumbia ~eddow to close the road from Prize Hill Church to the point where it enters the new road at the fork westward of Prize Hill. The ~oard after hearing the objections of numerous persons interested and after a the~h discussion of the matter is of opinion that the petition be rejected and the road not be closed. On motion duly seconded it is ordered that one'~half mile of the Oxford Road in the Rugby Hill Section be adopted as a County road. On motion duly seconded it is ordered that an additional 24 days be granted the Board of Equalization to complete its work. The School Board of Albena~rle Gounty deeming it necessary to borrow some money to pperate the schools until the collection of the 1930 taxes therefore on motion duly seconded it is ordered by the Board of Supervisors that the Superin tendent of Schools of Albemarle County be hereby authorized in the name and on behalf of the said County of Albemarle to make arrangement or arrangements with some bank or banks to borrow the necessary amount not to exceed $2~,000.00 and to secure such obligation or obligations in the n_-;~e, and on behalf of said ~ounty as may be necessary to secure such advancement or advancements, and also by such obli~ation or obligations ~d~e 1930 taxes for the same. ~iEREAS, State Route ~8, from Advance Ni!ls to its intersection with the Spottswoo~ Trail at ~idway is in a very.~bad condition, and, inasmuch, as the traffic is very heavy on this particular stretch ef road, and ~IEREAS, the ~tate Highway Department has planned ~o surface-treat the road from H~ydraulic to Rockland, another piece of this same road, and will have its equipment all convenient to the job. ~e it, hereby, resolved that the State Highway Department be urged ~o condition and surface treat the said Section between Advance ~ills and ~idway, out of mainten- ance funds this fall as a drough relief remedy and, thereby help the farmers in this vicinity. RESOLVED by the Beard of Supervisors of Albemarle County that this ~oard is opposed to the discontinuance by the Southern Railway System of the agency at Gilbert Station in this County as proposed by the said Railway System; and that the Oommonwea!th's Attorney of this County be requested to appear, if in his judgment necessary, before the State Corporation Commission in opposition to any movement on the part of the said Railway System looking toward the abandonment of said agency or the closing of said Station. RESOLVED by the ~oard of Supervisors of Albemarle County that this Board is opposed to the discontinuance by the Southeastern Express Company of the agency at Gilbert Station in this County as proposed by the said Southeastern Express Company and that the Oommonwealth~s Attorney ef this County be requested to appear, if in his judgment necessary, before the State Oorporation Cormmission in opposition te any movement on the part of the said Southeastern Express Company looking toward the abandonment of said agency or the closing of said Station.