HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-11-17At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Alberaarle County, Virginia, held at the ~Court House of said County on the 19th day of i~ovember, 1930, Present: J~.Fray, Chairman, J~.E.Abell, P.H..Gentry and ~.H..Langhorn~e. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. in consideration of the sum of Three Hundred DOllars-($300.00) cash, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned grants and conveys to the Board of Supervisors o~f .Albemarle County, a right of way and easement-over the lands of undersigned for purposes of a county road, said right of ~ray to be thirty feet wide throughout the entire length, beginning at the old Gounty road in front of the old Loving or Hammer home, thence; along the property line between the loving property and property ' of undersigned to the' southern 'Railway Coinpany's. right, of way, thence; along the west side of the southern railway right of way to a Greek or Hamner branch, thence; on an easy grade in a Southerly direction to the property of Ed i~'orvell, a distance of approximately 2850 feet, more or less; together with the right of ingress and egress to and upon the lands of undersigned for purposes of construction of said road. Witness n%y hand and seal this 6th day of November 1930. G. G. Hamu er ~ SEAL) DISTRICT OF COLCU~BIA CITY OF V~ASi~NGTON TO ~[IT. I, t~ary A.~haw, a Notary Public in and for the Gity and District afore.- said, hereby certify that G.G, Hamner, whose name is signed to the foregoing writing bearing date on the 6th day of. November, 1930, has acknowledged the same before me in my City aforesaid. Given under my hand this 6th day of November, My commission expires the 9th day of Yanuary 1935. Ea. ry A. Shaw, Notary Public On motion duly seconded the following resolution was unanimously adopted. RESOLVED, that Bonds Nos I to 3§ inclusive, of which twenty-five are for the sum. of $1000.00 each and ten for the sum of $500~00 each, constituting all of the issue of ~30,000.00 of the Albemarle Gounty 6% bonds, dated January 1st, 1921, and payable at the National Bank of Gharlottesville, Charlottesville, Virginia twenty years after date, with the right of payment at any time after five years from date, which said bonds were issued pursuant to Acts of Assembly of Virginia of 1916, Chapter 184, and resolution of the Ooard of Supervisors ef Albemarle County of December 15th 1920, be and they are hereby called for payment at said Nations~l Bank of Charlottesville, as of and on the 1st day of January 1931. And be it further resolved that any and all of said bonds issued as aforesaid, that may not be so presented for payment at the time and place aforesaid, shall cease to bear:~interest after the 1st day ef January, 1931. On motion of P.H:Gentry and seconded by J'.E.Abe!! it is ordered that ~ t Cheaspeake ~venue near the Charlottesville V~oolen l~ills be adop, ted as a Court y Road. On motion of J-.E.~Abel! and seconded by P.H~Gentry i~ is ordered that the s~m of $250.00 be approporated for United States Public Health Service. On motion ~uly seconded the Board unanimously petitioned the Commission of Game and inland Fisheries t6 close the Hunting Season in Albemarle 0ounty as to birds, rebbits and squirrels on December 8th 1930. called meeting of the Board of ~upervisors of Albemarle ~ounty, ~irginia, held at the 0ourt House of said Gounty on the ~th day of November 1950. The Board of Supervisors at its regular meeting held on the Ig~h day of ~ovember 1~50 passed a resolution requestimg the Commission of Game and inland Fisheries te close the hunting season as to bir4s, rabbits and squirrels in Albe- marle ~ounty on December 6th 19~0. The said board now desires to rescind the above'resolution insofar as the time ef closing the' season is concerned; Therefore on motion duly seconded the Beard ef 8uper~isors ef Albemarle County unanimously petitioned the ~ommission of Game and inland Fisheries te close the said hunting season in Albemarle ~o'.unty on December Slst 1950 instea~ of December 6th 1~50 as previously requested. ! At a Regular meeting of the ~eard ef S~pervisors ef loemarle ¢.o~ty, Virginia, held at the Gourt House of said County on the l?th day of December~ 1950. Present: J.N.Fray, O.Purcell ~c~ue, ~'.E.Abell, P.1t~Gentry and ~..I{.La~ghor~e. The minutes ef the last meeting were read and approved. RESOLVED, that the Ohairman of this Beard is hereby authorized to execute agreement bearing da~e of the i?~h day of December, 19~0, between ~his ~oard~ and R.~I~Grant and Gompany, Incorporated, a copy ef which was presented mt this meeting of the Deard, said agreement to be delivered ~o said Grant and Company upo~ the payment of the sum of One Thousand Dollars ~$1,00O.0G), now in their hands and held by them since June 1st 19~5. ~IORA~DU~f OF AGREE.NENT, made this l?%h day of December, 19~G, between The ~eard e~f Supervisors ef Albemarle Oeunty, of the first part, and R.~.Grant and Oompany, i$corporated, of the second part, V~ I T N E S S E T H : - - - THAT WHEREAS, the ~e~y~-mof Albemarle, Virginia, issued on the lsm~ day of Ju~e, 1921, certain road bonds payable at the office of R.~I,Grant and ~omp~ny, en the 1st day of June, 1931, with the right of payment at ~ny time after the 1st day of June, 1925, as specified in said bonds; and %%5~REAS, in accordance with ihe tenor ~ud effect of said bonds, all of the bonds of the issue aforesaid were called for payment as, of and on the 1st day of June, 19~25, and all of said bonds h~a~e now been presented for payment, with the