HomeMy WebLinkAbout1930-11-26 On motion of ~.E.~Abell and seconded by P.H~Gentry it is ordered that the s~n of $250.00 be approporated for ~n~ted States Pub~lic Health Service. On motion ~uty seconded the Board unanimously petitioned the Commission of Game and Inland Fisheries td close the Hunting Season in Albemarle County as to birds, rebbits and squirrels on December 6th 1930. At a called meeting of the ~oard of ~upervisors of Albemarle m~oUnty, ~irginia, held at the Court House of said ~ounty on the ~$th day of ~Ovemmber 19~0. The Board of Supervisors at its regular meeting held on the l~th day of ~ovember 19~0 passed a resolution requesting the ~ommission of Game and inland Fisheries to close the hunting season as to birds, rabbits and squirrels in Albe- marle ~ounty on December 6th 1930. The said board now desires to res.eind the above 'resolution insofar as the time ef closing the' season im concerned; Therefore on motion duly seconded the Board ef But~ervisors ef Albemarle Oounty unanimously petitioned the ~ommission of Game and inland l~isheries te close the said hunting season in Albemarle ~o~unty on December ~lst 19~0 instea~ of Dec~nber 6th l~O as previously requested. ! At a Regular meeting cf the ~eard ef E~upervisors ef Albemarle Virginia, held at the ~ourt House of said County on the l?th day of December, 1950. Present: ~.~I. Fray, C.Purcell ~c~me, ~.E.Abell, P.E.mGentry and W.~I. La~ghor~e. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. RESOLVED, that the ~hairman of this B'eard is hereby authorized to execute agreement bearing date of the I?th day of December, I~0, between this ~oard~ and R.~Grant and Company, Incorporated, a copy ef which was presented at this meeting of the ~e~ard, said agreement to be delivered to said Grant and Company upon the payment of the sum of One Thousand I~Ollars ($1,00G.0O-}, now in their hands and held bY them since June 1st 1925. ~NE~0RANDUE OF AGR~NENT, made this l?th day of December, 19~O, between The ~eard o.f Supervisors of Albemarle County, of the first part, a~d R,~,Grant and ~ompany, Iseorporated, of the second part, ~ I T N E S S E T H : - - - THAT ~E~EREAS, the ~e~!~y..~of Albemarle, Virginia, issued on the lsat day of June, 1921, certain road bonds payable at the office of R.~oGrant and Company, on the 1st day of June, 19~l, with the right of payment at any time after the 1st day of June, 192~, as specified zn said bonds; and ~EEAS, in accordance with the tenor and effect of said bonds, all of the bonds of the issue aforesaid were called for payment as, of a~nd on the 1st day of June, i9~5, and all of said '~onds h~a~e now been presented for payment, with the