HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-01-21Virginia, held
At a regular meeting of the Ooard of ~pervisors of Albemarle Oounly,
at the 0ourt House of said ~oun?y on thei21st day of J~nuary i931~I
Present: J.~.Fray, Chair m~n, J.E.Abe!l,; C.Purcell ~cCue, Po~.Gent~j~
and ~.H.Langhorne.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
in the matter of the election of officers of the ~oard for the
year 1~31. The ~oard was called to order and on motion duly seconded ~.Purcell
Ec~ue was unanimously electe~ temporary Chairman.
The Temporary chairman called for nonimations of c~ndida2es for
the office of ~hairman of the ~oard and on motion of ~.H. manghorne and seconde~
by P.~.Gentry, J.~.~ray was unanimously elected 0hairman for the year 1951. .
The Temporary chairman called for nominations of candidates for th~
office of ~ice-Chairman of the Ooard and on motion ef W.H.Langhorne and seconded
ty. J.E.Abell, P.H'.Gentry was unanimously elected ~ice-chair~.n for the year 193~.
Whereupon Jo~;Fray took his seat as Chairman and appointed the
Finance Gommi. ttee for the year 1931 composed of the following members C.Purcell
McCue, Chairman, J.E.Abell and ~.H.Gentry.
On motion of J.E.Abell and seconded by P.H. Genty it is ordered
that the County adopt the new me~hod of Gas Distribution as set out in the follow-
lng schedule
~resent Area polula- Total Average of
System t ion Taxes last three
Charlo tte~ille 0.248 0.088 0.169 0.258 0. 166
ivy 0.069 0.065 0.055 0.067 0.064
Rivanna O. 212 0. 222 0. 185 0. !51 0. 190
~amuei ~i il er 0.179 0.193 0.222 0.181 0.197
Scott sville 0.175 0.217 0.216 0.203 0.215
White Ziall 0.1t7 0.215 0.165 0.1~0 0.168
Based on $60,000.00 Gas Tax
~ lst-3rd Bal 2/3 Total 01d ~ethod
Charlottesville $4960 · 00 $6640.00 $11600.00 $14880.00
ivy 1580. O0 2560. O0 3940. O0 4140. O0
Riva nna 4240.00 7600.00 11840.00 12720.00
SamUel Miller 5580.00 7880.00 11460.00 10740.00
Scott sville 5500.00 8600.00 12100.00 10500.00
White Hall 2340.00 6720.00 9060.00 7020.00
On motion of C.PurcellMcCue and seconded by P.H.Gentry it is ordere~
that ~essrs Burntey, Fife and ' '
~.'aup~n be appointed a committee to acertain what is
the status of Dr. Early using a garage on the County property and report back to
'~ the ooard at its next regular meeting
On motion .~uly seconded the Report of the Finance ~ommittee was
unanimously adopted:--
To the Honorable Board o.f Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virgini~t.
~99 Albemarle County 6~ Bonds $1000. each dated gune
1st 192'1 loayaiole mt R.~. Grant -and
(bOnd Ne i00 of this issuef~for $1000. has not
been produced)
300 Albemarle 6ounty .4~ bonds ~t000, each dated
Sept 1st 1925 payable ~ank of America, N.Y.
Charlottesville & Scottsville 5% bonds dated Sept.
1st 1950
Charlottesville & Scottsville 5~ bonds dated Aug.
1 st 1920
Charlottesville & Scottsville 5~ bonds Nos 52,55&
55 dated I~ay 1st 1921
Charlottesville & Ivy 6%.bonds dated Nov. 1st 1920
White Hall 6%' bonds dated ~ept 1st 1921
White ~iall 6% bonds dated Dec. 1st 1921
C.Purcell McOue
P. ti. Ge nt ry
J .E,Abell
$299,000. O0
Finance ~o~ittee
On motion duly seconded-the.following report is unanimously adopted:
To the ~oard of Supervisors of Albemarle County:--
Your finance Committee wishes to report on the following special
issue Sinking funds:
Jan.. 1st 1930 Amt on Deposit $324, 537. 04 Sept 1st paid cancelled
and destroyed $300,000.00 iiobinson Act 4~ Bonds due on Highway No 28.
~an 1st l~31 paid ~30,000.00 County General 6% bonds which wipes out
ali strictly county bonded indebtedness and leaving a balance of $3570.42 in
saving fund to create a building fund.
Amount on deposit Jan 1st 1~50, $66,821.90. Paid cancelled and destroyed
Sept 1st 1~30--$53,000.00 Charlottesville-Scottsville District Road bonds. ~alance
on deposit in Saving fun~ Jan 1st l~S1 $42, 261. 37.
Amount on deposit ~an 1st 1930 $18,193.21. Jan 1st. paid,cancelled and
destroyed $26,000.00 Road Bonds. Balance on deposit in Savings Fund jan 1st 1931
Amount on deposit Jan. 1st 1950 $42,086.67
.Amount on deposit Jan. 1st 1951 $52,767.51
Amount on Deposit ~an 1st 1950 $4~,~7~.?0
Amount on deposit ~an 1st 1931 ~3,829.75
Amount on deposit ~'an'lst 1930 $41,256.90. Sept 1st 1~30, ~aid,
cancelled and destroyed $47,000.00 Charlottesville-Scottsville Road ~onds.
Balance on deposit in Savings F~nd ~an 1st 1931 $10,~665.27
~mount on deposit Jan 1st 1930 $13,984.47
Amoumt on deposit ~an 1st l~:l $25,432.41
These Funds are all deposited in National Bank Savings Accounts and
ApP roved
~'inance d°~mit tee
P .~io Gefit ry
J .E.AbelI
C,Purcell ~'c CUe
in consideration of the benefits to the property of the undersigned~
by ~he ~xerm~nent improvement of the road between the 01d Loving Place and i~elson ¢ounlty
Line, and in further consideration ef the sum of one ~o~l~r, receipt ef which is
hereby acknowledged, the undersigned grant unto the ~oard of ~upervisors of Albema~l~
County, or their proper agents, a right of way not less than ~0 feet in widthbeginning
at the Nelson ~ounty line, thence in a northerly direction along the east side of
t~e ~outhern Railroad right? of way to the crossing to Edward E'orvell's Propert~.~
'~/it~ess mY hand and seal this ~rd day of Decenber 19~0.
~rs. Ada B.Norvell
Attest: D'.~.Norvell
In consideration of the benefits to the property of the undersigned
by the pe'rmanent improvement of the road between the old Loving Place and the Nelson
County Line, ~nd in further consideration of the s~m of One Dollar, receipt of v/nich
is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned grant unto the Beard of Supervisors of Albe-
marle County, or their proper agents, a right of w~y not less than $0 feet in widt~
beginning at the property line.of G.G.Hamner and extending to the Railroad crossing
~outh of my house.
~itness my hand and seal this ~rd day of Dee 19Z0.
Edward Norvell (SEAL)
Attest: D.V/.~orvell
The Board adjourned to meet again February ~th 19~i.
Ohai rm~n
At an adjourned ~eeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginim, held at the ~ourt House on the ~th day of February lg~ lo
Present: J,~.Fray~ Chairman, J,E. Abell, P.H.Gentry, C.tm~rcell!RcOue
and I~. H. Langhorne.
The ~o. ard met for the purpose of preparing and considering the
b$~dget of the county, ~ and fix ~ date of he~ring on sai~ estimate the 18th day of
~rch l~l at ll:00 A.~. Said ~earing to be held at the Court '~ouse o~ Albemarle
County, Virginia. The board directed the County ~nager to publish a synopsis of
the Budget and notice of hearing as required by law in the Charlottesville Progress
t~ewspaper having general circulation in said county.
~~z~__..~Cha i rman