HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-02-18 At a Regular Eeeting of the ~card of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, held at the Court Eouse of said ~ounty on the 18th day of February, Present~ Y,~Fray, C.Purcell ~cCue~ P.H.Gentry, Y~E.Abell and Langhorne. The ~nutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion of C.Purcell ~c~ue and seconded by V~.H~.Langhorne the following resolution was unani~ously adopted. ~his day came VIRGI~IA GAS TRANS~t SS ION CORPORATION, by its attorneys, and presented its petition, making application for premises and authority to lay, maintain and operate a twenty ~20) inch steel pipe line (welded joints) three ~5) feet below the surface and one (]~) foot below any water ditching, u.nder and across certai~ county roads in Elbemarle Goumty,~ as described in said petition, for the 'Purpose of transporting nataral and/or artificial gas in and through said coUnty; UPON CONSIDERATION YTPr~REOF, and it appearing to the satisfaction of this Board, that the constructio~ and maintenance of said pipe line ~ud the operation thereof for the purpose of transporting natural and/or artificial gas in the manner aforesaid, will not render any of said county roads less safe and convenient for the passage or transportation of persons and prot~erty along the same, it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED TI~ VIRGINIA GAS TRANS~iIS$ION CORPORATION be, and it is hereby authorized and empowered t~ lay, maintain and operate a twenty ~2G) inch steel pipe line (welded joints~ three (~1') feet below the surface and one (1) foot below any water ditching on either side of those county roads in Albemarle County, Virginia, at the following points of ¢~ossing of said pipe line, under and across said county roads, to-wit; Point ?4: Under and across an unimproved county road in White ~all ~gisterial District, at a point on said road 67 feet, more or less, north of a point of intersection with said road of a line separating the property of ~y_g Cave Bank from the property of Jake & John Perkins, being Station §140 plus 06 on the li~e cf survey of the proposed pipe line of the said corporation. Point 75: Under and across an unimproved country road in White Hall }~gisterial District, at a point on the center line of said road 100G feet, more or less, along the line of said road west of the intersection of said road to a line separating the property of J.E.Wood from the property of J.T.Wood, being Station 5J06 plus ~2 on the line of survey of t. he proposed pipe line of the said corporation. Point 76: Under and across an unimproved county road in White Hall ~iagisterial District, at a point on the center line of said road 879 feet, more or less, along the line of said road west of 'the intersection of said road to a line separating the property of J.E.~roed from the property of j.T.~food, being Station 5~07 plus 65 on the line of survey of the proposed pipe line of the said corporation. Point 7~: Under and across an unimproved county road in White Hall flf~gisterial District, at a point on the center line of said road 596 feet, more or less, along the line of said road west of the intersection of said road to a line separating the property of j.E.~0od from the property of j.T.~ood, being Station 5~12 plus J0 on the line of survey of the proposed pipe line of the said corporation. Point 78: Under and across an unin~proved county road in Vfhite Hall ~lagisterial District, at a point on the center line of said road 167 feet, more or Station 5514 plus 45 on the line of survey of the proposed pipe line of the said corporation. POINT ?9: Under and across an unimproved county road in White Hall ~gisterial ~istrict, at a point on the center line of said road ll5 feet, more or less, west of a point of intersec'tion with said rea~ of a line separating the property of J~E.~oods from the property of one Coates, being Station 5325 plus ?0 on the line of' survey of the proposed pipe line of the said corporation. Point 80.. 'Under and across an unimproved county road in White Hall ~lagiste.rial District, at a point on the center line of said road 229 feet, more or less, northeast of a point of intersection with said road of a line separating the property of Alvin Cart from the property of T. 0.Carr, being S,tati0n 5340 plus 12 on the line ef survey of the proposed pipe line ef the said corporation. Point 81: Under and across an unimproved county road in White Hall District, at a point on said road 325 feet, more or less, southeas~ of a point of~ intersection with said road of a line separating the property of Ers. Sally B. Daughtery from the property of Charles !~cillister, being °tation 534? plus ~0 on the line of survey of the proposed pipe line of %he said corporation. Point 82: Under and across an unimproved ounty road in White Hall Magisterial District, at a point on the center line of said road 194 feet, more or less, north of the north bank of Bluff Creek where the same flews along the property of Amos Blackwell, being Station 5405 plus ~0 on the~line of survey of th~ proposed pipe line of the said corporation. Point 85: Under and across a graded county road' in White Hall ~agisterial District, at a point on said road 159 feet, more or less, northwaat from a point or projection across said road of a line separating the property of T.L.Early from the property of j.~$.~tcLeod, being Station 5450 plus O? on the line of survey of the proposed pipe line of the said corporation. Point 84: Under and across an abandoned county road in White ~ll l~agisterial District, at a point on the center line of said road 478 feet, more or less, north of a ~line separting the property of ~rs. Gr~sty from the property of Geo. Walker, being Oration 5565 plus 21 on the line of sur~ey of the proposed pipe line ef the said corporation. Point 85: Under and across an unimproved county road in ~%/aite ~iall ~agisterial District, at a poi'n~ on the center line of said road 448 feet, more or less, northwest of a point of projection across said read of a line separating .the property of W~.Poin%s from the property of Steve Points, being ~tation 588~ plus ~5 on the line ef survey of the proposed pipe line of the said corporation. Point 86: U~der and across an unimproved county road in White Hall l~agisterial District, at a point on the county line of said road 78 feet, more or less, south of the intersection of said road efa line separating the property of l~arry Givens from the property of Price Givens, being Station 5~84 plus 60 on the line of survey of the proposed pipe line of the said corporation. Point 87: Under and across a graded county road in %Vhite i~all ~gisterial Distgict, at a point on the center line of said road 180 feet, more or less, northwest.of the intersection of said road of a line separating the property of ~.B.~%upin from the property of B.A.Patterson, being Oration 57?0 plus 78 on the line of survey of the proposed pipe line ~of ~he said corporation. Point 88: Under and across a~ graded county road in %¢hite Hall ~gisterial I)istrict, at a point on said road 78~feet, more or less, southeast of the inter- section with said road of a line separating the property of J.T.l)avis from the proPerty of ~linton Norris, being ~tation §887 plus Z3 on the line of survey of the proposed pipe line of the said eorporation~ · Point 89: Under and across a conditi~0~ned county road in White Hall ~agisterial District, at a point on center line of said road lOSS feet, more er less, northwest of a projection across Said road efa line separating the property S ' ef Charles Lawson from the property of the ~right Heirs, being tatzon 5954 plus 89 on the line of survey of the proposed piPe line of the said c.orporation.- Each of the aforesaid points of crossing of said pipe line, under and across said county roads, is more particularly located and described upon ~ue print drawings marked Va. 74 to Va. 89, both inclusive, atta. ched to and made a part of the petition of s~id Virginia ~as Transmission Corporation, and is hereby expressly incorporated in and made a part of this order. it is further ordered and adjudged that such proposed construction by Virginia Gas Transmission Corporation shall be under the supervision of the County ~anager, and shall be performed in such manner as to least disturb public travel, and said road's and drains are to be restored in as safe and efficient condition as before the co~wencement of such construction work, and entirely a~ the cost of the said corporation. it is further hereby ordered that if at any time hereafter the grades or locations of any roads with which the pipe line as heretofore mentioned in this order intersects or passes under, are changed and/or new roads are constructed, and- it becomes essential by reason of such change ~r chan~es, or construction of new road_s, to lower or change the location of the said pipe line, the work of lowering or changing the same will be performed by the ~irginia Gas Transmission ©orporation upon reasonable notice from the County Engineer or other authority, and at its own cost. ~n Eotion of %V.H~.Bangh~rne ~nd seconded by P.H.Gentry it is ordered that Dr. J.E.Early be given 50 days notice to vacate the garage on the $ountys property at the Jail. A de!igation of citizens appeared before the Board and requested an appropriation for a County Chamber o.f Commerce, for financial reasons the appropria- tion could not be made but the Board was of opinion that an establis'~nent of such a ch~mber would be very beneficial te the Oounty, therefore on motion of P~H,Gentry and seconded by ~.H,~anghorne the board of Supervisors heartily endorses the movement for a County Chamber of Oom~erce. Pett$~on of property owners on the Road between Milton and Buekeyeland Creek re.erred to County ~nager for report Viewers report to be submitted. _Ohai rman