HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-03-18 At a Regular ~eeting of the ~oard of Supervisors of Albemarle ~ounty held at the Oourt tSouse of said (lounty on the 18th day of l~arch 1931. Present: J.~.F'ray, Chairman, j.E.Abell, P.~i. Gentry, 0.Purcell ~e~ue and ~lr.H. ~nghorne, The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. COMMOI~ALTH OF VIRGINIA A ,LBEI~.RLE COUNTY BUDGET ESTII~TES Prepared in Accordance with the provisions of Section i of OhaDter 37 of the Acts of Assembly of year ~nd ~'~ne 30 o0 Appr yr en~ proposed allowe~ Appr. Expen. June a0' 31 Olassification 1 2 3 4 5 8 Admini st ration: Board of supervisors ~ounty ~lerk Eheri ff Oommonwealth ~tty Treasure r Commissioner of ~ev. County ~anager office supplies etc. 1000.00 1073.70 1700.00 1600.00 1415.00 1412.50 !200.00 1200.00 15000.00 15029.82 6568.91 6490.74 3600.00 3600.00 2000.00 1511.84 1200. O0 1200 . O0 i200. O0 1'700. O0 1700. O0 i700.00- 1450.00 1450.00 1450.00 1200. O0 1200 ~00 1200. O0 15000 . O0 15000. O0 315000. O0 6570 . 00 6570.00 6 570 · 00 3600 · 00 3600 · 00 3600 · 00 2200 . O0 2200. O0 2200. O0 Total for Adminzstration 32483.91 31818.60 32920.00 32920.~00 32920.00 Jud ici ary: Salaries & special et¢ oudge ~ uueni ±e Jurors, Lunacy, Jury corn 890.00 1181.18 360.00 360.00 2000. O0 2182.85 1200.00 1200.00 ±200.00 360.00 360.00 360.00 2000.00 2000.00 2000.00 Total for Judiciary ~2§0.00 3724.03 3560.00 3560.00 3560.00 Public Buildings: Janitor,s Salary Repairs & Incidental 720.00 720.00 3500.00 2590.27 720.00 720.00 720.00 3500.00 2500.00 2500.00 Total Fubiic Bldgs. 4220.00 3310.27 4220.00 3220.00 ~iections: The Poor Public Health 3000.00 2751.22 7000.00 8357.09 7500.00 7575.00 3000.00 3000.00 8000.00 8000.00 7500.00 7500.00 3220.00 3000.00 8OOO.OO 7500.00 Total 17500.00 18683.31 Bounties Compensation for animals Other expenses 1500.00 822.10 4500 . O0 3433.30 400.00 399.96 18500. O0 18500.00 18500.00 4000.00 4500.00 4500.00 400 . O0 420. O0 420. O0 Total for Animals & Birds 6400.00 4655.36 4400.00 4920.00 4929.00 Education: Salary ef ~uperintendent 4500.00 Other Admin. ~xpenses 37500.00 Salaries of Teachers 159000.00 S. ii. 5. 8. 4500.00 4500.00 4500.00 4500.00 40500.00 54920.00 54920.0'0 162200.00 162700.00 162700.00 162700.00 Total for ~ducation 201000.00 Road s: Equipment, bridges & cons. 23000.00 Payment of Interest 207200.00 222120.00 222120.00 222120.00 Debt. t00 O0. O0 21199.19 28000.00 28000.00 28000.00 10000.00 4000.00 4000.00 4000.00 Demo nstrat ion work 3400.00 Fire ~retectien 300.00 Payment on Floating debt 75000.00 0niversi ty tiospi tal 1000.00 Fen sion s 6350.00 Shenahdoah Park 5000.00 Library FUnd s 400.00 Childrens ~ome Society 400.00 Amt. set aside for emergencies 4000.00 S270.16 3400.00 3400.00 3400.00 261.18 300. O0 300.00 300.00 75000. O0 75000. O0 7 5000. O0 75000. O0 1000. O0 1000.. O0 1000. O0 i000.00 4905.00 6350.00 6350.00 ~350.00 5000. O0 5000. O0 5000. O0 400.00 /~00.00 ./000,~ 00 /OOO. 00 400. O0 400. O0 400. O0 400. O0 6236.82 4000.00 4000.00 4000.00 Total Expenditures from Co. 95850.00 90473.16 96450.00 96450.00 96450.00 Expenditures from Dist Funds. District l~o. ! E~ucation 227.50 Ch'ville Hoads 13000.00 Int. & Sinking Fund 46146.91 District l~;o. 2 Education 1980.85 ivy Roads 6100.00 lnterest& 8inhing Fund 9000.00 District i~o. 3 education 1217.-13 Rivanna Roads 14700.00 Interest ~ $in!ang Fund 20300.00 District ~oJ 4 ~ducation 6372,00 Saraue± ~iller ~oads 16700.00 interest ~ Sinking Fund 28000';00 District 1~o. 5 Education 5845.80 Scottsvi±±e Roads 13300.00 interest & Sinking fund 39000.00 District No. 6: education 8100.00 lnterest ~ Sinking fund 19000.00 1~93.53 15323. ?3 15000.00 10300.00 i0300. OG 4 73~1.61 4 ?000 . O0 45000. OO 45000 . O0 2296.68 7173.20 6100.00 7000 . O0 7000.00 8998 · 13 9000 . 00 9000. O0 9000.00 2636.57 17102. O1 22450. O0 17500.00 17500.00 20976.25 20300.00 20500.00 20500.00 5342.16 26116.51 20300.00 18500. O0 18500.00 28416.21 2~000.00 28000.00 28000.00 3854.48 16977.12 13800.00 16500.00 16500.00 38157.22 59000. O0 37000 . O0 37000. O0 12710.38 8100.00 12500.00 12500.00. 20574.98 19000.00 20000.00 20000. O0 Total expen. Dist. Fund 252199.74 276307.36 248050.00 241800.00' 24i800.00 GP~I~D TOTAL CO & DIST. 645903.65 657471.19 669020.00 655490.00 655490.00 Summary of County & Dist. Expen. Education 219852.83 223680.01 Bridges & Bldgs. 94900.00 116602.05 Gen County Expenses 159703.91 162764.73 lnteres't & sinking fund 171446.91 164424.40 222120.00 1137'50. O0 16O8 50. O0 172300. O0 222120.00 110300.00 163570.00 159500.00 22212O.OO 1i0300.00 163570~00 159500.00 ~ubmitted to the ~oard of Supervisors Feby 4th 1951 by Seth Burnley County '~ianager On this the 4th day ef Feby 1931, the °card of Supervisors of Albe- marle County met for the purpose of preparing and considering the local budget of said ~ounty. Thereafter and on said day there was filed the foregoing eslimate. Thereafter said estimate was duly considered by the ~oard which in accordance with law fixes as a date of hearing on said estimate the 18th. day of ~rch 1951, at the hour of lt:00 A,~. of said day, said hearing to be had at the 0curt House in Albemarle 0ounty, Virginia. The Clerk of the Board cf Supervisors was .directed to publish a synopsis of the budget and the notice of hearing, as required by £aw, in the Charlottesville ~roSress a newspaper having Smneral circu±at in the locality affected, at least ten days prior to the date set for hearing. ~.E. Fray, ~hairman Board of Supervisor W.L.Maupin, Clerk i~oard cf 8upervisors Commonwealth of Virginia County of Alben~rle ESTII~ATE OF REVENUES AND BORROWINGS ~rep~red in Accordance with the provisions of ~ection 1 of~hapter ~? of the Acts of ~ Assembly of 1927 I 1 3 4 7 year ending ~r end Tentative Final Yune 50'30 June 50~.~1 Estimate Classification County Eevenues: Taxes on ileal Estate & Tangible ~ersonal Prop. Taxes & iteal est. and Tangible Personal Property of Public. 8er. Taxes on ~erchants Oapital Employed in Business Capitation Taxes Dog Tax 85% of total Schools Funds Received from St. Delinguent Taxes & Penalties Other revenues ~0TAL REVENUES 160182.74 16a876.o3 165000.00 165000.00 5267~4.24 54205.90 54000.00 54000. O0 1100.00 ii00.00 1122.05 3040. O0 626 3. O0 97120; 49 6 582.44 127'90.97 339775.93 3400 . O0 3000. O0 300 0~'.~ O0 5400. O0 5400 . O0 5400. O0 103000.00 20000.00 15000.00 103000.00 10000.00 15000.00 103000.00 IG000.00 15000.00 565879.93 355500.00 556500. O0 Gounty Borrowings Short term Loans 75OOO .00 75000.00 5000.00 ?50O0.OO Schools, Roads, int& Sinking Fund ~harlottesviiie lvy Rivanna Samuel ~iller Scottsvilte White ~all 65749.06 64000.00 56000.00 56000.00 18995.95 16000.00 17500.00 17500.00 42438.46 39500.00 29000.00 59000.00 54646.11 46500.00 48000.00 48000.00 59784.63 54500.00 55000.00 55000.00 35050.40 30000.00 54500.00 54500.00 Total District ~evenu.e 276664.60 25o50o.oo 250000.00 250000. O0 Total District ~fev. & Borrowings Total ~ounty Rev & Borrowings 27666 i,.;~ 60 414775.93 250500.00 440879.93 250000.00 250000.00 451500 . 00 451500 . 00 on GiiAI~D TOTkL COUNTY & DIST REV.ETC 691440.53 691379.93 6815.00.00 681500.00 Submitted to the ~oard of Supervisors Feby 4t$ 1931. Seth ~urnley, Oounty ~anager On the 4th day of Feby, 1931, the ~oard Of ~upervisors of Albemarle ~ounty met for the purpose of preparing and considering the local budget of said Oounty. Thereafter and on said day there was filed the forego'~!ng estimate. ~hereafter said estimate was duly considered by the ~oard ~nich in accor- dance with taw fixed as a date of hearing on said estimate the 18th day of ~rch 1931, at the hour of Ii:0G.A.E. of said day, said hearing to be had at the ~ourt House ~ Albemarle County, Virginia. The Glerk of the ~oard of Eupervisors was ~irected to publish a synopsis of the budget and the notice of hearing, as required by law, in the ~harlottesville Progress a~newspaper '.~aving general circu&ation in the locality affected, at least tne days prior to the date set for hearing. J.~,~Fray, Ghair~an Board ~.L.~aupin, ~lerk ~oard The ~oard proceeding to lay the Gounty levies for the year 193i, order that the eo-~missioner of the Revenue of Albemarle County assess and the l'reasurer of the Ooun~ty ef ~lbemarle collect on all taxable real estat~e and all taxable tangi- ble personal property, including machinery and tools not assessed as real estate at the general reassessment of lands in 1925, used or employed in a manufacturing or mining business taxable by the State~ on Gapital; including public service corporation property [except the rolling stock of railroads operated by steam)., based upon the assessment fixed b.y the State Oorporation Commission and certified by it to the Board of Ouervisors both as to location and v~luation. -For General County purposes, eighty five (85) cents on every one hundred, dollars worth of said property For County School purposes, eighty-five (85) cents on every one hundred · dollars worth of said property, and for pen~sion funds five (,05) cents on every one hundred dollars worth of said property. And the commissioner of ~evenue. shall levy and the Treasurer shall collect ~n all of said property for I~istrict ~oad purposes except that in incorporated towns that maintain their own streets and roads, as follows, to-wit: (1) In the Oharlottesville ~istrict Five (.05) cents on every one hundred dollars worth of said property; [2) in the Ivy District th~_rty-five (.35) cents on every'one hundred dollars worth of said properSy; (3) In the Eivanna I~istrict twenty-five (.25) cents on every one hundred dol- lars worth of said property; (4) In the Samuel l~iller DiEtrict thirty ~.30) cents on every one ~undred dollars worth of said property; (5) In the Seottsville District thirty ~-.30~ cents on every one hundred dollars .worth of said proper~y; (6) in the .White Hall I~istrict thirty five (.35) cents on every one ~undred dollars worth of said prol~erty: And for interest and sinking funds for district road bonds, the ~ommis~ioner of Revenue shmll levy and the Treasurer shall collect on all of said property as follows: to,wit:-- ~ ~ 0 (1) In the Sharlottesville District one dollar and forty L$t.4 ) cents on every one hundred dollars worth of said property; ('2) in the lvy Dlstrict one dollar s~ud ten ($1.10) c~nts on every one htuudred dollars worth of said property; ~) in the RivAnna District eighty five ($,8§) cents on every one hundre dollars worth of said property; (4) in the Samuel ~iiller D~istrict one dollar and ten cents ($'l.10) on every ~undred dollars worth?of said property; (5) zn the Scottsville District one dollar and sixty cents ($1.60) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property; ~6) in the ~hite Hall District one dollar and fifty five cents ($1~58~ every une hundred dollars worth of said property. And the Commissioner o~f Hevenue shal~ levy and the Treasurer shall also Collect for District Road purposes on all goods, wares, merchandise and capital ef merchants on hand the 1st day of ~anuary 19~, whether belonging to individuals, corporations or companies, thirty ~ents (.~0) on every one hundred dollars worth of such property. 6n motion of ~.H. Langhorne and seconded by ~.E. Abelt the citizens of Crozet are permitted te lay a water main along the county roads the route to be furnished by ~Ar. Nottingham and a subsequent order dra~n setting out the restrictions, linti rations etc. on motion of W.H.Langhorne and seconded by J.E.Abell it is ordered that ]~r. d.E. Early pay to the 6ounty of Albemarle $$.00 l~er month, beginning t~ay~!st ig~l ~or the use of a garage en the. county's Property, with ~0 days notice to vacate. On motion of W.H.~anghorne and seconded by C.Purcell N~cCue,it is ordered that i~r. A.L.Bennett, Supt. of Schools, furnish the Board of Supervisors an itemized statement of expenses for the fiscal year ending June ~0th 1950, ~?}June ~0, ~9~1. · At the request of Seth Burnley, Co~ty ~anager, and it appearing that notices were on the Bnd day of February 19~l, that being the 1st day of the February of t~he Circuit 0curt of Albemarle Oounty, Va. posted at the front doer of the COurt ho of said County and at two places in the neighborhood of the road proposed to be c±osed; therefore on motion duly sesonded, J'.B.Kegley, J.O~Thurman, ~.D.Holladay, L.N.Tripiett and P.O.tLiner are appointed vie~rs to view a portion of the road i'mmediately in front of the Eichie Tavern on the ~Ionticello Road and the old road from Stephen's Crossing to highway No. ~9 and make report in writing whether in their-opinion any, and if any what inconvenience would result from discontinuing said road as above set out. The viewers shall meet at 10:00 A.E. on the 8th day of April 19~1 and file with the ~lerk c.f this ~oard on or before the I§th day of April 19~l their report in writing.~ ~