HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-04-15 At a regular meeting of the ~ard ot' -Pupervxsors. of ~lbemarle ~ounty, ~irginia, ae~d at t~e Court House on t~e i5t~ day of April 1931. Present: J.~.Fray, ~hairman, J.E.Abell, P.H.Gentry and ~'.H,Lang~orne. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. im the matter of cioslng that portion of the Old County Road immediately in front of the ~l~hie Tavern on the Monticello Road. The petitioner, Seth Burnley. County ~an~er, presented sa~lsfac~ory evidence ~o ~ae Board that not.ice of closing said roa~~ ~d~:~een posted on the 2nd day of February, ig~i, that being.:the first day/of the ~e?br~-~ te~ of the Court of Ai~marle Cemnty, Virginia, at the~Oeur~-house~ef-saXd~'.~ounty and a~ ~wo public p~aces in the neighborhood ef the,road proDe-sed to be closed; t~t after said no~iees aa~ ~en po, sted~20 days th~s ~ara ~did"at its meeting meld on ~e idem day o~ ~rch i951 appoint' five-viewers to view said ro~' and ~po-rt 'A~ ~iting wme~a~. in ~eir opinion, any, and if any what~incenvience.wouid' resul'~ ~from discontinuing said road, mha~ five ef your eo~iss.ioners, J.B.Keg&ey, J-.O.Thu~n, P.C.Einer, ~'.R.~oi~aday amd L.~.Trip~ett have ~d'e their- repert-~zn ~itin'g unde~r~date ef 8th day of Apr,&, that in accordance with tree foregoing order of' t~e.--~id ~o~d' they have viewed said road an~in ~he.ir Op i ~m~l en ~ ~ O' incenvience ~li result to-any~-.eme, if said read discontinued ~d..:cl~sed, provided ,t~at if t~e~ state el--County ever ~dens tne presenm ~omtice~o Road the road abeve'cl~sed~'~y~'be~used~for~that purpose without cos~ tae State ef Country. A copy of said report si-~ed: by. the~co~issieners aboved named ~s presented mo mhis.meeting~d the ~lerk cf this Board is-erde~d ~e fize said report. 2n consideration ~e.~eef:~t is o~=dered by' this,~eard that so oi' the old ~ounty ~ad. i~edia~eAy~'~ln front of~the~ichie Tavern. on the monticei~o Read,' through the lands: eft ~r's. Mark,~Hemderson be, a,n~'2t 'is ~ereby ordered discontinued and closed. in the m~tter of the old. road from~SteP~e'n's ~rossing to highway ~o. 3~, i~ is ordered to be continued until a future meeting of mhe Board. Om .motion of U'.H, Langhorne and seconded by J~.Abel! i~ is ordered tma~ sac approle~ation to the County ~oard of Public ~elfare. be increased ~o ~30O. per month -~egxnnmng.May 1st 19~1 for. six months. ~n motion of P.l[.Gentry.:and ~ seconded by' j.E.Abell im As ordered taa~ ~ae Peoples mationai Bank. of ~harlottesville~-~'Va~. be required mo furnish ~ond for ~he deposit of, the ¢'ounty:'s $'i nking 'Fund ~oney; ~'t the regmlar February 19~i meeting ef 'the ~ard it was ordered ~a~ Seth Burniey, .Co~ty Man~ager:, report on the.:.adviaabiiity of opening a ~oad from BucEeyezand OreeE to ~t. Eagle ChurCh through .the. lands of Harry G.Browning. T~e said: Burnley ~as.this day subm~.t'te~.-"~i's report and the ~oard being off opinAng taat Said report is in du~e-form:.mnd should be-adopted, therefore on motion dU~y seconded it ls ordered that the ~lerk issue subpoena .to Harry 6. Browning ~o appear before the ~oard of Supervisors of Albemarle County~at the ~ourt house of said County on t~e 20tn day of ~ay 1931 at li:0~ A,~-to s~ow eamse-, if any, why the said repor~ ~