HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-05-20 At a Regular ~eeting of the ~oard of $~pervlsors of Albemarle 0ounty meld at the 0curt House of said 0ou~ty on the 20th day o~ May 1951. Present: J.~.Fray, Chairman, J.~E.Abeli, C.P.~c~ue, ~.A.0..'Neiil, and P.H..Ge On motion of J.E.Abeli and seconded by (~m. Purcell ~cCue the following resolution is unanimously ~adopted. On application of William ~.Jarman, of Orozet, Virginia, to be permitted to ~ay a certain pipe line, through which water ms to be transported for t~e use of the residents of the Village of ~rozet, across and along the public road from the lands of W.~.Dick and others to and in the Village of Crozet, ~ IT RESOLVED that in order to furnish water to the residents of said and mn village,/accordance with the provisions of Oh~pter 160 of the 0ode ~f Virginia of I930, the right be, and it is hereby, granted to said William ~,Jarman to lay and maintain said pipe tine, and to flow water through the same, across and along cer~a Public road's as follows: in the Buck ~oumtain Road, beginning at or near the eastern boundary ef the W~.E. DicE land, thence in an easterly direction along said roa~ to a point at er near the bouneary~:m'ne between J.Roy Gentry and Hedley ~.Bowen, erosaimg said road at such poimt as m~y be necessary, thence, entering said road again, from a .point near the residence cf F.W. Scantling in an easterly direction to the intersection ef the macadam road leading to White Hall, thence North along the western side of said road to the intersection of St. George Avenue, thence eastwardly along the southern margi~ ef said St. George Avenue to the old WhiAe Hall ~oad, thence south- wardly along the west::side of said roa~ to its intersection with the Jefferson high- way Just north of the ~hesape~ke and Ohio underpass in the village of ~rpzet; a 0ranch of said piep line crossing the old White mall Road, between St. ~eorge Avenu~ and the Ghesapeake and Ohio underpass,-and extending east through the O'Neill p~ope~ to a point near ~andridge's Filiing Station; and An t~e Greenwood Road, beginning at the ~ethodist Church at a point w~ere said~ road enters the Jefferson Highway, thence in a westerly direction along the ~side of the said Greenwood Read., as far westward as may be necessary to serve water' to the residents of that section; and in the dead end road extendmng from the ~reenwood Road to a point near the Chesapeake and ohio trac~s; That the said pipe lime shall, at all points in the highway, be placed at such dept~ beneath the surface of the road as not to interfere with the use of said road by the public, and after such pipe is laid, and in future after renewing and repairing said p:ipe, the surface of the road so disturbed shall be restored mo its fo~umer condition, and satisfactory to the county engineer; That said William M.~arman has deposited with the ~oard the sum of One Hundred Rollars, as a guarantee that he will restore the surface of the said roads their present condition, after the present system of pipes is laid, and that if, wh~ said wore ~s completed, the county engineer is satisfied that said ~arman ~as compri sa~d sum of o~e hundred dollars shall be returned to said ~arma~; but if said ~'arma~ ~as not complied with the undertaking to restore said roads, then said sum, or sach part thereof am may be necessary, shall be used to make such restoration. ~ry. ty ,n o n ed, On mo'tion of J,A.O'Ne~iZ and seconded by J,E.Abelt it zs unanzmoumly ordered ~at the sum of $750,00 be appropriated for the Confederate Reunzon to ~e paid cut of the pe~msion Fund, On motion duly seconded the following report of Seth Burr~iey, 0ounty i~anager was duly adopted. VLEV~ER' S REPORT STAT~ 0F VIRGINIA COUNTY OF ALBEMARLE TO LVt T: ~o ~he Honorable ~oard of Eupervi so rs of the Oeunty ef Albem~rle. ~ ~The undersigned CoUnty manager by your order made on the ~,Sth day of Feby l~g~l, respectfully report that i wemt upon the lands proposed ~e be taken for a public road from Buckeyeland ~reek to ~t. Eagle ~hureh on the 20th day of ~eby i~31, and report thereupon as. follows:.- 1st. The convenience or inconvenience that will ~esult as well as individua±s as to the public is as follows: Public eonvenience. 2nd. The said roa~' will n~t be one of such mere private convenience as to ma~e it proper that it should be opened and i(ept in order by the person or persons for whose convenience it is desired. ~rd. ~e yard, garden o~r orchard will have to be taken. 4th. The names of the land e-~e.rs on such route are as follows: Harry $ Browning (Onion ~entral Life insurance §th. The following named of said land owners require compensation. harry G. Browning (Onion Central Life Insurance Go. Oincinnati Ohlo~ ~th. A just compensation to the land owners requiring compensation for t~e said land so taken and for the damage to the residue of .the tract beyond ~e peculiar benefits to be derived i n respect te such residue from the road e~ landing to be es'tab±ished are as follows: Twenty five dollars per acre--- ~inety five dollars plus Twelve dollars and 5/'100 cost. ?th. ~he following are the ~ther facts and circumstances whi¢~ ~n tae opmn~on of your viewers are useful in enablimg your ~oard to determine the expediency ef establishing or altering the said road. Shortenes the road as well as straitening it. This land is assessed at $~.00 per acre. All of which is respectfully submitted, Seth Burnley, Seth Burnley, ~Ounty N~nager submitted itemized statement of expenditures for the ~°mt~ of ~ay 19~l. ~f At t~e request of ~rs. Phillip Butler, and it appearing treat notices were on tne 6t~ day of Apri± I951, that being the first day cf t~e 'April of tae Circuit Court of-Albemarle County, Virginia, posted at t~e front door of t~e Court House of Said County and at two places in t~e neighborhood t~e road proposed to be closed; therefore on motion duly seconded, J.B.Keg±ey, ~,O.i."~urm~n, W.D.ii01Aday, L,~.Triplett and P.C.Minor are appointed v~ewers to vmew a portion of the Old ~arren Road adjacent to Totier~'.Oreek alomg the proper~y of ~rs'. P~illip ~Bmt. ler and Jno. ~.Tempkins and make report i~ writing whet~er im their epimmon any, and if any what inconvenience would result from discontin- uing said read as above set out. ~he viewers shall meet at l~:O0 A.II. on the i6th day of ~ume and file with the ~lerk of this ~oar~ on er before ~h~ l?ta of Jume i~Sl their report in writing. ~ At a Regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors o~ Albemarle County, Va. he~d at the CourtHouse of said County on the 17th day of ~une l@~l. Present: J.M.Fray, Chairman, C.Purcell McCUe, ~,E.Abell, P.H.Gentry and W.H.Langhorne and J.A,0'Neill. The minutes o£ the last meeting were read and approved. A delegation of citizens appeared before the board and requested the building of a bridge at Joplin, s Ford on ~ockfish River. between Nelson and Albemarle County, the board referred the matter to SethBurnt~ey, County Manager, with instructions to report back at its next regular meeting. On motion of P.H.Gentry and seconded by C.P.McOue, the Co~mty.appropriate~ the sum of $300.00 to the Yorktown Sesqui-Centennial. On motion of O.P.McOue and seconded by J.A,O'Neill a two weeks leave of absence is granted Mrs. Bessie~3_nuMiller, County Home Demonstrator. WH_~EREAS, it appears to this Board that the tax nem. sssary to be levied by the Co~mties of this State on real estate to carry on the Public School System and to construct and maintain the County ~oad SFstem, is a hardship upon the owners of real estate in this period of agricttltural depression;' and WHEREAS, it further appears to this Board ~that the-owners of real estate in Virginia, are being required to pay more than their Just proportion of the cost of County Government; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that it is the sense of this Board that the General Assembly of Virginia, at its 1932 Ses'sion~ be petitioned to enact legislat whereby the Commonwealth of Vlrginla shall assume a much larger proportion of the costs of the Public School System of the State, thus enabling the Boards of Supervisors of the various Counties to make a just and equitable reduction of taxes on real estate: ;ion