HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-06-17 / At t~e request of Mrs. Philiip BU.tler, and it appearing t~at notlces were on ~ae 8t~ day of April 1951, that being the first day of t~e ~April term of the Circuit Oourt of Albemarle County, Virginia, posted at t~e front door of t~e Cour~ House of Said Country and at two places in t~e neighborhood of ~e road proposed to be c£oSed; therefore on motion duly seconded, J.B.Eeg, ey, J~O,~urm~n, W.D~liolAday, L.~.Triplett and P.~.Ninor are appomnted vmeWers ~0 vmew a por~io~ of the 0id ~arren Road adjacent to Totier~Oreek alomg the proper~y of mrs, P~iliip ~tter amd Jno. O.Tompkins and make report im writing whe~aer im ~heir opinion any, and if any what inconvenience would result from discontin- uing sa~d road as above set out. ~he viewers shall meet at lC:00 A.~. on the iSth day of June and file with the ~lerk of this ~ear~ on or before ~h~ ef Ju~e ig~l ~heir report in writing. ~ At a Regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Va. heSd at the Court House of said County on the 17th day of June 1@31. Present: J.M.Fray, Chairman, C.Purcell McCue, J.E.Abell, P.H,Gentry and W.H.Langhorne and J.A,0,Neill. The minutes of the last meeting were read an_d. approved. A delegation of citizens appeared before the board.and requested the building of a bridge at ~oplin's Ford on ~ockfish River between Nelson and Albemarle County, the board referred the matter to SethBurnley, County Manager, with instructions to report back at its next regular meeting. On motion of P.H.Gentry and seconded by C.P.MCCue, the County.appropriate~ the sum of $~00.00 to the Yorktown Sesqui-Centennial. On motion of 0.P.McCue and seconded by J.A.0,Neill a two weeks leave of absence is granted Mrs. Bessie~DunnMiller, County Home Demonstrator. WHEREAS, it appears to this Board that the tax nem~ssary to be levied by the CGunties of this State on real estate to carry on the Public SChool System and to construct and maintain the County Hoad S~stem, is a hardship upon the owners of real estate in this period of agricuStural depression; and WHEREAS, it further appears to this Board that-the .owners of real estate in Virginia, are being required to pay more than their Just proportion of the cost of 0ounty Government; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that it is the sense of this Board that the General Assembly of Virginia, at its 1932 Session~ be petitioned to enact leglsla' whereby the Commonwealth of Vlrgir~ia shall assume a much larger proportion of the costs of the Public School System of the State, thus enabling the Boards of Supervisors of the various Counties to make a just and equitable reduction of taxes on real estate: ion BE:~.'IT'FUE'TR~"RESOLVE/)'~ that the 'GOvernor of virginia Be petitioned to appoint a commission to consider this matter of"grave im.~ortance to the people of Virginia, and' 'to formulate and' submit to the next Session of'' the General Assembly some Feasible plan, such as Iuxury taxes etc. whereby the COmmonwealth of Virginia, will' be enabled" to assume a much larger proportion of the cost of the Public School System; BE IT"'FURTMEE RESOLVED, that' a copy of~'"this resolution be forwarded-~o our representatives in the General Assembly when elected. WHEREAS, a soil-survey-was made of a part .of Albemarle County in 1902. The reports of which are out of print and no'longer-~avaitabte 'to the average farme~ and WHEREAS, the farmers of Albemarle County have approximately twenty-seven million dollars invested in Agriculture', and WHEREAS, the success of this industry depends largely upon a thorough knowledge of the soil, therefore be it RESOLVED, that this Board-makes request of the proper authorities that a soil survey of Albemamle County be complected and the partial survey made in 1902 be brought up to date at the-earliest-possible date, and that'copies Of the complete report with a soil map attached be made available, to the farmers of Albemarle COunty, and be it further RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be 9resented to D~. A.W.Drinkard Director Agricultural Experiment Station, Blacksburg, ¥irgtnta. In the matter of closing that portion-of the .Old Warren goad, adjacent to Totier Creek along the property, of Ers. Phillip Butler-and J~ C.Tompkins. The petitio~r, Nrs. Phillip Butler, presented satisfactory' evidence to the Board that notice of closing said road had-been posted'on the 6th day of APril, 19Zl, that being the first day of the April Term of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, at the Court house of said county and at two public places in the neighborhood of the road proposed to be closed; that after said notices had been posted B0 days this Board did at its meeting held on'the 20th day of May 195l appoint five viewers to view said road and'report in writing whether in their opinion, ar~,-and if any what inconvenience sould result from discontinuing said road,-that f6u~ of your Viewers, J.B.Kegley, P.C.Nlnor, J.e. Thurman and W,D.HOtladay have made their report in writing under date of June the 16th 19~1, that in accordance with the foregoing order of the said Board they have viewed said road~and in their' opinion no inconvenience will result to any one if said road is discontinued and closed, ~A.~copy-~of~-said~report signed by the Viewers aboved mamed was' presented to this meeting and the Clerk of this Board is ordered to file said report. In cc~eration whereof it is ordered by this Board that so much of the Old Warren ~oad, adjacent to Totoer Creek along the property of Mrs. Phillip Butler be, and it is hereby ordered discontinued and closed. Cary N.Moon appeared in person and by' counsel objected to the report. It appearing to t~e Beard that it will be necessary to borrow some money with which to pay count'y expenses between now and~ the colIection of'193I taxes, it is therefore ordered that 'the Treasurer of-Albemarle County, be and he is hereby authorized in the name and on behalf of the said ¢Ounty~of Albemarle to make arrangement er arrangements wi~h some bank or banks to borrow the necessary amount not to exceed-$'2~5"O00~'O0 End to secure such obligation or obliEations in the name, and on behalf--of said county as may be necessary to secure such advancement or advancements and also by such obligation or obligations and pledge 1931 ~v~ for the Same. for the ment~ of June 1931. Seth Burnley, County Manager submitted itemized statement of expenditures At a Hegular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, held at the Co~t House of said Sounty on the 15th day of July 1931. Present: J.M.Fray, C.Purcell McCue, W.H.Langhorne, P.H.Gentry, J.E.Abell The minutes of ~the last meeting were read and approved. In the matter of a bridge at Joplin's Ford on the Rockfish River, Seth Burnley, County Manager, made his report as requested by the board and after a thorough discussioh of the matter, on motion of W.H.Langhorne and seconded by P,H. Gentry it is ordered that the Bridge be not built. On motion duly seconded the report of the Finance Committee is adopted viz:-- Your Finance COmmittee met on JUly 1st, and after adding the intereSt up te 1st of July, had the following ~mounts to the credit of the various Bond Issue Fund: ~ha r lot t e s vill e Ivy Rivanna Samuel Miller Scottsville White Hall $ 43,110.87 6,147.47 52,808.04 75,313.73 10,879.65 25~944,11 We also had a balance of $3642.18 to the credit of the General County Fund Seottsville and Charlottesville districts had bonds maturing on this date of $100,000.00; $~3,000.00 of which belongs to Charlottesville District and $47,000.{ to Scottsville District. From the above you will~ therefore, see that Charlottesville District needed $9,889.19 and S¢ottsville DistriCt needed $36,120.35 making a total ef $46,009.54 needed to pay off these bonds. We, therefore, deducted this amount from the Rivanna District Bond Issue Fund, and recommend that you pay Rivanna District 5% on this amount until Eivanna District is reimbursed the principal. Res~e.ctfully ~$mitted, Finance Committee By Seth Burn!ey )0