HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-09-16 At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle
COunty, Virginia, held at the Court House of said Connty on the ~16th day of
September 1931.
Present: J.M,Fray, Chairman, J.E.Abell, C.Purcell McOue, J.A,
O~Neill, W.H,Langhorne and P,H.Gentry.
The minutes of the last meeting wereread and approved.
In the matter of road at 18th Street, near the Woolen Mills
.Road, it was ordered that this road 's~ould be taken over by the County.
In accordance with ViewersI report of this date, motion was mad~
and duly seconded to close StephensI Crossing.
1.~nat Seth Burnley, the County Manager be and he is hereby
authorized on behalf of the said Board to sEecute the contract between The
Chesapeake and Ohio Railway Company and this Board, a copy whereof is this day
presented to the Board and directed to be filed with its records.
~. That upon completion of the work provided for in said contract
the grade crossing' at Station 250 plus 71, on the map attached to said agreement,
be and the same is permanently closed as a public highway crossing, and that Seth
Burnley, the County ~anager, be and he is hereby directed to erect or cause to be
erect~ed on each side of said crossing perma~nent barriers to prevent any use of
said crossing by travellers on said highway.
A patition was presented to the Board requesting the' County widen
Woodridge-Jefferson Mills'road. The matter was referred to Mr. W.E.Langhorne,
supervisor in the Scottsville District and the County manager.
Matter of the AnderSon road be taken into the County system be
referred tour. W,H~Langhrome and the County ~anager.
The School Board was represented by~rs. R.L~Page, Ray Warrick,
M,G.Garnett and A.L.Bennett, their business being to discuss finances.~Motion
was made and duly secom~ed that this Board corner in request that the Literary
Fund loan be postponed, and that the County Manager and A,L. Bennett, Superintendent
of Schools, take this"up with the State Board of Education. It being distinctly
understood that if the Literary Fund Bon. dis[not paid this year that the school
appropriation of $~22,1~0.00 is to be ~by that amount.
A copy of the~assessment made by the State Corporation-Commission,
for the year 1931, upon the property of Virginia Public Service Company located in
Albemarle County, having been laid before this Board at this meeting, and examined
and compared by them, and the Board deeming the.same to beinsufficient and incorrect.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the County ~anager, the Commissioner of Revenue
and Commonwealth's Attorney, be and they are hereby directed to inquire into
and investigate s~id assessment and to ascertain whether omissions hav~.~ccurmed
and/or corrections should be made in such assessment.
~otiOn was made and duly seconded, requesting Treasurer to furnish
the Commissioner of-RevenUe a list of non-existent lands, to be dropped from land
On motion of W.H.Langhorne duly seconded, the County Manager was
instz~cted to report on proposed change of County Road through the ls~ds Of
John Moon near Esmont.
Whereas the County has built and surfaced a great portion of its
County Highway System, and
Whereas the road to Ruckersville, known now'as Federal Highway
has been included in the State System and
Whereas if this road is~relocated in such a way as to leave the
present road by several miles, thereby causing a duplicate expense in the upkeep
and greatly disrupting the County System, be it hereby.unanimously
RESOLVED that the State Highway Commission be requested to locate th
road as close to the present road as is consistent with good engineering practice,
particularlM_~that portion from Hydraulic to ~Ockland Corner which has recently
been surfaced.
Statement of expenditures for the month of August was submitted by
the County Manager,
At a regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, held at the Court House of said county on the 2lst day of October,
Present: J.M.Fray, Chairman, C.Purcell McCue, J.E.Abell, P.H.
Gentry, J.A.0'Neill and W.H.Langhorne.
The Minitues of the last meeting were read and approved.
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle Count
1. That all telegraph, telephone, light and power companies,
and all other public service corporations, associations and individulas, that may
hereafter desire to obtain p~mission to erect, place, locate, construct, operate
and/or maintain posts, poles, guys, wires, transformers, stations~ cables, conduits,
manholes, pipes, lines and/or all other overhead and/or underground appliances, appar~
~tus and/or equipment upon, over, along, in, under and/or through the roads, streets,
highways and/or other public places in the County of Albemarle, before any wrok
~of locating, placing, erecting, constructing or operating shall ha~e been begun, shall
make application, in writing, to the County ~anager of Albemarle County,
application shall be accompained by plans, drawings, maps, or sketches showing the
character of the proposal in detail, and road, street, highway, and/or public