HomeMy WebLinkAbout1931-12-16 At a Regular.meeting of the Board of SUper=~s~rs of Albemarle
County, Virgt--ni~a,~. h.eld-at ~he Court House ~Of said-~ ed~ty on' th~,-.t6th~.day of
~cember 19~1~ ......
..... P~eeen$-~-~.J~.Fra~, Chairman, J.E,Abell,~ P,H.~Gent~ -J,A,O ~ Neilt
~d W.H.Langhorne.
~e~~s of the last meeti~..were-,rea~n~.~apgroved.
In the matter of the report of ~Se~ B~ey, Ooze. Manger, in
regard to a cha~e~ of-road f~m Esmont to ~omas' Store-.~ug~h..the ~nds of John
Mooni after a thorough di'seusslon of the case, on~motiom~dul~,..~-nd~ i~ is
ordered that .sa~d''~' re~rt be-not adopted.
Zn.the .matter~ of a road from Rob&nsons corner to ~.'the FlUvanna
Line in the Seottsville ~/agisterial District on motion ~duly ~se¢ond'ed it is ordered
referred to mess~s,-.BU~nley and Langhorne.
On motion ~uly seconded it is ordere~that-a~o~fer~ be made to
Robert' Oarret~.~for Forty nineTnousand ($49,000.00) six per-~ent WhiteHall Distri¢
bonds on the basis of 5-~5/100 per cent to maturity.
At a Duly eat.led meeting of t. he,Bosm$o£,SuPerv!sors of Albemarle
County, ¥irgir~a~ hetd--at ~he Court House-cf~ said 'County On--'the ~th~day of ~an~ary
Prese~:,..~.m.Fray, Chai~man~ E.J,Ballard.,.~.W~.,H,,~anghorne, C.Purcell
· NcCue amd J.A.O,.Neill. ~
In. the matter of the election of officers o~..the;~oard for the
year 1932, the.~a~d was called to order and on motion dulyseeonded .C.~rcell
He~ue was unanimous~ e-ledted temporary.'Ohairma, n.
- 2he Temporar¥~.chairman called for no~imations.-~ofeandidates for
office of Chairman o£,the Board. and on motio~-P.H~e~t~am~'~'secondedbyJ,'A.
O~Neill, J.M,Fray;was,~ unanimOUsly elected~Chairman for the.~ye~r~lg32.
The temporary chairman called-for.~nominations~.of~-candidates for
the office of ¥iee~hairman of the Boar~-~amd on motion,,~f-~N~.F~ay~and seconded'
by J.A;O~:NeIll,; P,H, Gent~y_ was unanimously elected vice~chmirmam ger. the year
~ereu~n:-~,~,Fray took his seat as-Oh~i~ma~,a~d-appointed the
Finance ~ommittee~for the year 1952 composed of. the~,.fotlowing,me~e~s:O.PUrcell
McCue, P,H.Gent~y an~ ~H,Langhorne, ........
After .,a~financf~al~ report, by the County ~anager, and.~ :a-~ thorough
dis~sion by.~l dep~rtm~T~'heads and offieers,'it was-reeemmen~ed~that
begi~g with the new fiscal year July 1,.'.::.'~9~2,aeut o£,~en-~er, cen~ be applied
to all dep.~artments amd~.offi.cers, except the Judge of.Gir~ui~ .~ou~t~and OOmmon-
wealth!s Atto~ney~'-~o~se. sala~ies are.fixed by the Legistatu~e,, and'~who now