HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-01-06 At a Regmt~,r~..,meeting of the Board of Super~.~so~s of Albemarle
County, Vi~gi~a,~ held~ at the Court House ~f said. c~unty on the?16~h~day of
December 19~1~ ..... ~-
~d W.H.Langhorme.
~e~'m~m~s of~ the last meeti~ were...~ea~-a~.approv~d.
In ~e matter of the report of..~Se~ B~ey, Cu~. Manager, in
regard to a cha~e~of- road f~m E~ont to ~omas' Store ~t~e~h~ the ~ds of JOhn
Moon~ after a thorough discussion of the case-, on~.~tiem,.duty:~s~nded it Is
ordered that saidreport be not adopted. ~
In-the .matter. of a road from 2~nsons corner to .the Fluvanna
Line in the Seottsville ~gisterial ~strict on motion ,duly .seconded tt is order.ed
referred to mess~s~-Burnley and Langhorne.
On motion duly. seconded it is ordere~ ~-tha't?'an~.e~£er be made to
Robert Oarret~ Yfor Forty nine Thousand ($49,000.00) six .per cent White Hall DiStricit
bonds on the basis of ~ ~§/100 per cent to maturity. : I
At a Duly called meeting of the, Boar~.~.e£..~SuPervtsors of Albemarle
County, ¥i~gtnia, 'hetd-"~'at~the Court House of said Oounty 'cm..the 6th~.d. ay of January
1932. -,,
Presen~:~. J.~.Fray, ~hai~man, E.~oBall~d~-~,.E,~ 1Langhorne, C.~r.oell
McCue and J.A,O~Netll. ~.
In the matter of the election of officers o£. the Board for the
year 1932, the .Bea~d was called to order and on motion duly: seconded ¢.Purcell'
~eCue was unanimously_.., eledted temporary-Chairman.
The Temporar¥~ chairman cai/ed for no~imations.,~ef ,candidates for
office of Chairman of the Board and on motio~ ~£~.P,H,Gent.~.,~,.and,,~seeonded by J ;A.
O! Neill, J.N.Fray~was., , ~unanlmeUsly elected.m Chairman for the,.~-yemr ~ t932.
The temporary chairman called, for,~noml~ations, of~.eandidates for
the office of VIce-~hairman of the Boa~d~d~ on_motion~.of.~,~.Fray~.and seconded
by ~.A,O~Neill,~ P,H.,Gemtry_ was unanimouxly eteeted vice=cha~irmam ~for the year I932~
~hereup~n,~.~-,Fray took his seat as-Chai~ma~-a~nd appointed the
Finance OommIt-tee~ for the year 1932 composed, of. the~. following ,membe=s:O.PUrcell
MeCue. P,H,Gent~, and: W,H,.Langhorne. ........... ....
After..-a.finanelal -report I ~y ~e CO~$y ~Manager .:~nd a~ thorough
dis¢mssion by all dep_.artm~-'heads and.officer, s, ~lt was~ ~_e-eemmen~ed~,that
with the new fiscal year July~!,~!.-!9,~.~a,~,cut o~. ten~er--cen~ be applied
to all departments ~mnd~officers, except the Judge
wealth~s Atto~ney~.,-~wb~se ,salaries are,fixed by the ~egis~tatu~re, andwho now
~i:th these- redu'ctions~ and due
of' bonds have,;,been-pald~-a 'cut ~- n: .: .the .~ ta~, rate,
f~om 10 ~'50~ cents-:~ ~100. of assessed
At"rH~' 'ReguHa~':m~img~'-of the Board .of..~apervisors of Albemarle County,
Virginias'--h~td-at- the-~o~'.Nouse of said County on the 2Oth~ day 0f' f:~Janmary
193~2. ~ ' '~ ~'
Present:~ J.;M~ra¥,-Chairman, E,J~Ballard, C,Purcelt ~cCUe. J,.A,O'Netll
W,H.Langhorne~'and- ~P~Gen~ry.
minutes off.the tastmeeting were read and app~Gved.
On motion of~ P.~H;Gentry-and seconded by C,Pureetl,- MeCue it is ordered
that One Hundred ($t00.) Dollars be appropriated to the. George-Washington'
Bi-centennial Commi~i'Oit~ ' ~- " .~, - '--'
~ ~C.Pureelt McCUe, E.J.Ballard &
No,,. ,1'. -and ~.H~Langhorne " ',
0n'motio~,o£~¢,.Pu~ee~ NeOue and seconded.~by~2,H.Gentry it is ordered
that Mr, for bringing.~.~r-,..~Lucian Clements
to hospital. ·
At the re2uest~'of?$e~.B~rnley. CoUnty ~an_ager.-and it~ appearing that notices
were on the 7th d'ay~-~ef~~ ~ember 193~., that being~the 1st day of-December term of the
CircUit Court of Atbemart.e--CountF~ va. posted at the front door of the Gourt house
of said CoUnty. and at two p!aees-~n the neighborhood of'. the road~.pr.opOsed to be closed;
therefore on motion dul¥.~-seeond ~. J~.B~..ge-g~ ~ J,0,~nurman, W. D,Holladay and 'P,6,Minor
and S~T.white are appotnted~ viewers .to view a portion of the Old,-Coun%y Hoad Joining
the Milton and Boy~s'-:TaVern:-:P~ad~,~twee~~ the lands of ~iss Sallie Smith and
Miss Mary Fox and-make report...~n, writing whether in ~their: opinion an~, and if ar~
what inconvenience 'wou~d-res'~',~-t.~from ~scOntInuing said road as.-~abe~e~set out.
The viewers shall meet~at.~,lO~OO-A,M,. on the 16th day of Feb~dary 1932. anti,file.
$ith the Clerk of :th~s Board~ on'-~;or~before -the 17th day. of Februa~y~.tg32, their
report in writing~
At the~re~.uest ~ef~ ~'eth Burnley. County Manager, a~, 'it .appearing
that notices were Oln the~7.th.~.y-.of~ December 19~1, that being the~-..ls~'~ day of
December term of the~cuit,¢oU~t of Albemarle COunty, ~a. posted at the front
door of ~the Court House ~-of, sa~d~,Ceunty and 'at two places in-the neighborhood of the
read proposed to be · clesed~,~there~ore on motion, duly .seconded, J,B.Kegley, J,O,
ThUrman., W.D.Holladay, PAC~Minor .amd~S~T~Whtte are appointed..~viewers to view
a portion of the old Read~,b~tween ~ortonsville and Boonesvitle'ad~oining the lands
of. Katherine Shiflett and~'m '~e- re~e~$~.i-n~ ~tting whether, in their opinion any, and
if any what inconvenien~e~we~!d-r~esult from discontinuing said road~.as~above set out.
The v~ewers shaH1 neet ~t,'lO.~OO~-A,M, on the 16th day of Febr~ary~.~9~,~nd 'file v~ith