HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-01-20 ~Wi.th these- reductions, and due to-the -£ae~ of bonds haven,.been-paid, ~a 'cut tm the.~ ts~ rate. ranging ~n"-'.the~.fse~e~l~istricts from 10 to-50-cents?pe~ $100. of assessed propert~,:~..ea~ b~made~- ~~ Ch~n ~he .~oard l~)f. ~upervisors of Albemarle County, Virginla,~.held---at.-the~.~Ou~. House of said ~ounty on the 20.~h day of -i"January Present:- ~;M, Fra¥, ..Chairman, E.J,Ballard, C,P~cell ~cCUe, J,A~O, Neill ~-~d-,~.Gentr . W.H.L~ghorn~ P'~ The minutes of~the laSt?meeting were read and app~o..ved, On motion' of~P~.H;~entrF ~.and seconded by C,Pure.ett MeCue it is ordered that One Hundred ($!00.~) Dollars be appropriated to the~ ~eo-rge-Washington~ Bi-centennial On motion o£~C~Pu~.eell ~eOue and seconde~.~by-~P~,E,Gentry it is ordered that Ur', Fra~¥'B'eddow~.~'~t~wed~ two trips for bringing/..~.Lucian Clements to hospital. At the requests'of.~-~ eth nley, County ~anager, and it appearing that notices were on the ?th day~£..~-Deeember t9~, .that being~ the 1st day of December te~m of the Circuit Court of. At*bemarte-County, va. posted at the front door of the COurt house of said County .and at two p!aees~.i~n the neighborhood of. the road~.prpposed to be closed; therefore on motion duly-~-'seeond~, J-~.B~eE~ y:, J,O.Thurman, W.D,Holladay and.'P.¢.Ninor and S,T.White are appointed viewers to view a portion of the 01d,.~C~otu~ty Hoad Joining the Milton 'and Boyd~s-Tavern:--'.Rea~et~een- the lands of Miss Sallie Smith and Miss ~ary Fox and* make'r'epo~t~i.m~ w~iting whether in their: opinion an~, and if a~ what inconvenience w~d'~res~_~l.t~£~om discontinuing said road as-a~e~e~set.out. The viewers shall meet~-~t.,',l~O~-~A,M-. ~n the 16th day of February 193~~ and,.file~ - tith the Clerk of :th~s. Bo.ard-m~en-.or~befor. e ~the 17th~ day of Februa~y.~t932, their report in writing, · At they"request ~e'f.~.,eth Sur~ nley, County Manager, a~dit .appearing that notices were on the-~7.%h~'d~~ of December 193l, that being the-~ls~ day of C December term of the~ ~.i~cui~t-.¢ou~t of Albemarle County, ~a. posted at the front door of .the Court House of~'sa~d~.County and at two places i~ the neighborhood of the road proposed to be'closed;~.there~ore on motion~duly ~seconded, J,B.Kegley, ThUrman, W.D.Holla~ay, PAC,Minor~.and~.S~2~$~tte are appolnted-~Viewers to view a portion of the old -Road.-~between~ ~ortonsville and Boonesville. ad~oinin§ the lands Of Katherine Shifflett .~nd.~'m~e. r-epe~.~ ~.in~ writing whether, in their, opinion any, and if any what innonvenien~e.~woul~-.result from diSContinuing said road~ as*~above set out, The viewers Shall neet at 10-~OO--A,M.. on the 16th day of Feb~ary~.~9~-.~nd~ 'file with .. o.~__,_ _.~ ,~~ ~_~ ~ ~ ~e~...;t.h~_'lTth da_v of Februe~y 1932, their report