HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-02-17 At a Reg~mla~r.mee~tingof~ the .!~oard of Supervisors of Albemarle County
held at the Court'~-~ous'e~,of~ said County on the l?th day of February 1932.
Present: ~,~.l~,~,a~,~ Chairman, C.Pureell~ McCue, J,A.O~.Neill, E.J, Ballard,
~. N, Langhorn~~,.~ ~. 2 ~ E ~ ~ entry.
The minut'es~'of;the'-'iast meeting were read and approved.
Mrs. Murray~oeeeek appeared before the Board and requested an appropriati(
of One Hundred ($100~-0~),~, De~s~£or the rest room 'in ~harlo~ttesville, Va. on mo~iOn
duly seconded the?"~r~qu~was. denuded.
I~ the m~tt.er ~of closing that portion of the Old ounty ROad joining
the Milton and Boyds~Taver~Eoad b'etwe'en~,the lands of Miss Sallie Smith. and ~iss
Mary Fox. ': ·
~ $ satisfacto~idence
The petitioner~ ~iss BalZie mi. th, presented~
the Board that notice of closing said road had been poste~, on... the 7th day of
December 1931, that being the first--day of the December ~,erm of the Circuit Court of
Albemarle County} Virgi~,a~.-~,.at the COurt house of said Oounty and at ~two Public
places in the neighborhoo~-ef~..the road proposed to be closed; that after said notices
had been posted 20 days -' ~s',~,Boa, r-d-'~did at lts~mee.ting held on the ~Oth day of 'January
19Z~ appoint five..vieWers-'?~to~.vie~said road and report in w~.iting ~whether in their
opinion, any,~ and If~'a-ny-~-wh:a~:i~=eo~venience sould result from discontinuing said road
that four of your viewer~-W~D, olladay, ~$~,,.O,~Thurman, p;~.Minor and~,J;B~Eegley have
made their report in-writing~unde~.~..date of 16th day of,.~February !932, that in
accordance with the' for~o&ng order of the said Board they have. ~viewed said road
and in their opinion, ~no~ ~in¢onven~ence wilt-., result to any one if said road is discon-
tinued and cloSed..~ A eo~y of said report signed by the Viewers above named
presented to this meeting~a~d~-, the Clerk of this Board is ordered,, to file said report.
In .consideration--whe~.eof~,.~tt is ordered by this Board tha~ so, much of the
Old Oomnty Eoad jot:ning'~.¢,the. ~ilton _~.~d $oyds Tavern AOad between the lands of ~iss
Sallie Smith and itiss'~l~ary,,~eE~b~.,-and it is hereby ordereddiseontinued and closed.
In the matte~ og',.clostng that portion of the Old County Road between
Nortonsville and'BOolne'svil~te, adjoining the property of ~rS.,~Ea, therine.'~.Shiflett,
The Board'~af~ter, a .thorough dis'cussion of the report submitted by the
viewers appointed on-th~e"2Oth~da~-:0£ January 1932 in the mat~.ter o~.closing the
above mentioned road l~-. o~, opinion that the said report be-reSee%e~ and that the
road be kept open as it is arc. present.
In the matte~~ ~2 House Bill ~'24~ proposing to tak®.,~over, all the County Boa
in the State Highway~',Syst~em}-~On,motion of P.H,Gentry..and seconded by J.A.O!Neii1
it/iS ordered that th,e,~ BOa~d~,of~.-Supervlsors go on record as opposed to said bill and
that our Representa-tiv~,s~in-~,the~-House ~of',.Delegates~,,and State Senate be so notified,
The fotlowin~ cta~ims, 'were presented, ~amtned, approved and ordered to
be certified t~-.-th~e~:~rea, surer of Payment. viz:---
C ,.Purcell ~M¢
Chapin JOnes.
Wm.-Mann ~ompamy
J ~Mason Smith
Nat ! 1 Surety Company
Jarmsns Inc,
Midway Elec. Co~a~
J. P. Gr eve
N~ticello Hotel
P.H, Gentry
W.Abbott Smith
Leon Nichols
Geo. Burnett
Dr.. Richard Ergenbring.t
Dr. Dan O.Nichols
Dr. N.L'Rea
J.Mason ~mith
South East Public Set, Ce.
Finance Committee
For. est Fire for fall of lB31
Memoramdum_ book for C.E.Mora~L
Serving on Boar~ and.~Trafffic
2/3.-Treasurers Bond 1932
~pplies for Clerk
c ~rk~s office
Judg Court
Game warden, salary
county'~s part in Zehab case
2 days finance committee
5. days'etectOrial Board
EXtendi~ng .Supplement Levy on Va.
Public Service Co
Lunacy- Wood & Gibson
Lunacy i, -Gibson
LUnacy, -Wood
Luna.y- Gibson & Wood
Lunacy ,Gibson ~.
Phone--Judge $14. Tress $1.7.10
Demonstrator $15.10'& ¢l&rk $14..10
~4. O0
45 ;~ O0
5. 50
1. O0
30. O0
.~ 6/~~ ~Chairman
At a Regular meeting of the Board of ~upervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia,'held at the. Court House on the 16~h day-of March, 1932,
iPresent. J.M.Fray, Ohairman, J.A.0'Neill,.E.J.Batlard,
P.H.Gentry, W~H~Langho~neand C~Purcell McCue.
~e minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
On motion of C,Purcell McCue ~and secondedlby~P.H. Gentry,
it is unanimously ordered that the School Budged of $215,076.00~leSs $3500,00
treasurers~ commissioms,.less error in teachers salaries~ef $270~.00 be adopted,
all over and above the ~mount to be refunded to the GeneralCountyFund, the board
guaranteein~ to the school board a budget of $208,3?6.00.
Onmotion~of P.H.Gentry and seeonded~by¢.purCell MCGue it
is ordered that 'theroad from Route #3~ known as Ivy Terrace through Walp~s Addition
and TOWles Addition te them~ity limits near Memorial ~mnasium be adopted as a
¢ounty Road.
Sn motion of G,purcell McCue and seceded by J.~.0~NeiI1
BE IT RESOLVED that'S, th Burnley, County Manager, be permitted to resign APrx1
15th 19~2 as County Manager, in order that he may accept the position of City
Manager of Oharlottesville,~ Va. and be it further ~esolved that ~he CoUnty
employ Seth Burnley, part time to look after its affairs until ~uly 1st 1932
at the salary of $~00.00 pe.rmonth.