HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-03-16 The following..~ctaims 'were presented,. ~amined, approved a~d ordered to be certified ~ to-th~e~.,~,rea~surer of Payment. viz: ..... C,Purceli Mc Oue Chapin JOnes Wm. Mann ~¢bmpa~ J~Mason Smit~ Nat~i S~rety COmpany Jarm~ Inc, Midway Elco. Compa~ J.P,~ove R.~elt~n Jones Mon~icelto Ho~et P.H.Gentry W~B.Jones J,F.Garth W. C'.~ason J .W.R. Smith W.Abbott Smith E-L,Geddy Leon Nichols Geo, Bmrnett Dr. Hi'chard Ergenbrim~t D~. Dan O,Nich~ls Dr. ~.L,Rea ~;B. Cotthurst J.Mason ~mith J.H.Jones South East Public Ser, Ce. Finance Committee -ForeSt.Fire for fall of. 1931 Memoramdum~.book for, ,C.E.Moran~/~ i on Board~ and~affic BOnd 1932 ~dppties for Clerk center Jud _light in Clerk' s ~ffice ge JuV. ¢our~ Game warden, salaEhab county'~ s part in - case 2 days finance committee 5 days elect~rial Board Extending Supplement Levy on Va. Public S~rvice Co L~acy-~Nichols Lunacy- WOod & Gibson Lunacy--Gibson LUnacy--Wood Lunacy- Gibson & Wood Lunacyi~ood ~unacy .Gibson _. Phone--Judge $14. Treas .$1.7.10' Demonstrator $15,10 ~ Clerk $14.10 24. O0 21 ~20 30.60 45, O0 681,66 5. 50 1.00 30.00 '35.00 5.75 12 · 40 35.00 26.36 5.00 5.00 3.50 2.00 .50 .50 10.00 5.00 5.00 4,00 3.50 3.50 60.30 Chairman At a Regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia,-held at the. Oou~t House on the 16th day-of March, 1932, Present. J.M.Fray, Chairman, J.A.O~ Neill, · E.~,Ballard, P;H.Gentry, W.H~Langhorne ~and C.Purcell McCue. ~h'e-minutes of the last meeting were readand, approved. On motion of C.Purcell McCme and seconded bY-P.H.Gentry, it is unanimously ordered that the School ~dged of $215,07~.00 less $3500~00 treasurers! commlssions,.less error in teachers salaries-of,$2?OB.O0 be adopted, all Over and above the ~mount to be refunded to the GeneralO°unty FUnd, the board guaranteeing to the school board a budget of $208,376.00. On motionof P.H.Gentry and seeo.ndedby~C.PurCell MCCue it is ordered that 'the road.from Route #~9 known .as Ivy Terrace through Walp~s Addition and TOWles AdditiOn ~e the City limits near Memorial ~mnasiVm be adopted as a COUnty Road. On motion of O,Purcell McCue and seconded by J.~.O'NeiI1 BE IT RESOLVED that Seth2~rnley, Go~nty Manager, be permitted to resign Apr~l 15th 1932 as County Manager, in order that he may accept the position of ~ity Manager of OharlotSesville~ Va. and be it further ~esolved th~at the County employ Seth Burnley, part time to look after its affairs until July 1st 1932 at the Salary of $100.00 per'month. CO~NONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA ALBENARLE COUNI~ BUDGET ESTINATES Prepared in ae-co~dmnee' with the provisions of section 1 of chapter ST of the Acts, of Assembly of 1927. ~ear End. June ~O, t31 Appr. Mr End CAASSIFACTION Appr. Expend. J~ne under 3~Bd, 1 2 3 4 5 .. 7 8 EXPENDITURES FROM COUNTY 'FUNDS Adm~is. tration: Board of Supervisors I200;00'~'' 1046190 ...... I200~00 1080.00 120.00 County Clerk 1700.00 1731.50 1700.00 1530.00 170.00 Sheriff 1450.00 1450.00 1450.00 1450.00 Commonwealth Attorney' 1200.00 1200.00 1200.001 1200.00 Treasurer CommiSsiOner of Rev. 150'00.00 14136.83 15000~00 15500.00 1500.00 65?0.00 6378.04 657.0.00 5913.00 657.00 County Manager 3600.00 3600.00 3600..00 Office ~pPlies & other incidental .Exp. 2200.00 220?.69 2200.00 1600.00 600.00 ~31750,96 ~2920~00 ~9513.00 3407.00 Ci: payments pt:, 1200.00 t200.00 1200.00 1200.00 judge Juvenile COurt Ju' C°mmrs Lunac etc 360.00 330.00 360.00 324.00 36.00 2000'00 F~926.90 2000.00 ~800.00 200.00 .3560.00 : 4356.90 3560.00 3324.00 236.00 Repairs ete 720.00 720.00 720.00 648.00-' 72-.00 3500.00 1287.10 2500.00 1800.00 700.00 TOTAL FOR PUB~ICBLDGS,, .4B20.00 2007.10 3~0.00 ~448.00 772.00 3000.00 2645.70 3000.00 2700.00 300.00 ~ePoor 8000.00 9906.81 8000-00 7500.00 500.00 PUblic Health TOTAL 7500.00- 7500.00 7500.00 6750.00 1850:0.00 20052.51 18500.00 16950.00 700.00 TOTAL ANIMALS Salaries of 'TeacherS' Payments of 0o. Seh.D. Interest' on¢o~. SchOol TOTALFOR ROADS. E~uipment, Bridge''' etc, 'i'~.4000,00" 1943.90 4500.00 4000.00 1-400.00 418.33 4~0.0' 0 300.00 500. O0 2362.23 ).00 4300.00 500.00 Debt 4500.00 4500-00 4500.00 4050.00 54920.00· 65849.35 62920.00. 65920.00 162700.00 141118'00:1~4000,00 1~9708.00 8709.5E 2702.36 222120.00 ~22879.23 ~22120.00 208376.00 450.00 1411~. O0 8700.00 8700.00 (increase) 2700.00 11860.00 28000.0.0 ~3553.71 2~000!100 PAYMENT BONDED DEBT. Interest · : 4000.00 4000.00 4000, O0 2500.00 1500.00 OTHER EXP. COUN~ FUND HOme & Farm Demon~ ..... !"-. 3400.00 4153,25 ~:~:00.00 3060.00 340.00 Fire Protection 300.00 1804.26 300.00 300.00 Payment Floating-~d~ebt.. Umiversity ~Hospital 75000.00 75000.00 75000.00 25000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00::~ 1000.00 50000.00 Pensions 6350,00 5250.00 6350.G0 5000.00 1350~00 Shenandoah Park 5000,00 5000,00 Library Fund 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 900.00 Children's Home Society 400.00 400,00 400.00 250.00 150.00 Board of Equalization 2553.91 Amount set saide-for'~EmergencieS - 4000.00 4000.00 Total from County fund 96450.00.90161,42 96050.00 44~60.00. 51790,00 EXPENDITURES FROM~DISTRICT FUNDS.' Ch' ville Hoads~ 15000.00 19876.81 12500,00 Int. & Sink. fund 47000.00 401~4,YB~45000.00 32000.00 Ivy 5cads 6100.00 7519.95 8000.00 Int, & Sink fund 9000.00 7780.00 9000.00 9000.00 Rivanna Roads 22450,00 22319.18 18000.00 1160.00 Int,& Sink fund Sam't Miller Roads Iht &. Sinking fund Scottsvitle Roads 20300.00 19721.74 20500.00 20500.00 20300.00 15661.04 20300.00 280~.00 27650.00 28000.00 25000.00 13800~00 14012.80 18500.00 184o.0o 3000. O0 1200 ~ O0 Int. & Sink. fund 39000.00 31147.60 37000.00 25000.00 16000,00 White Hall Roads~ 8100.00 99~8.84 15000.00 3000.00 Int. & Sink Fund 19000.00 18874.03 20000,00 1450.00 5800.00 TOT~ FRO~ DISITRICT'~F~NDS ~48050.00 234646.77 25180~00.122800.00 ...... 36460.00 GRAND TOTAL CO &'DIST, 344500.00 3.25567.42 347850.00_.167060.00 S~mmaryCo& Dtst expen~ Education 222120.00 222879.23 222120.00 208376.00 ROadS' Int. & Sinking Fund General County fund Total 113750.00 109272.31 92300.00 16~300.00 145328.17 159500.00 1290~3.00 160850.00 147191.11 163171.00 103295.00 659020.00 6~4670.82 637091.00 44.0694,00. Submitted to the Board. Of Supervisors .... Feb. y 15th .1932,. by Seth Burney, County.' Manager. On-this-the 15th day of ~eby, 1932, the Board of 'Supervisors ~ of. Albemarle COunty met for the purpose olf preparing and. considering the local budget' of saidCounty. Thereafter and .-on said day th re was f~l.edI the foregoing estimate. Thereafter said estimate was duly considered by the Board which in accordance with law fixed as a,' date of hearing on said estimate the 16th day of MarCh 1932, at the hour of 11:00 A.M,'~l'of ~f said day, said hearing to be held at the Co~tmty Court House ~Arin the Charlottesville Daily Progress, a newspaper having general .circulation in the l$cality affected, .at least 'ten days prior to the date set for hearing. J.M.Fray, Ohairman W.L.Mau pin, Clerk COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA ALBEMARLE COUNTY ESTIMATE OF REVENUES AND BORROWINGS. Prepared in accordance with the provisions of sectionl of Chapter 37 of the acts of Assemblyof 19E7 Classification year End. June year end~. June 30~31 (actual) 30t32 (esti.) Year en~_.., g'une. 30_ 1933 entatlve Estimate ~ 1. 2 3 4 COUNTY REVENUES: Tgxes on Real .Estate & Tangible personal property. 166100.99 Taxes on real .estat'e ~ Tangible personal property of ~ub. Ser. 54609~39 Taxes on Merchants-Capital Capitation Taxes ~otor Vehicle Fuel Taxes Dog Taxes (85% or'tOtal) 980.98 ~040.00 69819.17 5944.00 School FUnds Received-f~om S~. 100892,41 DeiinquentTaxes~&~Penalties 26341.00 ExcessFees returned 2154.83 165000.00 156000.00 5420O.00 50000.00 ~040.00 3000.00 60000.00 5000.00 5000.00 103000.00 108000.00 25000,00 25000,00 2000.00 TOTAL REVENUES 429882.07 417240.00 347000. O0 25000.00 25000.00 DIrSTRICTROADS& SINKING FUNDS.. Ch~ville 'Int& i~lnk Fund Ivy . Scottsville " White Hall " TOTAL DISTRICT REVENUES TOT~ COUNTY REVENUE GRAND TOTAL 44685.26 45501.77 3S120.00 12271.17 15272.11 9140.00 27139.18 272~3.9~ 20900.00 ~6463.92 36703.15 ~5978.00 43745.40 43~77.75 25080.00 25813.74 25780.34 14805.00 190116.67 191769.04 129023.00 454882.07 442240.00 347000.00 $644998.745634009.04 $476023.00 to the Board of Supervisors Feby 15th 1932. the 15th day of Feby. 1932, the Board of Supervisors of CoUnty Net for the purpose of preparing and considering the local bedget of said county. Thereafter and on said day there was filed the foregoing estimate, Thereafter said estimate was duly considered by the Board which in accordance with hour .of 11:00 A.N. of said day, said hearing to be had at the ~ounty Court House ~Charlottesville, Virginia, The Clerk of the BOard of the Board of in Albemarle, Supervisors was directed to publish a synopsis of the budget and~the.~nOtice of hearing, as required by law, in the Charlottesville Daily PrOgreSs, a newspaper having general circulation in the licality affected~ at least ten days ~prior to the date set for hearing, J~,~,Fray~ 'hairman Board Supervisors W.L.Naupin' Clerk Board Supervisors, The Board proceeding to lay the County levies for the year 1932 order that the Commissioner of the Revenue of Albemarle County assess and the Treasurer of the COunty of Albemarle collect on all taxable real estate and' 'all taxable tangible personal property, including machinery and tools not assessed as real estate at the general reassessment of lands in 1925, used or employed in a manufacturing of mining business taxable by the State on Capital; including public service corporation property (except the rolling stock of railroads operated by steam), based upon ~he assessment fixed by the State Corporation Commission and certified by it to the Board of SUpervisors both as to location and valuation. FOr General Gounty put. poses, seventy,five ($.75) Cents on every one hundred dollars worth of said property. For County School purposes, eighty,five ($.85) cents on every one hundred dollars worth of said property. For interest and sinking funds for district ~nad bonds, the commissioner of Revenue shall levy and the Treasurer shall collect on all of said property as follows to-wit: (1) In the Charlottesville District one dollar ($1,00) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property; (2) In the Ivy District One Dollar ($1.00) on every one hundred dollar's worth of said property. (3) In the Rivanna District eighty-five ($.85~ cents on every one hundred dollars worth of Said property. (4) In the Samuel Miller District One Dollar ($1,~00) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property. (5) In the Scottsville District One dollar a~d ten cents (il.10) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property. (6) In ~he White Halt District One Dollar and ten cents (Si.10) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property. % WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of this Board that the disease, hog cholera, is being disseminated to hogs in various Virginia counties bY persons peddling hogs in trucks, and ~EREAS', The Board of SuperVisors ofA lbemarle~Co~nty, in regular session, this date, does hereby order that all hogs imported into .Albemarle County, for stock and breeding purposes shall be immunized against cholera by the serum alone or the serum and virus method, by a licensed'veterinarian. Each hog imported into the County shall be identified by a metal tag in the ear bearing a serial number and shall be accompained By a certifical signed by a licensed veterinarian, showing that they have been immunized~ against cholera. This action is in accordance ~rlth Chapter 81, of the'-1930 a~s of the General Assemoly of Virginia. ~e ~he following claims were presented, examined, approved and ordered to be certified to the treasurer for payment viz: Albemarle Home mutual Fire ins. Co Virginia Printing COmpany J.Mason Smith Crozet Print Shop Jarmans, Inc. G.StUart Harem J.P.Grove W.T'.Dameron ~W~B .Colthurst - J.I/ason Smith W~Abbott Smith Dr. T.H.Daniel Dr. W.D.ta¢on E .1I. POw ell c.C.Clements E,L, Geddy R.Nelton Jones H.T.Huff ~remiums on policies $18.82 Circuit-Cour.t forms for CEM 19,00 Traffic for Feby 15.00 Forms for Circuit Clerk 4.00 ~upplies for Circuit Clerk 1.20 Reimbursement for Window shades5.00 Salary Juv_. judge 30.00 Carrying ~utler to Staunton 9.00 4 inquest 12.00 inquest--Glover 1.50 inquest--Spinner 1.50 lunacy,_Fretwell 5~00 lunacy--Fretwell 5.00 lunacy--Fretwell 2.00 lunacy--Fretwell .50 lunacv--~retwell 2.00 Game ~arden~s salary ~5.00 fall 19al election 1.75 The following claims were presented, examined, approved and ordered to be certified to the treasurer for payment viz:-- (Beg. Jan. 1st 1932) These are sheep claims.out'of the $Og Fund. J,H.Clark sheep 14.00 A.S.~eed hens 9.00 J.H.Clark sheep 21,00 ~.T.Dolen chickens 19.50 J.W, Davis sheep 3.00 ~s. B,I.WOod chickens 4.25 Henry Harris turkey 5.00 ~rs. J~L. Pitts sheep $0,00 N~M.Page sheep 12.00 Jack Page sheep ~2.00 C.C.Cook sheep 25.00 N.B.Parrott Sheep 10.00 G.W.Klrby , hog 5.00 W.A.~arpenter Sheep 10.00 H.F.Nickel ducks 5.00 M'.H.Foster sheep 29.00 P'E.Massey sheep 27,00 R.B.Fray sheep 14.00 Pleasant Ragland turkey 4.00 ~,J'i, Goudh sheep 71.00 P.L.Garver lambs 15.00 R.L.McElr~y sheep 12.00 P.H.Haney sheep 95.00 Cary Tompkins turkeys 8.00 W.F~VI'a 'Sheep 115.00 Ollie -Thomas sheep 5.00 W.E.Wheeler sheep 52.50 bbs . ..ompkins sheep 85.00