HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-04-20 At a Called ~eetlng of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle .county
Virginia, held on the 1st day of April 1932 at the COurt House of~ said County.
Present: J.M..Fray, Chairman~ C.Purcell Mccue, E.J.Ballard,
J-~T~O~ Moil1, ?~H.Gentry and W.H.Langhorne.
.RESOLVED That~ the proper application be made by this BOard to
the Circuit Court~ of Albemarle or to the Judge thereof in vacation, for"apprOval
by said C°urt,-or Judge, '..of deposits now made, and hereaft'er'to~'be' made~, of moneys
belonging to the Sinking Fund of this ..Oounty.
On motion of C.Purcell McCue and seconded by P.H..Gentry~ it is
ordered that the Gas Tax for Feby, March and April and day 1932, be turned into
the General County ~und and that the balance in the District Road funds as of'
July 1st 1932 amounting to about $15,500,00 also be transferred to the County Fund.
· on motion of N.H.Langhorne and seconded by~j.A,O!Neill it is
ordered that the system of using cheeks be adopted instead of the~present method
of warrants.
· AT A Regular meeting of the. B~ar~ of :Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, held at the~Court HOuse of said:County on the 20th day of .April
Chairman, E,~.Ballard, J.A..O~Neill,'W,H.
Langhorne,' P.~,Gentry amd 0.'~nrcellMcCue. -.
Theminutes of'the last meeting were read:land..approved.
On motion of,~.Purcetl gc~ue a~ud Seconded by E~,Ballard the
county accept the State~s~.0ff~r .o~'Ten ~hOUS.a~d eight~hund~ed~andftfty five
~$10,855.00) DoHars for eountFroad machinery aS per list ~urntshed.
0n motion of~ C,.Purcell'~eCUe and seconded by E,J.Ballard a
committee conslstim~ of Judge~&~D.Dabney, Judge L,F.Smith, ~W;O.Fife, Seth ~rnley
and W.L'.~pin is appointed to alter, and remodle the. ¢ourt"~eOm.
The ~fOllowing claims were presented, examine~, approved and
ordered to be certified to-the Treasurer for p~yment viz:
F,T;Prufer, Treas. J.Alms home
South East Public Set Co.
EVeret~ Waddey Co
hamber of Commerce
I~.P.Bell ¢o
tj.,Masen Smith
David '.'C,..Wilson
~r~ Paul Xells
Dr. R..T.Er~enbri.~ht
Jan.& Feby& 1 b~al
Phone.' JUdgeS4.65,
Far, iDem, $5.90 ~ ~ea,s$27.15
FidUciary-book for Clerk
1~ stapling
Feby & March, also-claim for Nov.
L~nacy-.'Shaver, Robertson.~',,~ibs~m
Lunacy--Hhaver & ~Obertson
Lunacy--Shaver & Robertson
'Lunacy--~obertson ~ ~b~n
36 ..35
15. O0
10. O0
Dr-~ H.L. Baptist
Dr, E,D.~vis Jr-
¢ ,F .Williams
Zetie Sandridge
Dr. W.A,KYger
Dr. L.G.Roberts
Jno N,Gibson
J.H, iHUckstep
Melton Jones
G.Stuart Han~n, T~reas
R.B · Giles
Geo; E.,~arshall
W.B ,Johnson
Archie C.Herring
Lunacy--Lewis 5.70
Lunacy_.Lewis 4.28
Lunacy--Cook 5. O0
Lunacy--Cook · trip to 8taunton 11.22
Lunacy-- witness in Cook case .50
Lunacy--Cook case .50
Lunacy-'Gib son -5. O0
Lunacy--Gibson 5.50
Lunac~.,Gibson 4. O0
Lunacy-, witness in Gibson ease .50
lnquest--Narroll ~ ~nacy--Gibson 5.00
Inque s t--Hart ell 2. O0
Salary for ~arch 35.00
~eimb~sement for Va.~ Prin$ing Co
$4..50 and Burroughs adding Meh .75
2/3 of 15 days Guarding prisoner
30. O0
30, O0
Hens 2.~0
chickens 8'
sheep 92.00
kidds & goats 22.00
sheep 12. O0
sheep 15.00
turkeys 6.00
IN RE: Si~ing fu~d of .Albemarle' Co~Unty.
This day appeared the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle Ceunty~ by
counsel, and asked leave of Court to file its petition in this.C.eurt and leave being
granted, the same was acco dingly .filed.
And it appearing from the aforesaid petition that.th.e-Beard .o.f Supervis~
ors of Albemarle-County has in its custody and control, at this time,, a ~inking Fund
aggregating $151,827 ,46 , in bonds of the ..several districts of~ ~e OoUnty, and
$59,403.53, in-money on deposit~ to'which last named sum, .certain interest accumulatic
are to he added; and it further appearing from said petition tha~. the~ present specific
items making up these loans, investments and deposits .are as follows.:
Samuel Miller District has invested in.Bonds of
the'.: eottsvllle istrict .the .sram of. $ 37,600.00
~Samue! Miller District has invested in bonds
- of Charlottesville District the sum of
Samuel Mille~District has invested'in-bonds
of~Whit-e HallD istrict the sum of
Samuel Miller District purchased on March 19th
1932 bOn~s Nos 451,460 of Samuel Miller DiStrict
RivannaDtstrlct has invested in Scottsvitle
District bo~ds the sum of
Rivamua Dtstric~has invested'inSamuel-~itter
District bonds Nos 264-288. purchasedlFebruary
17, 1932
White Nail District has invested, in bondsof
Scottsvilte'District Nos 124-t28 purchased
February 24, 1932
White Hall '.~istrict purchased ~ on Decemb~e~· 29th
t93ti~the~.homds of that district of the issue
of January 2nd 1921~ in-the,.sum of
Total ln bondS
Samuel Miller District-has on :deposit in the Savings account-of
~e National Bank aad;Trust ComP~mY o~Charlottesvil~e
(invlUSive~of;interest-ealemlated to ~areh 19th-19Z2) the~sumof 3,559.2~
~IVY.Distr~ct ha~ on deposi~ in Savings AceoMnt of 'the National
Bank and.-~rust.~'~ompan~ ~fm harlottesvtlle, (inclusiVe of
interest caleulate~ to ~ecember 31st ~931) the sum of
Charlottesville District has on deposit in Savings Account
of the ?eeples 'National Bank of Charlottesville (inclusive
Scottsvtlle District has on deposit in SaVings Account of the
Peoples .National-~Ba.mk~of Charlottesvilte,~inelusive of interest
calculated to December 31st'.lPS1) the sum of
tvanna D_Istric~ has on deDoslt in Savings ?Ccount~ of the National'
ank and T~mst' Oompany of ~harlottesville~(~n¢lustve of interest
calculated to February 17th l~S~) the sum of
~hite Hall Distr. tct has _on deposit in Savings-A~count of the
National Bank .and Trust Go_mpa4y' ~ of .~hartot~esV~ile, (inclusive
of interest calculated to ~ecember $1st 1951) the sum ef
Total in deposits
WHEREFORE, and the Court being satisfied'th~t the loans and
investments herein-~specified are-proper, doth order that-the same be and they
are hereby approved; and the said The Board of Supervisors of Albemarle OOUnty
is ~y this order permitted to contirme to loan or invest .the~..~iuking-~Fund. of
the COUnty as ~.it.'may hereafter stormed, in the same character of bonds and in the
same manner as 'heretofore approved.
And it is further ordered that~ the-deposits of money heretofore
made by the said The Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, in the National
Bank and T~ust Company ~of~'6~ar~ot%~'svi~H~:~' smd-the. Peoples .National Bank of
'Charlottesville, be and they are hereby approved, and ~the said banks, namely,
the NatiOnal ~Ba.lnk and 'Trust Company of Charlottesville and the Peoples National
Ban~ of ~'!harlottesville are .hereby designate~ as depositories~, ~ approved by this
Court in which the aforesaid petitioner may continue deposits .of~. funds belonging
to the Sinkin~ Fund of the Gounty, the said petitioner to. exercise its discretion
in the matter Of requiring from time to time a 'bond or bonds from the aforesaid
bankS, or either or .both of them$ with corporat~e or other surety, to secure such
And it is fUrther ordered that the'~Board of ~upervisors of
Albemarle CountT~be-and~ they~ are hereby.~autho~ized t'o withal, raw ~from~ t~me to time
from the Treasurer of mA!b~l~l-e ~(y~ty, funds eollee.ted by-said ..Treasurer and
belonging to sad to the credit of the. inking F'u~ of said~.Geunty, and properly
under the control~ a~-~superviston of said petitioner;, and .that an~ transfers
or payments heretofore .made by-_ the Treasurer ~mOf.aald- 'Ounty~tothe Board of
SUper. visors aforesaid, of-funds belonging to the ~.$inking fund of the. County and'
theretofore collected by the Treasurer from levies made for these purposes, be and.
they are hereby approve$~ a~d-.:m-Said .Treasurer .is--~hereby .relieved-of liability as
to such funds heretofore paid over by him.,
A copy Teste: N,L",~HaUpin, Clerk by. ~'-¢,E~Moran,:- D,C,