HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-05-18 At~Regular'Neet~ing of the Board of Supervisors ef ~Albemarle Comnty held at the Court ~Ho'use of said county on.the 18th ~day of May 1932. Present~~,~ J~.~,Fray, Chairman, E.J.Ballard, P'~. Gentry, C. P~ cell McCue W.H.Langhorne and J oA~ O,~Ne~ll. WHERE~S-.the Gener~al Assembly of Virginia-of .1932, Chapter 426, abolished fees and-commissions as a method of eompensatin~ tr. easmrers and commissioners of the revenue of counties and by. section two of said act fixed the annual salary of each county treasurer and county commissioner..of the revenue at the same amount as the'incument of each such office received . as ntt compensation to him for the calender year~-1930, and - WHEREAS section two of said act also granted the board of supervisors of each county, in its -' discretion, for the year 1932 on or before July 15, 1932, the right to increase or decrease the-salaries provided by said act in any case not to exceed 15 per'~cent. · THEREFORE ON MOTION of E.J.Ballard and seconded by C.Purcell McCue it is unanimously -ord'ered~ by the Board of Supervisors of.Albemarle County that the salary of the County treasurer and county commissiene~.ef ~the revenue for the year 1932 be deer'eased-'15 per cent. as provided for by section two, chapter 426 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Virginia of t932. Resolved by--the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County that'the Board is opposed to the-~discontinuance by the Chesapeake .andOhio Railway COmpany of the a~ency at Cobham Station in this County as proposed by the said Railway Company and that the Commonwealth's Attorney of this County be requested to appear if in his ~udgment necessary, before the State Corporation Commission in opposition to any movement on the part of the said Railway Company looking toward the aban- donment of said agency or the closing of said Station. BE IT RESOL~ED that the Board of Supervisors permit the State Highway Department to use the room in the COurt house now occupied-:by~the County Manager, free of rent for a period of two ~ears in considerationof-~said Department purchasing the office equipment~n said room at the priceof~:Three hundred and Seventeen ($317.00) Dollars. The following is equipment on hand: i Typewriter desk i oak table desk 26= by 60~ l_oak double desk 46~ by 58, i 4 drawer letter file (steel) S sections 1"4:~ by 4~ adjustable storage cabinet (no charge) 6'split'bottom-chairs-@ $1. i oak swivel chair l' Remington~Tympewriter I 12" oscillation Fan i ~ountain transit & level I sunstrand Adding Machine $ 15.00 5.00 10.00. 75. O0' -6.00 1;00 25.00 20.00 100.00 60.0o._ Total $ 317,00 The transit and level and the 5unstrandAdding ~achine.wasnot included on the first list submitted to Mr. Hagan. The Board agree~ to make the Adding Machine optional. On motion of ¢.Purcell McCme and seconded..by.~W,,H.Langhorne it is and liEht ordered that J~.'M;Fray ~ign~check for~elephone/bills 5n the 1st of each month instead of waiting~il~ the Supervisors meet. Va. In the matter, of Federal Highway number 2S; north of Charlottesville, The Board of Supervisors after a thorough discussion of the proper route of Federal Highway .number 29 is of opinion ~that it is to the best interest of the~County of Albemarle from the viewpoint of scenery and closeness to the Shenandoah Park that said Highway number 29 be located the ridge route by way of Advance Hills, Va, instead of the present survey, ~HEREFOHE on motion of P.H.Gentry and seconded by W'.H.Langhorne the following resolution was unanimously adopted; BE IT RESOLVED.that the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County respectfully petition the State Highway Co~mission to locate Federal Highway number 29 north ef Charlottesville, Va, byAdvance ~ills, Va, on ridge route, instead of the route as'-now surveyed. The.'~followi,ng~c~aims were presented,~ examined, approved and ordered to be certifiedto~the Treasurer for payment, viz:--- South East Public Service Co. Virginia Printing Office Gitchell Studio J.Nason Smith Chapin Jones, Forester J.P.Grove ~elton Jones J.W.Nolfe Dr. E.D. Davis Dr. W.D.~acon Dr. N.L.Rea A .B.C. Durr er J.Mason Smith Dr., Dan O.Nicholas Dr. H.T,Ergenbright W. B. Colthur s t N. Garland Dr. A.A.Sizer Dr., H.M.Williams Dr. H.N.Williamm N.Garland Dr. L.G.Roberts Mary ~oon M.~adison Addie Spicer Lewis Maddox Julian Catterton Alan McFarlane W.E.Wheeler J.M.Higginson J.N.~heeler Clerk $4.65; Demon $4.65; Judge $4~65,&. Treas'$4~15 Notices for Treasurer ~-' Photo in Fincham Case Traffic WOrk Fires in ~arch and April Judg e_~uv. ~ our t Game Ward~n Inqu~st--~ary Brown Lunacy--~ary Banks Banks, Narshall and Scott Lunacy Geo. ~arshall Jr. (2i~uest--Joe Atkinson Lunacy-~ary Kidd Autopsy over Harry Saylor (in ~u~l) inque st--Harry Saylor Lu~aey--Alb er t Cook sheep and I lamb sheep killed & I damaged sheep killed ~ sheep killed, i lamb killed etc sheep killed & damages turkey killed sheep & i lamb killed sheep & ~ lambs killed turkeys killed 18.10 4.05 5.00 15.00 68.90 30.00 35.00 3.60 5.60 5.00 5.00 2.00 8.00 5.00 5.00 2.00' 2.90 5'.60 6.70 10.00 3.00 5.50 8.00 27.50 30.50 29. O0 18. O0 3.00 12.50 16.00 6.00 ~/~~.. ~~ Ch airm an