HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB201500123 Bond Reduction 2017-06-02 (8)Subdivision Name: Old Trail Village Block 27 Road & Utility Plan Road and Infrastructure Construction Bond Estimate (roads, site work, storm sewer) Plan # SUB201500123 Item # Item No. Unit Unit Cost Cost installed % compete cost remaining Road Name -Golf View Dr/Orion Lane (61' RW); Fennel Rd/Oldham Drive (24' pvt. R/W) Golf View Drive: STA. 21+17.00 to 24+76.00 road length 359.0 ft 1 aggregate base, VDOT 21-B 6.0 in d 359.0 ft L 36.0 ft W 452.3 ton $35.00 $15,831.90 80% $3,166.38 2 asphalt base (BM-25.0 interim course) 3.0 in d 359.0 ft L 32.0 ft W 211.1 tons $100.00 $21,109.20 80% $4,221.84 3 1.5" asphalt surface course, SM-9.5, sheet 11 1.5 in d 359.0 ft L 32.0 ft W 105.5 tons $120.00 $12,665.52 80% $2,533.10 Orion Lane: STA. 10+54.50 to 14+41.74 road length 387.2 ft 4 aggregate base, VDOT 21-B 8.0 in d 387.2 ft L 36.0 ft W 650.6 ton $35.00 $22,769.71 80% $4,553.94 5 asphalt base (BM-25.0 interim course) 4.0 in d 387.2 ft L 32.0 ft W 303.6 tons $100.00 $30,359.62 80% $6,071.92 6 1.5" asphalt surface course, SM-9.5, sheet 11 1.5 in d 387.2 ft L 32.0 ft W 113.8 tons $120.00 $13,661.83 80% $2,732.37 Fennel Rd: STA. 10+15 to 12+48.11 -Oldham Drive: STA. 10+15 to 12+63.55 road length 481.7 ft 7 aggregate base, VDOT 21-B 6.0 in d 481.7 ft L 22.0 ft W 370.9 ton $35.00 $12,980.74 80% $2,596.15 8 asphalt base (BM-25.0 interim course) 2.5 in d 481.7 ft L 16.0 ft W 118.0 tons $100.00 $11,800.67 80% $2,360.13 9 1.5" asphalt surface course, SM-9.5, sheet 11 1.5 in d 481.7 ft L 16.0 ft W 70.8 tons $120.00 $8,496.48 80% $1,699.30 10 curb CG-6, approx 2340.0 ft $15.00 $35,100.00 80% $7,020.00 11 sidewalk, concrete (6) 2040.0 ft $17.00 $34,680.00 80% $6,936.00 12 ramp CG-12 10 ft $350.00 $3,500.00 80% $700.00 13 street name sign 6 each $200.00 $1,200.00 80% $240.00 14 traffic control sign -16 No Parking; 6 STOP 22 each $200.00 $4,400.00 30% $3,080.00 15 Street Landscape -Sheet 13 0 Each 29 each $150.00 $4,350.00 50% $2,175.00 16 guardrail 0 ES @ 0 0.0 ft $17.00 $0.00 0% $0.00 17 VDOT barricade, Typ. I1I, 8' -VDOT District Ave., Jul/2013 -Jul/2015t 1 each $1,000.00 $1,000.00 80% $200.00 18 drop inlet or grate 17 each $3,500.00 $59,500.00 80% $11,900.00 19 standard manhole frame top (not inlet) 1 each $500.00 $500.00 80% $100.00 20 manhole structure (per ft. rise) -sheet 5, Inlet schedule H - 3'/inlet 75 ft $450.00 $33,750.00 80% $6,750.00 21 matting, EC-2 or 3 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 sy $2.00 $0.00 0% $0.00 22 matting, EC-2 or 3 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 sy $2.00 $0.00 0% $0.00 23 pipe, rep, cmp (15 to 48") 15.0 in d 0 ES-1,2 0 EC-1 423.0 ft $35.00 $14,805.00 80% $2,961.00 24 pipe, rep, cmp (15 to 48") 24.0 in d 0 ES-1,2 0 EC-1 347.0 ft $50.00 $17,350.00 80% $3,470.00 25 pipe, rep, cmp (15 to 48") 30.0 in d 0 ES-1,2 0 EC-1 89.0 ft $65.00 $5,785.00 80% $1,157.00 26 pipe, rep, cmp (15 to 48") 36.0 in d 0 ES-1,2 0 EC-1 310.0 ft $70.00 $21,700.00 80% $4,340.00 27 pipe, rep, cmp (15 to 48") 42.0 in d 0 ES-1,2 0 EC-1 150.0 ft $75.00 $11,250.00 80% $2,250.00 28 pipe, rep, cmp (15 to 48") -excludes 2 pipe outfalls* 48.0 in d 0 ES-1,2 0 EC-1 36.4 ft $150.00 $5,460.00 80% $1,092.00 29 clear and grub -NA, cleared with prior block 0.0 ft L 0.0 ft W 0.0 acre $24,000.00 $0.00 0% $0.00 30 cut grading 2059.0 cy $4.00 $8,236.00 80% $1,647.20 31 fill grading -Negligible 0.0 cy $9.00 $0.00 0% $0.00 32 cut calc: [(61' x 2' x 350') + (24' x 2' x 100') + (24' x 2.25 x 150')] _ 27 ft'/yd. I:\DEPT\Community Development\Engineering Division\Emily Cox\Road Bond Reductions\SUB201500123\Bond red uction_RP_bond_est_5Nov2014-OTV-block27-SUB201500123_RP_120115Asx 6/2/2017 Subdivision Name: Old Trail Village Block 27 Road & Utility Plan Road and Infrastructure Construction Bond Estimate (roads, site work, storm sewer) Plan # SUB201500123 Item # Item No. Unit Unit Cost Cost installed % compete cost remaining Road Name -Golf View Dr/Orion Lane (61' RW); Fennel Rd/Oldham Drive (24' pvt. R/W) 33 as -built drawings (1 k + price per 0.1 mi.) 1227.9 ft L 0.23256 mi. 3 Isum $2,000.00 $7,000.00 80% $1,400.00 34 survey and layout (price per 0.1 mi.) 1227.9 ft L 0.23256 mi. 3 Isum $2,000.00 $7,000.00 80% $1,400.00 35 mobilization 1 Isum $500.00 $500.00 80% $100.00 36 materials testing 1227.9 ft L 2.4558 inc of 500' 4 each $200.00 $700.00 80% $140.00 37 compaction testing 1227.9 ft L 2.4558 inc of 500' 4 each $200.00 $700.00 80% $140.00 38 CBR tests (1 every 0.1 mi. per road) 1227.9 ft L 2.4558 inc of 500' 4 each $200.00 $700.00 50% $350.00 39 stone depth inspections 1227.9 ft L 2.4558 inc of 500' 4 each $200.00 $700.00 0% $700.00 40 pavement inspections 1227.9 ft L 2.4558 inc of 500' 4 each $200.00 $700.00 80% $140.00 41 pipe and drainage video inspections (inc. outfall to UBP) 1519 ft $2.00 $3,038.80 80% $607.76 42 VDOT surety (1 lane) 746.2 ft L 0.14133 mi. 2 Lanes $2,000.00 $5,653.33 0% $5,653.33 43 VDOT maintenance fee (1 In rd, 1 yr) 746.2 ft L 0.14133 mi. 2 Lanes $150.00 $424.00 0% $424.00 44 VDOT admin. Cost recovery fee(1 lane) 746.2 ft L 0.14133 mi. 2 Lanes $100.00 $532.67 0% $532.67 t Link: http://www.virginiadot.org/business/resources/const/DistrictAverages.pdf * block 27 bond excludes 2 pipe outfalls: 163.7' to UBP, 200' to SB cost sum $439,890.47 $97,541.09 (these pipes bonded w/block 28-29B -see JA EMAIL to D. Brockman, 11-30-15)ejgt $0.00 $0.00 contingency $43,989.05 $9,754.11 Total $483,880 $107,300 I:\DEPT\Community Development\Engineering Division\Emily Cox\Road Bond Reductions\SUB201500123\Bond red uction_RP_bond_est_5Nov2014-OTV-block27-SUB201500123_RP_120115Asx 6/2/2017