HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-08-05 At a called meeting of the BOard of SUpervisors of Albemarle County Virginia, held at the Comrt House of said County on the 16th day of July, 19~. Present: ~.~.Fray, Chairman, P.H.Gentry and E.J,Ballard. A quorum not being present the board adjourned. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors ~of Albemarle County, Virginia, held at the COurt House of said County on the 2GSh day of July,. 1932. Present: P.H.Gentry and Z,$.Ballard. A quorum not being present the board adjourned. ,Chairman At a Called Meeting of the Soard of Supervisors of Albemarle~ounty, Virginia, held at the Court House of said County on the 5th day of August 193E, Present~ J.N.F~ray, Chairman, ~.Pu~cell McCue, E.J.]~allard, P'.H. Gentry and J.A.0'Neill. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. on motion of C~PurcellMcCue and seeonded byE.JJBallard it is ordered 'that W.O.Fife, Commonwealth, s Attorney and W-L.~aupin, Clerk, appear before the Fee Commission in regard to the ~reasurer and ¢o~issioner of the ~evenue~S Salary and also take up with the said COmmiSsion the question of the adjustment of the salary and expenses between the State ~nd. County for the six months period prior to July 1st. 1932. The following claims were presented, examined, approved and ordered B '. ~ S~stem) to be certified to the Treasurer for payment viz:--- ( egznning ef New Name for Amount E. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. 1~. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. I9, 20. El. J.~.Fray P.H.Ge~try ~.A.O' Neill W.H.La~hor ne ¢.Purcell M¢Cue ~.J.Ballard W. O.Fife J.~ason Smith N, L · Maupi n W.L'~au~in W. L. ~aU~in Chairman card oupervxsors °upervisor Oommonweal~h' s attorney ~heriff County Clerk Audi tot Clerk Beard ~upervisors County Board' Public Wel'fare Appr. for poor A.L.Bennett .School $uDt. Bessie Jones Seedy for'Farm Demon~. South East Pub. Set Co. Phones for County E.E.aarshall Jury Eugene P.Durrette , H .J. Proffit S.L.~ugg " L~ ~:,Clarke , R.A.Whitten . $ 220.60~ 53.40 ~ 69.70 + 75.60~ 74.00" 65.20 ¢ 600.00 ~ 600.00 ~ 750. O0 ~' 75,00-~ E5. O0 300.00" 100... O0 ~ 95.85+ 40.00~ 40.~5 ~ 16.00 ~ 16.40 ~- 12.00 ~ 27,00 21.50 ¢- 22.50 # Name for what'~ amour 25. 28. 30. 32. 34. 35. 36. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43, 44, 45. 46. 4~. 48, ¢"49, 50, 51. 5~. 5~. 54. 55. 56. 58. 59, 60. 61. 63. 65. 66. 6?. 68. 69. 75. 8Gl 81. 82. 83. 851 ~e Hichie ~A~o 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91' 92. 93. 94. 95; 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. t02. 103; 104. 105. 106, 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. L. R. Gordon Jury J_ .B,Kegley , C.W~MCGee " N.Y. Sutherl and HUnter Crenshaw ' M, C.Harlow P',O.Minor Harry Mann J. 0, ThUrmam H.L~B~laCkburn H~As, hby Harris " G, W. Smi th . W,M, Clarke " ~.W.Driscoll " H~..~ W~ddell " Geo. W~Douglas Jas GiWhite - Dr. Will Walter Sheep icanceled) reasurer of Va. NatiOnal Ba~_k& Trust Seth Bramley, ~upt Willie Morris Wheat & DOwell C .B, And er son .L .Yo~mg ~ a. Publig Service Co Wheat & Dowell Seth B~rnley, ~upt. Dog tags etc (State Money) transfer of district funds remodling the Oourt House Sheep aemodling the ~0urt House Lights for Oourt house Lights for Ware House ~ ' emodlzng the Court House Joint.~ealth Dept Appr. for Poor JoPrm~Sley Janitor for Court Souse etc Sou$~ .ast Public Ser~Co Phones for Court House etc County Board Pub.~Wel. Appr for Poor A.L.Bennett Valentine & Hull Ch~vitle Lumber ~o So. East Pub. Set Co ?a. Pub. Set Oo. !ville Hardware Co s SPringSer. J. $, Put-Cell Weinbrmnn AUto shop ~Uth Burruss Bessie D,~iller ~.0;~cott ~.G~Greer Bessie Jones ~,P.Crrove · armans, !nc. Remi~ton ~and, Inc ~oint Health Dept. W-L,M~u~%m. Chapi: ~ones.. J.~ason ~mith ~O School ~upt 0oal for Court House Remodling the COurt House ~hone for Demonstrator Lights for ~ail ~emodling the Court House Home Demonstrator Farm 9emonstrator Colored Farm Demonstrator Secty to Farm Demon Judge Juv. C°u~t ~upplies for ~Mpervisors etc Oa~ben Paper, gibbons etc reimbursement for vaccine ete recordi~ sales of Del. lands Forest Fires Traffic work' and trip to S ~ taUnton verett Waddey jameson BOok L.C.Watts ~.W.~olfe Dr. E.D.~avisJr. ,~,Ma~pim r. S~D.Blackford Dr. PaUl ~ells n~G,Deane H,L~Johnson Dr. J'~'.a.Smith J.mason Smith Arthur West Jas Redmond A~H.~asseur ~.L,Geddy D.r W.D~Nason Dr. F.C~NcOue W%B.Colthurst Dr. W,H,Paihe Dr. R.T.Ergenbright C.S,Huffman Wood Vest C.~-Sandridge Store Barnes Lumbe~ CO ~lliott ~ce Co. $ zl. O0 14~ 50 ~.60~ 2.70 5.20~ 4.30 4.50'~' 4'00 4.20': 4.00-~ ~.lO A.40 140,12 ~ 5,00 23.T0~ 4.12~ 6.00~' 1 '00'~''' 11.45~ 208.90 .~ 68?. 54.00 ~ 26.60~~ EO0~O0 ~ 100.00 95.84~~ 5.05-~ 6.91-~ 19 .lO~ 11, ~1~ 60.80~ 66.67 100.00-~ 57.00~ 40~00~ aO.OO~ 110.90 ~1,~5~ 35. O1 ~ 49.60~ 4.60* Virgi~a Printing Co supplies for the Treasurer ~Burnle7 Bros Coal for fail ~e Chlldren. s home So.Appr. H,~.~leason & Co soap etc for the Court House 25.00~ r~asurer,s supplies 13.75.~~- joz.nt Alms ~ome 6~4..71~ Reimbursement for Papuer~.s coffin 15.00~ 2 sup. to the Code for Clerk & Judge 12.00~ fistures for the Jail 90.80~ 3.00 184.00 250.00 1.20~- ~Ook for t~he~ Clerk paper for Clerk 2.00~ Lunacy Case 6.50~ ~nquest 3.00~ Lunacy 6.60 ~ Lunacy cases 10.00.~ Lunacy case l, 5.00 " 5.00,~ " 6.50 " 5.00 " 3.00 ~tness Lusty case .50 " .50 H inquest 3.00 Lusty 5.00 ~ lu~cy cases l~cy 5 .GO i Iunacy case and jail ~services 26.75 l~a cy 3 ~odli~ the Court House 4.00~ for outside pauper's accost B mos 20;00~ remodli~ ~e Co~t House 16. ice for the co'~t house I5.00~-- Name For what amount 121. ~enry Morris remodling' the Court House $ 8.00 122. E~B,DiCkers°n For accident while in employ of Ce 123. J,F.Garth Salary for Corotar. of nevenue 1,!71.85 lEA' Mrs. 2.T.Icheal Sheep etc 10.50 125. Mrs. Zack Balser " 5'00 126. ~s. A,L,Bishop " 10,00 12~ Mrs. Warren Lee " 3.00 1~8. Lewis ~ddOX " 3.~0 12~, Nat Parrott , 130. George ~o~!as " 15. 131. He~y $ibbs " 1~.00~ 132. Harry G,~addell " 1~. 60 133. En~se~r~y, Inc. " ~.00 134~ A~e Harris ,- 1,5~ 135, G,Stuart'H~ Co~issions for Treas~er 136. J.E,~rh~ ~eeP 5. 137. ~,N~Farish, manger ~' .15-00~ 1~8. Alle~ L,L~e " 56.75~ lSg. Va. Public Set; Co Lights for the ~ourt House 140. ~reas~er of Va. (state money) 174.10 141. Seth ~~, Supt aemodling ~e ~ourt Eomse 107. 14E, m.~,Draper " ~,00 ~/~~ -~ .... Chairman At a.-Regular M~eting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle V ' County, irginza, held at the Court House of said County on the l?th day of August 1932. Presentl ~.N. Frsy, ~.~.Ballard, P.H.Gentry and C.Purcell McCUe. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion of ~i H.Gentry ~nd seconded by C.Purcell McCue it is unanimously resolved that'the Board nf Supervisors of Albemarle County is opposed to the discontinuance by the Southern ~ailway Company of the agency at Burnleys Station in this county as proposed by the said Railway Company and that the .COmmonwealth,s Attorney of this County be requested to appear,if in his judgment necessary, before the State Corporation Commission in opposition to any novement on the part of the said Railway Company.looking t~ward the hbandonment of-Said agency or the closing of said station. The following claims were presented, examined and approved and ordered to be certified to the Treasurer of payment viz:-- 143. 144. 145. 146. 147 · 148. 149. 150, 151. 152. 153 · 154. 155. 156. 15'7. 158. 159. 160. 16t. 162. 16B. 164. Name G.$$uart Hamm J.F~Garth R .B ,~Wor thing ton J.P.Grove R.Melton Jones J.Mason Smith Monticello Hotel G.Stuart Hamm W. L. Mau pi n Ruth Burruss Bessie D.miller jVa.~ Stationery Co .Bell Co Charles Bailey Mary Moon J. J,GoOdwin L, L. Clarke Treasurer of Failes Burrage Oonst. Co Wheat & Dowell T.0.Scott E .M. D~ aner for what amount COunty Treasurer $ Commr. of Revenue Lunacy JUdge Juv. Court Game Warden Posting voting list lunch for Sheriff in Circuit Court reimbursement ~r cleafiiE typewriter ~ " trip to Richmond Home demonstrator Book for the Clerk Binding Land · propert~ books Sheep Otate monies Remodli~g the Court House Farm demonstrator Remodlin~z the Court House 2,028.10~ 2,859,05~ 3.00~ 27. O0 31 · 50 12.00~ .75 8.07 ~'- 7.27~' 30.00 60.00~ 14.72~ 12.23 12.00~ t9 · 00 8.00~~-~ 5,00 237. t2 · O0 90