HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-09-21166. 167. 168 · 169. 170. 171. Va. Public Service Co. John Wesley Bessie Jones Chl ville Hardware Co W,L.Lacy canceled Lights for jail Janitor for Court House ~ecty to Farm Demonstrator Remodling the Court House 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. canceled South East P~ublic Serv. Co, telephones for Court House etc County Board Public '~elfare Appr. by the ~oard A.L.Bennett School Supt ~.R.Smith Remodling the Court House Ch~ville Lumber ¢o 179. Seth I~urnley 180. Va. Public Service Co 181. Treasurer of Va. 182. Oscar Watson 183. Greaver, Stockton etc 184o Valentine & HUll 185. H.N. Gleason & Co Pay roll remodling the O.H. Lights for the Court house State monies laborer on remodling the ¢.H. - curt House Remodling the G cement for Bridges $ 8.59¢, 54.00~ 40,00'~. 28.67¢,, 15.00~ 35.50 300. O0 100. O0 95.84~ 200,00~ 377 · 15 105.63 t0.72 165.72 13.75~~ 5.21 7.88 176.55~ At a Regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle V ' County, irglnia, held at the Court House of said County on the 21st day of Sept 1932, Presentl ~.M.Fray, Chairman, W.~.Langhorne, P.H.Gentry and E. J.Ballard. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. BE IT RESOLVED, that'the dwelling house on the tract of 30 acres of land near Moorman's ~iver, in the White Hall Oistrict, ~hich tract was conveyed to the County by~.H.JOnes, by deed of March 18th, 1925, recorded in D.B. 189 page 242, be leased to G.E.~aupin for a period of twelve months from the 1st day of November 1932, at a rental of $5.00 per month, said rental to be payable in quarterly installments on or before the 1st day of each three month period, and the first of said three month payments to be made on or before November 1st, 1932; a BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, 'that the said G.E.maupin be permitted the use of pasturage on .said property during the term, on condition that he trim the bushes on said lands, On motion of E,J.Ballard and seconded by p.H.Gentry it is unanimouslY Resolved that the State Highway Commission be requested to take into the County ~oad System the "Hill Top ~oad~ running from ~ugby Road to the Barracks ~oad in Charlottesville Magisterial District in Albemarle COunty. On motion of P'.H.Gentry and seconded by E.~;Baltard it is ordered that the County Home property be rented to Kenneth Naylor for one year at the rental of $200.00 per year. On motion of P.H.Gentry and seconded by E.J.Ballard it is ordered that W.O.Fife and W.H.Langhorne cooperate with Verbon Kemp and Seth Burnley in regard ~to securing relief for the county from the Reconstruction Finance Co~poration. recently created by Act, of Congress. On motion of E.J.Ballard and seconded by P.H,Gentry, C,PUrcell McCue was unanimously elected to represent Albemarle County on the Joint Alms Home Board in place of Seth Bmrnley resigned. A copy of the assessment made by the~State Corporation Commissioner for the year 1932, upon the property of Virginia ?ubli~ ~ervice Company located in Albemarle County, having been laid before th~s Board at this meeting, and examined and compared by them, and the Board deeming the same to be insufficient and incorrect. BE IT RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Revenue and Common- wealth~s Attorney, be and they are hereby directed to inquire into and investigate said assessment and to ascertain whether omissions have occured and/Or corrections should be made in such~assessments. At the request of Mrs. Guy A.Dunlop, formerly Mrs. Eula J.~obinson, and it appearing that notices were on the 1st day of August 1932, that being the 1st day of the August Term of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Va. posted amt the front door of the Court house of said County and at two places' in the neighborhood of the road proposed to be Closed; therefore on motion duly seconded, WoD,Holladay, J.O.Thurman, J.B.Eegley, P.¢..~inor and S.T.White are appointed viewers to view that portion of the road formerly known as the Scottsville Road, from the gate thru the lands of ~rs. Guy A.Dunlop where it ente.rs to the top of the hill where the old road goes into the new road when it was changed by the County, and make report in writing whether in their opinion any, and if any, what inconveuience would result from discontinuing said road as above set out. The viewers shall meet at ll:O0 A.M. on the 18th day of October 1932, and file with the Clerk of this Board on or before the l@th day of October 193~, their report in writing. The following claims were presented, examined and approved and ordered to be cer. tified to the Treasurer~o~ payment viz: # name for what amount 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 1@1. 1~2. 1~3. 1S4. 195. 196 · 197, 198 · 199. 200. G.Stuart Hamm j. F, Gar th Chapin Jones Albemarle Home ~utual Irvin$ WaY Hill ¢o Hill ~ Irving Hanckel Citizens Ins. Corp J. p. Grove Crozet Print Shop ¢. Venable Minor City of Ch ~.ville C.G.Greer Bessie D.~iller RUth Burruss J ~rmans I nc. 201. Albemarle Michie Co. 202.~ .... Richmond Office Supply Co 203. Wm. ~ann Co. 204. 205. 206. ~07. ~08. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. West Disinfecting Co. C.W. Sandridge ~2 Dr. R.T.Erg enbright J.W.Wofle Dr. F.T.~enick Dr. E.~.Davis Jr. E. P.~aupi~ ¥~. B · Colthur st H. L · Johns on Dr. Dan O. Nicholas N.Abbott Smith Dr. David C.Nilson W. T. Dameron Treasurers salary etc Commissioner of Rev. salary Forest Fire Fire Insurance Cars taking prisoners to hospital 2 outside pappers burials Insurance or emiums Judge Juv.- Court forms for Clerk for J.P, etc copying Monticello books etc water colored farm demonstrator Home demonstrator supplies for Clerk & Treas case paper towels Tax tickets for treasurer supplies for ~Deputy Clerk soap etc for ~ounty Jail grocery bill for outside pauper lunacy etc & takin~ trio to ~taunton 684.10 ~74.58 ~ 1,90 ~ 12.55 17. O0 ~ 40. O0~ 57.60~ 27.00,---- 76.75~' ~6. O0 27.00~- 60.00 50. O0 5.~0 7.75 17.25-~ 147.40~ 10.00~ 10.0~ 16.$0~ 10.90 ~$.96 8.00 4.50 5.00 2.00 5.00 t7.40 220. Melton Jones 221, Daily Progress 222. L'CoWatts 223. J.T.Walker 224. Dr. W.G.Christian 225. A.W.Cox Dept Store 226. ¥~. S. P.Mayo 227. J.M.~heeler 228. Lee Keyton 229. 230, 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. Mrs. D.T. Nichael Mrs. B.~.Foster GOodloe Saunder s Seth Burnley, S~pt T. V. Herdt T. 0. SCott National Bank & Trust Co Joint Health Dept Bessie Jones Salary Game Warden ad. for Treasurer Lunacy gowns for lunatic Sheep etc pay roll for Court House Job repairs to chairs for C.H. Job Farm Demonstrator Sam~l Miller Dist Coupons otc Coupons 1/4 appr. for Public welfare Secty to Farm demonstrator 239. 240. 241. Va. Public Service Co 242. A,L.Bennett 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251, 252. 253. 254 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. Jarmans, Inc. 265;The WilSon Company County Board Public Welfare monthly appr. T.V,Herdt John Wesley George Douglas South East Public Ser. Corp Ch~ville Lumber Co ModWay Electric ¢o J.L.Dettor & sons " E Co Sensibaugh Ritchie lec. Failes B~rrage Const. Co " Valentine & Hill ~merican Seating Co " Southern Railwa[ Co Ch'ville Hdwe. o Nat[1 Bank & Trust Co va.P~blic Service Co M. R. Smi th Seth Burnley ~upt Jas E.Jarman Treasurer of Va. Mooday Draper Gilmore, Hamm ~ Snyder C ' lights ~or the ounty Ja~l SchOol Supt (less 1~% for 3 mo.) repairing chairs C.H.Job Janitor (dupliCate for #130) Telephones £or County offices Court House Job --lights " --Benches Coupons to be paid' Lights for the Court House Hpeating & Plu~.,bing in C.H. ay ro~l for Court House Job framing pictures in Court HouSe State monies extra work on Court House Job 31, 50 9.60 3.00 5.80 5.50 ~ 1.50~ 10,00 3.00 5,00 8.00 18,00 80.00~ 154.84 30.00 90,00 125. O0 54.20 1,687 · 50 40.00~ 300 ~ 00'"' 100~,00 7.63 67.09 20 · 00 54. O0 31.35 141.83 75.34 66.00~ lights etc 33.58 39.00 --cement etc. 7.88 seats in C.H. 338.10 shipping seats ~ 47.82 1,250.00 15.46 690.00 148.15 25.00 323.63 31.50 rubber flooring in the Court House 927.25 Chairs & Tables in Court House 197.50 ~- Electric Sander in the ~ourt House 18.62 ~ Chairman At a called Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, held at the Court House of said County on the 3rd day Of October, 1932. Present~ J~.M.Fray, Chairman, E.J.Ballard, ~.H.Langhorne, P.H.Gentry and C. ~rcell McCue. On motion of C.Purcell McCue and seconded by P.H.Gentry, IT IS ORDERED that the matter of constructing a voting place at Owensville Precinct be left with E.J.Ballard.