HomeMy WebLinkAbout1932-12-21 At a-Regular meeting of the Board of uDervisors of Albemarle County, Virgi~K[am~ held at the Court House 6f said coUnty on the 21st day of December 1932. Pre~ent: J.M.Fray, Chairman, P.H.Gentry, C.Purcell NcCue, J o A. 0 ~ Neill and E,~ .Ballard. The Mintu~s of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion of P.H. Gentry and seconded by O.Purcell ~cCue it is ordered that the contract with the City of Charlottesville be ado~ted, viz: ~THIS GON~E~T~~, made this 2~ day of December, l~, between the City of Charlottesville, hereinafter Called the City, party of the first part, and the City of Albemarle, Hereinafter~ called the county, party of the second ~art, WHEREAS, at a meeting of a committee of the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors and a meeting of a committee of the Council of the City of Charlott- esville, held at the City Hall on the ~th day of December, l~B, to consider the execution of a new 8ontract for the use and maintenance of the 'curb House, supercedi~ and replacing the existing contract dated ~Narch ~rd. l~E~; and WHEREAS, at said meeting the provisions contained in this contract - were agreed upon subject to'the approval of the City and' County, n~w therefore, this contract, W I T N E~S S E T H : - - - That for and in consideration of the premises and ~the mutual agreements hereinafter contained, it is agreed between the County and the City that the City shall pay three-fifth (3/~) of all costs of operation and maintanance of the Courthouse, Jail and Clerk's Office and that the County shall pay two fifths (~/5) of these costs and both parties shall be entitled-to use those portions of said buildings in the same manner as they are being occupied. In case of any extensive alterations or improvements, the same shall be borne equally by the City and County. The City is to pay its share of the insurance on these buildings ~in the same proportion as other operating expenses. The County is to pay its share of water taxes in the same propOrtiOn as the other o~erating costs. Said water tax is to be at the rate of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per annum during the life of this contract. This agreement shall be effective from the date hereof, and shall continue to operate for a period of five years thereafter. In testimony whereof, J.N.Fray, Chairman of ~he Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, has executed this contract on behalf of said County, the seal of said County having been fuly affixed hereto, and attested by W.L.Naupin, its Clerk, and the City of Charlottesville has caused its name to be ~signed hereto by FoW. Twyman, its mayor and the Corporate seal hereunto affixed and a~tested by H.A. Haden, Clerk of the Council. (SEAL) Attest: W,L.~aupin, Clerk. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF ALBEMARLE CO. By J.N.Fray, Chairman CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE By F.W. Twyman, ~ayor On motion of C,Purcell McCue and seconded by 2.H.Gentry~ it is ordered that W,~O.Fife, Commonwealth, s Attorney, s letter be spread, this letter was read before the Kiwanis Club of Charlottesville, on Nov Slst ~in this day, when thought drifts so readily to the universal depression, and to matters of finance, it may be appropriated to reflect briefly upon recent and present problems of finance in the County of Albemarle. Slightly over seven years ago, - on JUne 1st, 19~5, bonds issued by the County and the several districts therein, for verious road and bridge projects in Albemarle~ had reached the portentious proportions of This enormous bonded indebtedness was not chargeable to the Board of Supervisors. It reflected the spirit of the times, and had been created in the main by vo'te of the people, some by Acts of the Legislature. At the same time, the floating indebtedness of the County had attaine~ d i s t~ing proportions. In Nay, 1924.,~ the County had been visited by heavy freshets and unprecedented floods, causing the loss of eight or nine expensive bridges - literally overnight. Bridges near ydraul~c, Free n~on, Niller School, at Hay, s Ford and WhiPp-will Hollow were destroyed, one at ~illin~gton, which ha~ been opened less than thirty days,~ was s~wept away, while the bridge at ~ilton, erected a few years previous at a cost of $44,000.100 was almost totally lost. To replace these losses the County was forced to borrow hurriedly and heavily; and'the budget for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 19~8, carried provision for a floating debt of $1~6,000.00. It will be seen, therefore, that during this period, only six to seven years ago, the bonded' and floating indebtedness of the County exceeded two and a half million dollars - SS,65E,450.O0, to be exact.. Because of the heavy interest and sinking fund requirements and because of its floating debt, the county felt - in the year 19-S5 - the highest tax levies in its history - leVies varying from $3.00 on the ~lO0.O0 of prope~y in the Rivanrm district, to $3.95 per $I00.00 in the Scottsville and ~hite Hall districts. On January 1st, 1927, the new tax segregation laws became operative Until ~this date, there had been a state tax of 25c per $100.00 on lands-, and by the A. lands and tangible personal property were segregated to the localities. Comment on the widdom of this legislation would be hers out of place) save, in passing, it is interesting to note that one effect produced was the shifing of the burden of delinquents from the shoulders of the State-to the houlders of the localities. And that burden incidentally, has been mounting in this County, untii at the end of the fiscal year, ~une 30th 193~, the County was carrying from 1951 some $~3,000.00 of delinquent taxes, exclusive of penalties, approximately 1~% of the total tax levy of $414,699.00 for the year 19~1. If, at times, disappointment has been suffered when appeals to the Board for subscriptions and appropriations have.~been met with a' less generous respons~ then expected, and if, at times, the attitude and action of the Board, in making such appropriations, has been termed close or stinting, such disappointment has been unworthy, and such criticism unjust~ The Board has been amd is still, confronted with a~HerCulean task - the intricate problem of paying off the County,s indebte~uess and at the same time reducing _the burdens of taxation. A mere recital of their accom~olishment to this time illustrates the determination with whiCh these problems have been met, and demonstrates the wisdom of the policies they haVe pursued. Hecall - that six and seven years ago the bounded indebtedness of the comnty was $B,456,450.00, Ehe.floating ~ebt $196,000.00, a total of SB,85~o450.GO; and that the tax rate then varied from $3.00, in one District to $3.50, $3.85, $3.75 and $3.95 in others. At the present mement, $1,~09.0G of that bonded indebtedness has been ~aid off, thus leaving $1,E47,450.00 of bonds outstandirig. In t~he Sinking Fund, actual case on interest bearing' deposit, with interest accumulations to January .lst, 19.33, will amount to $10~,000.00. This sum, deducted from the-total of outstanding bonds leaving $1144 , 450 . 00 yet to be provided. Within seven years, therefore, the Board has reduced this bonded indebtedness of $2.,458,450.00 by more than half. Witnin .this same period, the-floating debt of $198,000. existing~ in 1926, has been entirely wiped out; and, on June 30th, 1932 - in spite of the enormus delinquent list carried over from 1931, there was a surplus in the Oounty fund of $21,810..00. It has been necessary this fall to borrow only $25',000.00 in anticipation of renvenue, which sum can be repaid by January 1st. A word as to the sinking fund. Neither the alluring approval by the State Department, nor the enchanting endorsement by the greatest Secretary since Hamilton, of certain~ foreign securities, has caused the Finance Committee of the Board, to incline one jot or tittle from the ~path of safe, sound and judicious investment of Sinking funds. These funds have been invested only in bonds of the c~oun~y itself~ or else the caEh placed on interest in-the banks; with the happy result that no~ one dime of these S~nking fUnds has yet been lost. Throughout this period of Years, the Boar~ has been unswerving in its determination., to reduce taxes in the County. The Segregation Act effected a small reduction. The Byrd Road Law effected slight reductions in District Road levieS. Through the latter legislation, however, Albemarle has derived little, if any, benefit - and this .same is true in all of those counties that had built their own roads by means of bonds issues. The greatest reduction in levies has been accomplished by the Board in this year, 1932.. Through ri$id economies, close attention to appropriations and retirement of indebtedness, the levies for 1932 were ruduced in the several Districts by 45',55,65 aSd 95 cents under levies for 1931. And during the seven year period the rates have been forced down. In Charlottesville District, from $3.50 to $2.60, reduction of 90C. In Scottsville .District, from $3.95 to $2.70 a reduction of $1.25; In Nhite Hall District~ from $3..95 to $2,70 a reduction of $1.25; In Ivy District from $3.75 to $2.80 a reduction of $1;15; ~- ~ ..... ~ ~~ ~+~. e~m ~.~_~ to ~.~0 s. r~duction of This present levy embraces 75c for general county purposes, and 85c for Schools in each and every ~istrict, while the remainder of ~the levy,~ in the respective districts, is for sinking fund and interest requirements, through of ~thi~levy sinking fund and interest requirements still necessitate 85c in the Rivanna District, $1.00 in the Charlottesville, Ivy and Samuel Miller Districts, and SI.lO in the Scottsville and White Hall Districts. This year the total assessed value of real estate and persoo~l property in the County of Albemarle, reaches ~1~,74-5,1~4.00 of which real estate amounts to $?,895,990..00 the property of public services corporations $$,~01~9~8.00 while personal property comprises the remainder. The levy For the year l@~ aggregates $331,369.82 a reduction in ~taxe.s over the year 1931 along of $84,~12.00. Of the perso~k~l of the Board during these trying years, a word should be said. J,M.Fray has been a member since January 1st :1908, serving as Chairman since I - 924, ¢.Purcell NcCue, a member since January 1st 1920, has been Chairman of the Finaace Committee since 1920; W;H.~anghrone, who succeeded the late John L;Pitts in 1924, is now a-member of the Finance Committee; ?.H.~ntry, who-has served on the Board since 9~4, has been a member~of the Finance Committee since then; J.T.O~Neill has served on the Board since 19~8, and E.J.Ballard-since January 1st, 1932, J.E.Abell served as a member of the . ~nance Committee from January 1st, 1924 to the 1st. of JanuarY 193~. To these men, and to ~.L.maupin, Clerk of the Board to G. Stuart Hamm, Treasurer, and to Seth Burnley, who left the County,s employ as Manager on July tst 193E, all credit is due for the sound and healthy condition - notwithstanding the times - of 41bemarle County!s finances. The members of the Board serve for a . h mere pittance let, tey have given to the administration.of the county,s affairs a manner of integrity, a mode of efficiency, and a measure of sagacity of which any community may be justly proud. Their record of accomplishment is equalled in few of the .Counties, excelled in none." WHEREAS, at the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Supervisors, held on the 16th day of November,1932, the subject of salaries of the Treasurer and Commissioner of the Revenue, of this County, for the year 1.933, was considered; A~ 2~EREAS, at said .meeting the Board concluded to continue for and during the year 1933, the same 1~5 per cent. decrease in these salaries that has theretOfore been fixed by the Board, for portion of the year 1932, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 4~6, of the Acts of Assembly of 1932. AND WHEHEAS, this action and conclusion of the Board taken at its November 1B3~, meeting was not then recorded; BUT IT, THEREFOHE RESOLVED, that said Board of SupervisOrs does 'now, By this means, record its conclusion and determination, reached at said November Meeting, to decrease the salaries of the County Treasurer and County Commissioner of the aevenue for the year 1933, by the sum of 15 per cent in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 425, of the Acts of Assembly aforesaid. On motion of CjPurcell ~cCue and seconded by P.n,Gentry it 'is ordered that benches be made and put in the front hall of the Court HoUse. On motion of-C.Purcell McCue and seconded by ?.H.Gentry it is ordered that the ~x~E~E~x~k~X~kE following report of the Finance Committee be. adopted and spread. ,$80,000.00 Charlottesville & Scottsville Bonds due Nov. 1st 1931 of which Charlottesville District, s part is Scottsville District,.s partis On ~ovember 2, 1931 Samuel Miller District Iht, and Sinking fund purchased of said bonds On November 2nd 1931 White Hall District Int. &.~inking fund pUrchased of said bonds On November 2, 1931 Ivy District Int. & znkzng fund purChased of said bonds On ~December 28th 1931 Charlottesville Dist. Interest and sinking fund withdrew $20,000.00 which was credited to White Hall Dist. Interest and sinking Sund. On Dec. 31st, 1931 Charlottesville Dist. Int. & sinking fund withdrew $5,000°00 which was credited to Ivy Dist. Int. & 5inking fund. Therefore Charlottesville Dist. Int. & Sinking fund has redeemed $25,000.00 of its $42,400.00 leaving due Scottsville owes $100,000.00 Charlottesville & 5cottsvilleB~ds due July 1st. 1932 of which Charlottesville~s part is and Scottsville's part is July 2nd. Charlottesville withdrew 43,110.81 " ScottsVille withdrew '10,879~5 Rivanna purchased of said issue Charlottesville owes Eivanna ~53,000.00 less Scottsville owes Rivanna .47,000.00 less 43,110.81 10,879.65 42,400.00 3%600.00 80,000.00 55,000.00 20,000.00 ~.000.00 80,000.00 17,~00.00 3 ,600. O0. 55,000.00 5~,000.00 47,000.00 . $ lO0,O00.O0 5~,990.46 '46,009.54 9,889.19 36,120.35 46~009.54 On Dec. 31st. 1931 Charlottesville withdrew $9,889.19 from its sinking fund ~hich was deposited to credit of Eivanna District sinking fund thereby leaving Charlottesville District Interest and Sinking fund with no indebtedness to Rivanna District Interest and 5inking fund. On Dec 31st. 1931 Scottsville withdrew $28,009.54 from its sinking fund which was deposited to credit of Rivanna Dist. Interest&SinkingFund still leaving Scottsville indebted to Rivanna District Interest and Sinking fund. ~6,120.35 less 28,009.54 Charlottesville should have in its interest and ~inking Fund Bank Box $53,000.00, canceled 5~$Onds due July 1st 1931, Scottsville should have in its interest & Sinking Fund bank box $47,000 less $$,110.81 or ~38,~89,19 and. we suggest thatch ~anuary 1st 1933 the Scottsville transfer to Eivanna District interest and Sinkio4 fund $110.S1 leaving S~tt~ile indebted to ~ivanna $8,000.00 and having ~39,000.00 of canceled 8,110..81 The CoUnties of Albemarle and Nelson hawe for Years, on their respedtive sides, worked and cleaned out Jopling~s Ford on Rockfish River in order to make the fOrd~paasable, And it has been b~Ught to the attention of the Board that the Albemarle side of Jopling~ s Ford is now impassable, Therefore on motion-of P.H~Gentry and seconded by C, Purcell NcCue the following resolution was unanimously adopted; RESOLVED that the State Highway Co~mission be requested to work and c~ean out Jopling~s FOrd on Eockfish 2iver in order to keep the ford passable. The following claims were presented, examined and approved and ordered to be certified to the Treasurer for payment viz:-- # name for what purpose amount 585 J.Clements 586 E.C.Eahart 587 Treasurer of Virginia 588 589 59O 591 59~ 59~ 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 6.02 603 604 P .H ..Gentry J.M.Fray E.J ,Baltard E ..Purcell EcCue G.Stuart Hamm J.F.Garth Ruth Burruss Bessie D,Miller C. G. Greer W.L.~aupin Jarmans, Inc. Everett ~addey Co. Crozet Print Shop ~alentine & Hull Ch~ ville Hdwe W.T.'~artin Hdwe :Co EdWard vanLear Co 607 608 809 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 Inc C.W,Sandridge Store ~ Hill & Irving J.P.Grove Chapin -Jones, forester MOnticello Hotel Chamber of Commerce R.B. ~or thington Dr. R. T, Ergenbright 617 Dr. Dan O.Nichols J.H.Jones H. L.Bapti st Dr, ~.D.~a.con C.W.Bailey_ . Dr. Dan O.~mchols Dr. B.T.Ergenbright J.Pt. ozzes Dr. David C.Wilson Dr. Paul Xells 618 619 6~0 621 622 624 6'25 626 627 6~8 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 Dr, A,D.Hart L. ¢. Beirne J.A.Hall Mrs. T.E.Wilhoi t j ,B. Tyler George White Bessie Dunn Miller J.T. Via ~. L. Walker Rives 64~~ J.Mason 643 Shine Ail Sales Co 644 J.T.Via 645 Melton Jones 646 647 Co t~ey killed by dogs fowl killed by dogs State monies Finance Board etc "and reimbursements otc treasurer~ s salary etc Commr~s Rev. salary otc Home Demonstrator Colored Farm Demonstrator reimbursement for stamps for 1932 supplies ~or treasurer m clerk books for clerk's office -Justices forms etc for clerk .Coal far Court House snow shovel key for court house repairs to window at Jail lights for jail (18) Ice for Court house etc toilet'pa~ for Court House light for jail by Carroll Elec. Co outside pappers monthly board burial for oUtside-paupers salary judge juv. court etc FOrest fi~eS for Albemarle Co. lnnCh for extra sheriff appro. Lunacy etc for Election (omited for last £~ov) Coroner for Albemarle Co as per bill Sheep killed by dogs turkey killed 'by dogs sheep killed by .dogs Lunacy otc cleaning fluit for Court HQsse sheep killed by dogs . salary for game warden lights for Jail .Appr. i fOr health in County $ 3.00 tl.25 1,062.09~ 12.80 7.60 6.90 44.40 797.00 372 .!8 30. O0 60. O0 27.00~ 48.07 45.37 35 ~ 50 139.61 1.00 .40 3.00 3.24 26.25 3..75 1.25 t0.00 2O. O0 .27. O0 40.51 °75 i00.0.0 4.00 5.40 5.40 3.50 5.00 5 .-70 6.36 5.0O 5.00 3.50 2.00 5. O0 5.00 2.00 3.50~- 3.00~ E5.00~- 45.00 ~5.00 20. O0 15. O0 3.00 15.00 12. O0 60.00 20.00 20. O0 .3. O0 16.50 i0. O0 31.50 10.07 1,687.50