HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-01-03 At a called meeting of the Board~of Supervisors of albemarle county, Virginia, held at the Court house of said county on the ~rd day of. ~anuary Present: J.~oFray, Chairman, C.Purcell Nc~e, PoE.GentrY, ~,A.O,Neill and~ and E.J. Ballard o In the matter of the election of officers of the Board for the year 193~, the Board was called to order and o~n motion duly seconded ¢.Purcell ~cCue was unanimously elected temporary Chairman. The Temporary chairman, call-ed ~for nonimations of candidates for office of Chairman of the Board and on motion of P H.Gentry and seconded by Jo~.'O~Neill, J.~.Fray was unanimously elected Chairman for the year 193~. The temporary ch. airm ncalled for niminatio~ns of candidates for the office of Vice-Chairman of the Board and on motion of J~M.~ray and seconded by J.A.O~Neill, P.H.Gentry was unanimouslY elected vice-chairman ~for the year 1~33. Whereupon J..M..Fray took his seat as Chairman and appointed the Finance Committee for the year 1~933 composed of the following members: C,Purcell McCue, P.HoGentry and N.H.Langhorne. On motion of C.~arcell .~cCue and seconded .by P.H. Gentry it is ordered that the Treasurer make the following transfers:-- $940.00 fromS. eottsville District Interest & Sinking fund to Samuel ~Miller District interest & Sinking fund. Interest on $37~600.00 from July 1st 19~ to January 1st. ~19~3 at 5%. $43~.00 from Charlottesville .District Interest & ~inking fund to Samuel '~iller Distri. ct interest and sinking fund. -Interest on $17,~00.00 from July 1st. 1@3~ to January 1st. 1933 at 5%. $510.00 from White Hall District interest & Sinking funds to Samuel Miller District Interest & S.inking fund. Interest on $17,000.00 from July 1st. 193~ to January 1st. ~19~ at 8%. $~0~.77 from Scottsville District i~nterest & SiDling Fund to niva~nna ~istrict Interest & Sinking Fund. Interest on $~llO.81 from July 1st, 195S to January 1st. 193~ at 5%. $6~5.00 from 'Samuel ~iller District Interest & ~inking fund to Eivanna District interest & ~nk~ng fund interest on $~5,000.00 from ~uly l, 19SE -to January 1st 1933 at ~5%. $1~5.00 from Scottsville District ~nteres.t & Sinking fund to White Hall District Interest & Sinking fund Int. on $5,000.=00 from July 1st. 193S to J~nuary 193~ at On motioh~.duly seconded it is ordered that-Samuel ~iller District Sinking Fund transfer $ 5,000.00 Scottsville District Bonds 5% to ~ivanna District Sinking Fund for $~5,000.00 Samuel Miller District 5~ bonds. On motion duly seconded it is ordered that Charlottesville District Sinking now held by S inking Fund. Fund take up $17,400.00 of its bonds/f~Em amuel Miller District S' ~' On motion duly seconded it is ordered that Scottsville District Sinking Fund pay $110,S1 to Sivanna District Sinking Fund, leaving Scottsville District Sinking On motion duly seconded it is ordered that the Bank Book's and Box Keys of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County be placed in a file in the County Clerk's Office marked "Supervisors Pile, Bank books etc,. following claims were presented, examined and approved.and ordered to be certified to tne~reasurer for payment viz:-- # To whom paid for what purpose amount 848 John Wesley Janitor for the court house $ 54.00 849 Bessie Jones Secty for Farm demonstrator 40.00 850 National Bank and Trust ¢o District Coupons as fos. Rivanna Dis. Samtl Miller Dist White Hall Dist 651 652 653 654 656 656 657 658 859 660 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 67'7 678 679 68O 682 68M 685 686 687 688 689 690 69t 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 7O0 701 7O2 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 7i7 718 719 720 721 723 724 Ch'ville Dist. Int. & Siz~ing Fund Ivy " " Rivanna ,, SamUel Killer ~ite Hall ,, Scot~.sville" W.O. ~ife J.Mason Smith w. L. Maupi n J.M. Fray C. Purcell MoOue j.A. 0 ' Neill E.J.Ba!lard P.H. Gentry , Salary of Commonwaalthts Atty Salary Sheriff Albemarle~O ~lerk Albemarle CoUnty Clerk' Board Supervisors Auditor Albemarle Co - Chairman Board Supervisors Supervisor Albemarle County W. H. Langhorne , ~ A.L.Ben~ett 'Salary SchoOl Supt County Board Public ~elfare Appr. for outside paupers etc Sarah E.Wzlho~t Ida M.Baber EEE~a N.M.Black Sarah F.Bishop Mollie T.Brown mrs.. H.C.Bragg Wm. Brooks Mrs. H.C.Bruce Mrs Larkin Bruce Mrs. A.M,Bruce Mrs. M.S.Burgess Maggie Burton Maggie CIMment s MrS. S.E.~lements ~rs. M,G. ~avis Mrs. R.F.Davis Nfs. J.~.Doughtry ~rs. ~. C.DoweI1 ~rs. J.PiDillard ~rs. J.T. Dunn Hosetta E.~r~tt · ~rs. Mary C.Ful!er Mrs. Abraham Gibson ~rs. Susan E.Graves Mrs. Mrs. S Mrs. · Mrs. G.D.Hu W on Herndon T J .P ~th, Ellen Mrs. Sallie H.Maddox ~rS. ~rs. J. Mrs. ~ary B.J.Marshall Mary A.Mooney Mrs. L.~.Mooney Mrs. Bert ~cAllister monthly appr. for welfare work County PenSion ?! 1! il ~,825.00 7,550.00 1,250 · O0 19 s5 . 65 2, 490.57 2~060.56 9~ 041.80 8~ 070.30 2,807. O,l,~ 600.00 600. O0 750. O0 75. O0 25. O0 203.40 5~. 60 33.30 68.31 63.36 21.60 86.26 3OO. O0 lO0. O0 50, O0 50. O0~ 50. O0 50. O0 ~- 50.00- 50.00- 50.00 50,. O0 -50 .'00 50. O0 50.00- 50. O0 50.00 ~. 50.00 50. O0 50. O0 50. O0 50. O0 50. O0 50.00- 50. O0 50. O0 50. O0 50.00 50.00 50.00 50. O0 50.00 50. O0 50.00 50. O0 50. O0 50.00 50. O0 50. O0 50. OO 50. O0 50. O0 -. 50.00, 50. O0 50. O0 50.00 50.00 '50.00 50. O0 50. O0 50. O0 50.00 50. O0 50.00 5O. O0 50.00 50. OO 50.00 728 1730 731 732 733 735 736 737 738 739 74O 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 Mrs. J.H.~orris County Pension Rebecca A.Pace Eliza atterson Mrs. Sallie C.~erkins ~irginia Phillipx Elizabeth Powell Mrs. M.P.Price , W. H. Pugh , Mrs. Lucy L,Quarles James C.Roberts ~rs. A~.~Rhodes , Mrs. Lou C. Sandri~ge ,, Isabelle Sandridge ~rs. A.J.Shiflett ~ W. H. Smith " A. S. Taylor ~ary A. Taylor George Tapscott J .J. ~homa~ ,, Minerva To~s ~ Lucy I .Turner W,R. Wood "(canceled as he is de~d) Rob~erta C.Wood ~ary A :Wilkerson J .H. Whitmor e D .P. Wood so~ ~rs J.E.White South East "Public Serivce Co Va. Public Service Co Treasurer of Virginia National ~nk ~ . rust Co telephones for County offices Lights for court house State monies District couponm~tc, as los: Charlottesville Dis. Ivy District Hivanna Dist Scottsville Dist White Hall Dist Chazrman 5O.O0 50.00 50. O0 50.00 5O. O0 50.00 50. O0 50.00 50. O0 50.00 50.00 50. O0 50. O0 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50. O0 50, O0 50.00 50. O0 50. O0 50. O0 50. O0 5o.oo 36.60 50.52 1.20 3,750.00 t,875.00 2,125. O0 5,000.00 375. O0 At a Regular ~eeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemar~ County, Virginia, held at the Court House of said County on the 18th day of January 1933'. -Present: J.M.Fray, C.PUrcetl. McCue, 2,E.Gentry, J.A.O~Neill and E.J,Ballard. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Upon a petition of J.H.Norris and others, addressed to the Board of Sup er vi s o.rs~ of Albemarle Co. unty and to the Hon. H.G.Shirley, Chair~n of the State Highway Commission, requesting a change in the state road No. 704 from Dyke,s Post Office in Greene County to Gibson!s Ford in Albemarle County. The Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, after a thorough discussion o~ the matter' hereby approv~ the change and-respectfully request tko Highway Commiss~.~n to give the matter a thorough consideration. On motion of~C.Purcell McCue and seconded by E.J.Ballard, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Board ef Supervisors of Albemarle: County; ThA't strictly amateur boxing matches or::e~bitions, to which an admi~sion fee may be charged, shall be and are hereby per-mi~ted within th&~-Oounty o f Alb emar!e; PROVIDED, that no such match or exhibition shall take place on Sunday.; and PROVIDED FURT~R, that no single boxing match or exhibition