HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-01-18728 7~9 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 Mrs. J.H.~Qrris County Pension Rebecca A.Pace , Eliza Patterso~ Mrs. Sallie C.~erkins '" ~irginia Phillipx Elizabeth Powell - Mrs. N.P.Price ,, . W, H. Pugh . Mrs. Lucy L,Quarles James C,Roberts " ~rs. A~J.Rhodes , Mrs. Lou C.Sandri~ge . ! s ab elle S andridge , ~rs. A.J. Shiflett W. H. Smi th " A.S.Taylor Nary A. Taylor " George Tapscott " J .$. ~noma ~ Minerva Toms.~ Lucy I .Turner W.R.Wood "(canceled as he is dead) Rob erta C.Wood ~ary A.Wilkerson " J.H~Whitmore D.P.Woodson , ~rs J.E,White South East ~Public Serivce Co telephones for County offices Va. Public Service Co Lights for court house Treasurer of Virginia State monies National tPank ~Trust Co District coupons~:~etc, as los: Charlottesville Dis. Ivy District Eivanna Dist Scot t sville~ Di st White Hall Dist Chairman 50.00 50.00 50. O0 50.00 50.00 50.00 50. O0 50. O0 50. O0 50. O0 50. O0 50. O0 50. O0 50. O0 50. O0 50.00 50. O0 50.00 50. O0 50. O0 50.00 50. O0 50. O0 50. O0 50. O0 5o.o 36.60 30.32 1'.20 3,750.00 1,875.00 2,125. O0 5,000 · O0 375. O0 At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemar~ Coungy, Virginia: held at the Court House of said County on the 18th day of January 1933. -Present: J.M.Fray, C.Parcett~NcCue, ~.E.Gentry, J.A.O~Neill and E.J.Ballard. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Upon a petition of ~.H,Morris and others, addressed to the Board of Superviso~-~of Albemarle County and to the Hon. H.G.Shirley, Chairm~ of the State Highway Commission, requesting a change in the state road No. 704 from Dyke,s Post Office in Greene County to Gibson!s Ford in Albemarle County. The Board of Supervisor?s of Albemarle County, after a thor~gh discussion o~ ~he matter"hereby ap~rov~:~ the change and'respectfully request t~e Highway Commission to give the matter a thorough consideration. On.motion o~C.Pur:cell MeCue and seconded by E.J.Ballard, BE IT ORDAINED, by the .Board of Supervisors of Albemarl'e County; That strictly amateur boxing matches to which an a~i~sion fee may be charged, shall be and are hereby permitted~ Within th~County of Albemarle; on SundaY.; and PROVIDED, that no such match or exhibition shall take place PROVIDED FURTHER, that no single boxing match or eF~ibition PROVIDED FURT~ER, that no boxer shall be allowed to particupate in more than four rounds of three minutes each with the same indivudua! within twenty~four consecutive hou~? BUT IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that an amateur boxing match or exhib~ti shall be construed to mean a match or exhibition in which both contestants are amateur boxers.; and an amateur boxer shall be construed to m~n one who engages in boxing solely for~.~the pleasttre and physical~ mental or social benefits he derives therefrom, and to whom boxing in nothinE more than an avocation, and who neither directly nor indirectly receives pay or other financial benefits, in consideration of or as a reward for participating in any boxing matches or exhibitions. In the matter of the expence account of J.~'~.Garth, Commissioner of the Revenue. The:Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County and the State Fee Commission having disagreed as to the expence account of J.Fendol Garth, Commissione of the Revenue, on motion of C.Purcell ~cCue-..~and seconded by P.H.Gentry it is ordered that the matter be certified to the Judge of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Vir~ginia for final disposition as provided by 1-aw~,~ DH r The followir~ claims~were presented, examined and approved and # To whom paid for what purpose Amount 759 Treasurer of Virginia State monies $ 5~7.01~ ~60 Dr. ~.L.McQuade Local ~egistrar 57.75 761 Va. Forest Service forest fires 118.56~ 76~ J.F.Garth salary Commr. of Rev. 388.45 ~' 763 J.F.Garth Reimbursement for stamps 9.75'~ 764 G.Stuart Hamm salary for Treasurer 66@.9E 765 Robert I.Boswell, agency Treasurer~ s Bond 681.66 ~66 J.~.Fray Finance Board ~3.40 ,~ 767 B.C.Baker " 21.00 ~ 768 C.G.Greer colored farm demomstrator 27.00~ 769 Bessie D.~il!er Home Demonstrator 60,00-* 770 Ruth Burruss Asst. Home demonstrator 771 Natal Bank & Trust Co Rent Bank Box for supervisors 15.00 772 Albemarle Home ~utual insurance policY 12.55 ~- 773 City ~or~tg. & Ins. Co ,, 20.32~ 7~4 J.Mason Smith Serving Board of Supervisors 30,00~ 775 monticello Hotel lunch for extra sheriff 1.50~ 776 Jarmans Inc. supplies for clerk 4.35.~ 777 H.T.Huff for last election 1.85~ 778 C.W.Sandridge Store #2 Walton-outside pauper lO.O0'~-~ 779 Hill & Irving burial of outside paupers 92.00 ~. 780 J.P.Grove Judge Juv. Court ~?.00 781 J.N.Wolfe Lunacy etc E.O0 782 Dr. F_?.T. Renick " 5-00'~ 783 Dr. L,G. Roberts " 5.60'~ 784 E.P.MaBpin 6.98 785 . Ellen E.Ashhurst Reimbursement of Ashhyrst lunacy 786 787 788 789 790 791 Ch ~ ville' Hardware S ' M. R, mith ~,, · Richard T. r~enbr-tght Chas King & ons Inc. J.L.Dettor & sons Valentine and Hull 16.25 material for Jail 3.79~- plumbing etc for Jail 19.90~ for serviees at Co. Jail 8.00~ Soap for Jail ll.05 benches ~for court house lobb~ 53.00 coal $86.25 & lime for jail ~l. 87.25 792 R, & Co supplies for court house .35'~ 793 W, ,tt Smith serving in coroners inquest 12.00~ 794 The Daily Progress delinquent list 320.00 795 The ~cottsvil!e News " in Scottsville Di stri c t 56. O0 796 Virginia Printing Co Supplies £or treasurer 2.50 797 Melton Jones Game Warden 31.50 798 M.M.Madison Sheep killed by dogs 3.50~-~ 799 C.W. Gibson " 5. O0 800 Jack Higginson ~ 20.00~. 801 Mary A.Harris " 6.00 802 J .J .Goodwi n " 12. O0 803 W.H.White Civil Ju~y 13.60 804 P.E.Wood - 7.40 805 H,J.Carter " 8.00 806 _. W.A.Desper " 11.20 ordered to be certified to the Treasurer for p~yment viz: 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 8~3 824 8E5 826 828 829 83O 831 832 833 83~ 836 836 889 84O 84]. 842 843 8&4 8&5 846 84? O.H.Jones Joseph G~iffith Jr. CarrOll ~mith W.W.Head T. No Tr evillian M.i .Sutherland M. C. Harlow J. O. Thurman W. A. Gentry G. ~, Smith W.M.Clark HoG. ~addelt Mar~ F. Scruggs H.E. !artin H. T.Huff Agnes Austin Chas Bi.~4, ~rs. Mrs. L.Dyerle Mary B. ~hackelford G .A.Hughes Jackson Beal Mrs. Chas T.Page J.W.Parr Bessie Jones John Nesley A .L.Bennett County Board Public Welfare South East Public Service ¢o Virginia Public Service Co _Benj_amin Gianniny Dr. L.G.Roberts ~artha ~.Terrell Virginia PUblic Service Co Henry Gibbs BoE.Tate A .L .Lane J. I .~aupin Treasurer of Virginia Oi~il Jury ~rand Local registrar Secty. t~ Farm Demonstrator Janitor ~ourt HouSe School Supt. Appr. for outside paupers monthly appr telephones for County offices Lights for ~ail LOcal ~egistrar Lights for Court House Local ~egistrar $ 12.60 11. 15.20 14.80 3.1~ 3.80 2.70 3.10'~ 3,50 4.00,~ i.20~ 3.10~ lB. O0 ~ 5.00~ 4.50 l1.00~' 4.00~ 5.~5~ 10.75~ 4.50~ 1Z.75~ 7.50~ 40. O0 54. O0 86.26 ~ ~00. O0 lO0 ..00 ~ ~2.95~ 8.91~. 4.25~ ~.00 9.25 ~9.56 ~ 6.00 8.50~ 6.00~ State monies (fees on-Licenses) 348.00 ~/Chairman At a Regular ~eeing of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, held at the Court House of said County on the 15th .d~ay of February 1'933. F Present: ~.M. ray, Chairman, C.Purcetl..~'~.~CUe, P,H.Gentry, E . J.A.O'Neill and .J'.Ballard The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. was adopted: On motion duly made and seconded, the foilwoing resolution RE~.~D, that the facilities of the Court House of Albemarle County be tandered to Hon. ~Ohn Paul, Judge of the '$nited States District Court for the Western District of Virginia, for use by his c~rt during the approaching August Term and for such other Terms as may be required pending reconstruction of the Post Office Building in the City-of Charlottesville, ~irginia. On ~motion duly made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted. ~EREAS, the need .for work relief ~and direct relief is just as acute now and will be for the months of Narch and April as~ it has been during the winter months, and ~EREAS, the original grant to this County amounted to $62,800.00 but was later cut down to ~52. 500 .'00. and