HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-02-15809 O.H.Jones Civil Jury $ 12.60 810 Joseph G~iffith Jr. " ll.20~- 811 Carroll Smith " 15.20 812 W.W.Head " 14.80 813 T.N. Trevillian " 3.10 814 N.~ S Grand Jury ., utherland 3.80 815 M · C. Harlow 816 J.O. Thurman " 3.10,~ 817 W.A.Gentry " 3,50 818 G.~'.Smith " 4-00 819 ~ .~.Clark " 4.20~ 8~0 H.G. Waddeil 821 Ma~ F,Scruggs Local registrar 12.00~ 82~ H.E.~artin " 5.00~ 823 H.T.Huff " 4- 50~ 8~4 Agnes Austin " t1.00~ 825 Chas Bing, 'Mrs. ~ 4.00 826 ~rs. L.Dyerle " 5.25~- 8 27 Nary B. Shackelford 828 G.A.Hughes " 4.50~ 829 Jackson Beal " 13.75 8 30 ~r.s. Chas T.Page " 7.50 831 J.W.Parr 83~ Bessie Jones Se~ty. to_. Farm Demonstrator 40.00 83~ John ~esley Janitor Court House 54.00 83~ A.L.Bennett School ~upt. 86.26~ 836 County Board Public Welfare Appr. for outside paupers 800.00 83~ " monthly appr " 100.00~ 8.3~ South East Public Service Co telephones for ~ounty offices 32.95-~ · 83~ Virginia Public Service Co Lights for Jail 8.91~ 8~9 Benjamin_Giannin~ LOcal ~egistrar ~.2.5 ~ 8 40 Dr. L. G. ~ob erts " 6. O0 841 Martha J.Terrell " 9.25 Lights for 'ourt 842 Virginia Public Service Co C House 29.56~ 843 Henr~ Gibbs Local ~egistrar 6.00 844 B.E. ate 845 A.L .Lane 846 J. I .Maupin " 6. O0 847 Treasurer of Virginia State monies(fees on'Licenses)348.00 ~/Chairman At a Regular Neeing of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, held at the Court House of said County on the 15th day of February 1933. Present: J.M.Fray, Chalrms~, 6.Purceli.~OUe, P~H.Gentry, J.A.O,Neill and E.J.Ballard. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. was ad6pted: On motion, duly made and seconded, the fotlwoing resolution RE~D, that the facilities of the Court House of Albemarle County be tendered to Hon. John Paul, Judge of the 'United States District Court for the Western District of Virginia, for use by his court during the approaching August Term and for such other Terms as may be required ~ending reconstruction of the Post Office Building in the City'of Charlottesville, ~i~ginia. On .motion duly made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted. WHEREAS, the need for work relief ~and direct relief is just as acute now and will be for the months of March and April as it has been during the winter months, and WHEREAS, the original grant to this County amounted to $6~,800.00 but was later cut down to $52,500.00, and WHEREAS, this fund is now all used up, be it hereby resolved that the Governor and'~ the Emergency ~elief Committee be requeSted.to add this $10,000o00 to the grant for Albemarle CoUnty to .be used for work relief and direct relief during the months of Narch ~and April. On motion made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously ado.pted. V~EREAS, it is the sense of this Board .that rates of Electric Light and Power Companies in the County of Albemarle are higher than can be justified, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Corporation Commission of Virginia be requested ~to investigate these .rates, and to t~ke such action as may be necessary looking to proper reductions. On motion made and seconded, the following resolution was unanimously adopted. WHEREAS it has been definitely established that the necessary funds and man power are now available with which a soil survey in some county in Virginia can be made in the near future; and WHEREAS as Albemarle County is not only one of bhe largest in the State insofar as acreag~e is concerned, but is-one of the richest when value of agricultural production is considered; and WHEREAS we are fully cognizant of the material benefits which will accrue to the agricultural interests of the section by virtue of the completion of ~a soil ~survey in Albemarle County, now therefore ~be it RESOLVED, that ~he Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, in regular meeting assembled, 'this the 15th day of ~ebruary, 19~$, hereby request Nr. G.No~atterson, Blacksburg, Va. who has charge of the award of the survey, to use his influence to so arrange matters, that such soil survey wil'l be awarded to Albemarle County, to be conducted by virtue of ~the funds and man cower now available for such work in ~rginia. TO ALL PERSONS INTEHESTEDo Take notice that at the next regular m~eting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, to be held at the Court HoUse, at ll o!clock A~o on Wednesday, ~arch l~th l~Z~, a representatiwe of the State Highway Department will be present to discuss and advise with the Board of Supervisors and interested citizens present, ~lans and proposals for the maintenance and improvement, including construction and reconstruction, of roads in the 'secondary system of highways in ~lbemarle County. On motion of EoJ.Ballard and seconded by P.H.Gentry the f~llowing resolution was unanimously adopted. WHEREAS, ~.L. Goodwin of Albemarle County has submitted to the Board of Supervisors .of said County his offer to purchase at the price of $~00.00 a certain parcel containing ~0 8/10 acres of land being a Dart of the County Home ~~ property situated near Hickory Hill in said County on the terms of $200.00 cash,~$150.O0 in twelve (~12) months after date and the balance of $150;00 in two (2) years after'date, ~said deferred payments to be secured by deed of trust on said parcel of land; and W~EEREAS, it is considered by the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County in regular meeting a~ssembled that 4500.00 is a fair and adequate price for said land and that the terms of said offer are reasonable and safe. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that it is to the best interests of the County to sell said parcel of land containing SO 8/10 acres, being a portion of the County Home property bounded .on the north and northeast by J.E.Sprouse and Jessie Sprouse, on the .east by the said W.L.Goodwin~ and Nfs. Garland; and on the west by ethe~.~it~nds belonging to the County; and more particUlarly_ described by plat and survey of William ~orthing~o.n~ December 1952; and it is hereby ordered that said sale is made and is to be carried out pursuant to section 272S of th'e COde of .Virginia. On motion duly seconded it is ordered that the county school rate for the fiscal year ~beginning July 1st 19~S'.be fixed at 8~~ cents per $100.00 assessment, and the clerk in preparing the budget for the fiscal year beginning ~uly 1st 19S~ is ordered to make a 20 percent cut in the appropriation for Health, Farm Demonstrators, Home Demonstrators ~and their assistants. On motion of C.Purcell NcCue and seconded by P.H.Gentry it is ordered that the appropriation to the County Welfare Board for the months of Watch and April 19~$ be~ su~limented by an additional approrpiation of $200.00 for each of these months. Polled vote: Aye, ~essrs Fray, Ballard, Gentry, ~cCue and O~Neill. no~ none On motion of Eo~.Ballard and seconded by ¢.Purcell ~cCue it is ordered that the claim of Wiss Exie Hamilton for land damages be settled at $~5.00 upon condition that this amount be applied to delinquent taxes. ~< ~ I~z5 On motion of P.H.Gentry and seconded by E.J.Ballard, the Board of Supervisors respectfully pe.ti~ion the State HighWay Commission to improve the following street in highland Park, Albemarle County, Va., namely, the street from the intersection of Pine Street -and Oak Ay&hue, thence along Oak Avenue to its intersection with Highland Avenue, thence along Highland .Avenue to its intersection with Eobertson Avenue, thence along Eobertson Avenue to Hill St. The following claims were presented, examined and approved and ordered to be Certified 'to the Treasurer for payment viz:. # to whom paid for wheat purpose amount 848 Treasurer of imrglD~a State mOnies 7,678.17 849 O.~Purcell ~cCue Supervisor reimbursement 2.5~~''' 850 W.L.Naupin reimbursement trip 'to nic_hmOnd 9.18 851 Virginia Stationery Company stamp for Clerk .?0-~.~ 852 William Nann~..Company supplies-for C.E.~. Dept Clerk 49.~4~ 85~ Everett-~addey o books for County Clerk 154 ~7~. 854 G.Stuart Hamm, Treasurer Salary otc for January 578.85 855 ~armans, Inc. ~supplies for Clerk 2.00~ 858 J.F.Garth ~ommr. of ~ev. Salary for Jan. ~98.0~* 857 Crozet Print Shop supplies for ~ommr o~ Rev. 5.50 858 C.%~.Sandridge store #2 Walton--outeside pauper's board lO.O0 859 J.P.Grove Judge Juv. Court ~?.00 863. .ConwaY Printing Company 864 865 867 8 68 869 870 871 872 87~ 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 884 885 886 887~ 888 889 890 891 892 895 894 Midway Electric Co Valentine & Hull Dettor, EdWards & Morris RoB. Wor thing ton Dr. H.LoBaptish ~. AoD.Hart ~ .~V o Bailey W.B, Colthur st Dr, Dan Nicholas Dr. R.T.Ergenbright Dr. W.D.Macon Dr. J.E.Early W.Abbott Smith JoMason Smith E. Mo Powell Dr. A.D.Hart G.M. Stinnett Melton Jones Harry Mann T.O.Scott J .J. Go odwin Maducia Shiflett Bessie Jones John Wesley County Board Public Welfare A. L. Bennett South East Public Service Co. Kate LoPhil!ips Va. Public Service Co. F.T.Prufer, Secty 895 896 897 Va. Public ervzce Co. Treasurer of Virginia National Bank & Trust Co. forms for last Nov. election 5.25~ Lights for Clerks office 6.00 Eoal for .C.H. $66.10 and lime $1. 67.10 paper towels for Court House Luna ey l! " . & autoosy Sheep kzlled b~ dogs game wardens salary Sheep killed by dogs Farm demonstrator ~heep killed by dogs County Pension Secty to arm Demonstrator Janitor for Court House Appr for March for poor monthly ~ap.pr School ~upt~s salary Telephones for County ~ffices Local ~egistrar Lights for Jail in full to Jan 1st 19JJ for Joint Homes Lights for Court House State monies ~eimbursement for taxes paid 5,00 5.7~0 3.50 8.00 20.00 t0. O0 5.00 5.00 3. §0 3.50 3.50¢~ 35. O0 8.00 31.50 5.00 90. O0 ~.00~ 40 · O0 54 · O0 500. O0 !00. O0 86.26 32 · 30 8.75 8.43 ~ 351.19 24.96 374,25 34.29 Chairman At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County,Va. held at the Court House of said County on the 15th day of ~r~ 1933. Present: J.M.Fray, E.J.Ballard, C.Purcell McCue, J.A.O~Neill, and P.H.Gentry. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved; On this the 15th day of March 1933, the ~oard of Supervisors of Albemarle County met for the~rpose of preparing and considering the local budget of said County. On said day there was filed the ~~g estimate~ Said estimate was duly considered by the said Board which in accordance with law fixed as a date of hearing on said estimate the 19th. day of April 1933, at the hour of ll:O0 A.M. at the Court House in Albemarle County, Virginia. The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors was directed to publish a syaopsis of the budget and the notice of hearing as required by law, in the Charlottesville Daily Progress, a newspaper having general circulation in the locality affected, at least twn days prior to the date set.for hearing. On motion duly seconded the .~oard of Supervisors respectfully petition the State Highway CommisSion to work and improve the following routes in the secondary system of highways in Albemarle County, Virginia. First:~ork and improve route number 240. Second: Surface treat route number 102. Third: Surface treat route number 162 from end of macadam to Hearts. Fourth: Surface treat number ll5 from Chapel Church to Burnleys Station~ F ' ifth, Surface treat route number 120.