HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-03-15_868 864 865 g66 86'7 8 68 869 870 871 872 874 8.75 876 877 878 879 88O 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 89O 891 892 893 894 895 896 89'7 .Conway Printing Company Midway Electric Co Valentine & Hull Dettor, EdWards & Morris RoB.Worthington Dr. H.LoBaptish Dry. AoDoHart ~. Bailey W.B. Colthur st Dr. Dan Nicholas Dr. R.T.Ergenbright Dr. W.D.Macon Dr. J.E.Early W.Abbott Smith J.Mason Smith E. M-. Powell Dr. A oD.Hart G.M. Stinnett Melton Jones Harry Mann T.o. Scott J. J. Goodwin Maducia Shiflett Bessie Jones John Wesley County Board Public Welfare A.L.Bennett South East Public SerVice Co. Kate L.Phillips Va. Public Service Co. F.T.Prufer, Secty Va. Public Service Co. Treasurer of Virginia National Bank & Trust Co. forms for last Nov. election 5.25 ~-- Lights for Clerks office 6.00 ~' Eoal for C.H. $86.10 and lime $1. 67.10 ¢~ paper towels for Court House ~.50~- Lunacy , & autopsy Sheep killed b~ dogs game wardens salary Sheep killed by dogs Farm demonstrator bheep killed by dogs County Pension Secty to Farm Demonstrator ~anitor for Court House Appr for MarCh for poor monthly~ appr ~ ~chool ~upt's salary Telephones for County ~ffices Local &egistrar Lights for Ja~l in full to Jan 1st 1933 for LJgint Homes ights for Court House State monies ~eimbursement for taxes paid 2,00~- 5,00,¢. 5,,~0~' 3.50/' 8,00 20,00 '~' 10. O0" 5.0O' 5.00 ~'- 3. 3, 50 '~ 3.50~ 35.00,~ 8.00 *~ 31.50 ~ 5.00 90. O0 ~ 12.00~< 50.00'~ 40.00 54 · O0 '~ 500. O0 ~ !00. O0 ,~ 86 · 26 ~'.~ 32 · 30 8.75 8 ,.43 551,19 24.96,~ 374.25 34.29 _Chairman At a Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County, Va held at the Court House of said County on the 15th day of ~._rk% 1933. Present: J.M.Fray, E.J.Ballard, C.Purcell ~cCue, J.A.O'Neill, and p .El. Gentry. The minutes of the last meeting were read'and approved. On this the 15th day of March 1933, the board of Supervisors of Albemarle County met for the ~rpose of preparing and considering the local budget of said County. On said day there was filed the g estimate% Said estimate was duly considered by the said Board which in accordance with law fixed as a date of hearing on said estimate the 19th. day of April 1933, at the hour of ll:O0 A.M. at the Court HouSe in Albemarle County, Virginia. The Clerk of the Board of Supervisors was directed to publish a syRopsis of the budget and the notice of hearing as required by law, in the Charlottesville Daily Progress, a newspaper having general cirCUlation in the locality affected, at least twn days prior to the date set.for hearing. On motion duly seconded the Board of Supervisors respectfully petition the State Highway Commission to work and improve the following routes in the secondary system of highways in Albemarle County, Virginia. First: ~ork and improve route number 240. Second: Surface treat route number 102. Third': Surface treat route number 162 from end of macadam to Hearts. Fourth: Surface treat number 115 from Chapel Church to Burnleys Station Fifth: Surface treat route number 120. On motion duly seconded the Board of SupervisOrs respectfully petition the State Highway Commission to take into the secondary system of highways in Albemarle COunty the following roads:-- ~ First: Road from ~iss Flossie Eea! s barn through the lands of 'the said ~iss Flossie Rea, ~rs. Helen Wayland, Mrs. Eobert Rea and R.H.~ones to the Jarmans Gap ~EOad in White Hall MagiSterial District.- ~his road was originally in the secondary system of Highways and through some error has been omitted. Second: ~oad from Herring~'s co ~a~r to Evening .Star .SchooI connecting routes numbers ll9 and 123. ~- At the request of E.~,Wayland, and it appearing that notices were on the 6th. day of June 1932, that being the 1st. day of the June Term of the ~ircuit Court of~Albemarle County, ~irginia, posted at the front door of the Court House of said County and at two places in the neighborhood of the road proposed to be closed; therefore on motion duly seconded, ~,D.Holladay, J.O.Thurman, J.B.Kegley P.C.~inor and S.~. White are appointed viewers to vi.~w that portion of the old road from E.~.Wayland~s Packing House to Heard~ s School House, and make report in writing whether in their opinio~and if any, what inconvenience would result from discontin- uing said road as above set out. ~he viewers shall me~t at 9:30 A.M. on the 18t~ day of April, 1933, and file with the Clerk of this Board on or before the 19th. day of April 1933, their report in writing. At the request of W.~oGibson and J.E.Gibson, Jr. and it appeari~g that' notices were o~n the 6tho day of February 1933, that being the 1st. day of February Term of the Circuit Court of Albemarle .County, Virginia, posted at the front door of the Court House of said County and at two places in the neighborhood of the road propo~d to be closed; therefore on motion duly seconded, w.D. Holladay, J.O. Thurman, ~J.B.~egley,P.O. Minor and ~.T.White are appointed viewers to view that portio~ of the old Scottsville ~oad that ~es between the new outlet north of J.Eo~GibsOn, Jr. and the intersection of the said Gld Scottsville Road with the New ~cottsville Hoad south of J.E.Gibson, Jr. and running through the lands of w.T.Gibson and J.E.Gibson Jr. and Hugh Pippin, and make report in writing whether in their opinion any, and if any, what inconvenience would result from discontinuing said road as above set out.. The viewers shall meet at 9~30 A.N~. on the 18th day of April, 1933, and file with the Clerk of this Board on or before the 19th day of April, 1933, their re2ort in writing. The following claims were presented, examined and approved and ordered to be certified to the ~reasu~er for payment viz: ~ To whom paid For what purpose Arno unt 898 Albemarle Co. Sh~ville Sinking Fund lO,O00.O0 899 '~ i,~vy Sin~ing Fund 3,000.00 900 " Eivanna Sinking ~und 5,000.00 901. '-' Samuel ~iller Sinki_ng Fund 5,000.00 902 " White Hall Sinking Fund 5,000.00 903 J.M.Fray Board 7.40 9 04 B.C.Baker " 7. O0 905 Crozet Print Shop Forms for Clerk 40.50~ 906 Conway Printing Co. envelopes for Clerk 7.50+. 907 ~¥.L.Naupin Recording Sales to the Comm.(736) 908 G. Stuart Hamm Treasurers salar-~ for Feby 583.80 909 " R eimbur s ement 1.24~ 910 itichmond Office Supply Co Supplies for T~easurer 911 Burroughs Adding Mch Co. " .75~ 916 91'7 918 9:!.9 9gO 991 9~g 9~ 9~4 9~5 996 9~7 928 999 950 9~1 9~ 9~3 954 9~5 95~ 9~'7 959 94O 941 94~ 94~ 944 945 946 94? 948 949 95O 951 95~ 95~ 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 96g 964 965 966 967 968 969 9?0 9'71 97g 97~ 974 C.W.Sandridge Store R. H. Shis ler J. P. Gr eve F.C,Pederson, State Forester C. G, Greer City ~ortgage & Ins. Co Albemarle ~ichie Co Midway Ele c Co. Valentine ~ Hull City of Ch'ville Daily Progress Dr o ~. T oErgenbright Dr. W.H'Payne Dr..O vid .Wils°n Dr. Paul Hells N. B, C olthur s t J.Mason Smith H. L.Johnson Melton Jones JoT.Via F.T.Prufer, Secty ~& Treas R.Lewis Burrows B.A.Via Harry Mann A.S .Stevenson L. F .~ar shall .,Henry Cunningham 0niver sity Hospital City of Ch~viile Geo. W.Barlow H,~.Stokes Ernest L. Sandridge A.L,Fox Allen N.Whit e J. C .Phillips J. S. Gentry " J. G. Ell eson , E. E ~Nay Charles L.Gordon Wm. H.Stargeli ~.y .Suther land Grand Jury ~. C .Hariow HUnter Or en~haw " A.L. St evens J. 0. Thurman H .Ashby Harris W .~. Clark , P. C. ~inor " National Bank transfer to Peoples Bank VirginiaPublic ~ervice Co Lights for Jail Joint Health Department John Wesley County Board Public Welfare A. L.Bennett Bessie Sones South East Public Service Co Virginia Public Service Co National Bank & Trust ¢o 975. Treasurer of~.Vlr$inia 976 Treasurer of V~rginia 977 Treasurer of Virginia @?8 ~.0.Scott o~utside Pauper's Board burial of outside pauper otc Salary ,of Juv. Judge Count7 ~ires in forest Colored arm Demonstrator Insurance policy Toilet Paper for Court Eous.e Lights for Court House Co~D. for the Court House Wager for the Court House ad for the treasurer Lunacy etc Game ~arden Sheep killed by dogs Joint Alms Home Sheep killed by dogs Appr for '~ounty Poor in Hospital Appr for City Library Jury 11 Appr. Janitor for Court House Appr. School ~upt. ' . Secty to ~'arm Demonstrator ~ele~hones for County offices nights for the Uourt h°use~ Ivy $225; Iiiv.$625; ~.ti.~400. ~tate monies (canceled and not paid) State monies Farm demonstrator 10. O0 25,00 % co 7.6.61 27. O0 30.00 3-. 75,~ 3 78 · 51~1 25. O0 5.65 10. O0 5.00 10.00 5.00 6.00 3.50" 7.00 31.50 4~. 00~ 573.81 7_. 50,~ 5, 8.00,~,. 4.00~ 12.00 t0. O0 1,000.00~ 900. O0 11.20 25.20 19.50 19.20 ~1 · O0 23.40 27.00 21. O0 4.50~,- 3.80 2.60 2.70 3.20 3.10 3. 4.BO 5.10 10,000.00 7.55,~ 1,687.50 54.00 ¢~, 500. O0 100.00 86.26 40.00 31.75 24.32 1,250. O0 351.36 759.20 90.00---,, On-motion of C.Purcell McCue and seconded by J.A.0~Neill the following order was unanimously adopted. "The Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County will pay one Hundred Dollars ($100.) reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of one or more persons breaking and entering, or attempting to break and enter, any occupied dwelling house in the County in the night-time. Any one having information will communicat~ with the Sheriff of Albemarle County."