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At a Regular Neeting of the Board of Supervisors o£ Albems~le County Virginia, -held at the Court House of said County on the 19th day of April 1933, Present: J.M.Fray, Chairman, C.Purcell McCue, J.A.0'Neiil, W.H.Langhorne, P.H.Gentry and EoJ.Ballard. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion duly seconded the Budget for Albemarle County, begiD~g July 1st 1933 and ending June 30th 1934 was unanimously adopted, lO0 Compensati 131 Compensati 141 Compensati 199 Compensatf 201 Auditing-A 206 Dues Assoc 299 Appr. Cha~ 299 Appr.Washi 299 Appr.Chart 299 Appr. Shens 299 Appr.Counl 102 Oompensat: 109 Compensat: 319 Stationery 218 Telephone 102 Uompensati 105 Compensat~ 109 Compensat~ 212 Surety bo~ 218 Telephone 299 Adversis~ 299 Unclassif~ ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGIN~ EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1934 ---GENERAL FUND--- 1.COUNTY ADMINISTRATION. la BOARD OF SUPERVISORS m & mileage m.~mbe~s.:?~,2OO.OOa Year end.J~ne 30' 32 June 30, 33 Year. endin~ June 30~. 34 Appr. EXp~h~'' Appr. Proposed i~c~as'~ Decr~ ~llowed on Sheriff meeti~s on Supt.Schools ~n of Viewers ~d.Public Accts. Va. Counties her ~of Commerce agton Bi-centennial ~ttesville Library ~doah Park School Fund 948.40 30,00a 30.00 ~,054.00a 1,054.00 a 16.00 a 53.76 25.00a 25.00 200.00a 200.00 100.00a 100.00 1,0OO.OOa 1,O00.O0 5,000.00 1,080,00 1,000.00 80.00 1,000.00 30.00 30,00 30.00 9~8.82 948.82 948.82 16~00 16.00 25.00 200.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 25.00 200.00 200.00 900.00 800.00 100.00 800.00 5,000..00 5,000.00 5,000.00 blS p 7.0 9,ooo.oo 8,609,00 18,514.19 17,199.82 8,478.82 .~9~000.00 500.00 9,221.00 8,478.82 ~n Comm.of Revenue on of Deputies forms & supplies Telegraph 2.ASSESSMENTOF TAX~3LE PROPERTY 2b COMMISSIONER OF REENUE~S OFFICE 6,570.00a 6,397.63 5,913.00 3,221.40 2,691.60 3,221.40 2,558.00 2,558.00 2,558.00 26.36a 26.36 100.00 100.00 lO0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 6~596.36 6,423.99 6,013.00 5,929.40 2,608.00 2,691.60 5,929.~0 3.COLLECTION AND DISBURSE~NT OF TAXES AND OTHER RECEIPTS on of Treasurer ~n recording taxes on of Deputies premiums Telegraph Delinquent Lan~s ed 15,000.00b 4,287.50 13,500.00 270.00a 270.00 350.00 681.66a 681.66 681.66 62.55a 78.80 62.55 239.25a 239.25 240.00 b 4.41 3,400.00 10,100.00 3,400.00 550.00 350.00 4,480.0'0 4,480.00 4,480.00 681.66 681.66 62.55 ~2.55 200.00 40.00 200.00 4.RECORDING OF DOCUMENTS. 101 204 218 Compensation of Clerk Bookbinding Telephone & telegraph 1,700.OOa 1,700.00 1,700.00 i,700~00 12.23a 12.23 12,23 12.23 57.00a 57.00 57.00 57.00 %,700.00 12.23 57. O0 319 Staionery, forms~'& supplies 574.93a 574.93 600.00 600.00 102 121 122 218 102 319 102 106 107 108 218 5a CIRCUIT ~ompensation of Judge Compensation jurors'& Compensation jury commrs', Telephone & telegraph 2,344.16 2,344.16 2,369.23 2,369.23 ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. COURT 1,200.OOb 1,200.00 Witnesesl,970.OOa 1,481.05 30.OOa 30.00 5c COMMONWEALTH C · ompensation of COmmonwealth Attorney Stationery, forms & supplies .. 55.95a 55.95 3,255.95 2,629.09 ATTORNEY'S OFFICE. 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,770.00 1,600.00 30.OO 3O.OO 55.95 55.95 3,055.95 2,885.95 1,200.OOa 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 46.15a .46.15___ 46.15 45.00 1,246.15 1,246.15 1,246.15 1~245.00 6.CR!ME PREVENTION AND DETECTION 6a POLICING AND INVESTIGATION' Compensation of~ Sheriff CompensatiOn deputies etc. Compensation of coroner Compensation coronlrs jury Telephone & telegraph 170.00 i 600. oo_ 369.23 ,200.00 .,600.00 30.00 6C. CONF~NEM. ~T AND Cleaning supplies & materials 301Bedding .306 1,450.00a 1,390.00 1,450.00 1,300.00 280.00a 277.09 280.00 250.00 32.60a 32.60 32.60 150.00 7.00a 7,00 117.40 60.00 60.00 1,769.~0 1,706.69 1,762.60 CARE OF PRISONERS 1,760.00 177.40 170.00 1.15 1.15 150. O0 30. O0 55.95 ~,885.95 L, 200. O0 45. O0 · , 245. O0 L, 300. O0 250.0O 150.00 · 50.00, 7. FIRE ~REVENTION 2.08 Forest Fire extension etc. 8. PUBLIC, WELFARE 180. O0 760.00 150. OOa 142.50 480.00a.:: 481.75 630.00 624.25 AND EXTINCTION 300.OOa 970.10 300.00 150.00 140.00 480.00 ..... 470.00 ~30.00 610.00 '300.00 800.00 500.00 970.10 300.00 "800.00 500.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 140.00 470. O0 610.00 800. O0 800.00 326 700 701 703 8b POOR RELIEF Coffins Pensions Contribution Poor R lief Contribution Distrilt Home 65.00a 65.00 6,350.00bc4,900.00 4,000.OOa 4,400.00 4~O00.OOa 3,8~1.59. 14~415.00 65.00 5,000.00 3,750.00 3,750.00 13,186.59 t2,565.00 65.00 4,250.00 5,500.00 4~000.00 1,750.00 250.00 750. O0 13,815. O0 2,000. O0 750.00 1 65.00 :,250.00 5,500.00 9oo.oo 3,815.00 '76 (con) 02 Compensati( .24 Compen sati¢ .38 Registrars ~29 Appr. Publ~ ~99 Appro Univ. 399 Appr.Vao 8' L!4 CompensatI L18 Compensati, [99 Compensati, 918 Telephone 116 Compensati 112 Compensati( 222 Preparing& 119 Compensati, 123 Wages of 207 ~;lectric 210 ~'ire Insur~ 215 Repairs 218 Telephone 223 ~ater serv 30~ Building m~ ~06 ~leaning m~ 307 Disinfecta~ 31i Fuel 8c JUVENILE COURT ~n of JuvenileJUdEe ~360,00a ~ ~60.00 360.'00 3~0.00 _3'24,00 288.00 324.00 288; 00 36.00 288°00 36.00 288.00 8'd..LUNACY C0~!SSZONS ,n of lunacy~'commr:s';-:~00.00a 753,B5_ 700,90 700.00 753.3'5 -700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 700.00 9.PUBLIC HEALTH Vital statistics b 338,50 ~ Health Dis't. Bd, 7,500.00a 7,500.00 ~rsity Va.hospitat ate Health Dept, 1,.O00.OOa 1,000.00 25&.OOa 250.00 340.00 6,750.00 6,000.00 1,000.00 800.00 340.00 340.00 750.00 6,000.00 200.00 800.00 8,750.00 9,088.'50 7,750.00 7,140.00 340.00 950.00 7,140.00 il.ADVANCEMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS ,n Farm Demonstratorl,660.OOa 1~660.~00 1,494.00 1,328.00 166.00 1,328.00 ,n of Home t~200.00a 1,200.00 1,080.00 960.00 120.00 960.00 ,n of stenographer 480.00a 480.00 480.00 384.00 96.00 384.00 T ele gr apb . 60.0~ a 61.80 54.00 3,~00.00 3,401.80 54.00 3,108.00 2,726.00 54.00 382.00 2,726.00 12. PROTECTION OF LIVE STOCK AND FOWLS )n Game Warden 420.00a 4~0.00 420.00 420.00 t3.ELECTIONS ~n of officials 'printing voting iist 2,400.00a 2,444.22 2,700.00 2,100.00 ' 600.OOa 821.75 .__ 3,000.00 3,265.97 2,700.00 6oo.o0 ...:600,00 . 2,700.00 600.00 600.00 2,'100.00 600.00 ,.,600.00 2,700.00 14. MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS ,n of Janitor .borers .rrent ~nce Premiums Telegraph ce .teriat & supplies :terial & snpplies ~ts 720;00a 720.00 648.00 576.00 a 263.40 a 323.44 31.00 a 256.37 256.37 2~500.00a 418.00 1,800.00 400.00 a 45.25 45.25 a 100.00 100.00 a ~ 48.63 50.00 a 397.32 50.0.00 a 1,153.56 500.00 a 519.76 520.00 3,220.00 4,245.73 2,448.00 3,257.62 72.00 576.00 31.00 256.37 45.25 100.00 50.00 ~500.00 500.00 520.00 1,400.00 31.00 256.37 400.00 45.25 100.00 50.00 500.00 500.00 520.00 2,281.62 1,472.00 3,257.62 16. ROAD ADMINISTRATION 16 b. 102 Compensation of Engineer 3,600.00a 3,600.00 16c 102 Construction & Maintenance 28.,O00.OOa20, O2A.@l 31,600.00 2'3,624.91 19. CAPITAL OUTLAY 40,5 Office equipment a 130.80 130.80 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.O0 300.00 300. O0 20.DEBT SERVICE 802 Redemption of temporayy loans 75,000.00625,000.00 ES,000.O0 805 Interest on " " .._4,000.OOb 481.25 2,500.00 79,000.00 215,481.25 27,500.00 25,000. O0 2,500.0_o 27,500. O0 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $186,342.765124,434~525104,S80.96564,654.235t3,787.02554,113.755 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA T.' ........ .REVEN~E ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR DND!NG JUNE 30, 1934. ;4,654.23 ~hare of capitation taxes Gas Tax M~SCELLANEOUS REVENUE: Delinquent taxes Clerk~'s inc. Excess F - ees Fines from Clerk nefund fromC'-~y of Ch~ ville Rent Transfer from Dog fund Sale of property Sundry collections Transfer fees from Commr.Rev. lO~ of net salary & fees of Clerk returned per agreement Short Time loans in anricap- tion df" leby Transfer from Special acct. 10,180.49 10,000.00 8,000.00 2,000.00 1,943.44 ~,561.37 2,516.37 1,112.44 200.00 200.00 3,143.38 5,428.65 2,000.00 3,428.65 298.00 450.38 500.00 49.62 5,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 446.75 7,188.58 4,500.00 2,688.58 82.01 81.00 81.00 399.60 350.00 r 49.60 454.11 454. ll 49,748.34 3,797.87 8 ooo.oo 2,000.00 500.00 2,000.00 4,500.00 350.00 TOTAL REVE~JE OTHER THAN FROM CUHRENT TAXES Amount to be raised by current levy TOTAL REVENUE REQUIRED. 102,406.67 51,360.50 32,050.00 2,049.62 21,360.12 32,050.00 9z.._TlS.8.O 81,023..1.7 32,604..23 . ~8,4_1_8.94 3.2,6..04.2.3 $195,125.475132,383.67564,654.23 2,049.62 69,779.06 64,654.23 CALCULATION OF LEVY Amount to be raised by current levY Delinquents on basis of Levy required Assessed ,value of property Hate of Levy 32,604.E3 4~.890.64 37,494.87 12,707,000 · O0 800. Redempt 805 Interest 20.DEBT SERVICE. on of bonds on bonds ALBEMARLE COU.NTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR .THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1934 CHARLOTTESVILLE DISTRICT INTEREST FUND.. 25,550.00 26,231.81 20,450.00 18,650.00 1~,450..00 !5,450.00 11,550.00 10.710.00 41,000.00 41,681.81 32~000.00 29,360.00 1,800.00 1~650.00 840.0_0 .~0 710. O0 2,640.00 29,360.00 Mi s cellanem Delinquent Total reven~ district leu Amount to bE district leu SOURCE OF REVENUE s Revenue axes .e other than Y raised by Y ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE30, 1934 CHARLOTTESVILLE DISTRICT INTEREST FUND. _.2,394.80 ~400.00_ _2,400.00 ~,394.80 2,400.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 _~9.~0J~0~~0~0_.~,960.0~ .... - 5 040.00 26,960.00 41,681.81 34,~00.00 29~360.00 5,040.00 29,360.00 CALCULATION OF LEVY Amount to be raised by district Delinquent taxes on basis of 15% Levy required 26~960o00 oo 31,004. O0 3~,~44_,_ 683 · O0 ALBemARLE COUNTY, vIRGINIA EXPENDITURES ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1934 iVY DISTRICT INTEREST FUND 20. ~T SERVICE 800 Redemption of bonds 803 Interest on bonds 4,800.00 5,302.73 4 200.00 ~4,200.00 9,.000.00 9,502.73 4,800.00 4,200.00 9,.000o00 4,400.00 4...~ 0..,..00 ' 8,600.00 -AND--- 400.00 400.00 4~00.00 8~600,00 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1934 ~.~-~ DISTRICT INTEREST FUND SOURCE OF REVENUE Mi ecellaneous Revenue Delinquent Taxes interest on Investment Total ;%evenue other than district '~evy Amount to be raised by district levy 598.22 41,09 600.00 600.00 639.31 600.00 600.00 8,863.42 600.00 600.00 8 , 304.50 8 , 000 . O0 8,6o0.00 3.04.50 304.50 8~, 000. O0 8,600. O0 CALCULATION OF LEVY Amount to be raised by district levy Delinquent on basis of 15~ Levy Required Assessed value of property RaSe of levy 8,000.00 , !, 200. oo . .9~200.00 922,782.00 1o00 20. DEBT SERVICE 800 ~edemption of Bonds 803 Interest on Bonds ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EX2ENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1934o RIVANNA DISTRICT INTEREST FUND° 8,777.50 9,148.05 8,777.50 8,950.00 1!, 722.50 1t. 722.50 11,7.22.50_ 1~.,_822.50 20,500.00 20,870.55 20,500.00 20,672.50 172.5O 172.50 1 2~ ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES ~,950.00 ., ?fZ ,50 ', 672.50 SOURCE OF REVENUE scellaneous Hevenue ~linquent taxes Lterest on investments ~tal revenue other than .strict taxes ~ount to be raised by .strict levy 2 O0 Eedemption:~ 03 Interest on S ~iscelleneous R telinquent taxe 'nterest on inv fotal revenue o [istrict taxes ~mount to be ra [istrict levy ). DEBT SERVICE bonds )URCE OF REVENUE v~vlUe estment ~her than ised by 1,221.41 1,300.00 1,300.00 1,641.74 1,650.00 1,650.00 2,863.15 2,950.00 2,950.00 1,300. O0 1,650.00 2,950.00 18,007.40 1~,4!2.00 17,722.50 20,870.55 21,362.00 20,672.50 489.50 17,722.50 489.50 20,872.50 CALCULATION OF LEVY Amount to be raised by district levy Delinquents-on basis of 15% Levy Required Assessed value of property Rate of Levy 17,722.50 .. 2, 658.37 __ 20,380 · 87 2,406,797.00 .85 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1934. SAMUEL MILLER DISTRICT INTEREST FUND 8,650.00 9,546,42 5,650.00 8,200,00 19,350.00..~9__,350.00 19,350.~0 17,60~.~0 28,000.00 28,896.42 25,000.00 25,800.00 2,550.00 8,200.00 .~_ 1,750.00 17~, 600.0.0 2,550.00 1,750.00 26,800.00 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING J~NE 30, 1934. SAMUEL NILLER DISTRICT INTEREST NNND 1,785.57 1,800.00 1,800.00 2,345.54 1,500.00 1,600.00 100.00 1,800.00 1,600.00 4,131.11 3, 300. O0 3,400. O0 100. O0 3,400~.JO0 24,765.31 23,000.00 22,400.00 600.00 22,400.00 28,896.42 26,300.00 25,800.00 100.00 600.00 25,800.00 CALCULATION OF LEVY Amount to be raised by district levy Delinquents on basis ef 15% Levy Required Assessed value of property Rate of levy 22,400.00 2,B60.00 25,760~00 584,525.00 1.O0 20, DEBT SERVICE 800 Redemption of-bonds 803 Interest on bonds SOURCE OF REVENUE M'iscellaneous Revenue Delinquent taxes Total revenue other thanfrOm district taxes Amount to be rai~ed by district levy ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1934. SCOTTSVILLE DISTRICT INTEREST FUND 20,950.00 15,561.29 9,650.00 8,500.00 16,050..00 16,050.00 !5,350.00 ~5,350.00 37,000.00 3t~411.29 25,000.00 23,850.00 2,697.69 ---AND--- ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOE THE YEAR ENDING JUN~ 30, 1934 SCOTTSVILLE DISTRICT INTEREST FUND 2,700-00 2,700.00 2,697.69 2,700.00 2,700.00 £8~713.60 24,339.51 21,150.00 31,411.29 27,039.51 23,850.00 C~LCULATION OF LEVY Amount to be raised by district levy 21,150. O0 1,150.00 8 15 1,150.00 23 2 2 189.51 23 500, O0 350. O0 8 50. O0 700 ;.0~ 700.00 150.00 850.00 Delinquents on basis of 15~ Levy Required Assessed value of property Rate of levy .3,172.50 24,322.50 2,212,683.00 1.10 20, DEBT SERVICE D Redemption of bonds 3 Interest on bonds ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1934 WHITE HALL DISTRICT INTEREST FUNDS 1~,970.00 11,889.59 9,450.00 9~100.00 7,050.00 7~030.00 6~070.00 6~070.00 20,OOQ.O0 18,919o59 15,500.00 15,1?O.O0 330.00 9,100.00 6,070.00 330.00 15,170.00 SOURCE OF REVENUE sceilaneous Revenue linquent taxes ~~n?invlstment tal revenue o~her than strict taxes 1 ount to be raised by. strict levy · 6 ~Compensatioz .7 Record of b, )1 Fowl claims )2 Live stock )3 Rabies treat ---AND-- ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAH ENDING JUNE 30, 1934 WHITE HALL DISTRICT INTEREST FUND 1,128.76 1,200.00 1,200.00 251.88 250.00 250.00 1,380.64 1,450.00 1,450.00 ~8_._98 14~ 218.4.8_ 13,720. O0 18,919.59 15,668.48 15,170,00 1,200. O0 250. O0 1,450. O0 498.48 1.~, ~7~20. O0 498.48 15,170.00 CALCULATION OF LEVY Amount to be raised by district levy Delinquents on basis of 15% Levy required Assessed value of property Hate of levy 13,720.00 2,058.00 15,778.00 1,436,210.00 1.10 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR ~THE YEAH ENDING JUNE 30, 1934 DOG FUND . Protection"ef Live stock and Fowls · of Game-~arden~ oks" & tags [aims ment 378.00 336.00 160.00 156.30 160.00 160.00 1,000.00 521.70 750.00 750.00 3,000.00 2,231.30 2,750.00 2,750.00 240.00 40.35 262.00 304.00 42. O0 32.00 336.00 160.00 750.00 2,750.00 304.00 4,400.00 2,'949.65 4,300.00 4,300.00 42. O0 42.00 4,300.00 SOURCES OF REVENUE Dog Tags (our_share 85% of amount collected $5944 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING ~UNE 30, 1934. DOG FUND 4,636.75 4,500.00 4,5000.00 4,500.00 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINLA EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 193~ SCHOOL FUND 17 a SCHOOL BOARD -~lO0 Compensation of Members 620.00 109 Freight, express & Drayage 40.00 218 Telephone, Telegraph and Post- age 300.00 319 Statiohery, Printing&Supplies 550.00 1,510,O0 624.00 540.00 540.00 15.00 40.00 ~0.00 17 b SUPERINTENDENT~S OFFICE 102 Compensation of Supt-School fund 109 ~alary of ecretary '220 Traveling expenses of Supt. 440.00 286.00 350.00 713.00 635.00 635.00 1,292.00 1,501.00 1,565.00 2,200.00 2,200.00 1,998.00 1,998.00 1,200.00 1,275.00 1,080.00 1,080..00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 64,-00 64.00 3,900.00 3,975.00 3,578.00 .3,578.00 17c INSTRUCTION 109 Clerk to principal 133 Compensation of Principals 134 Compensation of Teachers 135 Compensation O~r$~pervis 221 Tuition in Charlottesville and SchUyler 305 Classroom Supplies 313 Laboratory Supplies 314 Library Supplies 320 Testbooks for indigent children .322 Vocational Training Supplies 540.00 540.00 486.00 486.~00 16,604.00 16,604.00 14,999.00 14,999.00 115,52'4.00 111,649.00 104,755.00 84,017.00 9,372,-00 9,372.00 7,596.00 5,796.00 20,500.00 24,941.00 28,157.00 28,157.00 1,800.00 1,718.00 1,'~79[00 1,479.00 300.00 253.00 125.00 200.00 3,000.00 1,'899.00 3,40'6.00 2,000.00 74;oo 50 . 00 104.00 80 · 00 300.00 300 · 00 358 . 00 138 . 00 138 . 00 220.00 187,990.00 167,438. 161,222.00 137,572.00 20,784.00 1,800.00 t,406.00 294.00 23,990 · 00 TRANSPORTATION 136 School Tr. uck Drivers County owned trucks 210 insurance on School Buses 825.'0Q ..... ~, 826.00 .~_ 71N_ NN ~_ ~l N _ NN 1,655.00 1,710.00 55.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 312 40O 119 207 210 215 306 311 214 403 801 804 802 Treasurer~ s City' s Part GRAND TOTAL General Appl High School~ Elementary Eural Ouper~ Vocational Vacation Sc ~qualizatio~ Gas and oil Eeplacem mts Wages of E1 ectri c Fire Ins! Eepairs Cleaning Janitor~ Fuel an8 ~ent ~'urnitur Hedempti Interest Redempti on Trucks 17f HOUSING Janitors Current ~rance-Premiums Material & supplies Water 19 CAPITAL OUTLAY Fixtures 20 DEBT SERVICE Bodies 1,500.00 2,700.00 12,235.00 1,493.00 1,365.00 1,$65.00 2,082.00 3,671~00 3,671.00 11,661.00 1i,846.00~13,358.00 3,000.00 2,885.00 2,648.00 2,600.00 315.00 262.00 314.00 275.00 1,800.00 1,933 1,739;00 1,900.00 6,000.00 4,995.00 6,066.00 6,000.00 1,415.00 169.00 48.00 39.00 66..00 625.00 567.00 577.00 550.00 27.00 '5~000.00 3,264.00 4,809.00 4,000.00 809.00 531.00 531.00 487.00 480.00 7.00 17,271.00 14,437.00 t6,640.00 15,805.00 169.00 996.00 ~,953.00 .... 1,.66~..00 2.77~.00 ~,600.00 2,953.00 1,669.00 2,772.00 2,600.00 ~n of Literary Fund [78,700.00.' bo~ds on ~iterary Fund 2~70Q.00 Loan on of Temporary Loan 1~078o00 MI SCELLANEOUS Commis sion of ~Dawson Fund FOR SCHOOLS STATE FUNDS opriations chools ision ducati on ~ols Fund 172.00 172.00 8~700.00 ~,700.00 2,646.00 .2,700..00 2,428.00 272.00 2,196.00 12,478.00 4,842.00 11,400.00 11,128.00 272.00 3;500.00 3,500.00 283.00 283.00 283.00 283.00 3.,783.00 3,783.00 283.00 283.00 222,120.005209, 597.005209,242.00518 5,_889 ..00 9.4.2 ._0.0. $25,394.00 ALBEMARLE COUNTY, VIRGINIA REVENUE. ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR ENDING ~JUNE 30, 1934. SCHOOL FUND 71,981.00 3,530.00 13,000.00 7,002.00 3,202.00 1,000.00 66,923.00 3,200.00 8,219.00 6,300.00 2,600.00 99,715.00 90,452.00 60,300.00 2,880.00 7,397.00 4,080.00 2,340.00 3,.21o.oQ .2,890.00 79,887.00 6,623.00 320.00 822.00 2,220.00 260.00 '320 · 00 10,565..00 M!SCELLA~U~OUS FUNDS Gifts from Fundations From other Counties - Tuition Sale of ~upplies Sent and rebates Sale of ~eal Estate ~onations ~awson Fund 0 ther ~i scellaneous Funds 455.00 2, E94. O0 6.00 lO.O0 95.00 202. O0 1,302.00 970.00 5,334:, O0 4O0.00 4O0.00 ~,000.00 2,000.00 600.00 1,302.00 1,302.00 · 900.00 900.00 5~202.'00 4,602;00 600.00 600.00 COUNTY FUND Amount to be raised by Delinquent taxes ~ash Appropriations TOTAL FOR current levy SCHOOLS 92,718.00 92,700.'00 94,000;00 1,300.00 7,426~.00 7,400.00 7,400.00 i08,357.00 lO0,1Oq,O0 !0~,400.00 1,300.00 213,806. O0 195,75A...O.G.-~ 185,, 889.00-1~ 3OQ. OO.:-~ tt,165. O0 Amount to be raised by current levy · $94,,000.00 Delinquents on basis of 15% Levy required Assessed valuation o~ property Levy required .._ 4,1oo 108, t00 ,:00 12,707.000 · O0 .85 AI~LE COUNTY, VIRGINIA EXPEND!-TURE ESTIMATES THE YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1934, ~GENERAL) $[F~MARY FUND ~ERAL GOVERNNE~: aeral Fund Tax Fund ~OGLS; muty School ~ECE OF REVEN TICI PATED SURI neral Fund unty School 0 tal Antlcipat ATE SUPPLEME~ nerat Fund unty School Oi tal State Supl ~CELLANEOUS RE ~eral Fmnd d Tax Fund unty School 0 unty School O1 talNiecellane~ ~RRENT LEVY: ,neral Fund u~ty School ,ta! Current ~TAL REVENUE RI ~erating TS ~E: ~LUS ~erati~g Fund Surplus 'S: erating Fund ~lementS rENUE: erating Fund ,erating Fund ~us Revenue crating Frond vy ~,QUIRED 186~3~;76-.:124,~434,52 104,980.96 64,654~i. lS~8~.0E ~.54~113~75 64,654.E3 ,~,636~75 ~,94.~65~.. 4,500.00 ..... :4,~o~O0?v. ...... 4,500.0~ 190,979;5~:-1~7,~84.17 109,480,96 .... 69,1~.2~ 13,:787:~.9~ 54:,113.75 69,154.23 209,~42.00. 185;889.0:0 !, 942.~00 :- and ALB~ARLE COUNTY, VIRGI'~A REVENUE ESTI~TES FOE THE ][EAR ENDING JU~E 30, 19~4 .S~RY FUND .00 21,810.34 12,000.00 9,810.34 12,00~.00 23,253.47 2,831.47 E,700.O0 131.47-2,700.00 99,715.00. 90,.45~.0.0 ~9.,887.00. .-___~Q.,565,00.79,887.00 1:23,168.47 93,283.47 . 8~., ~87.. O~ ............ (~ j,:696..:~?) ~-8, 58V .©0 79,15~ 4,636;~75 5,334., ~6~7ta.69. 17,350.00 ~4,600..00 .... 4,500.00 5~.202..00 ..... 4,60.£o00 .-9,368.69 17,350.00 4,500,00 600.00 4,502.00 ~ .. 7,400.00... 9,968.69 33,852.00 92~!~:.80 81,, .3E,~60..4,23 48,418.94 32,604.E3 92,718.00 9~,700~00~ .:~.94.,.0Qq790 ..... 1,300.00 94,000.00 z85,4z6~sp -~ t7z,7.~.~!~ ,1~, 604~. :.1~ ~.00 48_,418..94 1E6,604.2~ The Board procSeded to lay ~the County levies for the year 1933 order that the Commissioner of the Revenue of Alb'emarle ~ounty ,assess and the Treasurer of the County of,'Albem~rle collect-on all taxable real estate and all taxable tangible personal property, including machinery and tools not assessed as real estate at the general reassessment of lands in 1925, used or employed in a manufacturing of mining business taxable by the State on Capital; including pblic service corpor'ation property (except the rolling s~ock of railroads operated _bY ~steam)" based upon the assessment fixed by the ~tate~lt0l°cati°n~°rp°rs?10n' ·~ . ' 0aOn~m~Sa~i!~ ' ' and certified by it to' the Board of Supervisors both as' on. For General County purposes, ~a~irty ($. 30) cents on every one hundred.dollars worth of said property. For Connty School purposes, eighty-five ($.85)' cents on every one-hundred dollars worth of said-propertY. For interest and sinking funds for district road bonds, the commissioner of ~evenue shall levy and the "~reasurer shall collect on all of said property as follows to-wit: (1) In the Charlottesville District one dollar ($1.00) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property~,.~ (2) In the Ivy District one dollar ~$1.00) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property. (3) In the ~ivanna District eighty-five ($.85) cents on every one hundred dollars worth of said property. (4) In the samuel ~iller District one dollar ($1.00) on every one hundred dollars worth of Said property. (5) In the Scottsville District one dollar and ten cents ($1.10) on every one hundred dollars worth of said property. (6) In the ~hite Hall District One Dollar and ten cents ($1.10) On every one hundred dollars worth of said property. In the matter Of closing that portion of the old road from ~E.M.~'ayland~s Packing ~ouse to Hearses School House. 'The petitioner, E.M.Wayland, presented satisfactory evidence to the Board that notices of closing said road had been ~osted on the 6th day of June 1932, that being the first .day of the June Term of the C · 'ircuit Court of ~lbemarle .County, ~irginia, at the Court' house of said County and at two public places in .the neighborhood of the road proposed to be .cloSed; that after said notices had been posted 20 days this Board did at its meeting held on the 15th of'March 1933 appoint fiVe viewers to VieW said road and report in writing whether in their opinion, an~, and if .any v~at inconvenience would result from die'continuing said road, ~nd that four of your viewers, w.D.Holladay, J.B.Kegley~ J.o.Thurman and P.C;Minor have made their report in writing under date of the 18th day of April-193'3, that in accordance' with the foregoing order of the said BOard they have viewed said roa'd and in their opinion no inconvenience will result to a.ny" one if said road is discontinued and closed. A copy of. said report signed by the viewers above named was presented to this meeting and the Clerk of this Board is ordered to file said report. In consideration whereof it is ordered by this Board that so much of the old road from E.N,Waylandts Packing House to Heardts Eehool House be, and it is hereby ordered discontinued and Closed. In the matter of closing that portion of the 01d Scottsville noad that les between the new outlet north of J.EoGibson, Sr. and the intersection of the said' 01d ScOttsville Road with the New Scottsville ~oad south of Gibson ~r. The petitioners.. W.T.Gibson and J.E.Gibson-~r., presented satisfactory evidence to the .Board that notices of closing said read had been posted on the 8th day of February 1953, that being the first day of the Febrmary Term of the Circuit ~ourt of Albemarle County, Virginia, at the Court house of said County and at two public places in the neighborhood of the road proposed to be closed; that after said notices had been posted 20 days this Board did at its meeting held on the 15th. day of Narch 193~ appoint five viewers to view said road and report in writing whether in their opinion, any, and if an~ what inconvenience would result from discontinuing said road, and that four of your viewers, W.B.Holladay~ ~.B.Kegley,-~.0.Thurman and P.C.Ninor have made their report in writing under date of the 18th. day of April 19Z~, that in accordance with the foregoing order of the said Board they have viewed said road and in their opinion no inconvenience will result to any one ~f said road is discontinued and closed. A copy of said report signed by the viewers above named was presented to this meeting and the Clerk of this Board is ordered to file said report. In consideration whereof it is ordered~ ~y this BOard that so much of the 01d Scottsville noad ~ha-t lies between the new outlet north of ~.E. ~ibson~ Jr. and the intersection of the said 01d Scottsville noad with the New Scottsville noad south of J;E.Gibson, Jr. be, and it is hereby ordered discontinued and closed. On motion of C.Purcell NcCue and seconded by E.~.Ballard, W.0. Fife, Attorney ~or the ~Commenwealth, is ordered to disclaim title in the suit of Warner ~ood~s ~xecutors~ v. E.BoGianniny as to any rights the county may have in the land involved in the suit. On motion of C.Purcell McCue and seconded by WoH.Langhorn it is ordered that the sum of Two Hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) be appropriated to the Children s Home at harlottesville~ Virginia. The following claims were presented, examined and approved and ordered tO be certified to the ~reasurer for payment.. No. To whom paid for what purpose amount. Annie S.Gianniny County pension Chamber of Commerce Appr S' G. tuart H~mm T~easurer's salary etc. J.F, Garth - Commr. Rev~s salary Ruth Burruss Asst Home ~emonstrator ~ mos. ~essie D.Miller Home DemQnstrator E mos. C.G,Greer colored ~'arm Demonstrator F.C.Pederson, St. Forester Forest ~ire in Albemarle ~. F. Black Jury. Commi s sioner ~ · Do Holladay " W.B oKegley ~oad viewer 979. $ 50,00 980. 100. O0 981. 592.20 982.. 395. OZi 98,3. 60 ~00 98~. i~0. O0 985. 27.00 986. 73.65 987. 15. O0 988. 15. O0 989. 2. O0 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 t000 1001 1002 100~ 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 102J 1024 1025 1026 !027 1028 1029 1031 1032 1035 1034 1035 1056 1037 Southern Ribbon & Carbon Crozet Print S~op Virginia Stationery Co W. L .Maupin EVerett' Waddey Co Remington Rand Ine Virginia Printing Co Jarmans, Inc. The Daily Progress M.R. Smith Va. Workshop for Blind Wood-Vest ¢o Morris Bros Charlottesville Hdwe Co J.PGrove C. w .Sandridge #2 Geo. s.Etter & sons Dr. R.T. Ergenbright Dr. A.D.hart N.B o Colthur st ~.M.Powell Roanoke Sales ¢o Melton Jones H · V. H er old Jack Higginson J.w.Bishop L. C .B eirne J .J. Goodwin A1 York P.C.Minor E. P. D o well W.B.Bibb T.o.SCott . ~ssie E.-~ ox Bessie Jones John Wesley National ~ank ~ Trust Co C~unty Board Pmblic ~elfare A. L. Bennett Va. Public Service Corp ~outh East Public Service C~rp TreaSUrer of Mirginia T.O.~cOtt Carbon paper for Corotar. Hey. Forms for Clerk Reimbursement for trip Books for ~lerk Ribbons for Typewriter for Clerk Clerk & Treasurer Clerk & Treasurer Sup er vi sot s plumbing for County Jail mops for Jail Coal for Jail Hoof on Court House materials for Jail Judge Juv. Court Out side pauper's board burial of outside paupers lunacy Road supplies ( old bill) .Game ~arden Sheep killed by dogs I! Farm Demonstrator ii · Local . eg_zstrar Secty to Farm ~emon Janitor for Court House Dis tric t Coupons Appr. School Supt~ s salary Lights for Jail Lights for Court House Telephones for County offices ~tate monies Farm Demonstrator 24. O0 15.50 2.15 5.75 45.30 7.00 8.00 5.75~ 18. O0 76.85 1.67 36. O0 .80 27.00 10. O0 15.00'~ 5.00 5.00 2. O0 3.50 55. O0 50 20. O0 75.00 15.00 8.00~/ 4.80 2.50 10. O0 8.50 90. O0 ll. E5 40.00 54.00 3,500. O0 300. O0 100 · O0 86.26 7.31 ~0.96 37.80 1,074.84 90.00. At a Regular Meeting of the Board of SuperviSors of Albemarle County, Virgi-ni&, held at the Oou~t House of said county on the 17th. day o.~.ay 1933, Present: J.N.Fray, C.Purcelt ~cOue, J.A.O'Neill, E.J.Ballard, Gentry and w,H.Langhorne, .... The Minutes of the last meeting were read and apprOVed. VIRGINIA: At a Circuit CoUrt conti~:nuedandheld for the County of Albemale on the 8th. day of May, 1933~ Present: Hon. L.F. Smith, Judge, RE: proposed change in th, Form of Organization and Government in the County of Albemarle. The commissioners of Election of the County of Albemarle having certified to t~-e Cour~$~-.an abstract of v~t.es cast at the .Special Election held in said County of Albemarle~"~n the 2nd. day of May, 1933, theretofore ordered on the question "Shall the County of Albemarle AdOpt the County Executive Fdrm of Organiza- tion and Government"; and it appearing from said abstract of votes that t~95 'W0tes