HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-05-17993 9'94 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1008 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 lOlO lO11 lO12 lO13 lO14 lO15 lO16 lO17 lO18 lO19 1020 lO21 1022 1023 10£4 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 SoUthern Ribbon & Carbon Crozet Print S~op Virginia tationery Co W.L.Naupin EVerett Waddey Co Remington Rand Inc Virginia Printing Co Jarmans, InC. The Daily Progress M.R. Smith Va. Workshop for Blind Wood-Vest Go Morris Bros Charlottesville Hdwe Co J.PGrove C. ~ .Sandridge #2 Geo. E S. tter & sons Dr. R.T. Ergenbright Dr. A.D.hart ~¢~. B ~ Colthur st E. M. ~owell Roanoke Sales Co Melton Jones H. V. H er old ack Higginson .W.Bis~op L. C ,B eirne J.J. Goodwin A1 York C P.. ~Minor E.P.Dowell W.B~i '.bb O. t . Bessie Jones John Wesley ~ationat Sank & Trust Co COunty Board Public Welfare A. L.Bennett Va. Public Service Corp South East Pu.b. lic Service C~rp Treaxurer of ~irginia T.O .~cOtt Carbon paper for Commr. Eev. Forms for Clerk Reimbursement for trip Books for Olerk Hibbons for Typewriter for Clerk Clerk & Treasurer Clerk & Treasurer Sup er vi s or s plumbing for County Jail mops for Jail Coal for Jail Hoof on Court House materials for Jail Judge Juv. Court Out side pauper's board burial of outside paupers lunacy ROad supplies ( old bill) Game ~arden Sheep killed by dogs Farm Demonstrator LOcal Registrar Secty to Farm ~emon Janitor for Court House Dis trict Coupons APDr · School Supt~ s salary Lights for Jail Lights for Court House Telephones for County offices State monies Farm Demonstrator 24. O0 13.50 ~.15 - 5.75 45.30 7.00~ 8.00 18.00~ 76.85~ 1.67~ 36. O0 63.25,v .80 27. O0 10 · O0 15.00~ 5.00~ 5.00~/' 2.00 3.50 35.00./~ 31.50 1,50 20. O0 75.00 15.00~ 8.00'/ 4.80:/ 2.50¢ 10.00 6.50 90. O0 tl. 25 40.00 54.00 3,500. O0 300.00 100 ' O0 86, 26 7.31/ 20.96 37.80 1,074.84 90.00- At a Regular Meeting of the Board of SuPerviSors of Albemarle County, VirginiA, held at the Oo~ur~t- House of said county on the 17th. day 1933~ '- Present: J.M.Fray, C.Purceli ~eOue, J.A.O.~Neill~ E,J.Ballard, P.H, Gentry and w,H.Langhorne,.~ The Minutes of the last meeting were read and appr6ved. VIRGINIA: At a Circuit Court co .nl~. hued-.and held for the County of Albemale on the 8th. day of May, 1933. Present: Hon. L.F.Smith, Judge. RE: proposed change in the>FoTM of Organization and Government in the County of Albemarle. E~ The commissioners of le.ction of the County of Albemarle having certified to t~h-e Cou~an abstract of votes cast at the SPecial Election held in said County of Albemarle~-~n the 2nd. day-of Nay, 1933, theretoforLe ordered on the question "Shall the County of Albema~rle AdOpt the County Executive Form of Organiza- tion s_nd Government"; and it appearing from said abstract of votes that 1395 V6tes adop~i0n of the County executive for~, the 'Court Being of the opinion that the' said votes so the-.existinE f~m of government .cons~titute, in contemplatio'~ of law, a ~maJority ~f the qualified elector's of the said County of Albemarle voting on said queStiOn, doth adjudge and 0rder~that said change in the e~isti~ ~rm of county organization and Eovernment ha~ been adopted by a majority Gf the.qualified voters ef said county voting on the question, and that the County Executive Form ef o~ganimation and government is the ~form ~a~0pted by~ a majority of~-~t~-e qualified electors~of the said county of 'Albemarle .votin~ the r eon. At the request of R.A.Gentry ,~a~nd ~,M.Dick, and it ao~eari~ that notices were on the~ 3rd. day of April, 193~.~ha't being the 1st day of ~April ~erm of Co~t of Alb~arle~Co-~uty, Vi~,i~nia, posted at the front door of the Court Nouse of sJaid ¢omnty. and at two pla~c~S in the meighborhOold of the road proposed to be closed; theref0he on mot~ion duly seconded,.W.D,Eolladay, Thurman, P.C,Mino~"~L.oN.~ip~ett and S~T..White~re~appointed viewers to view that portion of county road (known as a part of the Old Buck ~ountain aoad) from the north east side~ef.N~N.~,Dick's ~r0PertY r~ng through W.N~Dick!'s property to R.A.Gentry~ s line thence through E,A,GentrY~s property to his line on the~?J~ so~th e~t, and make-report i~ writing whether i~ their opinion any~ wha~ '~convenienee~$~uld ~e'Smlt from dis continuing. ~s. aid road aE above Set out.~ The Viewers shall meet at 9:00 A.~o on ~th"e l?th.(SaturdaY) day of JJuae tSB3, at the County Clerk~s Office, and file with the Clerk o.f this~$Oard on or 'before the 21st day of June 1933~, th~ir'mrepor-t in writing, On motion of ~W.H.Langhorne aRd seconded by E,J,Ballard it is ordered that the matter of Dr. Early~s garage be turned over to~W.O,Fife, Commonwealths Attorney, with po~er to take sUch steps to protect the County, s interest. On motion of~ E.J~.Ballard and seconded.by ?.H.Gentry it is ordered that a?eheck be draw~ for~-~ $~,000.00 note due Dec. 1st l@~ which ha~abeen charge~ t'o tha-*ounty*s account. On motion of JoA.0,Neill and seconded by E~J,Ballard it is ordered that a~.i~eheck for~$54.TE~-B'e d~a~n in favor~of Mrs, ~.H.Btshop for taxes that have been overpaid. On motion of C.~urCell McCue and secauded by .E.~'.Ballard i~ is ordered t~at ~check for~ $8'0,1T~Be drawn in. favor of W.L.~au~in for overpaid delinquent taxes. On motion of o.~e~ McCUe~ud seconded by P.H.~ntry it is ordered that^~ ~t~.ansfer $8~..63~ £rom the General Fund to the County School FUnd. The follewinE claims were presented, examined and approved and ordered to be certified to the~Treasurer £or~payment, viz: No. nsme for ~What purpose amount 1038 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 Hugh MeFarlane ~;A.Do~al!y w. Earle Head J.N.Haggard Clive H.Thompson S,H'~ughes ,~ J ~Ba's c6mbe ~omPson E.T.nermance W.T, Gibson W.~,NaPier W.aome~ Ballard T .~. Lanaham~ J~G,Klise N ,L. Pul aney M. ~. Su the~land N. C. ~arlow 1054 J.o.Thorman 1055 H.AshbY Harris 1056 H.~oOr.e.~Bowen 1057' W,W,Driscoll 105 ?- . .G. add 11 1059 1060 1061 P,H.Gentry 1062 W.L.Naupin 1'063 1064 1065 106B 106~~ 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 .1079 ; 08o 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089, 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 llO1 ll02 ll03 ~' 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 '1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120. 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 11'26 1127 J.F. Garth Inc, ~ G~ tuart H~ C.W C.W Wes- State C ,G ~Greer Dr Wm. _a H~ T H H. Of-fi ce Mch. Co ,Hunt & Co Hospital - ~E. G C W T G ,.A.~Gib son St. Forester .S er AI~eMutual .White Sr. Thos L. ~sser Jr. A.E. .do W.E, Fowler Jr. C,W,McGee Willie Smith W.W,McComb C.F,Ballard Jno. ' ~.B. ateman Samuel H.Dawson Sarah E.~afferty W.H t12g~ ~-~Rus: Bargamin Jr. 1129 J.B,Jarman Jury 8.20 " 19.60 " 44,00 " 26.00 '" 37.40 " 35.20 t~ _ 12.00 " 2.8'0 " ~ 23. !0 " 42.90 " 44. O0 " 2 · 60 " i9. O0 " " 3.80 " 2.60 " 3.10 " 3.40 " 4.50 " 4'.00 " 3.10 " 3.10 6.40 ReimburSement of phone calls Finance Committee reimbursement for overpayment of ~elinque~n.t~tax.es ~pa~d .to ~reasurer 80,17 ~o'mmr. or~ ~ev..~s samary Clerk $1.40 and Comr of Rev, $4. 5.40~ Treasurer~ s salarY 575.73 Supplies '-T for treasurer lerk· ~5.55., Comr'~R;$7.75, r.$5.55 Ju~. Judge Election) ~.~ri.al .of outside Paupers ~O~d of, oUtsi?e pauper' BUrial of OutSide pa~per~ Colored Farm DemonstratOr Home Demon~trator~ · coroner in 9 c~es COunty forest .. ire Toilet in C.H. repairing l°~ks in C.H; Fi~' pre~s C.H. G~e ~ardeA ' ~ stock killed by dogs Election (.M~ Special ' 18.85 ~.00~ 85.00~ 10.00~ . 25,00~ ...... i5,oo 27, O0 30..00~'~ 45,00.~ 1'93.97 75.00m 1'.26 12.; 55 2. O0 4.80 ~.00 20. O0 3,00 ~1 · O0 10,80 3.00 3. O0 3.00 4.00 3.00 1i. 20 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3. O0 1.00 12 · 60 3~0 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 11.. O0 3.00 ~3.00 3.00 3.00 11.20 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 8,40 3.00 3,oo 3,00 3. O0 3,. O0 10.80 3 ..00 3,00 3.00 3.00 3.00 ~,00 1 1131 1152 1153 1136 1157 11~8 1159 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144- 1145 1146 1147' 1145 1149 1150 1151 1152 1155 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1165 - 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 117! 1I~2 117,`5 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1185 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 llgO llgl 1192 1195 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 Paul ~iteman T .R,Wyant Harrison Waite Jr~ T.W, Jarman J. N. Brock $~brough 0 .A,'. ~ice C A.F R.L.Spencer J. N.Broekenbrough Harry[ H~ff W,B. uff~ W,B,Huff (combined with W..E.Wood -W. Earl Head 'E_ug ehe"~:P. Durr et te lr~ C,Fr~ O..Wood H.J~roffit H' C ,Miller C.~.Fr~ rton JUlian atte ~ J.B. ~Ompson B.B,Burruss H.H,Garth B. C jBaker s.G.Bailey G .H ~andevender A~Li tevems ~H'V. Herold R.O.Hall Gee. ~ H.~i~ten J .Z .G ~ try B. P. Hartco ok W.E.H~Dhrey H,W. Jackson& Co H.L.Webb J, L. Downer A;N.. ardor Aj~. Bell"Jr~ Henry S~ C. Nel so ~ L. N.He~sley W. B. Craddo ck S.M.Harris H.AShby Harris S~ Hmghes Mrs. S.H.HUghes ~.W.C~pbell .P,Porter ,R. D°w ell H. J, Cr enshaw Mrs. Oliv6I ~mond C. Ve~ble ~inor O Albe~rl~otor ~ o W,A.CarPenter ~ .M. Page G. W. ~mi th F. E.MinO~ ~ ~ M,Y. Su~er land P.H.~alo~y C ,~, Garnet t J .R.Wingfi~ d J. S, Norris D.D~Det~ore Chas G. Carr H. G. Waddell !~ S.A. Calhoun 12Q4 P. P. Thomas 120'5 H.P .McCary 1206 J,C~Chiidress 1~07 R.L.Heath 1208 Esmont Natal Bank 1209 R.G,Birckhead 12tG,~ ~J ~F. DohertY 1~?1 L.L.Perry I~i2 P.H.Leake t215 E.~.Etherton 1214 F annie-~B ~Batis l~15 Per~y Leake 1216 Jno Mayo 1217 G .T ,Good~ win I218 Jno S ~Martin 1219 ~.L.Gault 1220 R. B. Whit e 1B$~ ~ R,L.~arShatl 1-25~ .$,0. Thurman 1223~ Austin Flint 12~ ~ W.J ,Miller Elec~tion above 5.00 5.00 5,00 5.00 1 ,'00 8.50 8,50 5.00 3,OO 3.O0 5.00 1.00 5. O0 6.90 5.90 3.00 5.00 ~3~. O0 5,00 1.00 t0.80 5.00 5.00 3.00 5. O0 1.O0 10.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4~00 3.00 6.40 6 · 40 3.00 3.00 3.00 1,00 11.20 3.00 3.OO ,5.00 3'.00 3. O0 9.80 5~00 5;00 3.00 3.00 3~ O0 1.00 8.40 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 14.40 3,00 ~.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 S. 40 6.40 3.00 3,00 3,00 6.40 4.00 t~.00 .3.00 . B', O0 3;00 3.00 3.00 1.00 lO, O0 3.00 3.00 ~3. O0 3.00 3.00 1.00 7.50 '7.50 3.00 3.00 3,00 t.00 10. O0 3.00 3.00 3.00 4~ 1227 ~ary J. Terrill ~ie ct ion O0 1228 S.~,White . 5. OO 1E29 W~R.~i .auPin ~ 10.80. 1 E~O A. K .:~ ant Sr. ~ 3.. O0 1231 L~L. Sandridg e " J. O0 12~2 W, W. Dri scoll ,~ J. O0 t2~Z Na~y w. Driscoll ,, ~.00 12~ ~alter Head '~ ~. O0 12~B L, L.Clark ~ 1 ~ O0 1E~8 W.T.. Gibson " 9~80 12~? J ~ F.Lea~er s " ~. O0 12~8 E.H Warner " ~ J.O0 12Jg J. E ~ Gib so n, ~r. " ~. O0 lEtO H.F. Alex~der " J ~ O0 1 ~l F. E. A1 ex~d er ~ 12~2 F.T.Prufer, Secty & Treas ~oint Dist. Home end. Apr JO ~08~8~~ 12~ T.o.Scott Farm Agent gO.O0~ 12~ Bessie Jones Secty ~o Farm agent ~0.00~ 12~ Bessie D.Niller Home Demonstrator 1~8 National Ba~ & Trust Co Riv. 288.2~; S.~. lSBO.O0 1,~8.2~ 12~ Jo~ Wesley Janitor for Court House ~.00~ 1E~8 County ~oard Public Welfare Monthly appr for poor ~00~00 1249 " " i00.00.~ 1~50 ~irgi~a Pu~ic Set, ce Co. Lights for Co. Jail 1~51 A.L.Be~tt School Supt ~ 88~ l~SE Sou~ East ~Public Service Co. Telephones for Co~ty offices l~SZ W.N.Payne Election (0~ited from li~t) 1~54 Va. Public Set, ce ~ights for ~.~, 19~06~, 1~55 ~rs. J.H.Bishop aeimbursement of overpaid taxes 1~58 Treasurer of ~a. ~tate mo~es Chairmano At a regular meeting of the Board of ~upervisors of Albemarle County, Virginia, held at the Court House of said' County on the 21st day of June· 19J~.~ Present: J.l~Fray, Chairman, ~.J.Ballard, P.H.Gentry, W.H.Langhornl, C.Purcell McCue and J~;~.O~Neitl. ~ The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. IN RE: "IndUstrial necovery Act" H.R. 5'7~5 passed at ~the last session of Congress of the United States of America. Whereas in order to carry out the provisions of said act it is necessary that an Administrator be appointed for the State of ~i~inia, and Whereas the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County feel that it can offer to the ~tate and Nation a man of experience and ability. THEHEFOHE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Supervisors of Albemarl County unanimously recommed Mr. Jay Johns of Albemarle County, Vi~Eini~a, as ~State Administrator for Federal Public Works Fund in Virginia", RESOLVED ~3RTHER that a copy of the foregoing resolution be forwar, to the Hon. Carter Glass, Senior Senator from ~irginia, the Hon. Harry ~ .Byrd, junior Senator from Virginia, the Hon. A.Willis Hobertson, Representative from ~irginia (old Seventh District) and the Hon. John Garland Pollard, Governor of Virginia. IN RE: "Home Owners Loan Act of 19~" passed at the last session of Congress of the United States of America. Whereas in order to carry out the provisions of said act it will be necessary to locate Regional Offices in ~irginia, and Whereas the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County recognizing that the City of CharlotteSville, -Va. is centrally located in the State and well snite. ted fOr such an office.