HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-06-21493
_ 1228
~ary ~.Terrill
w;D. aupin
A.E .?¢~yant Sr.
L.L. Sandridge
W.W. Dri scoll
~ary ~ · Dris coll
Walter Head
W. T. Gibson
J.F.Leather s
J.E.Gibson, Jr.
H. F .Alexander
F. E. A1 exand er
F.T.Prufer, Secty & Treas
T.0 .Scott
Bessie Jones
Bessie D.Miller
National Bank & Trust Co
John We~sley
County ~oard Public Welfare
Virginia Public Service Co.
South East ~Public Service Co.
Va. Public SerVice
M~rs. J.H.Bishop
~reasurer of Va.
Ele ct ion
,loint Dist o Homo end. A~r 30
sFarm Agent
ecty to Farm agent
Home Demons trator
Riv. 286.25; S.~. 1250.00
Janitor for COurt House
Nonthly appr for poor
Lights for Co. Jail
School Supt.
Telephones for County offices
Election (0~mited from list)
~ights for ~.E.
-3. O0
10 ..80
$. O0
3. O0
9 ~80
3. O0
3. O0
60 · O0
536 · 25
54 · O0~
300. O0
86-. 26
~.eimbursement of overpaid taxes
State monies 1,693.50
At a regular meeting of the Board of ~upervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, held at the Court House of said County on the 21st day of June 1933.
Present: J,N.Fray, Chairman, ~:.J.Ballard, P.H.Gentry, W.H.Langhorn
C.Purcell McCue and ~*A.0~Neill. -
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
IN RE: "Industrial necovery Act" H.R. 57.~5 pa~sed at :.the last
session of Congress of the United States of America.
~hereas in order to carry out the provisions of said act it is
necessary that an Administrator be appointed for the State of ~i~ginia, and
Whereas the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County feel that
it can offer to the ~tate and Nation a man of experience and ability.
THEHEFOHE BE IT RESOLVED tha2 the Board of Supervisors of Albemarl
County unanimously recommed ~r. ~ay Johns of Albemarle County, Vi~gini~a, as "State
Administrator for Federal Public Works Fund in Virginia",
RESOL~ED FURTHER that a copy of the foregoing resolUtion .be forwarded
to the Hon. Carter Glass, Senior Sena$or from Virginia, the Hon. Harry FoByrd, junior
Senator from Virginia, the Hon. A. illzs ~obertson, Representative from Virginia
(old Seventh District) and the Hon. John Garland Pollard, Governor of Virginia.
IN RE: "Home Owners Loan Act of 1933" passed at the last ·session
of ConSress of the United States of America.
Whereas in order to carry out the provisions of said act it will
be necessary to locate Regional Orifices in ~irginia, and
~hereas the Board of Supervisors of Albemarle County recognizing
that the City of CharlotteSville, Va. is centrally located in the State and well suite
for such an office.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Board of SuDervisors of
Albemarle County .respectfully petition that a Eegional Office he located at Oharlottesville,
RESOLVED FURTHER that a copy of the foregoing resolution ~ be
forwarded to Nr.-~.F~Stevenson, Chairman Federal Home Loan Bank Board, the Hon. Carter
Glass, Senior Senator from Virginia, the Hon. Harry F.Byrd~ Ju~_ior-SenAtor from
Virginia, the Hon~ A.Willis Robertson, Hepresentative from ¥irginia (Old S~eventh
District) and .the Hon. John.~. ~icker, ~r.
On motion duly seconded, ~.~o.Fife, attorney for the
Commonwealth, is amthorized to take such steDs as necessary to collect from
Dr. ~.E.Early back rent~ on the garage.
In the matter of closing that ~ortion of an old county
road, known as a part of the Old Buck ountaz~ Road, from the north eas~ side
of No~.Dick~s property running through ~.M.Dick~s property~o-E.A.Gentry,s
The petitioners, W.~oDick and R.A.Gentry, presented satisfactory
evidence to the Board'that notices of closing said road had been posted on the
3rd day of April 1933, that being the first day of the April Term of the Circuit
Court of Albemarle County, Virginia, at the Court house ef said county and at two
public-places in the neighborhood of the road proposed to be closed; that after said
notices had been posted 20 days this Board did at its meeting held on the 17th day
of Nay 1@3~ appoint five viewers to view said road and report in writing whether
in their opinion, any.,, and if any what inconvenience would result from discontinuing
said road, a'nd"th~t four ef your viewers, PoCo~inor~ J.OoThurman, L.N. Triplett and '-
s.T.White have made their mreport in writing under date of l?th day of ~une 193~, that
in accordance with the foregoing order of the said Board they have viewed said road
and in their opinion no inconvenience will result to any one if said road is
discontinued and Closed. A copy of said report signed by the viewers above named was
presented to this me, ting and the Clerk of this Board is ordered to file said
I~ consideration whereof it is ordered by this Board that
so much of the Old county road, known as a part of the Old Buck ~ountain Eoad~
from the north east side of W.MoDick~s property running .through N.M.Dick~s property
to R.A.Gentry!S lines, thence through ~oA.Gentry~s property to his line on the sodth
west,~2 and it is hereby ordered discontinued and closed.
~The following claims were presented, examined and approved and
ordered to be certified to the ~Ereasurer for payment viz:--
1257 B. CoBaker Finance 'Board 6.90
1258 J.~oFray " ?.40
1259 P oH. Gentry " 6.40~i
1260 The Daily Progress Reward notice 1,50~
1~61 p.C .~inor viewer ..... 2. O0
1262 J .0. Thurman " 2.00~
1263 L.N.Triplett " 2.00
12~4 S .T.~ite " ~-00~
12~5 City News Store supplies ~ for Clerk ~.04~
1266 Kee LoE Mfg. Co ribbons for Clerk 11.00
~S " 4. O0
12~7 Crozet Print ho~_ binder for new form checks ere
1268 Ei~mo~ Office upply Co 20.24
1269 Jarma~, Inc~ Clerk & Treas. 11.05~
1272 Treasurers ~ salary 565.5i~-
1~73 Home Demonstrator 30.00
1274 ~ 60. O0
1275-- colored farm demonstrator 27.00
1276 Clerk 5.25, Treas 17.75
Election $22, 45,00
1~77 J.P.Grove Juv. Judge
1278 F.C?ederson, St. forester Forest Fire 4.74
1279 J,P.Bell Co. Printing voting list 135.00
G,Stuart Ha_mm
Ruth Burruss
~rs. Bessie D.gilt~r
C .G ~ Greer
Conway Printing Co
_employees insurance policy
To~let paper for jail
~ights for court house
Court H.$315 Jail $2.50
Lime for jail
Water for C,H.c& Jail
Hand soap for iH.
Ice for~.H.
outside pa~ers~ burial
outside pauper's board
Car to convey prisoners to hos-
(16.39~ was refunded-overcharge)~
1280 W.L.//aupin certifying the voting list ~04.80~
1281 C oVenable ~inor copying part of Monticello list 44.82~
1282 Treasurer ~f V~rg~?ia 11.25
1283 Albemarle ~ichze ~o 5.75
1284 ~idway Electric Go 1.60
1285 Ch~ ville Hdwe 5.65~
1~86 Valentine & Hull 2.10
1287 City of Ch~vil!e 25.00
1288 Geten Mfg, 0o. 7.50
1289 Elliott Ice Co. 3.75~
1290 Hill & Irving 15.00
1291 J.F.Bei1 40.00~
1292 C .~. Sandridge 10.00~
1293 IrVing Way Hill Co
pital 3.75
1294 Dr Paul Kells Lunacy 5.,00
1295 Dr: David, C.Wilson " 5. O0
1~96 Dr. W,H. Paine
1297 Dr. H.T.Ergenbrlght , 5.00
1298 W.B. Colthurst
1299 H.L.Johnson " 7. O0
1BO0 W. Abbott Smith " 4
lSOi J.~ason Smith Election notices $i2. l~acy
1302 Dr. E.D.Davis Jr. Lu~cy 1~.50
1~03 Dr. H~L. ~ayne "
1304 Dr. J.F.Hubbard ~, 6.00'-'
i 305 W. ~. CS~k
- 1306 C.G.Cook
1307 Mrs. F.L,Vance
reimbnrsement for lunacy i6.75
1308 Dr ~ A,A.Sizer L~acy 5,40
1309 Dr, B
1310 J,M,~heeler
i311 Aelton Jones G~e Warden' s salary 31.50~
1312 E,T,Bowles Live stock killed by dogs 68.00~
1 ~13 E. J. Johnson
1314 Cary N,Moon " 10.00,~,~
1315 N, B. Parrot t "
1316 J.F,Page
1317 E.G. Powell ,, 3
1318 W,J. Shif!ett
1319 w,B.Bsgert
1320 Hayes Garla~
1321 ~enry
1~2 National Bank ~ T~ust Co. for the note that was charged
to Co~ty Fund last December
At:..a Regular Meeting of the Beard. of Supervisors of Albemarle
County, Virginia, held at ~e.~¢omr%.-~ouse~ o~-said eou~ty,-on,~ the'~19th .~day o,f ~uly
1933. ~_~
Pr. esent: J,~/.Fray, Chairman,, C.Purcetl m~¢ue,'~,:~-,E. Langhorne,. E..~.
Ballar~, P,H,.Gentvy and J,A,O.~Neill,,
The minutes-~of,~,.~e last,, meetin~. ~er, e -~e~d-.and, approved.
On motion of Cm. PUveel~.~[¢.Clle, i: a/id seconded by P,N.Gentry it is
ordere~-that the, TPeasurer make the following transfers: .....
$315.00 from SeOttsville Distric~ ~!nte~est 1~ Sinking fund to
~amueI ~itler DiStrict In~t.e~est,~.,Si~tnE fun~. ~
Interest on $12,600.00,~ f~om ~an. 1st~ 19S~ to ~uly Is~-, 19~Z at ~.
$510.00 from ~ite Ball District Interest ~ Si~i~ f~ds to 8~uel
~i~er vistri~I~n~e~e~t.~:&,~.mSi~i~, fund.