HomeMy WebLinkAbout1933-07-191272 G,Stuart Ramm 565.51 1~73 Ruth Burruss 30.00 1274 ~rso Bessie D.MilI~r 80.00~, 1275- C.G.Greer 27.00 1276 Conway Printing Co. Treasurers' salary Home Demonstrator colored farm demonstrator Clerk 5.E5, 'Lreas 17.75 Election $22. 45.00~ 1~77 $.p.Grove ~uv. Ju~dge 22.00~. 1278 F.C?ederson, St. forester ~orest ~ire 4.74.~ 1279 J.P.Bell Co. Printing voting list 1~5.00 ~ (16.~9~ .was refunded-overcharge) 1280 W,L,Eaupin certizying the voting list ~04.80~ 1281 C oVenable ~inor copying part of ~ontic. ello list 44.82 1282 Treasurer .o,_f ~rginia ll. 25 1283 Albemarle ~ichze 1284 ~idway E!ectri c 1285 Ch, vtlle Hdwe 5.65 1E86 Valentine & Hull 2.i0 1287 City of Ch'ville 25.00~*. 1288 Geten Mfg. Co, 7,50 1289 Elliott Ice 1~90 Hill ~ Irving 15o00 1291 J.F.Bell 40 1~92 C .W, Sandridge 10.00 ~ 1293 Irving Way Hill Co employees insurance policy Toilet paper for jail Lights for court house Court H.$315 Jail ~2.50 Lime for jail Water for C.H. & ~ail Hand soa~ for Ice for outside pad, ers' burial outside pauper~ s board Car to convey prisoners to hos- pital 3.75 1294 Dr. Paul Kell~ Lunacy 5.00 1~95 Dr. David -C,Wilson " 5,0O ,,.~ 1E98 Dr. W.H.Paine , 5.00 1E97 Dr. a.T.Ergenbright , 5.00 1298 W.B. Colthurst " 4,00 1299 H.L. Johnson " 7.00 lB00 W.Abbott Smith " 4 1301 J,~ason Smith Election notices $i2. l~acy SS 1~.00~ 1302 Dr. E,D.Davis Jr. Lu~cy lS.50 1303 Dr. R,L.Payne ~ " 5.60,~% 1304 Dr. J,F.Hubba~d ~, 6.00 1305 W,S. C~Ok-,~ ..... , 12.50 1306 C, G,Cook " ~ 5.30 1307 Mrs, F.L,Vance reimb~sement for lusty 16.75~ 1308 Dr. A, A. Si zer L~acy .5 1309 Dr. B.H,Early " 5,40 ~, 1310 J,M. ~heeler ~ 2.40 1311 ~elton Jones Game Warden' s salary ~1,50~ 1312 H,T,Bowles Live stock killed by dogs 1313 E. J. Johnson - 8,8 5 1314 Cary N.Moon " t0.00 ~ 1315 N,B,Parrott " 1316 J,F,Page ~ 46.40 6.50 1317 E, G. Powell , 3.46 1318 W.J. Shif!ett . 22.50 1~19 w~B.Bsgert " 4.00 1320 Hayes Garla~ ~ 8.75 1321 He~y ~ , 5.00 ~ I~22 National Ba~ & T~st Co. for the ~te that was charged to Co~ty Fund last December .25,000. O0 ,,.. At.a Regular.Meeting of the Board. e.f SuperviSors of Albemarle County, Virginia, held at ~e.,,Cour~t-Heuse~ of, said eo~ty ~on~. the, 19th day of ~uly 1933. Present: J..~.Fray, Chairman,,-¢,Purcell B~llard, ~,N.Ge~t~ and The minutes. ~f,.,.:~the last. meeting ~ere ,,~emd~..~.aRd, appro~ved. On motion of C.Pureel,l.,~MeCue; and seconded by '.P .H. Gentry it is ordered that the.,,T~e~surer make the following transfers: $315.00 from Scottsvi'lleDistr~,.ct.-~Inte~est &' Sinking fund to Samuel ~iller District In~te~"est,,~.S,i~i~g f~,un~. Interest on $12,600,00~, from Jan. 1.st 1933 to ~m~y l~t'¢ 19~.3 $510.00 from ~hite ~all District Interest & Sinking funds t.o ~sJ~lleml ~iller . zs, tri~,t~-~,nt, eres. t~: & '-,Sinking? fund. 496 :~ -~ $825.00 from SCottsvil!e~ ~ . 'D. istrict' ' ~ Interestr & Si~~, Fmnd to Rivanna District In'~e~es:t.& .-S~unklng fund: Interest on $~0-.0~. ~m ~.am lst~.t~Z~~.~,~.. ~ .~Y lst~ 193Z at. 5%, $1~5.00 from SeOtts~i~t.e Distrie~ ~nterest. &:-$i~.i~ fund to ~hite-' Hall Dist~le'% ~.!nte~est~ Si~i~ f~d, Interes.~ . on $5,:000...00 f~em J~ 1st 1933 'to Jml~ 1st, _1933 at 5%. adopt ed'. On- moti'on' dmly seconded the .followiag_ res~..lution.: was unanimously ~:"~:. ':.Whereas, the .outhern..Eailway Company .requires that cer~ain-necesa~ repairs, be.made_ to the' side: track crossing the_lot conveyed te the...~ HUndley, .Jr.~. aud wife by deed claret-October 15~'. 1929, and recorded in 'R.B. '67 ..p. an~ -WHEREAS, under contract dated Nareh-'.t.8~.' ~931 ~etw.een the-¢.ounty, E~D.Hundley-.J~, and the Southern 'Eaitway. Compar~, the...~unty agreed to maintain portion'-°f ~Tne si~e track.~..e~ossi~'i.ts sai~ lot at its.~expense,-and,- ~ereas, m,~Hu~ey J~. has ~id-.te~ ~e-~SeU~ern R~way.~ 'ompa~ $25.00 for a part of ~e neees~ .r~epairs-~ it is esti~ed ~at_aa additie~l $75~80' ~11~ be .~eq~ed to cemplet:e~ :Sat~' rep~i~s... ~--EER~0RE BE !T RES0LV~' .~hatm $25.00 be-appriated and paid to E.D,H~dle~. ~r-~....~_~~ refund said ad~e~ea~s made by h~ appro~riate~ and paid te ~e. Seuthern~ailway' .~p~y to be used lm-maki~ 'addition~ necessary repairs to Said tract th~-~e eematy~s' lot Gn mo$ion dmly seconded it is ordered th~% an extra appropria~ion of Five Hnnd~.ed ($500,00). Dollars be' made to the CoUnty Board~ .of Public Walfa~e to meet-'the Jmly expenses. - _ The following claims were presented, examined and apprOved:and ordered to ~e~ certified ~o the T~easurer for-~.ayment viz.:--~ 1323 - 1324 C~ 1'3~ p,~G'ent~y 1526 E.J.-.allar~ 1327 1328 13~9 ~ W ~ L,~aUpin 1330" 133't " ~- ' 133E J.Mason Smith 1~33 w;O .Fire 1334 ~O~n~ WeSley.. 1335 A.L;Be~ett 13~6 Bessie Jones 13$7 Couaty Board ~te Welfare 13~ 1339 Virginia Public' Service .1340 Natio~l Ba~ 1341 D.~, 1'~2 Sou~ East ;u~ic Set.vice ~o. I343 T.O..Scott 1~44 'Va[.. ~b!ic Service 1345 C.-G..Wade ~ L 1346 'scar 1~47 Fra~lin yanc~ 1S~ Cecil Ball~d 1~9 C.O.Haley i350 A.J,Bell jr. 1351 2eea '1354 C.W'.ChSape 1355 R.L.Paee Cm Supervise~ 'COunty. Clerk ~ .coaaty S~ri£f ttorney. ~ ani - ~our t4h~us SChool .~pt!s _salary SoOty to Farm ~emonstrate~ monthly appr ~igh~s for' Jail - oUpo.ns,-otc '. local' registrar. . ~ffiee ~lephenes ~arm DemenS~r'ater ~ m~s ..... $182..88 51,40. 40.32 -44.10 - 21.60 46.62 750.00 75.00 E5 600.00 54. O0 86,26 40, O0 3O0.0O 10¢. O0 6.83 1I, $25.00 8.75 ~2.15 18~. O0 li.80 !6.80 15.80 14.80 1~.8~ '1i. 10 2.70 ~.80 13-61 I362 1363 1364 1365 1366 T~r:eas~er of ~!rginia ¢ith of Oharlettesvil, le Natti Bank-&~ Trus'%~ ¢o P.H..Qentry J..~.. Garth 136~ : G,Stuart Hamm - i36S-Va. Printing?°~. 1369 Jarmans, -lac 1370 Print-Shop 1371 Rand 1372 F 1373 F.W.i -Tr oas 1374 1375 1376 i-Monti¢. 1'377 J.P. Gr°ve 1378 Hill & Irving 1379 ¢.W. San~idge_ i380 Dr' A,D,Hart 1381-W.B.Colth~st 1382 Dr. ~.~.Kyger 1383 Dr. B,T.Ergenbrigh~ I~84 ~ W.Abbott -Zmith 1385 Dr. M.L.Rea 1386 s 1'387 1388 1389 J.Mason Smith 1390 A"K. Shead IS91 1392 1393 .1394 1395 1396 1397 1.~98 1399 1400 1401 ~ ~ 140~ E.L ~Bra~ley. 15G3 J. G, ~reLms 1~04 1405 1406 E. 1407 1408 Norris 1409 Bessie genes 1410 J6hn Wesley Store M.2~ "mith Det~or, edwards & Norris R.~el~on Jones ~ ~- E.L.B~adley state,monies~ Joint Health FUnd OUDOns'et¢ . In~,nce~Bear,a ~upplies for Treasuer ,-.~pplies for Clerk r~e~ir~ for Clerk State orester Joint Board (Poor farm) Supplies for jail lunch for Sheriff Umtside 'pauper~ s b~ial OutSide ~au~e'r'$ board Coroner ~5 cases) Lu~ Ho~ .Demo~ tra tot ~olored fa~ demonstrator post~ 24 ~ls for repairs L~hts for repairs for C.H. pict~e ~for Co~t Room Pl-~bi~ for Co~t House, otc paper. ~tewels for C.H. g~e warden~ s salary ~heep ,. ieimb~sememt for supplies, for J. eetion Judge ' SeCty..~to · ~arm Demon., 'Ja~tor ~or"C.H. - ' "' 1411 Treasurer 1412 va, Pmbli8 S.ervtee'C~ 1413 County Boa~d-PublieW'et£a~e 1414 1415 A.L.Bennett 1416 South East.:PUbllc Service. Co" 1417 .Co~tY Board ~b!ic Welfare .. 1418 'E,~.~d~ey' 1419 Seuthern-R. 1420 1421 1422 1423 G~S'tuart Treas~er of 1424 Co ~tate. mo .ri.res_ _ Lights for J-ail MOnthly Appr for poOr .. School ~pt~ s' Salary Telepho~s' for C,,H,-. ete A~./,,f°r ' Poor fund refmb~seme~% for repai~s R.R. track, for CO. ~ . Audi~,~ ~e Treasurers office~ Li~ts for Fa~ D~ons%ra'tor M.E.h~il~n appr? for road d~ag~-~o be paid once,xes 1,210.93 166.54 !, 687 ~ 50 13~125, O0 ..... ':: 6.40 440.48 638.99 4.50 2,75 4,50 1. 80 19.35 61S,so 14.75 24.80 .75 27.00 15.00 10.00 25.00 5.00 5.00 5, O0 3.50 5.00 ~.00 60, O0 27.00 t2. O0 1.80 7.00 14.25 3.50 31.50 20.00 5.00 5. OO 6,00 18..00 15.00 14.00 5,50 32.~ 40 30 · O0 9.30 3. O0 3'6.00 48 .~0 89,85 .5.95 300 · O0 100 ~'00 79.07 27.05 500. O0 25.00 75.00 615.00- 8